The Saga of Stephen Ames, Jr.

Court Seizes Children for reading them the Constitution and Bible: Says Parents were reading "Dangerous things to them"

--By Fax to American's Bulletin

In the court of common pleas in the County of Northumberland, Pennsylvania, two children were taken from their parents because the parents passed out what was termed anti-government booklets and the Constitution.

Leslie Brydon, an attorney for the government, stated in court that the parents believed the Constitution was still relevant, and that the parents read the Bible to the children, and that those kinds of things are a danger to the children. Richard Medellin and his attorney, Hershul Lock, entered petitions against the parents, stating that the parents were mentally ill, and read the Bible without having religious training.

The children were taken from the parents without notification and the parents were not summoned to the custody proceedings. The custody proceedings for the little girl were filed at 12:40 p.m., and the order was signed at 1:58 p.m. It is unknown when the proceedings in which the little boy was taken took place. That is because it's being kept secret, and the only documentation available is a Court Order.

Judge Ranck was involved in the taking. When asked "How do you take children away from parents without the parents being notified?" , he responded, "You'll have to ask attorney Jeffrey Mensch." Attorney Mensch stated that bogus charges were made up, due to the mother not listening, and that it is just standard procedure to make up these charges.

The court transcripts have judge Ranck stating that he was reversing his previous Order. But, he did not say that in court, nor did he reverse his Order. It was just a lie, so that judge Ranck could cover himself.

The parents, Stephen Ames and Dawn Stoll, filed a Civil Rights action in federal court against numerous state employees and attorneys, but federal judge James F. McClure wrote in his memorandum that political and religious taking of children are within the authority of the state and it's personnel, and dismissed the case.

Stephen Ames also showed documents to Tom Bowmen, who is an aid of Sen. Arlen Spector. Tom Bowmen responded by saying to Stephen Ames, "What the money powers want, the money powers get, and they don't want people reading the Bible or the Constitution. And if you or your wife try to get custody of your children, or even visit them, you will spend the rest of your life in jail."

Children and Youth Services have taken steps to make sure that the parents are not allowed to visit their children.

The parents were in hiding, due to threats made to them by Tom Bowmen, aid to Senator Arlen Spector! The statements made above, that were made by judge Ranck and attorney Jeffery Mensch were recorded on audiotape!

Note : This incident took place Jan. 5th and 6th of 1995. This is the first time the parents were able to release the information! As a result of this incident, not only has a family been destroyed, but also the parents were made homeless. At that time, the mother was 8 months pregnant and the only place they could find to sleep was by a creek! Friends now have taken the parents in, but they are in need of financial donations.

They are making available a copy of the transcript, a cassette tape, affidavits and court orders to anyone who would like a set, to help spread the word and show how far "socialism" has spread in this country.

If You would like a copy of this Info. Pack, E-Mail me at josh@. The old address and phone # is invalid and I have to check on a new Address.


David E. Parsons Denver, CO

The Ultimate Delusion

By: Stephen Ames

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997.

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APFN – American Friends Patriot Network

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:

"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England?

This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law. Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and c, and of the United States of America." See: Treaty of Peace (1783) 8 U.S. Statutes at Large 80.. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA ..'

What people do not know is that the so called Founding Fathers and King George were working hand-in-hand to bring the people of America to their knees, to install a Central Government over them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off you have to understand that the UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary war. See Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. and 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)

The United States is not a land mass, it is a corporation.

Now, you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of England; he was also the King of France. Treaty of Peace * U.S. 8 Statutes at Large 80.

On January 22, 1783 Congress ratified a contract for the repayment of 21 loans that the UNITED STATES had already received dating from February 28, 1778 to July 5, 1782. Now the UNITED STATES Inc. owes the King money which is due January 1, 1788 from King George via France. King George funded both sides of the Revolutionary War.

Now the Articles of Confederation, which were declared in force March 1, 1781 States in Article 12:

"All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged."

The Articles of Confederation acknowledge the debt owed to King George.

Now after losing the Revolutionary War, even though the War was nothing more than a move to turn the people into debtors for the King, the conquest was not yet complete. Now the loans were coming due and so a meeting was convened in Annapolis, Maryland, to discuss the economic instability of the country under the Now the Articles of Confederation. Only five States come to the meeting, but there is a call for another meeting to take place in Philadelphia the following year with the express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation On February 21, 1787 Congress gave approval of the meeting to take place in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation. Something had to be done about the mounting debt. Little did the people know that the so-called founding fathers were going to reorganize the United States because it was Bankrupt.

On September 17, 1787 twelve State delegates approve the Constitution. The States have now become Constitutors. Constitutor: In the civil law, one who, by simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed.

The States were now liable for the debt owed to the King, but the people of America were not because they were not a party to the Constitution because it was never put to them for a vote.

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On August 4th, 1790 an Act was passed which was Titled.-An Act making provision for the payment of the Debt of the United States. This can be found at 1 U.S. Statutes at Large pages 138-178. This Act for all intents and purposes abolished the States and Created the Districts. If you don't believe it look it up. The Act set up Federal Districts, .. here in Pennsylvania we got two. In this Act each District was assigned a portion of the debt. The next step was for the states to reorganize their governments which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the States needed to legally bind the people to the debt. The original State Constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutions and submitted them to people for a vote thereby binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain. The people became citizens of the State where they resided and ipso facto a citizen of the United States. A citizen is a member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject.

What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.

"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person." 9 F. Supp 272 "Word "person" does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.

There are no states, just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a corporation. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction. For an in-depth look into the nature of these corporations and to see how you also have been declared a fictional entity. See: AMERICAN LAW AND PROCEDURE. JURISPRUDENCE AND LEGAL INSTITUTIONS. VOL.XIII By James De Witt Andrews LL.B. (Albany Law School), LL.D. (Ruskin University) from La Salle University. This book explains in detail the nature and purpose of these corporations, you will be stunned at what you read.

Now before we go any further let us examine a few things in the Constitution.

ARTICLE SIX (Section One) keeps the loans from the King valid it states; "All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation."

Another interesting tidbit can be found at ARTICLE ONE (Section Eight) clause (Two), which states that Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This was needed so the United States (Which went into Bankruptcy on January 1, 1788) could borrow money and then because the States were a party to the Constitution they would also be liable for it.

The next underhanded move was the creation of The United States Bank in 1791. This was a private Bank of which there were 25,000 shares issued of which 18,000 were held by those in England. The Bank loaned the United States money in exchange for Securities of the United States. Now the creditors of the United States, which included the King, wanted paid the Interest on the loans that were given to the United States. So Alexander Hamilton came up with the great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax, which they did. This has become known as the Whiskey rebellion. It is the Militia's duty to collect taxes. How did the United States collect taxes off of the people if the people are not a party to the Constitution? I'll tell you how. The people are slaves!

The United States belongs to the founding fathers, their posterity and Great Britain. America is nothing more than a Plantation. It always has been. How many times have you seen someone in court attempt to use the Constitution and then the Judge tells him he can’t? It is because you are not a party to it. We are SLAVES!!!!!!! 

If you don't believe read Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520, which states :

" But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he is not a party to it."

Now back to the Militia. Just read ARTICLE ONE (Section Eight) clause (15) which states that it is the militia's job to execute the laws of the Union. Now read Clause (16) Which states that Congress has the power to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States.... the Militia is not there to protect you and me, it is their duty to collect our substance. As you can plainly see all the Constitution did is set up a Military Government to guard the King's commerce and make us slaves. If one goes to 8 U.S. statutes at large 116-132 you will find "The Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation". This Treaty was signed on November 19th, 1794, which was twelve years after the War. Article 2 of the Treaty states that the King's Troops were still occupying the United States. Being the nice King that he was, he decided that the troops would return to England by June 1st, 1796. The troops were still on American soil because; quite frankly the King wanted them here.

Many people tend to blame the Jews for our problems, but they too are for the most part also slaves. Jewish Law does however govern the entire world, as found in Jewish Law by MENACHEM ELON, DEPUTY PRESIDENT SUPREME COURT OF ISRAEL, to wit:

"Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees, and carry out the enactments of the Talmudic sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in Talmud. The sages, who adopted the enactments and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered the decisions, and derived the laws, constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel. It is they who received the tradition of the fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken succession going back to Moses, our teacher."

We are living under what the Bible calls Mammon. As written in the subject Index, Mammon is defined as ("Civil law and procedure").

Now turn to the "The Shetars Effect on English Law" -- A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of the Land, found in "The George Town Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200." It is clearly stated in the Law Review that the Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings. It also explains that the Talmud is the law of the land. It explains how the Babylonian Talmud became the law of the land, which is now known as the Uniform Commercial Code, which is private international law.

The written credit agreement -- the Jewish shetar is a lien on all of the property in the world. The treatise also explains that the Jews are owned by Great Britain and that the Jews are in charge of the Baking system.

We are living under the Babylonian Talmud. It was brought into England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, Kings and the various religions ever since. It is total and relentless mind control, people are taught to believe in things that do not exist. Private International Law, which is commercial law, only deals with fictions, known as persons. A person is a fictional entity at law, not a living being. See UCC 1-201.

Now before you scream that the UCC is unconstitutional I'm sorry people, you are not a party to any constitution. Read the case cite below.

"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it." Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520 You have to understand that Great Britain, (ARTICLE SIX (Section One) the United States and the States are the parties to the Constitution… NOT YOU!.

Here are just a couple of examples:

"The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62

"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state." Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called 'ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session. (Brown v. Welch supra)

You own no Property because you are a slave. Really you are worse off than a slave because you are also a debtor.

"The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which has never existed since governments were instituted, and never can exist under government." Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481

Great Britain to this day collects taxes from the American people. The IRS is not an Agency of the United States Government.

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All taxpayers have an Individual Master File, which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209, which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series, which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that is being paid. Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399 which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K.

The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA-Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. The OMB's-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act is where form 8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. with holding tax return for dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a.

These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. Isn't it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K.? Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so called Income Tax but, it is not in there because it is not a Tax, it is debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States ARTICLE SIX (Section One), and various agreements. Is a cow paying an income tax when the machine gets connected to its udders ? The answer is no. I have never known a cow that owns property or has been compensated for its labor. You own nothing that your labor has ever produced. You don't even own your labor or yourself. Your labor is measured in current credit money, which is debt. You are allowed to retain a small portion of your labor so that you can have food, clothing shelter and most of all breed more slaves.

You see, we are cows, the IRS is company who milks the cows and the United States Inc. is the veterinarian who takes care of the herd and Great Britain is the Owner of the farm in fee simple. The farm is held in allodium by the Pope. Now the picture will become much clearer after reading the next few paragraphs.

We will now show the Popes involvement in the scheme of things.

"Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations." Article (3) Treaty of Varona (1822)

If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed he must be obeyed. Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844. Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44. Hence the “jus nationale”, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff. Elements of Ecclesiastical Law. Vol. I 53-54. So could this be shown that the Pope rules the world?

The Pope (Vicar of Christ) claims to be the ultimate owner of everything in the World. See Treaty of 1213, Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1492.

Don't let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free,.. You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations, which are nothing but fictional entities, which have been placed into your mind, you will understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions.




BY: Stephen Ames


So how do most American's resolve conflicts they face when authority figures command them to negate human life or human dignity?

The most important and best-known study on obedience to authority was carried out by Stanely Milgram at Yale University in the early 1960's. His work can be found in the Journal of Abnormal and Social psychology, 67, 371-378 (1963) and in a book authored by him "Obedience to Authority" published by Harper and Row (1974).

The most fascinating aspect of Milgram's work was that the results he came up with surprised both himself and his colleagues. In fact his work almost entirely escaped one of the most common complaints leveled at psychological research, namely that the experimental findings merely confirm common sense. There was a wide variety of people of different ages and occupations involved in the experiment.

This is how the experiment worked. You are taken into a room and met by a 31-year-old biology teacher, the experimenter. The other person in the room is a 47 year old accountant who is mild mannered and likable.

The experimenter tells you that he is interested in learning about the effects of punishment on learning. It is decided by drawing lots that the accountant will be the learner and you will be the teacher. You go into a room where the learner is strapped into an "electric chair" and an electrode is strapped to his wrist. Electrode paste is applied to his wrist to avoid burns and blisters. You are told that the electrode is connected to a nearby shock generator.

You go into another room, which has the shock generator unit in it. It has 30 lever switches, each labeled with a voltage between 15 and 450 volts. Groups of four switches of increasing voltage are labeled Slight Shock, moderate Shock, Strong Shock, very Strong Shock, Intense Shock, extreme Intensity Shock, and DANGER: Severe Shock. The final two levers are simply marked XXX.

You are told to administer a shock to the learner each time he answers wrong and to move one level higher each time.

As the learning tasks proceeds, the learner would make a number of mistakes and receive more intense shocks. After receiving shocks of 75, 90 and 105 volts, he would merely grunt. At 120 volts he would yell to the experimenter that the shocks were becoming painful. At 150 volts he would yell 'Get me out of here !” I won't be in this experiment anymore! I refuse to go on!" At 180 volts he yells, "I can't stand the pain", and at 270 volts his response becomes a scream. Thereafter, there are screams of agony, and a vehement refusal to go on with the experiment or provide answers to questions. When the 300-volt shock is reached, he pounds on the wall. If you , the "teacher", say at any point that you don't want to continue the experiment, the experimenter calmly informs you that you must.

What would you do in that situation? What do you think other people would do? Stanely Milgram put these two questions to psychiatrists, students and middle class adults. When predicting their own behavior, absolutely everyone predicted that they would defy the experimenter and refuse to continue with the experiment. People tend to have a high opinion of themselves. For example, psychiatrists at a leading medical school predicted that only 3.73 percent of subjects would obey the experimenter at 300 volts and that only 1 in a 1000 would go to the 450 volt stage.

Most people unfamiliar with the actual results would predict that only a psychopath or a sadist would be likely to keep on administering intense electric shocks to an obviously distraught, tortured and unwilling subject. But, in fact, Milgram found that 62 percent of the people exposed to the conditions just described continued to obey the experimenter to the lethal 450-volt level! In fact 500 times as many individuals prepared to administer the maximum shock as predicted by a group of psychiatrists!

The learner was in collusion with the experimenter and did not actually receive any electric shocks at all. The study was rigged so that the mild mannered accountant was always the learner and the subject would always be the teacher.

Milgram also argued that what critics of his work really objected to was the terrible picture it drew of human nature rather than the deception or methodology involved. Would the Milgram study have been the subject of public outrage if all the participants had disobeyed the experimenter at the first sign of discomfort from the learner? The evidence suggests not. Several people were given a description of the Milgram study; some were told that most of the participants were obedient to the experimenter, and the rest that most of them were disobedient. They rated the experiment as more harmful and as providing a worse experience when there was a large measure of obedience.

In the Milgram study, the experimenter represented an authority figure. His authority was enhanced by the special coat he wore, by his association with Yale University, by his aura of expertise in human behavior.

On the other hand the "learner" in the Milgram study did everything he could to persuade the subject to stop administering shocks. He screamed, he begged the subject to stop and in some cases he even said he had a heart condition. The participant was unable to satisfy both the experimenter and the victim of torture. Most people chose to side with the experimenter. The experimenter was perceived as an authority figure so obedience, even commands to commit torture were considered the norm. After the experiment the subjects were debriefed and it was explained to them that they were not really electrocuting the learner.

When a human being was replaced with a puppy in a Milgram type experiment in which actual electricity was used because you can't make a puppy yelp and howl without pain. Only 54 per cent of male participants would administer a genuine electric shock to the puppy. But 100 per cent of the female participants were prepared to give the most severe shock to the howling and yelping puppy. This I find very troubling.

A psychiatrist by the name of R.D. Laing along with numerous other psychiatrists claim that mental illness is a myth. They argue... anyone allegedly suffering from mental illness is simply behaving in ways, which deviate from those which are expected. I would like to point out that anyone who would not inflict 450 volts into another human being on command is outside of the normal in American Society Largely America (62 per cent) is made up of sadists, psychopaths and potential murderers and considers behavior outside of their own as abnormal. They label those who are unlike them as mentally ill or criminals.

For example, most American's tend to become quite upset if you do not want to pay the Internal Revenue Service……

First, the Internal Revenue Service is not a United States Government Agency; it is an Agency of the International Monetary Fund;

Second, there is no law in the United States Code requiring the vast majority of the American people to pay or file anything with the Internal Revenue Service;

Third, a 1040 form is for a payment of a debt to Great Britain;

Fourth, not one electron collected by the Internal Revenue Service goes to the United States government (The United States has not had a Treasury since 1921);

Fifth, the Internal Revenue Service does not collect money, … It collects electrons

It has to collect these electrons….. or pretended hyperinflation would set in.

The electrons collected by the Internal Revenue Service are not placed into an account, the electrons are simply deleted. People do not seem to be able to grasp that a loan is nothing more than computer keystrokes. The only reason that there is interest on a pretended loan is because people might figure out what is going on, because in their minds banks make money by charging interest on loans.

The reality of the situation is banks do not make loans. Banks put electrons into circulation. People make payments in electrons on what they think is the principle plus the interest of a loan. If you want to pay the Internal revenue Service or a Bank just send them a nine volt battery and tell them to keep the change. Whether they collect electrons or not is debatable. It depends on whether or not you agree with Max Planck, because waves are particles and particles are waves. (We are told that there is not a unified theory and that physicists are searching for it,,… THAT IS NOT TRUE! Your entire existence, commerce, religion, reality and very thoughts can be summed up in this equation. This equation is not a theory but, a proof. The proof is:

1.602 x 10-19 C à E¥ (eV electron volt – a unit of energy = to approximately that amt of a joule J)

FT = h /E¥m

h/ E¥m [coupled with] Ft = I

I à D3

D3 = R (R being "Reality")

eR = 0

Zero is the absence of quantity and a linguistic element.

To make matters even worse, when you don't pay the Internal Revenue Service or a bank, people consider you a criminal or a dead beat. You are then prosecuted by someone who is a subordinate (Pretended U.S. Attorney paid by the IMF in electrons) of the Alien Property Custodian (Pretended Attorney General of the United States, INTERPOL agent, paid in electrons by IMF). I almost forgot: YOU are the Alien. Read the list below:

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF.

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. 

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF.

5. The Attorney General of the U.S. is not employed by the U.S. But is an Agent of INTERPOL, which is head, quartered in Lyons, France.

6. The United States does not have any employees.

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF.

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes.

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators.

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number.

11. You are an "Institutional Unit" in which your body and labor are pledged to the UN through the IMF.

12. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.

13. Your Social Security number is your slave number. Just about everyone in the World has a Social Security number from the UN through the IMF.

14. The UN is a One World Super Government.

15. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.

16. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that "New York City was the capital of the World" and he was correct.

17. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund.

18. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF, which is an Agency of the UN.

19. You own no property, slaves can't own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant.

20. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.


As a matter of fact the imagined President, imagined Representatives, imagined Senators, imagined Supreme Court Justices and imagined Federal Judges are not paid by the United States Government. Actually the United States Government does not have any employees… they are paid by the International Monetary Fund in electrons. You see there is no such thing as the United States Government. In reality there are no Governments. There are Corporations (Fictions) such as the Federal Reserve Inc., and the United States Inc., which in fact are private corporations. The United States Inc., is just a slave management company. Guess what that makes you? If you said property, you are correct! You are Human Capital. The shares that were issued for the Federal Reserve when it was created back in 1913 only cost $100.00. That was quite the bargain.

To verify the facts in the preceding paragraphs see (5 U.S.C. 903, 12 U.S.C. 95, 18 U.S.C.A. 914, 22 U.S.C. 263, 285, 286, 287, 288. Public Law 89-719, Public Law 94-564, Public Law 101-167, Public Law 91-151 Public Law 103-465, House Report 103-826 T.D.O 150-10, T.D.O. 92, 41 Stat. Chap 214 pg. 654, Emergency Banking Act 48 Stat. 1, Articles of Agreement 60 Stat. 1440, 20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2), United Nations Secretariat Revised System of National Accounting, Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Cromelin v. United States, 177 F.2d 275, 277 Tomalewski v. United States, 493 F.Supp 673, 675 Foster v. Bork, 425 F.Supp 1318, 1319-20 FRC v. GE 281 U.S. 464, Keller v. PE 261 U.S. 428, United States v. LePatourel, 571 F2d 405, 410, Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, INTERPOL Constitution Art. 30, Executive Order 10422, Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493. 42 Pa.C.S.A. 502. General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.

When you see the documents for yourself, your mind will shatter into a thousand pieces. You will have to acknowledge that your entire life has been nothing but a hallucination. You will have to acknowledge that there is NOT, NOR HAS THERE EVER BEEN A GOVERNMENT, COUNTRIES, MONEY, OR CONSTITUTIONS. All GOVERNMENTS AND COUNTRIES ARE FABRICATED FICTIONS CLEVERLY WOVEN INTO YOUR MIND. They are fictions accepted by you because you have been lied to and poisoned your entire life.. What would you do without an external authority commanding you what to do and what not to do? Would you be lost? Did you ever think that maybe you would find yourself? I am not afraid to acknowledge that I am an incomplete 'Being in motion' searching for my reason for existing in this Petry dish commonly called Earth. The evidence in my possession cannot be rebutted. Think twice before labeling me.

One can quickly become diagnosed mentally ill for stating the facts listed above. Most American's want people who research and discover things such as those listed above to be locked away or murdered because, it holds a mirror up to them and shows the evil that actually lurks in their hearts. That is exactly what has happened to me. Don't you want my death? The people here in Pennsylvania love death. They also want Mumia Jamal, Lisa Lambert and a host of other innocent people murdered. When federal Judge Danzell released Lisa Lambert on a Habeas Corpus the people here in Central Pennsylvania wanted Judge Danzell impeached. They want Lisa Lambert dead. Judge Danzell said that Lisa Lambert's case was the worst case that he has ever seen in the English-speaking world. Like Jim Morrison said in the film "The Doors", "Hatred is a very under estimated emotion."

I will be dead soon enough. I am living in a "madhouse" now. I have been living here for a couple of months. I am on a steady diet of Lithium Haldol etc., which sooner or later kills you. It's not that I really want to live in this world,… but, the death caused by the mixture of Lithium and Haldol is a terrible form of torture. I don't like it here. I don't have anyone to talk to. I don't even have my own room. I feel so sorry for the people that live here. In my opinion not one of them is mentally ill. They all seem to be suffering from living through terrible childhood's and never having anyone in their lives who cared about or loved them. I am glad that they did allow me to bring my computer with me. So I just sit here on the floor and type away. This essay will probably never be read by anyone. It is more of a diary than an essay. I am writing it for myself and my children. I write everyday and save it on disk so that when my children grow up, they can read for themselves why their dad was locked away in a home for the Insane. I never thought that they would go this far and do this to me and rob my children of their father. But, I do the unspeakable -- I commit thought crimes.


Crime and Commerce 

By Stephen Ames 


Let us examine just what a crime is. Crime. A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or United States. Remember that the States and United States are fictions so, how can you damage a fiction. What about a Tort? Tort. ( from Lat. torquere, to twist, tortus, twisted, wrestled aside). A private or civil wrong or injury, including action for bad faith breach of contract, for which the court will provide a remedy in the form of an action for damages. K Mart Corp. v. Ponsock, 103 Nev. 39, 732 P2d 1364, 1368. 

A legal wrong committed upon the person or property independent of contract. It may be either (1) a direct invasion of some legal right of the individual; (2) the infraction of some public duty by which special damage accrues to the individual: (3) the violation of some private obligation by which like damage accrues to the individual. Notice that a crime is an act against the State, but a tort is against an individual. So if you murder someone how is that a crime against the State? Please note that when you are charged with an offense, you are charged with violating a code or statute, not for violating the individual.

The reason this is being done is because the State claims to own you, so if you kill someone it is the State that has been damaged. A tort is either “mala in se” or a breech of contract that causes a damage. There must be intent, but to commit a crime against the State there does not need to be intent. “Mala prohibita”. Prohibited wrongs or offenses; acts which are made offenses by positive laws, and prohibited as such. Acts or omissions, which are made criminal by statute, but which of themselves are not criminal. Generally, no criminal intent or “mens rea” is required and the mere accomplishment of the act or omission is sufficient for criminal liability. Term is used in contrast to “mala in se” which are acts… which are wrong in themselves, such as robbery.

When you don't file a 1040, … THAT is an omission. Statute. A formal written enactment of a legislative body, whether federal, state, city, or county. An act of the legislature declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something; a particular law enacted and established by the will of the legislative department of government; the written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms necessary to constitute it the law of the state. Such may be public or private, declaratory, mandatory, directory, or enabling in nature. 

Will. Wish; desire; pleasure; inclination; choice; the faculty of conscious, and especially of deliberate, action. When a person expresses his "will" that a particular disposition be made of his property, his words are words of command, and the word "will" as so used is mandatory, comprehensive, and dispositive in nature. 

Will. An Instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his real and personal property, to take effect after his death, and which by its own nature is ambulatory and revocable during his lifetime. In re Brown's Estate, Tex Civ. App., 507 S.W. 2d 801, 803. Instrument. Anything reduced to writing, a document of a formal or solemn character, a writing given as a means of affording evidence. A document or writing which gives formal expression to a legal act or agreement, for the purpose of creating, securing, modifying, or terminating a right. A writing executed and delivered as the evidence of an act or agreement. Moore v. Diamond Dry Goods Co., 47 Ariz 128, 54 P2d 553, 554. Do you understand the Two different ways they use the word "will” ? What they do is reduce their "will" to writing and then enforce it at the point of a gun. This writing is also called a "Will." Will, Statute, Instrument, and Code are synonymous.

Do you understand where this going? "Will" is the disposition of property by someone's command. A Statute is the Written Will of a Legislature. It used to be stated as "will and testament" Do you understand that when a Legislature passes an act they are creating or modifying a will. You are considered property of the State. Are you getting the picture? A code or statute is a "Will." The Codes and Statutes of every State are Wills. (Note. When you are charged and warehoused in a jail it is because you went against the "Will" of your "Master." It is not because you harmed another Being. --Nicole) 

Does not a 1040 form have a label? Label. Anything appended to a larger writing, as a codicil. In English law, a copy of a writ in the Exchequer. Exchequer. That department of the English government, which has charge of the collection of the national revenue; the treasury department. Codicil. A supplement or addition to a will; it may explain, modify, add to, subtract from, qualify, alter, restrain or revoke provisions in existing will. Such does not purport to dispose of entire estate or to contain the entire will of testator, nor does it ordinarily expressly or by necessary implication revoke “ in toto” a prior will. In re: Crooke Estate, 388 Pa. 125, 130 A.2d 185, 187. Do you understand why people are forced to file a 1040 ? Because King George was the Prince Elector and Arch Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire and of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.

See APFN web page:

The Constitution is the "Will." Why do you think in the preamble to the Constitution it says "to ourselves and our posterity?" Just read ARTICLE SIX (Section One). Remember the loans, IRS Publication 6209 (1040 for UK), the First Bank of the United States and numerous debt collection acts. Do you understand why in 26 U.S.C. there is no law requiring you to file? It is the Constitution that requires you to file, ARTICLE SIX (Section One)! Do the IRS agents know this? Look at all of the Acts (Supplements to the Will) that have been passed to collect your labor, the symbols (electrons) that represent your labor. Now do you understand why the Constitution was never put to the people for a vote? It is because they were the property (citizens, persons, etc.) mentioned in the Will (Constitution). Now do you see why the Constitution was drafted in secret? Do you understand that when you pay with your labor you are adding electrons to the Estate and when you get a refund (electrons) you are subtracting from the Estate? Do you understand the importance of Codicil and Label? They don't even have to connect the machine to our udders, we are self-milking slaves.

The words charge and discharge are used in the imaginary laws of commerce because we are forced through our ignorance to use electrons as a medium of exchange. Don't you ever wonder why you are asked by a cashier if you would like to charge it? The slip that the cashier hands you is the symbol of the electrons that have just entered the Circuit. Why do you think when you are dragged into one of their 'courts' they tell you that you have been 'charged'? What do you think a 'Transmitting Utility' in ARTICLE NINE in the Uniform Commercial Code is? So guess what the Transmitter is? Guess what is being broadcast, … charged and discharged? People do not see the wave only the symbol of the wave. They do not know that the wave even exists. Why do you think that they pass bills? A bill is a charge for goods or services. Then you have the 'Bill of Rights'. 

A 'Right' is one mans ability with the assistance of the state to control others (Blacks Law Dict.). That is why you must pay a filing fee when you file a suit against someone. You are being charged to use the State to force other people to be jurors, witnesses etc. Jurors are people who are being controlled by the State on your behalf.

This is just a sampling of what has been done to us because of our greed, laziness, and contempt for our fellow man, having the nerve to pretend to make laws and wanting something for nothing. We are having Electronic Warfare perpetrated on us. Our very physical bodies work upon electricity. Our thoughts are electricity. The thoughts that are placed into our minds are placed there through the use of electricity. The thoughts that you think are your own are not. You have to become aware. Please make an attempt to analyze the program that has been placed in you. You have to understand that the person who is in 'charge' is the one who controls thought by way of controlling the electricity in your brain. Think about it. If you had a plumber to your home and he tracked mud all over your carpet you would phone the company who employed him and ask to speak to the person in charge. The person in charge is the one who controls the electric current in the plumber’s brain. Now if the plumber cannot be controlled, he will be 'fired' or in other words discharged. What do people do when they are upset, they write to a legislator, one of their Masters? Legislatures were created for one purpose, to make you the property and to manage the electrical current in your brain. If a group of people can command you to act or not to act and take your labor, what are you? 

If they have the power to declare that an act that is not criminal, .. is a criminal act, what are they? You are a slave and they are your master. The thought that legislators, judges etc are in 'charge' has been willfully and deliberately placed in your brain so that you will be their slaves. E I x R A bank is a capacitor in which the electrons flow to from ground. A check or money order, etc. are Merely “symbols” representing the electrons. (See definition of money in U.C.C.) A loan is actually the procedure that is done to cause electrons to enter into the circuit. The check that you receive from the bank is the symbol of the electrons that have been put into a capacitor (account) in your name. This is accomplished by a few keystrokes on a computer keyboard. The charge (electrons) are transferred from account to account (capacitor to capacitor) when a good or service is transmitted. This is done either by wire or satellite. (See Electronic Fund Transfer Blacks Law Dict. 6th Ed.)

Remember an electron is both a wave and a particle. The system must never be allowed to become balanced. There has to always be a debt (something owed) in order for the electrons to flow. If electrons were not removed from the circuit the capacitors would all become equally charged and all commerce would cease. If the capacitors were all equal and the circuit was balanced how could one capacitor discharge into another. The Internal Revenue Service withdraws electrons from the Circuit by way of what is called an 'Income Tax'. Income is the Electrons that have flowed into the circuit. 

There are other ways that remove electrons but this is the most noticeable. There has to be a load on the system in order for the electrons to flow. This must be done in order to allow commerce to flow. A debt can never be paid. A debt can only be discharged. The Circuit can be controlled by changing the Force, Current, or Resistance. Your labor is actually dissipated. The harder the people labor the more electrons they remove from the Circuit. There becomes too many electrons in the Circuit for the amount of goods and services consumed. So 'Taxes' must be raised or, in other words, the load must be increased. When they tell you that the economy is expanding it means that the Circuit is getting larger. Notice that when they tell you the economy is expanding most people are working harder and their standard of living is dropping. Now, what do the electrons symbolize? People exist by symbols. 

Everything in this fictional world symbolizes something else. Those who refuse to bow to the IRS are in actuality keeping those who do alive. Those who bow to the IRS are destroying themselves. If we do not send electrons to the Banks and the IRS, this ultimate system of control will come crashing to the GROUND.

In the present situation the people’s standard of living can only go down. Both parents now must labor in order to survive. Any variable in the system can modify it. One who is skilled in the art of controlling the Circuit is called an Economist. It is impossible for the mass of people to be paranoid. Paranoia is defined as a heightened sense of awareness. People are not even at the level of being aware, let alone paranoid.

They (the mass of people) have their voltage (thoughts) supplied to them. How can you be aware when in your entire life you have never had a thought?


The Thoughtless Mind

BY: Stephen Ames

The bombing of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City is one of the most sensational experiments ever conducted on the American people. Everyone thinks there is a Government cover-up. The truth of the matter is there is no Government cover-up. The Government wants you to think that there is a cover-up. On the first day of the bombing when they kept reporting that there were more bombs in the building when actually there weren't. They want you to think that there were more bombs in the building. Then in a few hours they changed their story after heavily reporting the existence of more bombs. You see the reason they committed such a tragic event was to keep you glued to the television. 

The bombing was committed to see how malleable the minds of the American people are. They needed something sensational to keep you tuned in. The bombing's only purpose was to see if the people would have a complete lack of memory not just day to day but hour to hour. The bombing was not about passing laws or attacking the patriot or militia movement. It was about time factors and the malleability of facts after they are presented over and over. They actually killed more than one bird with this stone. They then proceeded to get people to say that there was a cover-up happening. That is what they want you to think. If they can't convince you that there is a cover-up, then it proves beyond a shadow of a doubt just how non-thinking the American people are. This was by far one of the most high-risk maneuvers ever by the Government. But, they needed to know. 

The results are astounding, … most people are convinced that Timothy McVeigh in a Ryder truck did it. Other people think that the Government did it and that they screwed up and are trying to cover it up. The truth is Timothy Mcveigh didn't do it, the Government did it and the Government is NOT trying to cover it up. Actually everything went as planned and is still going that way. There are numerous books and tapes about the supposed cover-up. People who are producing these tapes and books don't know it, but they are doing the legwork. The American people do not understand psychology and the experimentation that is performed on their minds on a daily basis. I would venture to say excluding lawyers and their kind, that maybe one in a hundred thousand understand what the bombing of the Murrah Building was for. 

See APFN web page: http:’’apfn/okc coverup.htm

A great example of symbolism is their Gold Fringed Flag. Which according to various pretend Army regulations and executive order signifies when flown in a courtroom, that the court is a Military court. I know they laugh when someone argues with a pretended judge that his court is a Military court. The person does not seem to realize that he has just acknowledged that he is insane because he just called the room in which he is standing a courtroom. When in fact there is no such thing. 

See APFN web page:

An exceptional act that these pretended judges and lawyers are not laughing about is a process that is known as Redemption. Does this process work? You bet it does. The Redemption Process is entirely based on fictions. By engaging in this Process known as Redemption life is being breathed into the ultimate fictional code that binds their fictional system together. This fictional law is known as the Uniform Commercial Code. People pretend that they are a creditor instead of pretending that they are a debtor. This allows people to do anything they want and not be prosecuted for it and if one really understands the Uniform Commercial Code, one can purchase anything one wants without having to labor like the rest of the slaves. The act of acknowledging the Code brings the entire pretended government to life. When you pretend to be a creditor instead of a debtor the pretended judges and lawyers become your servants. You have to know exactly what you are doing or they will warehouse you. The Uniform Commercial Code is the rules of the Hallucination. That is why the Redemption Process is successful.

The idea and concept that in order for me to trade goods and services with someone on the other side of an imaginary line, I must pay a pretended tax with pretended money (a few electrons) known as a tariff. Tariffs were created for one reason and one reason only. That reason is so you would think that there is a such thing as a Country. Countries are needed to keep people divided so that wars can be manufactured. The wars also serve the purpose of making you think that there is such a thing as a Country. By keeping the people divided it becomes necessary in the minds of the people to have a Government to protect them from the bad Countries. Of course what you think is a bad Country is the good Country in the eyes of the people who live there and your Country is the bad Country. Much of the division is based on religion. People will readily commit acts of genocide in the name of their religion.

Marriage is a really strange concept. You purchase a license from a pretended government with electrons. Then you enter into a building that has a large phallus on top of it. Then you stand in front of an agent from the International Monetary Fund and take a vow that you will have sex with the same person for the rest of your life which of course you know isn't true. Not only do you enter into a contract with the other person, but the pretended government that you purchased the License from is also a party to it. Actually it is the controlling party. It is also an alter ego of the International Monetary Fund. I have this all documented. I almost forgot: most of the buildings that people get married in, also fly the Gold Fringed Flag.

Voting is total lunacy. You vote for pretended Senators, Representatives and a President who are your sworn enemies. Don't believe it? In March of 1933 the "Trading with The Enemy Act" was amended declaring those who call themselves "citizens of the United States" the enemy. That is how Frank captured the gold, by executive order from the American people. You are literally the enemy of the Fictional U.S. Government.

America is not in a moral crisis.

America is in an Intelligence crisis.

Over 50 percent of American's have an I.Q. between 90 and 110. This allows them to eat, sleep, labor and breed but not much more. It is an impossibility for most American's to understand even the simplest of abstract concepts or to follow the simplest of instructions. Logic, analytical and quantum reasoning are completely out of the question. Most American's are functionally illiterate. THIS IS NOT THEIR FAULT! It is because of the food supply being deficient in nutrition. American's lack of intelligence is also caused by vaccines, pharmaceuticals, fluorides, detergents, industrial cleaners commonly called shampoo etc….. and particularly responsible for the destruction of minds and creativity are the public schools – or should I say indoctrination centers. Remember your children spend one third of their formidable years in these brainwashing encampments. Americans have been poisoned, and totally brainwashed.

Less than 0.5 percent of American's have an I.Q. of 140 or over. Most of these people rule over the others. Take lawyers for example. You just don't decide to be a lawyer. After four years of schooling you have to take the LSAT. The LSAT is a test based mostly on analytical reasoning. The LSAT plays a major role in what Magic Law School one may be accepted into. Not all Magic Law School's are created equal. Yale University only accepts 3 percent of the applicants. Now a buffoon would not even apply to such a prestigious School so, we are talking the best of the best and out of them only three percent are accepted. So after four years of schooling in a pre law program you have to attend Magic Law School for three years in order to become a lawyer. Even after all of that you still must pass the BAR exam.

To be a 'Magic Law Man' (Lawyer) it takes a lot of study, discipline and intelligence. I don't like lawyers but, I do like watching them work their magic. I really enjoy reading their magic papers such as motions and briefs. To me, watching a lawyer at work is by far the most enjoyable activity one can engage in. Even after all of the horrible things that lawyers have done to me, I still enjoy them. All lawyers lie. They have to in order to keep the people hallucinating. Lawyers will never tell the truth. No one would believe them anyway.

They want your mind. They even are confident enough to report it in the Congressional Record. For example:

"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain." Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School, Congressional Record, No 26, vol. 118 February 24, 1974.

People have to come to grips with the fact that enlightenment is the casting off the bonds of concept (ignorance) so that one may directly perceive the inexpressible nature of undifferentiated reality. For some reason that I do not understand, people do not look at undifferentiated reality the same as an enlightened being. Words only represent (re-present) something else. Words are not real things. In an illusory reality everything is a symbol. The reality of symbols is illusory.

One must understand that governments are brought into your mind through symbols such as flags, codes, constitutions and statutes, which are the will of your Master being imposed on you.

Undifferentiated reality cannot be expressed. Symbols cannot be used to describe it. Enlightenment is a state of being and it is not describable. People seem to want to make the description of the state of being, the state itself. A state of being is an experience. A description of a state of being is a symbol. Symbols and experiences are not governed by the same rules.

Max Born wrote: The ultimate origin of the difficulty lies in the fact (or philosophical principle) that we are compelled to use words of common language when we wish to describe a phenomenon, not by logical or mathematical analysis, but by a picture appealing to the imagination. Common language has grown by everyday experience and can never surpass these limits.


Labels for you and me.

By: Stephen Ames

The importance of labels was memorably expressed by R.D.Laing. He claimed that if someone labeled a scientist said, "All men are machines", he might receive a Nobel Prize”. In contrast, if someone labeled a schizophrenic said, "I am a machine", he would promptly be locked away.

An attempt to evaluate the relative merits of these two diametrically opposed positions, was made by David Rosenhan of Stanford University. David Rosenhan was extremely interested in the various approaches that have been adopted towards the treatment of psychiatric disorders. He wondered, is it really as simple to distinguish between normality and abnormality as is implied by the medical model?

Finally he came up with a way of trying to determine how well psychiatrist are able to distinguish between the normal and the abnormal, or between the sane and insane. What would happen if a number of entirely sane people attempted to gain admission to a mental hospital by pretending to have one of the symptoms of insanity? Would they be classified insane ? If they were admitted, would the staff realize that a mistake had been made?

The answers to these and other questions were obtained in a study in which eight normal people, five men and three women, attempted to gain admission to twelve different psychiatric hospitals. The twelve psychiatric hospitals were located in five different states on the East and West coasts.

Each of the eight participants phoned the hospital asking for an appointment. Upon arrival at the admissions office, each of them complained of hearing voices (these voices were often unclear, but appeared to be saying 'empty', 'hollow', and 'thud'. All were judged to be insane, and all were admitted to the hospital, on the basis of their symptom. One was diagnosed as manic-depressive psychosis, the others as schizophrenic. But as soon as they had been admitted the participants stopped simulating signs of abnormality, although several had a brief period of nervousness and anxiety because they felt they would immediately be exposed as frauds.

While in the hospital, the participants indicated that they felt well and were no longer troubled by 'voices'. In general, they behaved in a friendly and cooperative way. The only strange activity they engaged in was they spent time writing down their observations about the ward they were in. To begin with, these notes were written in secret, but it became clear that the staff did not notice, so the note taking was done quite openly. This, in my humble opinion, was accomplished because most people who work on a psychiatric ward (This is from personal experience) are some of the lowest functioning people in society. Their main concern is control of your thoughts and emotions. They seem to enjoy overpowering you to the point of the destruction of your mental faculties. What they cannot accomplish with torture and punishment, they accomplish through pharmaceuticals. If you resist the taking of the pharmaceuticals, you will be held down and be given them by either injection or enema.

The structure of the various hospitals was such that those of the greatest professional status had the least to do with their patients. The average daily contact of the participants was about 6 minutes. The actual length of hospitalization ranged from 7 to 52 days.

The fact that all the participants were released within a few weeks would make you think that the psychiatric staff discovered that they had been sane all the time, but no. All of the participants were discharged with a diagnosis of 'schizophrenia in remission.'

Quite a number of the real patients did become suspicious about the participants. The first three participants were placed in wards with a total of 118 patients, 35 of the patients voiced their doubts that the participants were mentally ill. They said things like 'You're a journalist, or a professor. You're checking up on the hospital.'

These findings suggest that the distinction between the sane and insane is so blurred that psychiatrists constantly diagnose the sane for the insane. It is ironic that over 30 percent of the real patients knew that the participants were sane. As a matter of fact the participants, after insisting that they were ill to the real bona-fide patients, the real patients still didn't buy it and insisted that the participants were sane.

Rosenhan wondered whether he could show the opposite effect, the insane being sane. He chose as his testing ground a research and teaching hospital. The staff there had heard about the previous experiment and informed Rosenhan that they would not be fooled.

The first thing Rosenhan did was inform the hospital staff at this hospital that he was going to send in one or more pseudo-patients and have them attempt to gain admission into the psychiatric ward during the following three months. Each member of the staff was asked to observe all patients who presented themselves for admission or in the ward and say whether they thought they were his pseudo-patients or genuine patients. Judgments were made on a total of 193 patients admitted for psychiatric treatment. Forty-one genuine patients were judged to be his pseudo-patients by at least one member of the staff. Nineteen patients were suspected of being frauds by one of the psychiatrists and another member of the staff. But the fact is, none of Rosenhan's pseudo-patients sought admittance during this time. The people that were judged to be impostors were in fact real patients. The staff did not know the difference. This proves that mental hospital staff do know that they are admitting people, diagnosing them mentally ill, prescribing them dangerous pharmaceuticals, even forcing them to ingest the pharmaceuticals when they know quite well that the people are sane. Rosenhan's conclusion was: 'It's clear that we cannot distinguish the sane from the insane in psychiatric hospitals'.

One of the other points made by Rosenhan concerned the degrading conditions experienced by his pseudo-patients during their stays in the Psychiatric Wards. Rosenhan himself saw a patient beaten for walking up to one of the staff members and saying 'I like you'. On numerous occasions, when the pseudo-patients approached staff members with polite requests for information, the staff simply ignored the request over 80 percent of the time and did not answer. When a question was presented to a psychiatrist it went unanswered and ignored over 70 percent of the time. That is how people are treated in the psychiatric wards at the hospitals that I have been admitted to also. Then if you ask more than once you are then threatened.

Now think about this. How many people receive chemotherapy for cancer when the fact is they don't have cancer at all. What about heart disease ? How many people are prescribed dangerous pharmaceuticals for heart disease that do not have heart disease. Last year over 170,000 people's deaths were caused by prescription drugs. Yet the American people line up for them. About 3,500 deaths were caused by illicit drugs such as crack, meth, heroin etc and zero deaths from marijuana. Yet you will go to prison if you are caught possessing one of these drugs and you will go to prison for a very long time if you are caught selling one of these drugs. The bottom line is that the drug dealer on the corner is responsible for far less deaths than medical doctors. The difference is that the drug dealer on the corner does not have a license to KILL like the M.D.! 

These are prime examples of the Cognitive Dissonance of the common American mind.



High Spire, Pennsylvania-

Near the State Capital of Harrisburg

Friday September 28, 2001

On Thursday Sept. 27 I received this urgent alert from Enemy of the State Stephen Ames that the elements of coercion were once again threatening to arrest him for alleged "parole & probation violations".

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2001 / 19:54:24 -0400

From: Nicole Terry


To: unlisted-recipients; (no To-header on input)

Dear Friends,

On Wednesday There was a notice placed on my door that stated that if I didn't report to the Parole/Probation Office on 9/28/2001 that I would be arrested. I will not be coerced anymore. I refuse to ingest Lithium, Haldol and Luvox. I refuse to go to a Psychiatrist. I refuse to color. I am not mentally retarded or mentally ill. Nor will I ever receive a Lobotomy, which they almost succeeded in giving me. I will not submit to any more dehumanization. I also will not run from those who call themselves "Government." I at home right now. I want to live my life in peace and love and watch my children grow. That's all I want. If those who call themselves "Government" proceed and attempt to capture, murder or force me to submit to their "Will" I will resist by every means at my disposal. I do not want to hurt anyone, but I will defend myself. Today is the day. The choice is up to those who call themselves "Government." I can be reached at 630k, Willow Street, Highspire Pennsylvania 17034 or Phone 717-986-0239 or maximum@

Your Friend,

Stephen Ames

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Then on Friday, Sept. 28, I received this terse announcement as the SWAT TEAM moved in for the kill to arrest Ames and his girlfriend Nicole Terry:

Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 / 02:17:28 -0400

From: Nicole Terry


To: unlisted-recipients; (no To-header on input)

We are surrounded by the Police and SWAT Teams in Camouflage.

Nicole & Stephen phone 717-986-0239 email apex0@




Tortured Enemy of the State Stephen Ames and his girlfriend Nicole Terry were attacked by Federal Marshals and Pennsylvania State Police on Friday night who used a Swat Team and high tech weaponry including flash bang stun grenades and snipers after first evacuating the entire neighborhood in High Spire PA due to Ames’ threat to defend himself using a 5 gallon tank of gasoline that he allegedly wired to explode if threatened by authorities who in the past had tortured him within the Forensic ward of the Pennsylvania State Prison due to his very efforts to expose the New World Order with in depth legal research. * [see below]

After being denied due process, both Ames and Terry are being held for alleged "probation violations" on the basis of a superfluous Pennsylvania State Law that could be used to hold literally ANYONE for literally ANY REASON for 72 hour psychiatric evaluation. This imprisonment can be extended, at will, by the mere stroke of a pen- to hold someone indefinitely, until the date of a commitment hearing. They can ALWAYS get a commitment because through forced psychiatric drugging they can make ANYONE appear to be incompetent, and crazy, and through forced drugging they can also make a person uncharacteristically violent. Having personally experienced this exact same sort of gross mistreatment at the hands of police and psychiatric so-called "authorities" I have no problem making this appeal for these people who as Political Prisoners deserve our help and support.

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Ames, author of "The American Hallucination" and other highly accurate anti government exposes is scaring the hell out of our would be New World Order masters by presenting detailed, in depth research exposing the Illuminati's control mechanisms by citing specific legal research that proves a number of things the powers that be do not want revealed. *[see below for more details, " Stephen Ames- a Tortured Enemy of the State]

Whenever Ames's in depth legal research was put on the web, the website containing it was blasted out of cyberspace within a matter of days of its appearance by the New World Order. In an effort to counter this, Ames had recently embarked on a program of sending computer disks through the mail to people containing his documentation. This combined with a concerted effort on his part to stop compliance with the terms of his probation, which included not allowing him to travel beyond 25 miles of his home, an 8 pm evening curfew, and not allowing him to send email or faxes, and ESPECIALLY to not discuss his research with the public is what caused him and Nicole to be attacked and held in the psychiatric facilities which are currently force drugging them with brain destroying cocktails of Haldol, Deprecote, Cogentin and other highly toxic drugs. The state is threatening to commit them both, and Ames could be put back in the Forensic Unit of the Pennsylvania State Prison, which would be a gross injustice!

According to the book Psychiatric Drugs- Hazards to the Brain, by Peter Breggin, MD, this is an especially dangerous, brain destroying combination of drugs- they're trying to give Ames and Terry chemical lobotomies to fry their brains to stop the dissemination of the information found below. I am alerting not only the IAHF list, but also Support Coalition International, group which strongly opposes forced psychiatric treatment, and which will hopefully sent this alert to their blast list in the hope of also generating calls in Ames and Terry's behalf:

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Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 / 16:13:22 -0400

From: Nicole Terry


To: unlisted-recipients; (no To-header on input)

Stephen Ames: A Tortured Enemy Of The State

BY: Nicole Terry

PH: 717-497-5231 Email: Nicole@

The documents listed below, plus hundreds more and numerous Essays explaining what has happened to this World are available on Disks for FREE. The documents are not secret. They are all on the Public Record. All of the Cases and Documents listed below are on the Disks so you can see them for yourself. Just contact me (Nicole Terry) and I will be glad to send them to you.

To get the Disks send an E-mail to Nicole@ or leave a message at 717-497-5231 and tell me where to send the Disks. If you send me an E-mail make sure you send it to: Nicole@

What would happen to someone who played a major role in the discovery and publication of the following facts?

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizing. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy… its finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not impersonate one of the creditors or shareholders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the "US Government" held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178)

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System. (Get the Disks)

12. The UN is a One World Super Government. (Get the Disks)

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations. (Get the Disks)

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that "New York City was the capital of the World" and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF, which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

17. You own no property, slaves can't own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24)

20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

21. You cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, The Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 53-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Popes laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children.(Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

31." The People" does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)

32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

34. Everything in the "United States" is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath Lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple. (Get the Disks for the Essay and Documents.)

37. The good news is we don't have to fulfill "our" fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another's fictitious obligation. (Get the Disks)

38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930's including the Railroads was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves "Kings," "Prime Ministers," and " Führer”, etc. could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries, which didn't even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn't it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the "Bank of International Settlements" is located. Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of "Government" in place. (Get the Disks and see the Documents for yourself.)

39. The "United States" did not declare Independence from Great Britain or King George. (Get the Disks for Documents and Essay.)

40. Guess who owns the UN?

The disks have many more cites including Hundreds of Documents to verify the 40 statements above and numerous other facts. The Disks also include numerous Essays written by Stephen Ames and several other people that fully explain the 40 above mentioned facts. The Disks will clear up any confusion and answer any questions that you may have. The cites listed above are only the tip of the iceberg. Also included on the Disks are several hundred legal definitions because without them it is next to impossible for the non-lawyer to understand many of the Documents. Simple words such as "person" "citizen" "people" "or" "nation" "crime" "charge" "right" "statute" "preferred" "prefer" "constitutor" "creditor" "debtor" "debit" "discharge" "payment" 'law" "United States" etc, do not mean what most of us think because we were never taught the legal definitions of the proceeding words. The illusion is much larger than what is cited above. Please get the Disks and see for yourself. Send an E-mail to Nicole@ or leave a message at 717-497-5231 and I will send you the Disks.

There is no use in asking an Attorney about any of the above because: "His first duty is to the courts...not to the client." U.S.v Franks D.C.N.J. 53F.2d 128. "Clients are also called "wards of the court" in regard to their relationship with their attorneys."Spilker v. Hankin, 158 F.2d 35, 58U.S.App.D.C. 206. Wards of court. Infants and persons of unsound mind. Davis Committee v. Loney, 290 Ky. 644, 162 S.W.2d 189, 190. Did you get that? An Attorneys first duty is not to you and when you have an Attorney you are either considered insane or an infant.

Stephen Ames is a History and Legal researcher, poet, philosopher, mathematician and an "Enemy of the State" for 20 of his 34 years. Although his deepest interest is in the Psychology of crowds and general beliefs, Law is a close second. Stephen's essays on Law are the work of true genius.

Stephen has been tortured, almost lobotomized, has received death threats, forced to ingest drugs and was declared mentally retarded and mentally ill for discovering many of the "laws" and publishing the facts listed above. Right now as you are reading this message Stephen Ames' mind is being destroyed. Stephen is under a court order to take the pharmaceuticals known as lithium, haldol and fluvoxamine (Luvox). According to the drug interaction information, when these three pharmaceuticals are taken together they cause organic brain damage as well as permanent organ damage. If Stephen does not obey the instructions of the psychiatrists, he will be incarcerated. He is tested on a periodic basis to assure the 'doctors' that he is taking the drugs, so his alternative is: to take the deadly combination of his own 'free will', or go to prison where they will force the drugs into his system by injection or enema.

Stephen is degenerating quickly. He is losing his memory. He is confused, disoriented and paranoid. He is always running a fever and has trouble controlling his bladder due to the pharmaceuticals. The pharmaceuticals are destroying his mind! He is so filled with terror that he very rarely leaves his apartment.

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When Stephen entered the 7th grade he refused to do any schoolwork and after one semester his parents placed him in a Private Christian School. This turned out to be a disaster. Stephen is still to this day traumatized from his experiences at the Christian School. Here is a brief excerpt from one of his essays about his experiences at the Christian School:

"When I was about 12 years of age, my parents sent me to a private christian school. I remember every Wednesday they had church service. I used to totally dread it especially at the end of the service. They would all start hallucinating and climbing on top of one another screaming, crying and praying. On Wednesdays we had to wear white shirts so everyone looked like a bunch of maggots on a dead ground hog along the road when they started Hallucinating. I remember sitting in the back by myself, just hoping no one noticed me but someone always did. They would come rushing back, their faces all red with tears streaming down their cheeks. They would grab me and crawl and rub all over me and they would be asking Jesus to remove the Evil spirits from me.

I am having a difficult time writing this now. I have tears streaming down my cheeks almost 20 years later. I wish I could make the pain go away, but I must face the fact that I live on this planet with billions of lunatics. I relive this Horror everyday. I just want to be free and be able to be me but, I now realize that hope is also a delusion and that the ability to reason is considered by the masses as a disease. Nothing is more dangerous than questioning General Beliefs or Defining words because, it causes one to become the target of every delusional being one comes in contact with. General beliefs are held to be sacred by the masses no matter how absurd they are. I have been alone my entire life and from what I see, I shall spend the rest of my life in total isolation with only my thoughts to keep me occupied. Love is not dead because, it has never existed. Where is the World I was promised as a child?"

Stephen returned to public School for the 8th grade. He was an excellent student for about two weeks but when he became politically and philosophically incorrect and started asking questions - in the 8th grade -he was sent to the Geisinger Medical Center for evaluation. Stephen actually spent two years in the 8th grade because he refused to do any of the schoolwork because to him the curriculum was insulting, dehumanizing and absurd. It was on his second trip through 8th grade that he was sent to the Geisinger Medical Center. He was then declared mentally retarded by the 'experts'. Except for a brief stint, Stephen spent his remaining years in school coloring pictures and counting change in Special Ed. From the time he was 17, when he quit school, through a ten-year period, his life was a continuing round of psychotropic drugs and government control of his life. But, he kept researching digging deeper and deeper into web of lies.

At one point, a Government employed Psychiatrist named Dr. Paolucci had Stephen on Lithium, Haldol, Mellaril, Prozac and Anafranil all at the same time. Under the combination of medications, when Stephen hallucinated and become delusional, Dawn's (Stephen's ex-wife) pleas to Dr. Paolucci to take him off the drugs resulted only in increasing dosages. Because of his conversations about the 'monetary system', government corruption, etc., Stephen was labeled Obsessive Compulsive and Dr. Paolucci wanted him to have a Lobotomy. The 'doctor', claiming that it was a 'simple operation', kept persuading Stephen to submit and if he would, then "Stephen would stop having obsessive thoughts". Because of the drugs, Stephen listened to whatever Dr. Paolucci said, and if it hadn't been for Dawn (Stephen's Ex-Wife) he would probably have let them lobotomize him.

The present affair began in 1995, in Northumberland County Pennsylvania, when Dawn's eight-year old daughter was taken by Children Protective Services and given into custody of the girl's biological father, Richard Medellin, who Dawn had left four years earlier because of Medellin's abusive nature to both Dawn and their child. There was absolutely no contact allowed between Dawn and her daughter until her daughter was recently returned to Dawn, four years later. In the complaint filed by Medellin, Stephen and Dawn were charged with reading the Bible without 'religious training', among other things. Stephen asked one of the prosecutors in the case why he and his wife were also charged with not providing food and clothing for their children. The Prosecutor (Jeffery Mensch) admitted that the charge was fabricated and that is the general language that they use in their petitions. The conversation is on tape. I have the order from a secret hearing in which the Court evidently gave custody of their two-year old son to the CPS.

Neither Dawn nor Stephen were aware this 'hearing' had taken place, nor were they told that the custody of their son had already been granted to CPS. So the Government had a MOCK hearing to determine permanent custody of their son. Dawn's daughter had already been taken. The entire affair is beyond disgusting. During the custody hearing for their little boy, one of the government attorneys (Leslie Brydon) asked Stephen's father if he believed, like his son, that the Constitution was relevant. She said that it was a danger to the children if Stephen's father believed the Constitution was what governed the Country. She also asked if he had a Bible in his home. Attorney Brydon told the Judge she had asked the questions to discover whether Stephen's father followed the same philosophy as his son. She claims that she asked these questions out of her concern for the child.

Judge Ranck decided against CPS and gave the decision of custody of their son to the family, including the parents. At that point, the CPS Attorney (James Robinson) said to Judge Ranck, "I believe the court order yesterday gives us custody of the child." That was the first Dawn knew that the custody had been given to CPS. In all, there were three different cases filed against them, two of which they had never seen. Stephen asked Judge Ranck if he could have copies of the complaints, petitions and court orders taking the children. Judge Ranck responded, "What do you want them for?" Then said, "Put in writing to Attorney Mensch what you want and what it is for." In response to Stephen's request, Attorney Mensch told Stephen he would need a Judge's order to get the documents. These conversations are on tape. Finally after three months Stephen got the documents and found out that they had committed the offense of "reading the Bible without training."

Stephen to this day, has still been unable to get a copy of a summons with his name on it. Nobody can or will produce one. Stephen and Dawn then filed a Civil Rights suit in Federal Court. They sued numerous Attorneys, Judges, social workers etc. The defendants (Attorneys, Judges, Social Workers etc.) admitted that everything in Stephen's and Dawn's complaint was TRUE, but they all claimed they were immune for their actions. Federal Judge James McClure granted the Defendants immunity and dismissed the Case "with prejudice" meaning that the issues can never be raised again. He went as far as to write in his memorandum that political and religious takings are within the bounds of judicial Authority.

After all this rigmarole, Stephen's family and children were then threatened twice by Richard Medellin. One threat, against Stephen's family, was recorded on an answering machine. Trooper Scmidthammer of the Pennsylvania State Police listened to the tape and said it was only a threat and there was nothing he could do about it. When Stephen threatened back he was arrested, by the full force of the "law". Everyone has their breaking point, even Stephen. They sent two helicopters, and a massive police force. His bail, for a misdemeanor, had been verbally set at $250,000 - beyond the financial ability of Stephen to pay. He was sent to a Maximum Security Forensic (Criminal) Psychiatric Hospital for four months and also spent five months in jail. The Police did not have a warrant. There was NEVER a warrant issued for Stephen's arrest. Judge Clark told Stephen's father that there was no warrant because they didn't need warrants anymore; that it is a "local rule" for Dauphin County.

This gets even more bizarre. On the criminal complaint listed for the District Justice is the "COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, and of course, the Docket No. is left blank, but it states that it was filed 07-23-98. Now an affidavit was sworn and subscribed before "Judge" Lawrence F. Clark but below his name it states "My commission expired......" Now the documents for the Bail hearing are really bizarre. In box 54, which is Bail amount at Preliminary Arraignment, it was left blank! It was left blank but in Box 52, which is for Judgment of Sentence, someone typed in that the balance was $.00. In Box 55 which is the date bail was set, guess what? It was also left blank. At the bottom where there is a space for the judge to sign and certify that this is true and correct, guess what? It is also left blank. The fact is Bail was never even set. It was a sham and no one is responsible because no one really signed anything or set bail.

The "Government" did absolutely nothing illegal to Stephen or his family because we are all considered property. Child custody proceedings are under the Uniform Commercial Code. If you don't believe it, read the Court Transcripts and see for yourself what came out of an Attorneys mouth. The Documents listed above pertaining to the "Court Cases" that involved Stephen Ames and his family are on the Disks.

When Stephen was released - after nine months - from prison/hospital he moved in with his parents and Dawn and the children lived with her mother. Dawn told Stephen to never discuss their cases or the law with anyone because they should just go on with their lives and that her main concern was their two youngest children. Things got extremely difficult at that time, because he had to go to a partial hospitalization program for the mentally ill five days a week for six hours a day; and he was so drugged up all he could do was sleep everyday when he got home. This caused a tremendous amount of stress for Dawn because Stephen couldn't work and Dawn could only work part time because she didn't have a baby-sitter. Dawn wanted Stephen to try to get out of going to the mental illness program but Stephen was afraid to challenge the order. He spent over a year in the program. A van from the County picked him up everyday to take him to the program. At the program he colored, drew pictures, did arts and crafts, played bingo, watched movies, went for walks, and went on field trips to the Zoo. Stephen lost all of his dignity and was totally humiliated. He hated riding in the van because people stared and sometimes he would have to be on it for several hours a day because of the routes.

During this period he had been living with his parents. Then he was urged to go into a home for the mentally ill where he lived for about a year. Being in the home for the mentally ill was beyond demeaning. The purpose of the home is to teach the mentally ill to wash clothes, cook meals, make beds and learn how to ride the bus; which is a good thing for someone who does not know how to take care of themselves, but Stephen can take care of himself quite well. He has lived under conditions that most people could only experience in their nightmares. Every day at the home for the mentally ill, Stephen stood in line like a marionette twice a day for his medication. The home was a horribly dehumanizing experience, so Stephen turned to Alcohol, which was only a temporary fix. Knowing that Alcohol only numbs the pain and encourages you do stupid things, he quit drinking. I do understand why he would drink alcohol. It was all he had to kill the pain. A pain that most of us could not imagine.

Stephen and Dawn separated while he was in the program. It hurt Stephen deeply, although he understood why. He worries about her, and tells me that he hopes she can find someone to love her and take care of her because she deserves it after what she's been through. Sometimes Dawn gets angry and yells at Stephen; he says she has the right to yell at him because if she had never met him many of the traumatic experiences she's been through would never have happened to her. Stephen says that he owes Dawn and that there is nothing he will ever be able to do to repair the damage that has been done to her. He says there are just some things that cannot be fixed and this is one of them. Stephen says she is a brilliant and caring woman but everyone has a breaking point. I don't know how she has survived. From what I know of her there is not a better mother and stronger woman on this planet. I read a poem she wrote about her experiences and it moved me to tears for her pain.

I can only imagine the horror, terror and pain Dawn has felt during and since the nightmare began. What does she think when she looks at her children? The terror must live continually in her memory. It is doubtful she will ever be able to turn it off. Stephen says that Dawn will not talk about what she has been through and that if he brings the subject up she cuts him off and gets very angry with him. All that she has ever mentioned is that their youngest daughter Connie who is now five years old was afraid to go to the bathroom because that is where she hid when the police and helicopters came and took her daddy away, and that she was traumatized and associated the bathroom with the taking of her daddy. She also said that Connie was constantly crying for her daddy when he was incarcerated. Stephen will talk about the law sometimes but he will never discuss his and Dawn's situation, because it scares him.

He lives in constant fear. His therapist Helen Hestler (Helen Hestler is no longer Stephen's Therapist) often tells him that she has the power to lock him up. She claimed once that she had received a phone call from someone who said, "you are doing drugs and if you are I'm going to have to lock you up". She initially refused his request to see his medical records. After about two months she finally let him take just a 'brief' look, saying it would upset him, and he probably wouldn't understand the words anyway (after all, he is mentally retarded and in need of a lobotomy). On a few occasions, I went with him to his therapy sessions. They're really something. She spends the time talking and questioning him, although he is not allowed to ask questions of her. When he does, she won't answer; and if he persists she tells him that she is "getting angry". Stephen knows better than to talk about the government in a mental health setting. Stephen does not want to see a Therapist but, if he doesn't he will be incarcerated.

I could write hundreds of pages about what has been done to Stephen. His life has really been unbelievable. I'm amazed that he has survived. I think they may have done something to him at the Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He does not talk much about what went on in there. I talked to a woman who spoke to Stephen on several occasions while he was in there. She said that he had no idea of what he was saying or doing. She said that he would call her every five minutes and not even remember talking to her just minutes before. People have told me that he was horrified when he got out. To this day he will not talk much about anything pertaining to that place and if you mention it to him he gets a look of horror on his face.

I know that on one occasion, he tried not to take the drugs while in jail because of the effects he was experiencing from them. I have a copy of the incident report, which states: "Ames, Steven told this officer that he hasn't taken his meds for three (3) days. Now he is unable to eat, drink or sleep. He feels as he is having seizures, muscle contractions, trouble breathing, etc. He spit his pills into the toilet. Thus he lied to medical staff + C.O. [corrections officer]." The explanation of the 'incident' is written: "Unauthorized use of dangerous or controlled [sic] substance. Disruptive behavior, refusing oral order, lying to medical staff + CO. Violation of administratives "[sic]. He was charged with "unauthorized use of a dangerous controlled substance" because he spit the drugs in the toilet. They referred to the drugs in the incident report as "dangerous controlled substances." They admit that the drugs are dangerous. Yet, Stephen said that he was told that he either takes the drugs on his own or he will be made to take them. They also strapped him in a chair. Stephen said that he was so drugged up that he gladly let them strap him in it. The guards filmed the incident, although he has not been able yet to get the film.

Upon his release from the mental hospital / prison, Stephen was given ten-years probation under very strict restrictions. One of them is proving to be deadly to him. It is the court-ordered medication mentioned at the beginning of this letter. I do know this: if Stephen is not taken off this medication soon, he will have no Mind, Liver, Thyroid Gland or Kidneys and will be wearing diapers. He is in despair and agony, and is absolutely terrified. The drugs are causing him to be in a flight instead of fight mode. The pharmaceuticals are taking their toll on his physical and mental condition. He is not the same person he was a year ago; I have nothing to compare with before that time. He is extremely paranoid. He is afraid of everyone. The drugs are twisting his mind. He was once, not so long ago, very analytical and his ability to reason was extremely impressive. I know that the real Stephen is in there. He needs to go through detoxification as soon as possible before it's to late. Stephen is far from being mentally ill or retarded. He is a brilliant intellectual and reasoning being, although those faculties are slipping away.

Stephen has done an unbelievable amount of work exposing Government (ILLUSION) corruption and tyranny. Stephen was a brilliant researcher. What does he know that they don't want you to know? I keep wondering how these things could happen. How? Why? It is unbelievable! Dawn tells him that life is only about survival and nothing else. For the sake of you and your families get the Disks.

Below is a news article about Stephen Ames not being allowed to Fax "Government Officials" without their permission. The "Government" finally did muzzle Stephen Ames after several attempts. This was one such attempt. Stephen Ames at the present time is not allowed to Fax, E-mail or be on the internet until April 2009. The "Government" does not want Stephen Ames erasing their illusion. Please note at the time this incident happened Stephen Ames was living in Alabama. (Stephen lived in Alabama for a few months.) Stephen Ames has been charged, attacked or threatened by numerous agencies including "Governor" Tom Ridge, "Attorney General" Mike Fisher, Department of State and the FCC. The White House and Department of Justice also were involved with Stephen Ames. Do you want to see a response from the Department of Justice that pertains to Stephen Ames?

Would you like to see Documents from the VATICAN ordering the MURDER, ENSLAVEMENT AND PLUNDER of the various peoples around the world? Do you understand why Stephen Ames is in such a predicament? Do you want to really know why Stephen Ames was nailed for Reading the Bible without Religious Training? What does he know about the Bible that you don't? How can someone who is a high school dropout and declared MENTALLY RETARDED AND MENTALLY ILL discover and/or understand advanced mathematics, physics and Law? Why would the "Government" do everything possible to silence someone who is MENTALLY RETARDED AND MENTALLY ILL? Get the Disks and you will see why the "Government" has done everything but murder Stephen Ames to silence him.

I have never heard of someone being under such restrictions. Have You?????? Do you understand why? Would you like to see the documents and hear the audio recordings the "Government" doesn't want you to see or hear? It is amazing how many different groups of fictions rule over us. If you want to help Stephen Ames, the best thing you can do is help yourself. Get the Disks. Please forward this E-mail to others so that they may also have their eyes opened. Once you get the Disks and understand what has and is happening in our world, you will understand that no one can tell you what you can possess or can or cannot do as long as it does not infringe on the freedom of others.

You will understand that "Government" is nothing but an illusion and that all of the codes and statutes that are written carry absolutely no Authority. We have been deceived, murdered, plundered and tortured by those who call themselves "Government." There is no such thing as a "Judge," "Legislator," "President," "Pope," 'King" etc. and the people who call themselves so are lying to you. Get the Disks and you will understand how we have had these beliefs placed into our minds since childhood. It is not our fault. We have been fed a steady diet of lies all of our lives. We have been taught not to question the illusion. "Government has been a lie from the start. It is the Grand Illusion. Therefore anyone who steps outside of the illusion is deemed insane or in Stephen Ames' case insane, retarded and in need of a lobotomy.

What people do not seem to realize is when you petition or ask those who call themselves "Government" for permission, you are giving them even more power over you. Stephen says that we have ghosts in our minds that cause us to believe in things that do not exist and that most of the inhabitants of this planet are partaking in a group hallucination. It is because of the group hallucination that we partake in; Stephen Ames has spent most of his life being tortured.

He has spent his entire life alone and that has to be the most horrible form of torture one can be subjected too.

I am sending out upwards of 100,000 copies of this E-mail. Several other people are also sending it out. This Email is also being made into a pamphlet and you can contact me for details. Send for the Disks at Nicole@ or leave a message at 717-497-5231 and I will send you the Disks for FREE. There are also other people who will be helping to copy and mail out the Disks. You can copy the Disks and sell them if you want to. I know that Stephen Ames would not care if you sold them to help cover the cost and to make a little something for yourself. After all most of the Essays on the Disk were written by him.

If you would like to help please contact me. A few people have already received the Disks and will be doing whatever they want with them. The Disks are no one's property. Everyone in America and numerous others around the World are going to see the facts. I am sure many people are going to be highly disturbed, but facts are facts, whether you like them or not. I am sure many will do all they can to save the Illusion that they have been living in.

Many will not be able to psychologically handle the documents and essays and go into a complete denial and shut down. Others will become apathetic and will do everything they can do to keep themselves from thinking about the situation. Please do not become angry at them. We have to understand that this information is by far the most extreme life altering information one could possibly receive. Just think if you were a World War Two Veteran and you found out that the "United States" financed the building of the German infrastructure in the 1930's after all of the horror that you went through watching your friends who you loved die. Thinking that you were fighting for your Country and then finding out that you never had a Country. Finding out that a "Corporation" that claims to own you sent you and your friends into a place of absolute terror for nothing.

Many people are also going to be upset when they realize that the Constitution and the Flag that everyone has pledged allegiance to were never theirs. People are also going to be upset when they find out that their Social Security check comes from the UN by way of the IMF. Many people who are leaders of various groups and Organizations will also be disturbed by the information because they themselves will feel embarrassed because they were deceived, even though they shouldn't feel that way. The Churchgoers will be extremely upset to find out that ninety-nine percent of the Churches in America are "Government" created and controlled Corporations.

Now the press, that's another story. Most of the Press will do all they can to spin another lie or just flat out ignore it. So please do not be angry at people who have trouble with the information. It will be a traumatic experience for them. The Essays written by Stephen Ames and the Documentation are very deep and complex so please let us all be patient. Do everything you can to help them. You can also write to me at: Nicole Terry, 630K Willow Street, Highspire Pennsylvania 17034. My home phone number is 717-986-0239. Please don't call me at home to ask questions. Read the Essays and Documents on the Disks. Only call me at home if you have any information that you feel is important because, I am very busy and rarely at home.

Send for the Disks at Nicole@ or leave a message at 717-497-5231. I will send you the Disks.

Please send this E-mail on to others so that they may also send for the Disks. When you receive the Disks please copy them and pass them on to others.

Here is a small news article about Stephen.

INTERNET NEWSLETTER WINS FCC FREE SPEECH FAX VICTORY Agency had barred citizen fax transmissions to elected officials without prior express permission

A small Internet newsletter has secured reversal in an FCC policy restricting free speech for citizens using fax machines to contact elected officials. Responding to complaints by the Pennsylvania attorney general's office, the Federal Communications Commission had ordered an Alabama man to "cease the unauthorized transmission of fax messages unless and until you receive permission from the recipients...further violation will result in immediate punitive action, which may include monetary forfeiture." Following an investigation by Conservative Consensus that policy has been rescinded and an apology issued by the FCC to the man involved.

"Punitive action... monetary forfeiture..." Strong words from a federal government agency, especially when delivered on FCC letterhead via certified mail. The letter, dated July 11, 1997 came from John Santy, Public Affairs Agent with the FCC's Compliance and Information Bureau in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. When Conservative Consensus received a copy of the letter from the recipient, Mr. Stephen Ames, Jr., of Gadsden, Alabama, we decided to investigate.

Conservative Consensus was especially alarmed at the chilling effect on political speech, if citizens were required to obtain the permission of government officials prior to contacting them via facsimile to express their views. (We have already noticed a trend among some senators to block faxes from numbers they do not wish to hear from.) Courts have repeatedly ruled that political speech represents the most protected form of free speech, under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This appeared to us to be a direct assault against any type of political dissent.

Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher's office refused to respond to inquiries from Conservative Consensus during our investigation. When we contacted the FCC, we were informed by Robin Search of the Compliance and Information Bureau, that "The specific wording that applies: 'No person may: ... (3) Use a telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisement to a telephone facsimile machine.'" [FCC cited CFR Title 47, Part 64,1200a:3]

We were troubled by the fact that Mr. Ames was not sending advertisements, but political speech. In fact, FCC regulations revealed the definition of "unsolicited advertisement" to be "any material advertising the commercial availability or quality of any property, goods, or services..." Yet the agency had attempted to adapt a ban on commercial solicitation to apply to political discourse.

When Conservative Consensus pointed out to Ms. Search the troubling aspect of the FCC's misrepresentation of the law, our investigation was referred to Mr. Lawrence R. Clance, Assistant Bureau Chief, Law, at the Compliance and Information Bureau. Following an internal investigation by Mr. Clance, the FCC on September 3 wrote to Mr. Ames, rescinding the July 11 letter. The documents were made available to Conservative Consensus on Friday. The full text of both letters is available from inside the release posted on the Conservative Consensus website.

This investigation leaves a number of unanswered questions, which we still find deeply disturbing. First, how and why did Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher's office persuade the FCC office at Langhorne, Pennsylvania, to intimidate a citizen from speaking out politically? As the state's highest law enforcement officer, the attorney general is sworn to uphold the law --- not distort it to violate the civil rights of citizens. Second, why did the FCC deliberately distort the meaning of an existing regulation in an attempt to deny Mr. Ames his civil right of free speech? This appears to us to indicate the extreme politicization of a "neutral" regulatory agency. Third, why did the nation's major media outlets ignore a move by a powerful federal agency to extinguish political speech? Could it be that the nation's most powerful media no longer care to protect speech they disagree with? If so, then free speech and political dissent in America are indeed, both endangered species.

Finally, Conservative Consensus would like to extend thanks to FCC attorney Lawrence R. Clance for investigating this matter when it was brought to his attention, and upon determining the facts, acting to correct this most egregious action by a regulatory agency. Look for details in the upcoming issue of HYPERLINK "\u126 ~ccnrs/news.html "Conservative Consensus

COPYRIGHT 1997 by Conservative Consensus, Craige McMillan, unless otherwise noted. Please redistribute widely with headers and trailers intact. For an understanding of how propaganda is being used to manage the news and suppress dissent, visit our Website and check out information on HYPERLINK "\u126 ~ccnrs/paradigm.html"

The McMillan Letter Go ahead --- satisfy your curiosity! To find out what the monthly issue of Conservative Consensus looks like,

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An open letter to the honorable chief justice

Exclusive: Craige McMillan urges John Roberts to refuse to administer Obama's oath

Published: 01/02/2013 at 8:04 PM

[pic]by Craige McMillan


Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND (WorldNet )

Dear Mr. Roberts,

When you administered the oath of office to Barack Obama for his first term as president, you could have been excused for believing that Mr. Obama was qualified under the Constitution to hold the office of president, which he had sought and won. After all, Obama’s opponent, John McCain, never raised the issue of Mr. Obama’s qualifications.

Now that Mr. Obama has been re-elected and is preparing to serve a second term of office, there can be no doubt regarding his qualifications. This is because by Mr. Obama’s own admission, his father was of Kenyan nationality and perhaps holding British citizenship as well.

In addition to the nationality of Mr. Obama, Sr. listed on Barack Obama’s birth certificate, we know that Obama Sr. was not an American citizen because of correspondence surrounding his stay in this country.

Because Obama Sr. lacked American citizenship, Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen, as required by our Constitution. He is not natural born, and can never be natural born, because of his father. Therefore, Barack Obama is not qualified to be president and never will be qualified. This would still be true, even if he received every vote cast.

Your failure to investigate these citizenship issues surrounding Mr. Obama at the time questions were raised during his first term places you in a terrible position. You are now confronted with a most difficult choice.

Your own oath of office, sworn before God and the American people, requires you to uphold the Constitution. (If not you, then who?) If you now administer the oath of office for the presidency to a man who by his own admission fails to meet the natural born citizen requirement imposed by that Constitution, you have violated your own oath of office and are rightly subject to impeachment by any House of Representatives, at any time, now or in the future.

If you choose the easy course of ignoring our Constitution, it does not change the fact that Mr. Obama is barred by that same Constitution from acting as president. I am sure that if you turn your judicial mind to the ramifications of this fraud, both foreign and domestic, you will understand that the harm you will have done insures your impeachment and eternal dishonor at some point down the road: If not this House of Representatives, then the next, or the next, or the next.

These things do not end well. One need only look to the aftermath of World War II and the Nuremberg Trials to see what awaits. Illegal wars. Illegal debts. Illegal laws. Will the rest of the Supreme Court’s justices, now knowing they are violating their own oath of office, continue the sham through a second presidential term? How, then, is the highest court of law in the nation any different than that pictorial proverb in Japan of the three monkeys who see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil?

Given the gravity of this situation, we therefore urge you to take the honorable course of action and refuse to administer the oath of office to Mr. Obama. And yes, this will also require you to explain to the nation in the clearest possible terms why you have been compelled to take this most extraordinary action.

Thank you, Mr. Chief Justice, for your consideration.


Stephen Ames, Jr. (Obituary)



Let me try to explain. If I buy an automobile from a man and that automobile has a warranty and the engine blows up the first day I have it. Then I tell the man just forget about it. Then you come along and tell the man to pay me and he says no. So you take him to court for not holding up the contract. The court then says case dismissed. Why? Because you are not a party to the contract. You cannot sue a government official for not adhering to a contract (Constitution) that you are not a party too. You better accept the fact that you are a Slave. When you try to use the Constitution you are committing a CRIME known as CRIMINAL TRESPASS. Why? Because you are attempting to infringe on a private contract that you are not a party to. Then to make matters worse you are a debt slave who owns no property or has any rights. You are a mere user of your Masters property! 



electrons: units of a person’s wealth or existence (which scientifically speaking, are in fact,

the particles & waves of your very being)….. that are earned or obtained from labor, investment, inheritance, or interest… to be used for debt repayment in the banking (debt) system.

To: "Health Freedom, Codex Issues

Subject: AMES FORCE DRUGGED by FEDSTAPO- Need Our Help-Enemies of the State Captured By Fedstapo Swat Team Friday Night:

From: John Hammell jham@

Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 / 17:09:53 -0400

All Webmasters: Please Post

Everyone: Please forward widely and take action

IAHF List & Everyone on the Support Coalition International Blast List:

After reading the information below, please call Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Maresco's office at 717-255-2770, and Pennsylvania Attorney General Mike Fisher 717-787-3391 to demand that the FORCED DRUGGING of Enemies of the STATE Stephen Ames, and Nicole Terry be immediately STOPPED, and that they be SET FREE IMMEDIATELY! Give the same message to Dr.s Baggett & Conti at Harrisburg Hospital Emergency Room 717-782-3131 for Stephen Ames, and for Nicole Terry contact Holy Spirit Hospital, Psychiatric Dept. 717-761-9350. Demand to speak with them! You'll be refused and told they're "in seclusion" but ask anyway- and DEMAND that he be FREED!

Very sad account –

of what happened to an “American Citizen”

The REAL BAD GUY, who precipitated all of Stephen’s problems







In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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