Des Moines Area Community College

Strategic Planning

Application for

FIRSTS Innovation Grant Funding


Directions: Please complete the following application and submit to Joe DeHart at by Friday March 17th at 4:00 PM. This year’s mini-grants will provide funding for those projects and ideas that will advance our 2016 FIRSTS goals (attached). All scoring and awarding of mini-grants will be done by the Strategic Planning Council. Awards will be made by April 14th, 2006 with money available July 1st, 2006. The maximum award amount is $20,000. If you have questions, please contact Joe DeHart at x. 6279 or

DUE: Friday, March 17th at 4:00 PM


• All mini-grant money awarded must be spent within one fiscal year.

• All mini-grants must show district-wide implementation. If you are applying for a second year of a grant, you must include provisions for expansion district-wide.

• District-wide implementation requirements are met even if the project is piloted at one location with provisions for expansion to all campuses which can be implemented before the grant ends.

• In the past grant applications have scored low because the project wasn’t clearly defined. Please give a thorough description of what will happen if funded.


|Primary Requestor Name (s): Kari A. Hensen |

|Primary Requestor DMACC Email: |Primary Requestor Phone: 964-6299 |

| |

|Other Requestors: | |

|Project Name: |Academic Integrity Plan for DMACC |

|FIRST Goal(s) to be addressed | Quality |

| |Service (Market penetration) |

| |Affordability |

Project Description: Be sure to give a clear overview of what will happen as a result of this mini-grant, and what end results can be expected.

Problem mini-grant proposes to address: A review of literature demonstrates that plagiarism and academic dishonesty are critical concerns amongst institutions of higher education. Faculty across the college are reporting cases of academic dishonesty in record numbers and are particularly concerned about students’ inappropriate citation of material obtained from the Internet. In addition, the Director of On-line Education reports faculty teaching on-line courses are concerned not only about growing cases of electronic plagiarism, but also ensuring cheating does not occur on examinations in distance learning courses. Faculty have recently proposed increased sanctions for academic misconduct and as a result we want to ensure students are knowledgeable about how to appropriately reference a wide variety of sources.

Goals of this Project:

1. Inform and educate students about the importance of academic integrity, implications of academic dishonesty and DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Policy.

2. Provide resources and support for faculty to assess and evaluate when violations of the Academic Misconduct Policy have occurred.

3. Inform and educate faculty about Academic Misconduct Policy, process for reporting alleged violations, and strategies for educating students about appropriate ways to site sources.

Specific Initiatives:

1. Judicial Officer will work with Director of Learning Resources and Librarians across the college to develop workshops to educate students about the appropriate ways to cite sources, the importance of academic integrity, implications of academic dishonesty and DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Policy. The workshops will be promoted to faculty and facilitated as requested.

2. Additional on-line resources, based on the curriculum of the educational workshops, will be added to DMACC’s web site. These will include: examples of how to correctly site material, ethical standards for academic integrity, and consequences for a violation of the Academic Misconduct Policy.

3. Bookmarks about the importance of academic integrity with a link to the website will be printed for distribution at orientation sessions and by advisers and counselors. The bookmarks will also be distributed at each DMACC library and the resource room at the Success Center. The goal is to heighten students’ awareness of the importance of academic integrity.

4. DMACC will purchase a one-year site license to to be used college wide. This program allows faculty to submit papers they believe may contain plagiarized material. The program scans the paper and returns to the faculty member an “originality report” that indicates whether or not it is believed to contain plagiarized material and the source of that material. This can be used to document cases of academic misconduct and provide a learning opportunity for the student. The program simplifies the research faculty have to do to investigate cases of academic dishonestly. The West Campus had a site license this year and faculty who have worked with it, have provided positive feedback and support for its use college wide. A brochure about the program and the price quote is included for your review.

5. An interactive web-based tutorial covering the importance of academic integrity, strategies for providing appropriate citation and DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Policy will be developed with the goal of it going live in January 2007. Students will access the tutorial by going to the Academic Integrity Web Site and clicking on the site. The tutorial will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and at the end of the program students will print a form documenting successful completion of the tutorial. This can be used as an assignment in a course, an educational sanction for those found responsible for academic misconduct, or for anyone who is interested in learning more about how to avoid plagiarism. An consultant will be hired cover the costs of web implementation.

6. Faculty across the college will be sent a brief email providing links to the Academic Misconduct Policy, Interactive tutorial, and on-line academic integrity resources. In addition, they will receive information about and provided with instructions on how to use it.

One DMACC: How can this project or idea be implemented district-wide?

This project will be implemented across the college with resources and support for students enrolled in credit courses in both face-to-face and distance learning environments.

FIRSTS Goals: How will this mini-grant be used to further DMACC’s FIRSTS Goals?

Academic integrity is a fundamental principle of institutions of higher learning. This project supports DMACC’s FIRSTS in Quality goals by ensuring integrity and quality in the degrees we confer. Students found responsible for committing violations of the Academic Misconduct Policy are subject to receiving failing grades as a sanction which can impact students’ persistence, grade point averages, and ultimately their ability to graduate. DMACC strives not only to challenge students to satisfy learning outcomes in our courses, but also to develop skills for success in their work and personal lives. Ethical and Character development are fundamental components of these life skills which produce productive citizens for the state of Iowa.

Innovation: What makes this proposal innovative?

This proposal provides resources and support for both DMACC students and faculty and has the potential to positively impact our commitment to helping students meet their personal and professional goals. Model academic integrity programs and experts point to a three-pronged approach to address this important issue: 1. education for students, 2. support/education for faculty about academic misconduct policies, 3. sanctions for violations of academic misconduct. This mini-grant establishes an academic integrity plan for DMACC based on this approach.

Measurement: How will DMACC know if this project is successful?

1. In September 2006, full-time faculty teaching Arts and Sciences Courses will be asked to survey students about their knowledge of the correct methods of citing a variety of sources, etiquette for citing and using material found on the Internet and DMACC’s Academic Misconduct Policies. The results of the surveys will be compiled and distributed to all DMACC faculty. The goal is to increase awareness about the need to provide increased information about plagiarism.

2. Workshop Evaluations: Participants in workshops conducted by the Judicial Officer and Learning Resource personnel will complete assessments of the quality of the workshop and what they learned as a result of participating.

3. : Faculty will be surveyed to determine whether or not this was a valuable resource so it can be determined if the site license should be renewed.

4. Interactive Tutorial: IT will be contacted to determine the number of hits on the site as an indicator of the frequency of its use.

5. Student Survey: Students required to take the interactive tutorial as an educational sanction will be emailed a survey to complete and asked to evaluate the tutorial.


Code Description Amount

6015 Consultant Fees 1,500.00

6110 Information Services/ Advertising $0.00

6120 Printing/ reproduction 500.00

6230 Postage $0.00

6240 Meetings/ Workshops $0.00

6262 Word Processing Charges $0.00

6269 Other Services $0.00

6321 Food $0.00

6322 Materials and Supplies $0.00

6323 Minor Equipment $0.00

6324 Computer Software 17,000.00

6340 Periodicals $0.00

6470 Travel- Out of State $0.00

6479 Staff Development- Out of State $0.00

6480 Travel- In State $0.00

6489 Staff Development- In State $0.00

6750 Scholarships $0.00

6930 Other $0.00

total 19,000.00

DMACC’s 2016 Ten Year Vision for Success:

1. FIRST in Quality -A true cornerstone of our past and present and future success is the quality of the education and services we provide for our students and our district.


A. Within term credit course retention

B. Fall-to-spring credit student persistence

C. Fall-to-fall credit student persistence

D. Graduation rate

E. Post-DMACC Success in employment and further education

F. Assessment of student learning

G. Percent of sections taught by full-time faculty

H. Percent of returning non-credit customers (non-mandated)- CE and DBR

2. FIRST in Service – Every person in our service area has the right to a DMACC education.


A. Overall service area population penetration- Credit and Non-credit

B. Service area population penetration by race- Credit and Non-credit

C. Service area population penetration by age group- Credit only

3. FIRST in Affordability – We are committed to making a quality DMACC education as affordable as possible


A. Student education costs including tuition rate, fees and other necessary expenses

B. Scholarship endowment fund balance

C. Scholarship dollars awarded

D. Number of student scholarships awarded

E. Total foundation assets

F. New revenues from grants, investment income and other sources (CE, DBR)

G. Alumni association size and contributions

H. Cost savings through process efficiencies and utilization of existing technology

* Indicators are designed to indicate overall progress towards goals and may not be inclusive of all efforts in all areas of the college necessary to accomplish the goals.

Des Moines Area Community College


Innovation mini-Grant Evaluation Rubric

All FY07 Strategic Planning Mini-grants will support district-wide initiatives

|Is this project district-wide? ____ Yes ____ No |

|Points Possible |20-16 |

|WEIGHTED SCORE (Total/7) | |


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