Key Takeaways and Helpful Resources

Copyright 101 for PhotographyInstructors: Denny Gainer, Dennis.Gainer@nreca.coopAlexis Matsui, Alexis.Matsui@nreca.coopRebecca Mordas, Learning Objectives:Effective photography is often a key component in any meaningful communications effort, but navigating the legalities of who and what you can photograph and how you can use purchased photos can be complicated. We'll walk you through the basics of what you need to know before you pick up a camera or obtain an image from another source.Key Takeaways:All photos are potentially copyrighted images and should be treated as such. Think through all the ways you could use a photo before you take it or obtain it. When it comes to copyrights, always ask permission rather than seek forgiveness. Notes:Helpful Resources:More information on copyright law:? Talk: Commons Websites:??Creative Commons: Commons: Websites:National Archives: of Congress: Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (for storm images): ?Stock sites:Getty: : : Some resources for free imagery:??? ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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