Corpus Christi, Texas

54025804690300-9144068580 Housing and Community DevelopmentHome Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)FY2020 PRE-APPLICATION ***Use this Pre-Application form to request HOME program funds onlyAll interested applicants must submit ONE hard copy of the Pre-Application form for EACH individual proposed project no later than:Submittal Deadline: no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2020.Pre-Application forms must be submitted to the attention of: Leticia Kanmore, Housing and Community Development AdministratorCity of Corpus Christi Housing and Community Development Department 1201 Leopard Street Corpus Christi, Texas 78401leticiak@ (361) 826-3816 PRE-APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED AFTER SUBMITTAL DEADLINE OR VIA EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.For further Information, you may contact HCD office at (361) 826-3010,or visit the City website: ----DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE----FY2020 HOME FUNDINGPre-Application Instructions HOME Program Qualifications:Have one-year experience in affordable housing and proposed project activity.Provide proof of financial capacity and staff capacity to successfully deliver proposed project.Execute a funding agreement with the City of Corpus Christi.Review HOME Final Rule - 24 CFR 92.If applying for CHDO funds, must meet CHDO qualifications per the HOME Final Rule and receive CHDO Certification from the City prior to a funding agreement being executed.Ensure your proposed project is an eligible activity.If previous HOME recipient, must have a good performance record.Be ready to start proposed project once funding agreement is executed.Abide by all applicable U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)/HOME, local and state rules and federal regulations (for example: environmental, zoning/platting, procurement, etc.).If the proposed project will trigger relocation of tenants a complete rent roll identifying the following: tenant name, household size, household income, unit size, and rent/utility costs will need to be provided with the Pre-Application and a new one submitted with the Application. Proposed projects with identified risks, may not be considered for funding.LIHTC Projects that will be requesting a Resolution of SupportFor all TDHCA Low Income Housing Tax Credit projects the following City Council required amenities must be identified in your project to be eligible for a Resolution of Support from the City of Corpus Christi. This rule applies regardless of whether you are applying for additional HOME funding or not. Criteria for Resolutions of Support – pre-required.Full perimeter fencing.Equipped functioning computer learning center (2 per each 30 units).Furnished community munity laundry room.Children’s play scape area (where applicable).The proposed property already zoned for multi-family development.In order to receive a Resolution of Support in February 2020, a developer must:Set up a meeting with HCD, Development Services and Planning Departments to discuss the proposed project, site location, funding, etc.,Ensure the amenities listed above will be part of the proposed project. -----DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGE----NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENTFY2020-2021 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL ACTION PLAN (CAAP)RELEASE OF PRE-APPLICATION FORM ANDFULL APPLIATION (REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL)ANNOUNCEMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (TA) WORKSHOPS AND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGSTO RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION IN SPANISH, PLEASE CALL 826-3010PARA RECIBIR ESTA INFORMACION EN ESPANOL, LLAME AL 826-3010The City’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) will be preparing the FY2020 Consolidated Annual Action Plan (CAAP). As such, Pre-Application form(s) must be submitted to HCD by all interested parties intending to submit a Request for Proposal Application (RFP) for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs. This will allow Staff to review and screen all proposals for eligibility and other requirements prior to the submittal of the RFP Application. One-on-one interviews will be scheduled for all applicants who have not previously received HOME and ESG Program funding for a project within the last year or as deemed necessary. These interviews will be scheduled with each organization after the Pre-Application forms are submitted to HCD.Staff will hold Public Hearings, Technical Assistance (TA) workshops, and neighborhood meetings for the City of Corpus Christi’s FY2020 CAAP that includes the CDBG, ESG, and HOME Programs. The purpose of the Public Hearing, TA workshops, and neighborhood meetings are to provide program information, receive comments concerning housing and community needs and answer questions regarding request for proposals and the process. All interested persons of low and moderate income residing in CDBG eligible areas are invited to attend any of the following meetings.CAAP 2020-2021 MANDATORY MEETING SCHEDULEDATEPLACE & LOCATIONMEETING TYPETIMEFebruary 7, 2020?City Hall,1201 Leopard St., 6th Fl. HCD Conf. RoomPublic Hearing/TA11:00 a.m.February 13, 2020City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., 6th Fl. Conference. RoomPublic Hearing / TA / Neighborhood Mtg.5:30 p.m.February 19, 2020?City Hall, 1201 Leopard St., 6th Fl. Conference. RoomTA Workshop / Neighborhood Mtg.5:30 p.m.Nonprofit organizations providing services to low and moderate-income individuals are invited to attend any of the above meetings. However, nonprofit organizations and interested parties will be required to submit a Pre-Application form and attend a TA Workshop if they are submitting a RFP Application for FY2020 ESG and/or HOME Programs.Staff will release the FY2020 Pre-Application forms on January 1, 2020, with the release of the RFP Application on February 3, 2020. Pre-Application forms and RFP Applications will be available at the above scheduled TA Workshops and Neighborhood Meetings and at City Hall, 2nd Floor, 1201 Leopard St., Corpus Christi, TX. Hard copies of Pre-Application forms must be submitted to HCD no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 17, 2020, with hard copies of the RFP Application due no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 13, 2020. Pre-Application forms and/or RFP Applications received after above due dates and times will not be considered. For further information, you may contact Leticia Kanmore at 361-826-3816.DO NOT SUBMIT THIS PAGEFY2020 HOME PROGRAM PRE-APPLICATION FORM Tax ID or DUNS#: FORMTEXT ?????Agency’s Legal Name: FORMTEXT ?????Contact Person: FORMTEXT ?????Title: FORMTEXT ?????Mailing Address: FORMTEXT ?????State: FORMTEXT ??? Zip Code: FORMTEXT ?????Phone #: FORMTEXT ?????Fax#: FORMTEXT ?????E-Mail: FORMTEXT ?????Proposed Project Name: FORMTEXT ?????Proposed Project Address: FORMTEXT ????? Project Activity (check most applicable) FORMCHECKBOX New Construction for Homeownership FORMCHECKBOX New Construction for Multi-Family Rental FORMCHECKBOX New Construction for Single Family Rental FORMCHECKBOX Other: describe FORMTEXT ????? FORMCHECKBOX Rehab for Multi-Family Rental Amount of Request: $ FORMTEXT ????? (Cannot Exceed $300,000)Total Project Cost: $ FORMTEXT ????? Type of (check one): FORMCHECKBOX Interest Bearing Loan FORMCHECKBOX Grant FORMCHECKBOX other/describe FORMTEXT ????? Applicant Type (check applicable): FORMCHECKBOX Non-Profit FORMCHECKBOX For Profit FORMCHECKBOX CHDO FORMCHECKBOX Non-CHDO LIHTC Project: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Required Amenities: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Council District Support: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX No Meeting with City Departments: FORMCHECKBOX Yes FORMCHECKBOX NoProposed Project Description (brief description/do not exceed box size) include number of housing units:Population to be served by your proposed project or program: FORMCHECKBOX Families FORMCHECKBOX Persons w/Special Needs FORMCHECKBOX Seniors FORMCHECKBOX Veterans FORMCHECKBOX Homeless FORMCHECKBOX Mix Use FORMCHECKBOX Other (explain) FORMTEXT ?????ONE-ON-ONE Meeting: (MUST check one) FORMCHECKBOX Previously awarded HOME funds by the City of Corpus Christi and do not need a one-on-one meeting. FORMCHECKBOX Never been awarded HOME funds (for activity type) by the City and will need a one-on-one meeting before submitting an RFP Application. Authorized Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________CD STAFF ONLY: (1) Pre-App timely? Yes / No (2) Project/Program Activity Eligible? Yes / No (3) Agency clear/HUD Debarment List? Yes / No (4) LIHTC Project? Yes / No (5) Required Amenities? Yes / No (6) Council District Support? Yes / No (7) Met with City Depts? Yes / No REVIEWED BY: SUBMIT THIS PAGE ONLY ................

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