Complete and made board game Complete set of rules - Be anal about rules.2000 word GDD for the Board game you’ve created.Sell sheet for Board Game.Research from class + for project.Take photos of concept designs you made for latest Board Game.___________________________________________________________________________Why do I add such tedious details... Sleep is required.But yeah, this is the kinda design I was going for, the proper version (this is compressed as FB refuses to upload .png) is A3, which seems like a reasonable size. The grid on this is 14x21 (294 squares, including start points), so I'll probably need to scale it down a tad.I'll re-read through the current rules we have once I've got some rest and update the board appropriately.?Oh, and tag any of our little group, it should allow them to see this album then.I kinda read through and added a couple rules, I believe this should be ideal now...1.) 2 players min, 4 players maxa.) If playing with 4 players, players 1 and 3 form one team, and players 2 and 4 form anotherb.) Players on the same team can cross each other’s linesc.) Players must start on their indicated spot, labelled player one and player two.2.) Decide who goes first by any means you like (mudwrestling is a good one.... or flip a coin)3.) Each player places one disk on a square at a time.4.) Players can only place a disk on a tile directly next to theirs.5.) Players can only move vertically or horizontally on the board6.) Players cannot overlap their opponents line7.) Players cannot touch or go out of the boards border once started8.) The game finishes when a player makes their opponents line (snake) trapped and unable to move.?Each disk is 1 point. Being the player to make the other player trapped gets 2 points.9.) The winner of the game is the player with the most points (even the player that is trapped by the other can still win by points alone)“Good rules , but what about player 3 & 4 starting positions? Do they start on the same spot as player 1 and 2?”If you look at the latest edit I changed it so 3 & 1 players are incompatible, so it's only 2 & 4 players that can be done, technically 8 people could play if it was 2 a team, anyway, read through this album, I posted a change log with each image?Last thing...Here's a close up of the board, so you can see what I've actually wasted my time on xDI'm considering rounding the black edges, although simply adding a faint highlight of the blue in the background could spice it up a little...I may just be over thinking it...Anyway, that's all for now ^^_______________________________________________________________________________This was my previous development from the group activities we had to do previous to this section of the project. My major work was on the level design itself, although I did have a part in the construction of everything, thanks to that however, I’m feeling rather confident about this project.I’m planning on taking my latest group project and using that as a focus, as I spent so much time getting the scale and colours correct that it would be a shame to just abandon it, not to mention, I felt that a lot of the elements weren’t structured correctly in our original design, and so I hope to fix that. I will most likely re-work the textures on this design, although only slightly as in general I’m quite happy with the result.First things first… I need to re-read the latest set of rules we had, and re-design them to work in a cleaner fashion, currently they’re dependent on the users previous knowledge of games, which to a non-gamer may seem overly complicated or vague.Also, the notes listed previously have a few comments from other members of my group, to avoid any issues I won’t use names, however the notes and ideas they gave will be implemented, if at any stage they would like credit for their quotes, I will happily tag them, however knowing them as I do, I doubt they would want their names publicly placed throughout my notes.__________________________________________________________________________________Un-refined Rules -1. 2 - 4 players. 2. Players must choose who goes first, and the turns pass via a clockwise motion. 3. Players must roll the dice to see how many spaces they can move. 4. When hitting a part of a chain, players may flip a coin, if heads, they go up the chain, if tails the player ignores it and continues the path. 5. When step on pipe,players may flip a coin,if heads, they go on the other side of the pipe,if tails the player ignores it and continues the path. 6. If a player lands on a black hole, they must move right back to the starting square. 7. Players win when they reach the top left square on the board. 8.When a player hit a barrel, he/she is send back to the start.I'll pull them from our convo in a a mo, I gotta prep for work 4 - 5, not a long shift, but it's there still, also in case you guys missed my updates last night, here's a quick change log/ questions /progressOkay, so I'm thinking of making this the Gameboard, the floor will be fully gridded, but the walls will be all brick and art work. Pipes could possibly be added in 3D, we could just make square ones like minecraft style? Use Salinas design as the texture.Black holes are looking good by the way, will add them over the next day, but first off I just wanted to make sure this seemed like a reasonable idea. I figured it allowed us the 3D gameboard that we wanted, without overcrowding the scenery.So yeah, if you hate this idea, tell me now before I get to carried away xD gave it a set of textures to help you guys see what I'm getting at.I'll be adding a lot more detail tomorrow, this is just a temporary skin as concept. 1c -Pipes!I couldn't sleep, so decided to make a quick pipe model, and texture it with Salinas graphics I did tinker them a little because of shape + so you can differentiate easier., finally managed to upload these buggers...Right, I'm planning on adding an extra design to these, considering the idea of drawing up some kind of dragon or something, and splitting it into 3 sections, starting piece being the tail, all but one piece would be the body, and the final piece would be the head.Although it's unlikely that I'll have time to implement it.Update!Game-board V2!I added the rules to the bottom, re-positioned the starting points, and changed the grid size to 10x11The reason for this size, is simply to give a centralized starting point, otherwise it's likely that the players will lock each other into their own territory... Would make it a tad boring?Anyway, comment away with what you think/ideas...And our major issue, what happens when there's only 3 players??Also when there's 4 players do the 2 teams have individual starts or do they start at the same point?Well, either way, it's progress!?Okay, after passing this to me dad to see if he could make sense of it, we've missed one vital thing...How many counters you start with, and how many can be placed per turn.So I guess 1a.) Each team starts with 25 counters each, and may place a single one per turn.Also an edit to rule 7.) Players can only place disks vertically or horizontally from the disk they last placed.With the rules as they are in the picture, it seems as though you have to place like 10 disks, and then move the snake around to try and trap the other player, so I've changed it so it's more focused around territorial acquisition.*UPDATED RULES*1.) 2 players min, 4 players max2.) Each team starts with 25 counters each, and may place a single one per turn.3.) If playing with 4 players, players 1 and 3 form one team, and players 2 and 4 form another4.) Players on the same team can cross each other’s lines5.) Players must start on their indicated spot, labelled player one and player two.6.) Decide who goes first by any means you like (mudwrestling is a good one.... or flip a coin)7.) Each player places one disk on a square at a time.8.) Players can only place a disk on a tile directly next to theirs.9.) Players can only place disks vertically or horizontally from the disk they last placed.10.) Players cannot overlap their opponents line11.) Players cannot touch or go out of the boards border once started12.) The game finishes when a player makes their opponents line (snake) trapped and unable to move.?Each disk is 1 point. Being the player to make the other player trapped gets 2 points.13.) The winner of the game is the player with the most points (even the player that is trapped by the other can still win by points alone)V3 update -?Changed the spawn points so it's compatible with 4 players.V3b update -Changed the start positions so that it can be played regardless of team numbers.Also updated the rules, I hope it's okay with you guys, but I figure we should just leave the 3 player game-type, it's too complicated to implement, I've sat here for the past hour trying to figure it out, but just can't get to a decent result that isn't unfair on one side...Anyway, this should hopefully be it done.“?Nice work!What do you think about adding some randomness to the game!That player instead of doing a normal move have an option to draw a card and do what it says. And there is 50/50 chance there will be something good or bad.I can do that by the way , just leave me something to do too”That sounds quite cool, do you think you could come up with a few concepts for the good and bad, as I could edit the board appropriately, for instance adding coloured dots onto certain squares so that the cards can have either generous or detrimental effects dependent on the players position.So yeah, if you could just come up with a few ideas for now, and we'll figure out how we could implement them, either through dice, cards or whatever else comes to mind. Good shout pal!Side note -I'm considering making a blog specifically for the development of projects such as this, should I make one so we can access it in an easier fashion?“Looking great??(hope you don't mind me copy-and-pasting this into word for my written stuff on this, I'll obviously give you all the credit for this).I've now realized that rule 10) is a bit odd "Players can not touch or go out of the boarders once?started", because I now saw that it'll mean players can't move backwards from the starting box. But then again maybe it does work if the guinea pigs are able to play it well”________________________________________________________________________________________________Game board v2 -_________________________________________________________________________________________________Uber basic concept, rest of my images refuse to upload, I'll convert them to jpegs and upload them later...Okay, so I'm thinking of making this the Gameboard, the floor will be fully gridded, but the walls will be all brick and art work.?Pipes could possibly be added in 3D, we could just make square ones like minecraft style? Use Salinas design as the texture.Black holes are looking good by the way, will add them over the next day, but first off I just wanted to make sure this seemed like a reasonable idea. I figured it allowed us the 3D gameboard that we wanted, without overcrowding the scenery.So yeah, if you hate this idea, tell me now before I get too carried away xDQuickly gave it a set of textures to help you guys see what I'm getting at.I'll be adding a lot more detail tomorrow, this is just a temporary skin as concept.Update 1c -Pipes!I couldn't sleep, so decided to make a quick pipe model, and texture it with Salinas graphics?I did tinker them a little because of shape + so you can differentiate easier.Hopefully I'll be able to sleep now...Peace.A better shot of the 3 pipes, showing how I've used the textures and shizzle?Just a quick render of the updated pipe, hope it's to your liking?The UV Map for that pipe, top left is the inside portion, so colour it black, with a fade out on the strip, and I believe the 2 sectioned circle on the bottom left is the bottom half of the top portion, oh and the little parts that are loose are the central ring, you get a skewed map if you try to connect them, so I've left them as they are, if you need any more details just gimme a shout.“Can you possibly simplify this UV? Planar the cylinder part”“Only if I get rid of the central bump part of the pipe, then it would be a nice and clean uv map...”Pipes v2bGot rid of the central bump so it's easier to texture?V2b Diffuse Map,?Much easier to deal withProgress update, texturing is about 60% complete, have basic patterns down, and began to implement all the little parts?Once I get the pipe textures, this'll look a lot better I think??But I still need to add more of a brick texture to the stone wall, and fade the edges of the black holes a bit more so there's no white.Anyway, that's me done for tonight, gotta be up early tomorrow for works.60% update, just a different view.v4 UpdateTexturing is 60% complete, all the major elements are in place, just gotta refine all the pieces, and finish the larger higher res design.v4 UpdateSame thing different angle.Texturing is 60% complete, all the major elements are in place, just gotta refine all the pieces, and finish the larger higher res design.v5 Update -Texturing is 90% complete, I simply need to add ladders to each row, to help the player realize where they're suppose to go, but I'm indecisive about adding a tad more definition to the elements, but I'm quite happy with the result so far...The final update will be one that's scaled appropriately , and has tabs so that it can be made easily.?Check the 3D Model pics for a better idea if this doesn't give you one already?I'm going to try my best to get into town tomorrow and get this printed off on probably A2, A3 at the very least, after making a couple A4 versions, A3 may be a tad too small, I'm still unsure though...Either way, the only thing I'm thinking of adding is an archway at the start and finish, both with different colouration to signify the start and the end.Any input would be good peeps, thanks?v5 update - 3D View 1/2v5 update - 3D View 2/2Le finished product, or as finished as it's going to get...Off to print shortly ................

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