Mark S. Johnson

Mark S. Johnson November 19, 2015

Areas of Teaching Interest: Corporate Finance, M&A and Derivative Assets


Ph.D. Level Finance course-work, University of Washington 8/86-8/87

Ph.D. Ag & Applied Economics, Washington State University 1987

M.S. Ag & Applied Economics, University of Minnesota 1981

B.S. Economics, University of Minnesota 1979

Full-time Faculty Positions:

Dept. of Finance, Michigan State Universitya,c 8/97-8/00, 8/02-present

University of International Business and Economics (SIE)d, Beijing 7-8/12

Dept. of Accounting and Finance, University of Michigan-Dearborna 8/00-8/02

Dept. of Finance, University of Michigana 8/94-8/97

Dept. of Business, University of Idahob 8/87-8/92; 8/93-8/94

Dept. of Finance, Wayne State Universitya 8/92-8/93

Dept. of Finance, University of Washingtona 8/85-8/86

a. Visiting Assistant Professor, b. Assistant Professor, c. Professor of Practice,

d. Visiting Professor

Rank: Professor of Practice (fixed term: teaching, research & service)

Working Papers (current):

Johnson, Marilyn F. and Mark Johnson “Federal Tax Law Trumps Indian Canon: Implications for the Gaming Industry”1st round revise and resubmit at Cornell Hospitality Quarterly

Lawson, Tolani and Mark Johnson “The Food Safety and Modernization Act: Supply Chain Costs and Firm Value” 1st round revise and resubmit at Agricultural Finance Review

Singh, A.J., Seung Hyung Kim, Robert Mandelbaum, and Mark Johnson “Macroeconomic Determinants of Hotel Market Performance: Pattern Analysis of Time-series Data” under 1st round review at PSU Research Papers

Refereed Publications (complete list):

Johnson, Mark S., A.J. Singh and Qing Ma. “The Impact of Authorization of the Travel Promotion Act on Hotel Firm Stock Returns” 2015 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 56(1): 29-40

Johnson, Mark S., A.J. Singh and Yifan Zhou. “Internet Gaming: Valuation Concerns for the Industry” 2015 The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management 23(1): 25-44

Johnson, Mark S., Min Jung Kang and Yifan Zhou. “The Impact of the Bio-terrorism Act on the Supply Chain and Firm Value” 2014 The Journal of Finance Issues 13(2):21-39

Johnson, Mark S., Can Zhao, and Manav Garg. “The Impact of the Bio-terrorism Act on the Wealth of Canadian Food and Beverage Firms”. 2013 International Research Journal of Applied Finance, 4(9): 1182-1193

Blacconiere, Walter, Marilyn F. Johnson, and Mark S. Johnson. “Market Valuation of Deregulated Electric Utilities”. November 2000 Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20(2): 231-260

Johnson, Mark S. and Ramesh P. Rao. 1999 “The Impact of Antitakeover Charter Amendment on Expectations of Future Earnings and Takeover Activity” Managerial and Decision Economics 20: 75-86

Johnson, Mark S., Marcia Niles and Stacey Suydam Winter 1998. "Regulatory Changes in the Electric Utility Industry: Investigation of Effects on Shareholder Wealth.” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 17: 1-25.

Johnson, Mark S. and Ramesh P. Rao. November 1997. “The Impact of Antitakeover Amendments on Corporate Financial Performance.” Financial Review. 32: 25-56

Johnson, Mark S. and Ramesh P. Rao. Winter 1997. “Does Antitakeover Protection Reduce Myopic Managerial Investment Behavior?” Journal of Managerial Issues. 9:147-151.

Blacconiere, Walter, Marilyn F. Johnson, and Mark S. Johnson. Summer 1997 “Stranded Costs and Competitive Forces in the Electrical Utility Industry.” Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance. 12: 199-219.

Pettit O’Malley, Kathy and Mark S. Johnson. 1992. Differentiative Comparative Advertising: Some Positive Results Revealed by the Measurement of Simultaneous Effects on the Ad-sponsoring and Comparative Brands.” Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising 14:35-44

Johnson, Mark S., Ron C. Mittelhammer and Don P. Blayney. 1992. “Pesticide Industry Regulation: Economic Consequences as Revealed Through Stock Price Behavior." Agribusiness: An International Journal 8: 347-65.

Johnson, Mark S., Ron C. Mittelhammer and Don P. Blayney. 1991. “The Impact of Regulation on Shareholder Wealth in the Tobacco Industry: An Event Study Approach.” Agricultural Finance Review 51: 21-34.

Non-refereed Publications (complete list):

Johnson, Mark S., A. J. Singh and Qing Ma. “Financial Impact of the Travel Promotion Act on Hotel Firm Performance.” 2014 The Hospitality Financial Management Review 26(2): 3-4

Johnson, Mark S. Fall 2000. Book Review, "DOW 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market, {by James K. Glassman and Kevin A. Hassett}." Investor Relations Quarterly; A Journal of Corporate Value 3(3): 68-69.

Johnson, Mark S., Ron C. Mittelhammer and Don P. Blayney. 1994. “Stock Price Reaction to Regulation in the Meat Packing Industry.” Journal of Agricultural Economics Research. 45: 31-40.

Byrd, John, Walt Goulet, Marilyn Johnson and Mark Johnson. 1993. “Finance Theory and the New Investor Relations.” Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. 6: 48-53

Refereed Published Abstracts and Presentations at Academic Meetings (recent):

Johnson, Mark S., A.J. Singh and Yifan Zhou: ICHRIE. July 29-31, 2015 Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida USA Paper Presented “Internet Gaming: Valuation Concerns for the Industry” page 11

Johnson, Mark S., Tolani Lawson and A.J. Singh: APacCHRIE. June 10-June 13 2015 Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand Paper Presented “Data Breaches: Should Managers of Hospitality Firms be Alarmed?” page 44

Singh, A.J., Seung Hyung Kim, Robert Mandelbaum, and Mark Johnson: APacCHRIE. June 10-June 13 2015 Annual Conference, Auckland, New Zealand Paper Presented “Macroeconomic Determinants of Hotel Market Performance: Pattern Analysis of Time-series Data” page 117

Contribution to Research Outside Primary Area:

Goran, E.D. Blomberg and Edward Herig Jr. Summer 2014. "A Black Phase Female in the Historical Breeding Range of Canadian Swallowtails "The Great Lakes Entomoligist 47(1&2) 32-36. Provided assistance with statistical analysis (see acknowledgement on page 35)

Non-Refereed Presentation with Outreach Component (recent):

Green and White Forum. October 16, 2014. Supported by MSU Alumni Association, The Broad College of Business and the School of Hospitality Business Michigan State University, Washington DC, research presentation : “The Impact of Authorization of the Travel Promotion Act on Hotel Firm Stock Returns”


Best Paper, ICHRIE. July 29-31, 2015 Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida USA, Johnson, Mark S., A. J. Singh and Yifan Zhou. “Internet Gaming: Valuation Concerns for the Industry”

Excellence in Teaching, Finance Department, Michigan State University, 2006-2007

Ad Hoc Reviewer (recent):

Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 2015

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 2015

ICHRIE Annual Conference 2015

Euro CHRIE Annual Conference 2015, 2016

Teacher Evaluations:

Teacher evaluations average on a 1 to 5 scale (5 being perfect)

Overall Quality of Instructor Average: Fall Semester 2015

Overall Quality of Instructor: Summer Semester 2015 4.7

Overall Quality of the Instructor Average: Spring Semester 2015 Average 3.9

List of courses taught and institution:

|Course |MSU |UM |UW |UI |WSU |UM-D |UIBE | |1 |Introduction to Corporate Finance |U,G |U,G | |U,G |U |U,G |U | |2 |Advanced Corporate Finance | |U,G | |U | |U | | |3 |Case Studies in Corporate Finance |U,G | | |U | | | | |4 |Introduction to Investments |U |U | |U | | |U | |5 |Advanced Investments | | | | |U | | | |6 |Derivative Assets |U |G | |U | | | | |7 |Case Studies in Risk Management |G | | | | | | | |8 |Intermediate Managerial Economics | | |U | | | | | |9 |Intermediate Macro Economics | | |U | | | | | |11 |Bank Management | | | |U | | | | |12 |International Finance |U | | | | |U | | |13 |Financial Strategies (team taught with Accounting) |G | | | | | | | |14 |MS Finance Introductory Seminar |G | | | | | | | |15 |Mergers and Acquisitions,

Market for Corporate Control |G | | | | | | | |Notes:

U=undergraduate, G=MBA, MS Finance, MS Accounting

MSU: Michigan State University

UM: University of Michigan

UW: University of Washington

UI: University of Idaho

WSU: Wayne State University

UM-D: University of Michigan-Dearborn

UIBE: University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (Sinoway International Inc.)

Committee Assignments:

Current Committee Assignments at MSU:

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Past Committee Assignments at MSU:

Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

Masters Curriculum Committee

Departmental Advisory Committee

Past Committee Assignments at University of Idaho:

Competency Review Committee

Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee

Service activities:

Advisor: Mergers & Acquisition MSU, MBA case competition, ACG Western Michigan (2015)

Advisor: MSU, MBA Finance Club (2015)

Advisor: Economist Case competition (2014)

Advisor: Visit to Rockbridge Capital, LLC a private equity, real estate investment firm, accompany 6 MSU undergraduates on tour of facilities and meet with analysts. On the last day we participated (bicycle) in Pelotonia 14, event sponsored by Rockbridge, Columbus Ohio, August 7-9, 2014

Advisor: Honors Undergraduate, MSU, 2002-2011


Recent Press Referring to Internet Gaming: {Published in: Journal of Hospitality Financial Management}:

Henion, Andy. June 1, 2015. Online Gambling Would Benefit from Better Regulation. Michigan State University Today online at:

Broad Weekly, May 26, 2015. Broad Research Recognized as Best Paper

Recent Press Citation Referring to Discussion With Reporter Regarding Credit Card Reader Malfunction, Data Breach, Significant Outreach Component:

Martinez, Shandra, Meijers $10 Coupon deal helps customers but costs retailer big money, MLIVE March 20, 2015. MLIVE Media is the largest online news organization in Michigan. It includes 8 Newspapers across the state. The list of newspapers is: The Ann Arbor News, The Bay City Times, The Flint Journal, The Grand Rapids Press, Jackson Citizen Patriot, Kalamazoo Gazette, The Muskegon Chronicle, The Saginaw News.

Recent Press Referring to Travel Promotion Act Research, February 2015: {Published in: Cornell Hospitality Quarterly}:

Carlson, Christa. February 4, 2015. Featured on Sage Management Publication Blog Website:

Hills, Carla. December 11, 2014 “Scientific Evidence Points to Positive Impacts of Federal Travel Promotion Act, MSU Engaged Scholar E-Newsletter

Kiesel, Laura. August 5, 2014. Main St online at and at Broad Weekly News for Faculty and Staff at (email to all business school). August 11, 2014 Obama’s Travel Promotion is Boosting Economy. Press Release

July 14, 2014. The Record: News for Faculty and Staff University of Michigan: Higher Ed Briefs online at (email to all University of Michigan faculty) Travel Promotion Helps Economy, MSU study says

Henion, Andy. July 8, 2014. Michigan State University Today online at and at and at and at and at http:// Travel-campaign-fuels-1-billion-rise-hospitality-industry/ , Travel Campaign Fuels $1Billion Rise in Hospitality Industry, Press Release


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