The Christian does not think God will love us because we are good,

¡°The Christian does not think God will love us

because we are good,

but that God will make us good because He loves us.¡±

CS Lewis


Interim Minister: Pastor Dan Tigchelaar

(Tuesday & Wednesday)










Secretary: Marlene Lynes

Chair: Carl VanRooyen


Custodian: Ray Hettinga


Covenant¡¯s Website:

November 9, 2014


November 9, 2014

We welcome Pastor Dan as he leads us this morning,

and Rev. Beth Fellinger who will lead us this evening.

Songbooks are available to those who remain seated as well as bibles. Please ask our ushers

for a copy and return them after the service. For those who have a hearing impairment,

please speak to one of our sound people at the back of the sanctuary.



A.M.: Rev. George Lubbers from St. Thomas will lead us.

P.M.: We meet at Maranatha at 6;30 p.m.


COLLECTIONS We gratefully acknowledge the following collections:

Nov. 2: Home Missions - $453.85

Church Budget - $8,394.30



Today, World Hunger Sunday, we'll be listening to Jesus' plea to his followers to care for one another

(Matthew 25: 31-46) and bless those who live with deep needs. In our caring for the poor, the hungry,

the sick, those in prisons (of all sorts) we are "doing it to him and for him." That kind of caring,

although never limited to our church family, begins with our care for the brothers and sisters closest to

us. So this is a plea to all our church family to love each other well, look out for each other's needs

and minister to one another. We have many elderly and shut-ins in the Covenant Church

family. Some among us carry the burdens of mental illness, discouragements, losses of loved ones,

...or jobs, or hopes or dreams. There of brothers and sisters struggling with doubt and spiritual

uncertainty. There is enough opportunity for ministry in Christ's name to keep us all busy loving and

caring for one another. As you do that this week, cast your gaze beyond your church family to friends,

neighbours and community, and beyond these to our world. Let's practise Matthew 25:31 - 46 this


A brief update of church family: among us, our sick and shut-ins are generally doing well. Alice

Vanderspek was able to return home from hospital. She is doing somewhat better and finds hope and

confidence in her Heavenly Father's provision and care. Agnes Claus is also home from hospital and

on the road to recovery. Ida Degier and Emmy Walton are both being treated for sores that come with

aging. We extend condolences to Wanda and Bill Koehler in the death of Wanda's sister Carmaine

Rooke from Long Lac Ontario. May the Lord grant the Koehler's his comfort and peace.

Nov. 9: World Renew - World Hunger

Church Budget

Nov. 16: Back to God Ministries

Church Budget

World Hunger Sunday: Food is a great gift of God that has the ability to bring us together and give us

and our families healthier, more joyful lives. Thank you for showing your love for others by remembering, learning from, and acting to help those in need. Today we celebrate World Hunger Sunday and

share our financial gifts with World Renew. If you want to know more about what World Renew is doing

to help farmers and respond to global hunger, or if you want to find out ways that you can volunteer or

get invovled, please visit .



Amount budgeted up to October 31,2014

Amount collected up to October 31, 2014



SERVING ELDER - This week: Jenny Bouma

Next week: Rick VanRooyen

If you can¡¯t get a hold of your Ward elder, please contact the serving elder.


SCHOOL All children ages 3-11 are welcome to join us. Parents of visiting children must

fill out a registration form, available from the teachers, when the children are dismissed.



We extend our sympathy to Tina Schut with the sudden passing away of her youngest brother in

Holland. May God grant her comfort and strength in this time of sorrow and being so far from her


**Pray for Pastor Daryl as he finishes up a Faithwalking Retreat today, and prepares to fly home

tomorrow. Thank God for the learning, safety and hospitality he has experienced in the past week.

**Please continue to pray for Patti Reyneveld, who remains in Woodstock Hospital with clinical

depression. Please pray for peace and continued courage for Patti, and for John and the whole family

as they support her and work through this difficult time.

**Please uphold Mrs. Fenny Van Straten in prayer as she deals with the disheartening news that there

has been no improvement in her spine since her last MRI. Let's pray more and more that God would

bring healing to the spinal fracture she sustained in a fall last February.

**Mr. Albert Wesselink has returned home from the hospital and we continue to pray for his health and


**Please remember Mrs. Anna Kuiken in prayer as she is receiving radiation treatments. We pray

these treatments will be effective and that God will grant His healing and strength.

**Remember the VanDorps as Hank remains at Woodstock Hospital, awaiting a move to a nursing


**Harry & Andrea Klingenberg are in Ocean County, NJ until November 22 with World Renew

Disaster Response Services. There are involved in recovery efforts due to Hurricane Sandy, October

2012. Please pray for them while they are on this assignment; for safety, good health, a meaningful

experience with opportunities to touch and give hope to hurting people in this relief ministry.

10:00 A.M. SERVICE

Accompanist: Faith on Fire

Worship Leader: Irene Geerlinks

Preaching: Rev. Dan Tigchelaar

Prelude & Announcements

Gathering Songs: ¡°I Want to Know You¡±



Call to Worship and Prayer


God¡¯s Greeting


Song: LUYH#652 ¡°I Lift My Eyes Up¡±

A Plea to God¡¯s People - Care for My Poor

Voice 1: Isaiah 58:1-3a

Voice 2: Isaiah 58:6-7

Voice 3: Isaiah 58:8-10

Prayer - on screen

Song: LUYH#278 ¡°The City is Alive, O God¡±

Children¡¯s Time

(children ages 3-11 are dismissed for Sunday School)

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:31-46 (p. 1542)


I¡­.was hungry and YOU gave me to eat


Song: LUYH#299, PH#601 ¡°Jesu, Jesu¡±

Prayer of God¡¯s People

Offering: World Renew - World Hunger

Offertory: ¡°Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer¡±

Offertory Prayer


God¡¯s Parting Blessing


Benediction: LUYH#947 ¡°We Receive Your Blessing¡±

(Please allow individuals with mobility challenges to exit the sanctuary first)



UpComing Events:

Monday, Nov. 10

Tuesday, Nov. 11

Covenant Sports League from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. in the church.

Bowling for retired and semi-retired at C&D Lanes at 10:00 a.m.

GEMS meet in the church at 7:00 p.m.

Cadets meet in the church at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday, Nov. 12

Friendship Group meets from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the church.

Women¡¯s Coffee Social at the church from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Covenant Book Club meets at the home of Natalie VanAndel at 7:30

Deacons meeting at the church at 7:00 p.m.

Pastoral Search Committee meets at the church.

Youth/Teen Group meets at the church at 7:00 p.m.

Congregational Meeting in the church at 7:00 p.m.

Widows/Widowers/ Christmas Banquet in the church at 11:30 a.m.

Cookie Exchange in the church at 7:00 p.m.

Thursday, Nov. 13

Thursday, Nov. 20

Saturday, Nov. 29

Monday, Dec. 1


Accompanist: Peter Schepers

Worship Leader: Irene Geerlinks

Preaching: Rev. Beth Fellinger


Gathering Hymns: PH#538 ¡°Come, You Disconsolate¡±

PH#427 ¡°Dwell in Me, O Blessed Spirit¡±


* Call to Worship:

Psalm 63:1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;

my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

2 So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary,

beholding your power and glory.

3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.

* Personal Prayer (concluded by singing PH#424 ¡°Spirit of the Living God¡±)

* Expression of Dependence

Pastor: Congregation, in whose name is our help?

People: Our help is in the name of the Lord who has made heaven and earth.

* God¡¯s Greeting

2 Corinthians 13:14 "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God,

and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." Amen.

* Hymn of Praise: PH#253 ¡°Praise to the Lord, the Almighty¡±


Praise Reading: Psalm 150

Hymns of Praise: PH#483 ¡°How Great Thou Art¡±

Praise the Lord! Praise God in his Temple; praise him in his mighty heaven.

2 Praise him for his strength;

praise him for his greatness.

3 Praise him with trumpet blasts;

praise him with harps and lyres.

4 Praise him with tambourines and dancing;

praise him with stringed instruments and flutes.

5 Praise him with loud cymbals;

praise him with crashing cymbals.

6 Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

Song Requests


Scripture Reading: John 4: 5-42 (p. 1651)

Sermon: Drinking at the Well


* Hymn of Application: PH#547 ¡°Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God¡±


Offering: World Renew - World Hunger

Offertory Prayer

* Apostles Creed

* Hymn of Thanksgiving: PH#545 ¡°Make Me a Channel of Your Peace¡±


* God¡¯s Parting Blessing (concluded by 3-fold Amen)


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