Employee Performance Evaluation Form

Employee Evaluation Form

|I. Employee Information |

|Employee Name |Job Title |

|Supervisor/Reviewer |Review Period |

| |From: / / To: / / |

|II. Core Values and Objectives |

|Performance Category |Rating |Comments and Examples |

|Quality of Work: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Work is completed accurately (few or no |( Meets expectations | |

|errors), efficiently and within deadlines with |( Needs improvement | |

|minimal supervision |( Unacceptable | |

|Attendance & Punctuality: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Reports for work on time, provides advance |( Meets expectations | |

|notice of need for absence |( Needs improvement | |

| |( Unacceptable | |

|Reliability/Dependability: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Consistently performs at a high level; manages |( Meets expectations | |

|time and workload effectively to meet |( Needs improvement | |

|responsibilities |( Unacceptable | |

|Communication Skills: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Written and oral communications are clear, |( Meets expectations | |

|organized and effective; listens and |( Needs improvement | |

|comprehends well |( Unacceptable | |

|Judgment & Decision-Making: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Makes thoughtful, well-reasoned decisions; |( Meets expectations | |

|exercises good judgment, resourcefulness and |( Needs improvement | |

|creativity in problem-solving |( Unacceptable | |

|Initiative & Flexibility: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Demonstrates initiative, often seeking out |( Meets expectations | |

|additional responsibility; identifies problems |( Needs improvement | |

|and solutions; thrives on new challenges and |( Unacceptable | |

|adjusts to unexpected changes | | |

|Cooperation & Teamwork: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Respectful of colleagues when working with |( Meets expectations | |

|others and makes valuable contributions to help|( Needs improvement | |

|the group achieve its goals |( Unacceptable | |

|III. Job-Specific Performance Criteria |

|Performance Category |Rating |Comments and Examples |

|Knowledge of Position: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Possesses required skills, knowledge, and|( Meets expectations | |

|abilities to competently perform the job |( Needs improvement | |

| |( Unacceptable | |

|Training & Development: |( Exceeds expectations | |

|Continually seeks ways to strengthen |( Meets expectations | |

|performance and regularly monitors new |( Needs improvement | |

|developments in field of work |( Unacceptable | |

|IV. Performance Goals |

|Set objectives and outline steps to improve in problem areas or further employee development. |

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|V. Overall rating |

|( Exceeds Expectations |( Meets Expectations |( Needs Improvement | ( Unacceptable |

|Employee consistently performs at |Employee satisfies all essential job |Employee consistently performs |Employee is unable or unwilling |

|a high level that exceeds |requirements; may exceed expectations|below required |to perform required duties |

|expectations |periodically; demonstrates likelihood|standards/expectations for the |according to company standards; |

| |of eventually exceeding expectations |position; training or other action |immediate improvement must be |

| | |is necessary to correct performance|demonstrated |

|Comment on the employee's overall performance. |

| |

|VI. Employee Comments (optional) |

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|VII. Acknowledgement |

|I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to discuss this performance evaluation with my manager/ supervisor and I have received a copy |

|of this evaluation. |

|Employee Signature: Date: |

|Reviewer Signature: Date: |


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