Rubric for Resume Writing

Rubric for Résumé Writing

|Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.) |

| |

|Criteria |weight |Exceptional |Admirable |Acceptable |Attempted |

|Headings |40% |Each heading serves a purpose for type of |Most headings serve a purpose for type |Unnecessary headings included or |Incomplete headings |

| | |résumé |of résumé |lacking necessary headings |Lacking pertinent information |

| | |Pertinent information fits job objective or|Includes pertinent information under |Gaps in pertinent information |Information lacks dates |

| | |personal statement |each heading |Information in random order |Incomplete descriptions |

| | |Information listed in reverse chronological|Information in some order |Basic descriptions |Criteria not relevant to stated |

| | |order |Descriptions fairly well written |Some criteria meets stated objective |objective |

| | |Well written descriptions |Most criteria meets stated objective | | |

| | |Criteria submitted meets stated objective | | | |

|References |15% |Submits separate reference sheet and notes |Notes that references are available |Lists references on résumé |No note or list of references |

| | |on résumé that references are available | | | |

|Appearance |30% |Typed; format correct |Typed; format acceptable |Typed; poor format |Handwritten |

| | |Thorough and on one page |One page |Crowded one page |More than one page |

| | |Professional font |Easily read font |Difficult to read font |Difficult to read |

| | |Correct grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling|Few grammar, usage, mechanics, spelling |Several grammar, usage, mechanics, |Obvious grammar, usage, mechanics, or |

| | |Well organized |errors |spelling errors |spelling errors |

| | | |Adequately organized |Poorly organized |Lack of organization |

Assignment Score ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus ______________ = Final Score ________________


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