By Laurie Halse Anderson

by William Shakespeare


Choose any three activities for completion that would form a tic-tac-toe (three in a row), but you MUST use the middle square. Your work should show evidence of effort, reflective thought and support from the text Romeo and Juliet.

|1– Creative Writing– Write 10 diary entries (1/2 |2 -- Visual – Create a comic strip pertaining to |3 – Visual – Design a new book jacket for the |

|page each min) that one of the main characters of |R&J. It must have at least 6 panels. You may |play. Make sure to include all of the elements |

|the story might have kept during the events that |demonstrate a scene from the play, communicate a |that are on the jacket of a book. I STRONGLY |

|happened in the story. Remember thoughts and |theme, feature a symbol, use literary devices or |suggest looking at a book while you do this. Make |

|feelings are important. |include some of each. Use color and correct grammar.|sure to include a synopsis on the back cover. |

|4 -- Visual– Create 5 sketches of scenes from |5 – Theme Layers – Identify a central theme and |6 –. Creative Writing – Rewrite the ending of R&J|

|the play. One from each act that illustrates the |demonstrate various layers of real-world connections |or create an epilogue addressing unanswered |

|importance of that act. Label them. Include an |to that theme. Chart how this theme connects with |questions. Be sure to accurately depict |

|explanation for each sketch about why you chose it|yourself, your family, your community, and your |characters and style. ( 1 page typed min) |

|and why it is significant to the play. Write in |nation. | |

|complete sentences. | | |

|7 – Characters -- Cast real people to play the |8 – Literary Terms – Create a chart depicting 5 |9 – Theme – Using the theme of violence, search |

|roles of the characters in R&J. Carefully consider|different literary devices, two correct examples per |for examples of three degrees of violence in our |

|who would be qualified to play each part. You need|term, the effects on the reader & the page number of |world. Summarize & rank them. Explain why you |

|to explain your selection in connection to the |the example from R&J. Choose 5 of the following: |ranked them that way. Write a brief reflection |

|character. Consider the real connections your cast|simile, metaphor, foreshadowing, hyperbole, pun, |discussing your thoughts on how issues in the play|

|selections have to the characters in the play. |personification, oxymoron, imagery |are still found in today’s world. |

|Choose at least 10 characters. | | |

Grading Rubric Name:

|Criteria |Points |

|Book Jacket | |

|Includes all of the elements of a book jacket | |

|Original artwork | |

|A summary (in your own words) on the back cover |/30 |

|Shows Time, effort, neatness… free of spelling and grammar errors | |

|Final draft in ink or typed | |

|Scene Sketch | |

|5 sketches that represent scenes from the Act 1-5 | |

|explanations of the importance and why you chose it in complete sentences | |

|time and effort; free of spelling and grammar errors |/30 |

|final draft in ink or typed | |

|Theme Layers | |

|( identify a central theme from Romeo and Juliet | |

|( connection and explanation between theme and yourself and your family | |

|(connection, explanation, and example between them and your community and your nation | |

|( Shows Time, effort, neatness… free of spelling and grammar errors |/30 |

|(Final draft in ink or typed | |

|Theme | |

|( correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure is used | |

|( found 3 examples of real world violence | |

|( Ranked, brief summary of the example, and explanation about why they are in that order (1st degree being the most severe) | |

|( Reflection on how a theme from Romeo and Juliet is still relevant in today’s modern world |/30 |

|(Final draft in ink or typed | |

|Creative Writing | |

|( correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure is used | |

|( content pertains to character and specific references are made to events in the novel | |

|( vivid vocabulary is used and product is in final draft form (in ink or typed) |/30 |

|Literary Term Chart: | |

|( 5 literary terms are included from provided list | |

|( two correct examples are provided for each term from the novel (use direct quotes) | |

|( page numbers of the examples and effects on the reader are included | |

|( free of spelling and grammar errors and product is in final form (in ink or typed) |/30 |

|Comic Strip: | |

|( demonstrates (using color) a scene, communicates a theme, features a symbol, and/or uses literary devices accurately while demonstrating | |

|correct grammar usage |/30 |

|has at least 6 panels | |

|Final draft in ink or typed | |

| | |

| | |

|Characters | |

|Has at least 10 characters | |

|Each character has an explanation for who you cast | |

|What qualifies this person to play a particular role? | |

|What are the parallels between the character and the real-life person? |/30 |

|What are this real-life person’s connections to the character? | |

|Use references from Romeo and Juliet to prove your connection | |

|free of spelling and grammar errors and product is in final form (in ink or typed) | |

| | |

|Total Points 90 (I will only grade three selections that are in tic-tac-toe form and use the middle square) | |

| |/90 |

| | |


Creative Projects

Date Assigned: Jan. 22, 2013

Date Due: March 13, 2013



Pre-AP English 9 - Warnke


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