Risk Management and Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Risk Management

and Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Risk Management

and Corporate Governance

Volume 2011/Number of issue, Year of edition

Author (affiliation or title), Editor


Groupe de travail/Programme (ligne avec top 220 mm)

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Please cite this publication as:

OECD (2014), Risk Management and Corporate Governance, Corporate Governance, OECD Publishing.

ISBN 978-92-64-20862-9 (print)

ISBN 978-92-64-20863-6 (PDF)


Series: Corporate Governance

ISSN 2077-6527 (print)

ISSN 2077-6535 (online)

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his report presents the results of the OECDs sixth peer review based on the OECD Principles of

Corporate Governance. The report reviews the corporate governance framework and practices

relating to corporate risk management. It covers 27 jurisdictions.

The report is based in part on a questionnaire that was sent to all participating jurisdictions in

December 2012. In a second stage, the corporate governance framework and practices relating to

corporate risk management in three jurisdictions (Norway, Singapore and Switzerland) were

reviewed in more detail based upon a more focused set of questions and visits by the OECD

Secretariat. The purpose of these case studies is to highlight national practices that may be of

principal importance and particularly useful as a reference. The report was prepared by Winfrid Blaschke,

Daniel Blume, Hans Christiansen and Akira Nozaki, and was conducted in co-operation with the

OECD Working Party on State Ownership and Privatisation Practices (WP SOPP).

The OECD corporate governance peer review process is designed to facilitate effective implementation

of the OECD Principles and to assist market participants, regulators and policy makers. It is carried

out through an exchange of experiences and expertise that provides participants with an overview of

existing practices and approaches and an opportunity to identify good practices that can stimulate

and guide improvements. The reviews are also forward looking, so as to help identify key market

practices and policy developments that may undermine the quality of corporate governance. The

review process is open to OECD and non-OECD jurisdictions alike.




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