Core Work Out 1 ExercisesRepsMarching12Two Leg Floor Bridge12Plank12Swiss Ball Crunch2 x12Swiss Ball Jack Knife2 x12 Leg Raises2 x 12MarchingMuscles UsedHip Extensors & flexorsRectus abdominis Advice on TechniqueLie flat on your back with bent knees, feet flat and pointing straight ahead & arms by your sidesLift one foot off the floor, up to the point of tension in the quadPull your abdominals in towards your backHold for 3 secondsRepeat with other legTwo Leg Floor BridgeMuscles UsedErector spinaeRectus abdominis Advice on TechniqueLie on your back with knees bent, with feet flat on the ground and facing forwardLift pelvis off the ground until the knees, hips and shoulders are in lineSlowly lower pelvis to floorRepeat movementPlankMuscles UsedRectus abdominis Transverse abdominalsInternal and external obliquesAdvice on TechniqueLie prone on the floor with feet together and forearms on the floorLift body off the ground until it forms a straight line from head to toes, resting on your forearms & toesKeep back straight and chin tucked inHold for 15-30 secondsBall CrunchMuscles Used.Rectus abdominis Transverse abdominalsGlutsInternal and external obliquesAdvice on TechniqueHave the ball under the lower backKnees at ninety degrees with feet shoulder width apart, facing forward and flat on the floorCross arms over chestSlowly crunch upper body forward, raising shoulders off ball until you feel the abs are workingHold for 3 secondsSlowly lower upper body over the ball, returning to the start positionSwiss Ball Jack KnifeMuscles UsedRectus abdominisInternal and external obliquesTransverse abdominalsHip extensors & flexorsAdvice on TechniqueStart in the press up position with the Swiss ball The ball should be in contact with the ankles and the arms holding all of the body weight.Roll the Swiss ball towards your hips by bending your knees, have a short pause and then return to position A.Exhale when rolling the exercise ball towards the hips, and inhale in when rolling the ball back to position A.Through the exercise contract your core upwards your back.Leg RaisesMuscles UsedRectus abdominis Transverse abdominalsHip extensors & flexorsGlutsAdvice on TechniqueLie flat on your back with legs stretched out straight in frontBend your knees and then raise them up. During this phase keep your toes pointed.Straighten your legs so they are directed towards the ceilingSlowly lower your legs to about 2 inches off the groundThen slowly raise your legs upwardsThroughout the exercise remember to breathe and to draw in your core for maximum efficiencyRepeat accordingly and rest ................

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