Only 1 person on a campus should be running or printing report …

How to Generate Secondary Report Cards

SMS 2.0-rev 09/2016

Beginning in the 2013-14 school year, report cards are now to be printed for distribution to the students and also posted in Family Access. This allows the parent to view the report card anytime they log in. The posted report cards are also viewable and printable in Student Profile in Skyward. Be sure you follow the directions carefully to get them posted correctly. This should eliminate the need for special groups or additional office people to re-generate and print the student's report card. They can view or print the actual original report card as it was distributed from the student record.

This document will take you through the process for creating, printing, and posting the Report Cards.

Only 1 person on a campus should be running or printing report cards from the report card template from now on. Anyone else needing a copy of the report card should get it from the student's portfolio.

The report cards must be printed--and then run again for the posting. (This is different than the

process for IPRs which print and post at the same time.) The Posting Run must be done immediately after the printing so that the posted report card is exactly the same as the printed report card.

It will be important that you DO NOT SHARE your report card template with others at your entity because they could use it to REPOST report cards. It is also REQUIRED that as soon as you Post the report cards, you uncheck the posting option on your template to avoid double posting.

A. Teachers should have been given campus-based instructions regarding deadlines and procedures for grade reporting. These are 3 suggested options when it comes time to print report cards:

1. Set a date and time report cards will be printed each reporting period. Teachers will not need to do anything extra except make sure all their assignment grades, conduct grades, and report card comments are entered by that time AND are dated within the specified term for the Report Card.

2. Set a date and time for all teachers to have their assignment grades, conduct grades, and report card comments entered for each reporting period AND are dated within the specified term. Generate and distribute "Grade Input and Proof" sheets with a designated deadline for teachers to review and correct their grade book. Once all corrections have been made, generate report cards. (If you select this option there is a separate HOW TO for generating "Grade Input and Proof" sheets on the HOW TO web page.)

3. Have teachers use the function in their grade book to "Mark All Classes Complete." You can then view and browse or run a report listing those teachers that have not done this yet and make sure they do. Once all teachers have all their classes marked complete, generate report cards. (If you select this option there is a separate HOW TO for monitoring teachers who have not marked their classes complete on the HOW TO web page.)

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B. Update Attendance ? From Office/Attendance/Setup/Utilities--Select "Update Classes with Term Attendance". 1. Add a template if you have not already done so. 2. Set Terms to All Year 3. Click the Absence Types button 4. Select U, A, and T 5. Click Save on the type screen. 6. Click Save and Run on the Template. (you will just modify this template for future reporting periods.) This utility will run in your print queue. Once it is complete you can continue.

C. INPUT OF GRADE CHANGES--All grade changes should be input by the teachers in their grade book. Once the changes have been made in the grade book, they will auto-post to Student Management if the posting window is open. (NOTE: An overnight opening is required before all grades will be posted.)

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D. Generating the Report Cards--

a. Go to Office/Grading/Report Cards/Reports, b. then under Report Cards, select District Report


1. Selecting/Creating the Template a. *If you saved a Report Card template for the current marking period from last year, it should be created for you for this year with the current year/marking period in the name. You MUST edit the correct template and verify all of the settings-Skip to step 7. b. *If there is no template for the current year/marking period, then go to step 2.

2. Add a new Report Card template for the current year/marking period*--DO NOT CLONE AN IPR TEMPLATE OR THE PRIOR SCHOOL YEAR REPORT CARD. It will not work correctly.

3. Name your template with the appropriate YEAR and Term six weeks. (EX. 2017-Term 1 Report Card)

4. DO NOT Check the box under the name to "Share this template with other users in entity..." (Using a template to generate the report cards should only be done by the official report card person on the campus. All others should review and print a copy of the report card from the student's portfolio once they have been posted.) Clean up--Please edit all of your report card templates and uncheck the "share" setting. You may want to delete any unnecessary templates.

5. Make sure the year is correct 6. Use the drop down menu to select the current school year Enh Report Card set up template (ex:

2016-17 should be 2017-Enh-T1-T5).

7. Click the RANGE selection and then the Ranges button.

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8. Set the ranges for the appropriate grades and Student Status to ACTIVE.

9. If you have students at SLC or DAEP and do not want to print their report cards or want them printed separately, you can UNCHECK the box for "Include All Schools", click the "Schools" button and only select your campus/school number and leave the 006 and/or 003 schools unchecked. 10. Click SAVE 11. Continue with the template setup on the following pages

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12. MAIN SETUP- expand the section by clicking the +.

a. Change the "Grading Period" drop down to "Run for Grading Period"

b. Click the

underlined words, "Grading Period:" to select the appropriate

Helpful Hint: Make note

of the correct Grd Prd number so that you can enter it for the comments

grading term from the list and click

ranges in the comments section. Example:

"Select" c. Uncheck "run

GPA Calc for each

02-02 for MS is Term 1. 03-03 for HS is Reg Term 1.

student on the report"

d. Check the "GRADE BUCKETS" appropriate for the report card.

NOTE: Until you are sure the report cards are printing correctly and you have printed the official report card, DO NOT CHECK the box to "Save Report Cards To Student Portfolio". This will be done in a later step and only after the report cards have been verified correct.

You cannot check the box for "Require Parent's Signature" at this time. This is a feature where the parent would be required to electronically sign the report card in Family Access. We are not using this feature as this time.

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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