Talent Management System and Software | Cornerstone

PiiQ by CornerstoneUpgrade Sample Email TemplatesThese three email templates are here to help you communicate with your team about the upgrade to the new PiiQ (formerly Growth Edition). See below:Email Template #1: Announce the new PiiQ application (send ~1 month prior to your migration wave):SUBJECT: [Company Name] will be upgraded to the new PiiQ (Formerly Growth Edition) [Company Name] is excited to continue to partner with Cornerstone OnDemand for our [performance management and/or learning] needs. Cornerstone is dedicated to providing clients with the best tools and technology to develop their talent. This is why they built a powerful new PiiQ (formerly Growth Edition), and all existing clients are being upgraded to the new application! [Company Name] has selected the following migration period: October 20-29, 2017.The process of rolling out the new PiiQ will begin shortly after the migration period. We recognize that change isn’t easy, which is why we will equip you with the instructions and guides you need to learn the new application. The review process and the method of displaying your review data differ in the new solution, but your goals, competencies, and scores will stay the same.To start preparing for the new PiiQ, please:Review Manager Instructions for the new PiiQ Read Manager Transition GuideReview Employee Instructions for the new PiiQRead Employee Transition GuidePlease note that you will not have access to PiiQ during our migration period. During this one week period, the PiiQ team will be migrating all of our data to the new solution. You will receive an email from us closer to the actual migration period with specific details about the downtime and how you’ll login to the new solution.Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation. I am available by email or phone should you have any questions.Sincerely,[Admin Name][Admin phone number][Admin email]Email Template #2: Remind everyone about the upgrade and related downtime (send the week before your migration wave date):SUBJECT: Notification: Upcoming system downtime in PiiQ (Formerly Growth Edition)The upgrade to the new PiiQ (formerly Growth Edition) is around the corner! As a follow-up to my previous email sent on [DATE], I wanted to remind you that you will not have access to our [performance management and/or learning] system during the following timeframe: October 20-29, 2017. Please be aware that you need to stop entering data and log out of Growth Edition by the previous date.At this time, Cornerstone will be migrating all of our data to the new solution. Please do not try to login to PiiQ during the migration period. If you attempt to login, you will see an error message. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation. You will have access to the new and improved PiiQ very soon! I am available by email or phone should you have any questions.Sincerely,[Admin Name][Admin phone number][Admin email]Email Template #3: How employees will reset their password and login to the new PiiQ (send a few days or weeks following the migration - depending on when you can review the data):SUBJECT: Please reset your password for PiiQ (Formerly Growth Edition)As you may know, we’ve recently been upgraded to the newest version of PiiQ (Formerly Growth Edition) to best meet our [performance management and/or learning] needs. As you may have seen, they’ve also recently changed the brand name from Growth Edition to PiiQ.All of our data from historical review rounds and the current review cycle has been migrated to the new platform. To ensure all of your data migrated successfully, I took the time to carefully review the data in our portal. Upon logging into the new system, you will be able to see your [INSERT what is applicable to your usage of PiiQ i.e. goals and competency data for all review cycles].Before you can login, you’ll first need to reset your password to meet the new requirements, which you can do here: any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.Warm regards, [Admin Name][Admin phone number][Admin email] ................

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