Face-to-Face Syllabus

Delete This Instruction Page After Updating Cover SheetFace-to-Face Course Combined Cover Sheet & Syllabus TemplateThis template?is a guide?that includes all of the required elements indicated in the?"Procedures for Full and Part Time Instructors.” You may edit or add sections as necessary. Please do not remove or edit the Version Date in Footer.There are two methods to use this template to create your accessible syllabus cover sheet and syllabus:**Copy and Paste Method:You can transfer text from your existing syllabus to this template with the Copy and Paste functions in Word.Save this template on your desktop.Open both your existing syllabus and this template in Word.Highlight the section of text you wish to copy within your existing syllabus, right-click on the highlighted text, and choose “Copy.”Right-Click into the corresponding location on this template that you want to replace (“Enter ___ Here” sections). Please note that text in black font is WCJC standardized and doesn’t require modification.Choose the “Merge Formatting” option. See screenshot below.Use the down arrow button, tab, or mouse click to move to the next section. Hitting “Enter” will just allow you to enter a new line of text within the same section.**This method must be done one section at a time. You cannot copy/paste the entire document at once.Direct Input Method:Save this template on your desktop.Select the “Enter __ Here” section you want to change and type directly over it. Text in the template will be replaced automatically. Use the down arrow button, tab, or mouse click to move to the next section. Hitting “Enter” will just allow you to enter a new line of text within the same section.Saving Your Syllabus:Save as Word Document – Save your syllabus as a Word document for future editing and updating. This document will be the one you modify in the future.Save as PDF Document – Save your syllabus as a PDF document for uploading into Blackboard for Web Supplemented courses. Adding, Editing, or Removing Sections:To Add a Section: Copy an existing section (including the “Enter _ Here” portion) and paste it into the location of the new section. Edit new section heading to new section name and input appropriate information into the fillable form (the “Enter _ Here” portion).To Edit a Section: Some sections of the document may not be applicable for your course. You can edit these sections if so desired. For example, you can change “Oral Presentations” to “Group Project” and input the appropriate information into the fillable form (the “Enter _ Here” portion).To Remove a Section: Simply highlight the entire section (including the “Enter _ Here” portion) and delete. Please ensure that a section is not a college requirement before removing. See “Procedures for Full and Part Time Instructors” for more information. Important: Do not nest tables into this document (adding a table within a table). This will compromise the integrity of the ADA compliance of this document. Be sure to use your 6 Core Skills and the Word accessibility checker to verify accessibility of this document before distribution. If you have questions about using this template, please contact Candi Hollier at hollierc@wcjc.edu or at extension 1522.WCJC Student Syllabus Face-to-Face CoursesSemester and YearClick Here to Enter Current Semester and Year. CRN Enter The CRN Number for the Course Here.Course Prefix, Num. and TitleEnter Information Here. For example: ENGL 1301: Composition 1.InstructorEnter You Name Here.TelephoneEnter Your Telephone Number Here.Email / WebpageEnter Your Campus Email and Faculty Webpage Here.Office Hours / LocationEnter Current Office Hours and Office Location Here.Class Days / Time / LocationEnter The Days, Time, and Room Location Here.Course Catalog DescriptionEnter The Catalog Description - found in the current year’s Catalog or Academic Master Syllabus – Here.Instructor’s Grading FormulaEnter Grading Formula Here. For example, Assignments 20%, Exams 50%, etc.Instructor’s Grading ScaleEnter Grading Scale Here. This should clearly outline how the student’s course grade is determined. For example, point/percent range for an “A,” “B,” etc. Cannot be in a table pasted here.Instructor’s Attendance PolicyEnter Your Attendance Policy and consequences here.ADA StatementThe college will make reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Students wishing to receive accommodations must contact the Office of Counseling and Disability Services via email at disabilityservices@wcjc.edu. Although it is recommended that students request accommodations from the Office of Counseling and Disability Services prior to the start of each semester, students can request accommodations at any point in the semester. Please note that accommodations provided are not retroactive. Additional information can be found on the web under Disability Services. (Link Address: .)Misconduct Statement Misconduct for which discipline may be administered at WCJC includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college (plagiarism and cheating refer to the use of unauthorized books, notes, or otherwise securing help in a test, copying tests, assignments, reports, or term papers).Last Day to Drop with a “W”Enter Information – Found on the Academic Calendar – Here.Course InformationPrerequisites:Enter Course Prerequisites Here. Should match GIPWE or ACGM.General Education Core Objectives:Enter specifically the General Education Core Objectives here, where applicable. If Gen Ed Core Objectives do not apply to your course, please delete this entire section. If you have questions, please contact Candi Hollier at x1522.Student Learner Outcomes: Enter Student Learner Outcomes here. Should match ACGM. If using a list, please use the numbered or bulleted list options on the Home tab in MS Word to maintain ADA compliance.Required Course Materials: Enter Required Course Materials Here.Six Drop Rule: Under section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code, “an institution of higher education may not permit a student to drop more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education.” This statute was enacted by the State of Texas in spring 2007 and applies to students who enroll in a public institution of higher education as a first-time freshman in fall 2007 or later. There are many exceptions to this rule. Please refer to the current WCJC catalog for information.Method of Instruction: Enter Method of Instruction Information Here. For example, “This course consists primarily of lectures that may be supplemented with videos and other resources.”Course RequirementsCourse Exams:Enter Course Exam Information and Requirements Here. May include: # of questions on each test, type of questions on test, number of tests in the course, cumulative/non-cumulative, separate final exam, etc.Written Assignments:Enter Written Assignments Information and Requirements Here.Oral Presentations:Enter Oral Presentation Information and Requirements Here.Extra Credit:Enter Extra Credit Information and Requirements Here.“Other”:Enter any Other Forms of Assessment Here. Remember to change the heading from “Other.”Course EvaluationGrading Scale:Enter Grading Scale Here. This should clearly outline how the student’s final course grade is determined. For example, point/percent range for an “A,” “B,” etc. An accessible table format with header row recommended.Grading Formula:Enter Grading Formula Here. This should clearly state how the final grade will be calculated. For example, Exams 20%, Assignment Average 25%, etc. An accessible table format with header row recommended.Course PoliciesLate Work & Make-Up Policy:Enter Late Work & Make-Up Policy Information Here. For example, set a specific date for make-up exams such as the last day of class or the next date after an exam is administered. Indicate if policy/penalties differ by assessment type. Indicate penalties if applicable.Technology Outage Policy: Web-Supplemented Courses: (third party platform or Blackboard) Enter Technology Outage Policy Here. This should clearly detail what the student should do if they experience technical glitches while completing work either in Blackboard or a third-party platform (stand-alone TurnItIn, etc.) or if they are experiencing problems with the WCJC website or email. For example, submit an IT Student Help Desk Ticket and/or email the instructor immediately using a working form of technology. Delete entire section if no technology is used.Cell Phone Use Policy:Enter Cell Phone Use Policy Here.Absentee and Tardiness Policy:Enter Absentee and Tardiness Policy Here.Classroom Behavior Policy:Enter Classroom Behavior Policy Here. Policy MUST include consequences for disruption of instruction.Academic Honesty Policy:Enter Academic Honesty Policy Here.Course ScheduleEnter Your Course Schedule Here. If you are adding a table to this section, be sure to verify that a header row has been designated and that the table is fully accessible. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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