English 3 Research Paper

English 3 Honors Research Paper

Carmichael 2011

The North Carolina Standard Course of Study requires that each student in English III produce an argumentative research paper. You will need to choose and focus an essential question. Ideally, your research will help you answer the question, and your answer will become your thesis statement. Note: Your paper should not be a history or other kind of “report,” but rather an argumentative, analytical paper. Your paper must have evidence of higher order thinking, synthesis of research materials, and attention to the “so what factor.”


• Your paper must be in correct MLA format. (We will devote some class time to reviewing this format, and the media center provides access to style guides. Ignorance is no excuse.)

o black, twelve-point, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, one-inch margins all around

o proper heading: Full Name, Teacher’s Name, Course Name, Inverted Date

o last name included with page numbers in each upper right-hand corner

o adequate title, centered on the first page

o presence of direct quotations and proper use of parenthetical citations

o Works Cited page with hanging indents, double-spaced text, alphabetical order, proper citations, and the presence of each source within the paper

• Your paper must be 5-7 FULL pages of writing not including the Works Cited page.

• You are required to use at least five sources.

o Three of your sources must be print sources, but keep in mind that Galenet can provide excellent access to print sources, such as magazines and scholarly journals.

o One source may be the novel

o Web sources will only be allowed except in cases that have been cleared by Ms. Carmichael or one of the media coordinators. Carefully evaluating sources is a large part of the research process. Variety and quality are expected.

You are required to use . Any student who fails to do so will receive an automatic zero, regardless of whether or not the student turns in a hard copy.

Research Tips:

Keep all research paper materials in the manila envelope provided for you.

• Research your subject first. Gather information and study your subject before you form your opinion. You might be surprised by what you discover.

• Stay on top of deadlines! Refer to the assignment calendar as often as necessary. Deadlines will also be listed on your weekly agendas. Do not procrastinate!

• This project is meant to be self-directed. We will do some work in class, but much of it will need to be done on your own. You should always feel free to meet with me if you need extra help. Remember that I am in Room 1010 before and after school. E-mail is also a great way to ask for help (amcarmichael@wsfcs.k12.nc.us)

• Be extra careful when it comes to avoiding plagiarism. Many students do not take plagiarism seriously, but you should be aware of the serious nature of this act and its penalties, particularly with the adoption of the new Honor Code.

What constitutes plagiarism?

• Not using quotation marks to identify a direct quotation from your source

• Not citing your source when using ideas and information taken from the text

• Not paraphrasing correctly

• Use of others’ work and ideas as one’s own

How can you avoid plagiarism?

• Use your brain!

• Take very careful notes as you read through your sources so that you know exactly where your information is from.

• Add parenthetical citations as you go—both to your outline and your paper.

Grading: These smaller assignments throughout the project will count as homework and class work grades. Your paper itself will be judged according to the rubric below. Be sure to study it carefully ahead of time.

| |4 points |3 points |2 points |1 point |0 points |

|Focus |Presents an insightful and |Presents a thesis statement with |Presents a thesis statement with|Presents a thesis statement with|No thesis |

| |focused thesis statement. |adequate insight and focus. |minimal insight and focus. |no insight or focus. | |

| |Draws strong and clear |Draws adequate connections |Draws insufficient connections |Shows little understanding of |Shows no |

| |connections between the thesis |between thesis and related ideas.|between thesis and related |connections between thesis and |understanding of |

| |and significant related ideas. | |ideas. |related ideas. |connections |

| |The paper adheres to the topic |The paper adheres to the topic |The paper adheres to the topic |The paper strays from the topic,|The paper does not |

| |and exhibits exceptional |and exhibits sensitivity to |but lacks sensitivity to |lacks sensitivity to audience |adhere to topic |

| |sensitivity to audience and |audience and context. |audience and/or context |and/or context. | |

| |context. | | | | |

|Organiza|Effectively provides a logical |Adequately provides a progression|Provides a poorly organized |Does not provide a progression |There is no |

|tion |progression of related ideas and |of ideas and supporting |progression of ideas and |of ideas and supporting |progression of ideas |

| |supporting information in the |information in the body of the |supporting information in the |information in the body of the | |

| |body of the paper. |paper. |body of the paper. |paper. | |

| |Effectively uses transitions to |Adequately uses transitions to |Ineffectively uses transitions |Does not use transitions to |No transitions |

| |connect supporting information |connect supporting information. |to connect supporting |connect supporting information. |present |

| |clearly. | |information. | | |

| |Arrives at a well-documented, |Arrives at an |Arrives at an insufficiently |Does not arrive at a documented |Does not have a |

| |logical conclusion, involving |adequately-documented conclusion.|documented conclusion. |conclusion. |conclusion |

| |critical thinking. | | | | |

|Argument|The paper incorporates an |The paper incorporates more |The paper is all background |The paper is a report |The paper has little |

|ation |adequate amount of background |background information than |information and very little | |focus |

| |information without coming across|argument |argument | | |

| |as a report. | | | | |

| |The paper demonstrates exemplary |The paper demonstrates adequate |The paper demonstrates some high|The paper demonstrates very |The paper has no |

| |higher order thinking, analytical|high order thinking, analytical |order thinking, analytical |little high order thinking, |higher order thinking|

| |skills, and the ability to |skills, and the ability to |skills, and the ability to |analytical skills, and the | |

| |synthesize complex ideas, paying |synthesize complex ideas paying |synthesize complex ideas paying |ability to synthesize complex | |

| |ample attention to the “so what” |attention to the “so what” factor|attention to the “so what” |ideas paying attention to the | |

| |factor. | |factor |“so what” factor | |

|Support/|Effectively synthesizes complex |Sufficiently synthesizes ideas |Ineffectively synthesizes ideas |No evidence of synthesizing |No sources documented|

|Elaborat|ideas from research sources. |from research sources. |from research sources. |ideas from research sources. | |

|ion | | | | | |

| |Demonstrates exceptional |Demonstrates sufficient selection|Demonstrates insufficient |Lacks supporting information |Ideas do not connect |

| |selection of supporting |of supporting information clearly|selection of supporting |clearly relevant to the thesis |to thesis |

| |information clearly relevant to |relevant to the thesis and its |information clearly relevant to |and its related ideas. | |

| |the thesis and its related ideas.|related ideas. |the thesis and its related | | |

| | | |ideas. | | |

| |Provides a meaningful |Provides an adequate presentation|Provides a limited presentation |Does not present multiple |Only one perspective |

| |presentation of multiple |of multiple perspectives. |of multiple perspectives. |perspectives. | |

| |perspectives. | | | | |

| |Effectively balances use of |Adequately balances use of |Insufficiently balances use of |Does not balance use of |No quotes or |

| |quotations and student |quotations and student |quotations and student |quotations and student |paraphrasing |

| |paraphrasing. |paraphrasing. |paraphrasing. |paraphrasing. | |

|Style |Exhibits skillful use of |Exhibits good use of language, |Exhibits ineffective use of |Exhibits severely flawed use of |Editing not evident |

| |language, including effective |including some mastery of word |language, including weak word |language, including weak word | |

| |word choice, clarity, and |choice, clarity, and consistent |choice, limited clarity, and |choice, no clarity, and no | |

| |consistent voice. |voice. |inconsistent voice. |voice. | |

| |Demonstrates exceptional fluency |Demonstrates sufficient fluency |Demonstrates limited fluency |Lacks fluency through sentence |No sentence structure|

| |through varied sentence |through sentence structure, |through sentence structure, |structure, paragraphing, flow of| |

| |structure, paragraphing, flow of |paragraphing, flow of ideas, and |paragraphing, flow of ideas, and|ideas, and transitions. | |

| |ideas, and transitions. |transitions. |transitions. | | |

|Counts 2|The paper is five to seven pages | | | |The paper is less |

|times |in length (or longer) not | | | |than five full pages |

|(8) |including the works cited. | | | |(automatic failure) |

| |The paper uses black, |One mistake present with the MLA |2-3 mistakes present with the |4-5 mistakes present with the |No MLA format |

| |double-spaced, twelve-point, |format |MLA format |MLA format |detected |

| |Times New Roman font only. The | | | | |

| |paper has one-inch margins | | | | |

| |throughout. | | | | |

| |The paper includes a first-page |One mistake present with the |2-3 mistakes present with the |4-5 mistakes present with the |No header/heading |

| |header and subsequent page-number|header/heading format |header/heading format |header/heading format |format present |

| |headings. The paper has an | | | | |

| |adequate title, centered on the | | | | |

| |first page. | | | | |

|Conventi|Consistently uses standard |Generally uses standard writing |Minimally uses standard writing |Does not use standard writing |No editing detected |

|ons |writing conventions in spelling, |conventions in spelling, and |conventions in spelling, and |conventions in spelling, and | |

| |and capitalization. |capitalization. |capitalization. |capitalization. | |

| |Consistently uses standard |Generally uses standard writing |Minimally uses standard writing |Does not use standard writing |No editing detected |

| |writing conventions in grammar, |conventions in grammar, |conventions in grammar, |conventions in grammar, | |

| |punctuation, and usage. |punctuation, and usage. |punctuation, and usage. |punctuation, and usage. | |

|Informat|Conscientiously and consistently |Generally demonstrates integrity |Inconsistently demonstrates |Does not demonstrate integrity |No citations present |

|ion |demonstrates integrity in citing |in citing practices. |integrity in citing practices. |in citing practices. |Automatic failure |

|Literacy|practices. | | | | |

| |Effectively employs an extensive |Adequately employs a sufficient |Employs a limited variety of |Does not employ a variety of |No citations present |

| |variety of primary and secondary |variety of primary and secondary |primary and secondary sources, |primary and secondary sources | |

| |sources, including a significant |sources, including a sufficient |including an insufficient amount|and/ or does not include current| |

| |amount of current information. |amount of current information. |of current information. |information. | |

| |*6 sources according to |*6 sources according to | | | |

| |guidelines |guidelines | | | |

| |Demonstrates strong evaluation |Demonstrates sufficient |Demonstrates limited evaluation |Demonstrates no evaluation |No sources/ citations|

| |skills in determining resource |evaluation skills in determining |skills in determining resource |skills to determine resource |present |

| |credibility and reliability. |resource credibility and |credibility and reliability. |credibility and reliability. | |

| | |reliability. | | | |

| |The included Works Cited page |One mistake present with Works |2-3 mistakes present with Works |4-5 mistakes present with Works |No works Cited |

| |displays proper format: hanging |Cited |Cited |Cited |(Automatic Failure) |

| |indents, double spacing, | | | | |

| |alphabetical order, and the | | | | |

| |presence of each source within | | | | |

| |the paper. | | | | |

|Total points earned:_____________________ |

|x 2 |

|Total grade__________________/200 |

Letter Grade:__________

|Assignment |Point Value |Due date |

|Parent letter |5 pt EC | |

|Anticipation guide |10 points | |

|Pre writing & Brainstorming |10 points | |

|Research Notes (40 “rows” 3 pts each) and Working Bib (5 Sources 5 pts each) |145 points | |

|Thesis Statement |15 points | |

|Works Cited Draft |10 points | |

|Outline: completion and format |70 points | |

|Rough Draft completion |20 points | |

|Peer Edit 1 In Class |10 points | |

|Peer Edit 2 Out of Class |10 points | |

|Final draft w/ works cited & online submission to |200 points | |

|Total points possible: 500 |

Project Calendar:

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|October/No|24 |25 |26 |27 |28 |

|vember |Lit Circle # 1 |Meet in Library |Meet in Library |Meet in Library |No School—Continue Research |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |7 |8 |9 |10 |11 |

| |Outline due |Lit Circle # 3 |Meet in 1020 | |No School—finish Paper |

| | | |First 2 pages of rough draft | | |

| | | |due | | |

Prominent Schools of Literary Criticism:

You may choose any of the ones we discussed. However, I highly suggest using one of the following:

□ Historical/Biographical—with this school you would research the author’s background and the historical context. Really consider the roles these things play to develop your argumentative question. Remember, it’s not a report on Mark Twain or the Civil War, or Slavery, but it evaluates the influences of these things on the text and the reader.

□ Moral/philosophical—with this school you would research the moral issues involved with Huck Finn. For example, you might focus on the censorship of Huck Finn, or the issues of race.

□ Archetypal—with this school you would research the symbolism and the patterns seen in the text and how it affects/enhances meaning

□ Feminist—with this school you would research the female role in comparison to the male roles in the novel.

□ Marxist—with this school you would research the class system (slavery and race) and the role of the government (pre-civil war politics)

□ Reader Response—with this school you would focus on your own reaction as well as the reaction of other readers and critics and what elicits that reaction, particularly the backgrounds of the audience in question.

Choose the one you are most comfortable with and develop your essential question around it.

|I highly suggest you peruse the articles first to help you decide which school of thought you feel the most comfortable with. Don’t just type in “Huck Finn |

|and Feminism” read the critical articles carefully and extract only the information that will help you with your particular direction. This is true research. |

English 3 Research Project Topic Anticipation Guide

Name: _______________________ Period: _________ Date: ___________

Anticipated Critical School:_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

My Anticipated Research Essential Question: ______________________ ___________________________________________________________________

I feel… ___ comfortable with my topic & EQ ____worried about my topic

____worried about my EQ ____confused about my topic

____confused about my EQ


WHY: A well-written thesis statement is the most important sentence in your entire paper. Crafting a tentative thesis ahead of time allows for teacher feedback and adequate revision. Having a thesis on hand also helps you maintain focus while designing an outline and writing your actual paper.


• A thesis statement should both summarize for your reader the position you will argue and set up the pattern of organization you will use in the body of your paper.

• A thesis statement is NOT a statement of accepted fact; it is the position that needs the proof you will provide in your argument. Think of it as a claim—it indicates what you claim to be true, interesting, or valuable about your subject. It is an interpretation of your subject, rather than the subject itself. Show me your critical thinking skills!

• Your thesis should reflect the full scope of your argument—no more and no less. Avoid using a thesis statement that is too broad to be defended within the scope of your paper or too narrow to be an appropriate response to the assignment.

• A strong thesis not only grabs the interest of your reader, who now wants to see you support your unique interpretation, it also provides a focus or “road map” for your argument.

• You may revise your thesis statement as you write. The important thing is for your thesis to identify the purpose of your paper and for each aspect of your paper to relate back to your thesis.

• Be sure to keep a copy for yourself so that you can begin writing your outline!

EXAMPLES: Below are some common thesis errors. Each bad example is followed by a better one.

• TOO BROAD: “The Catholic Church’s influence on the formation of labor unions in the nineteenth century was extremely significant.”

• SUFFICIENTLY FOCUSED: “Through its use of both the pulpit and the purse, the Catholic Church exerted significant influence on the labor movement in the United States during the final decades of the nineteenth century.”

• MERE FACT/OBSERVATION: “People use many lawn chemicals.”

• ASSERTION: “People are poisoning the environment with chemicals merely to keep their lawns free of weeds.”

• ANNOUNCEMENT: “The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our environmental problems.”

• TAKING A STAND: “Solving our environmental problems is more difficult than many environmentalists believe.”

• TOO VAGUE/GENERAL: “Hemingway’s war stories are very good.”

• SPECIFIC: “Hemingway’s stories helped create a new prose style by employing extensive dialogue, shorter sentences, and strong Anglo-Saxon words.”

Tentative Thesis Statement Guide

Write your tentative thesis statement in the space provided below. Remember to look at your note cards. The subtopics, which should be written in the top LEFT corner, could be included in the thesis to give it a focus and a purpose. Your thesis should also answer your essential question. Think of your thesis as a road map. Your claim/argument is the highway, which leads to the different “cities” of your paper. All the “cities” are tied together by this common highway.

Sample Essential Question: Why do elementary school teachers need to be prepared for class?

Sample Thesis: The history and development, current implementation, relevant processes, modern research and projected future of elementary education show that teachers need to be prepared for the unexpected each day.

Name: ________________________________________Period:__________Date:___________________________

My Essential Question: __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________

My Subtopics: (4-5)

1.______________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________4. ______________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________

My tentative thesis statement: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Now that you have researched your topic, you need to think about how to integrate your sources. There are three basic ways to show off your newfound knowledge: summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation. (Notice that these categories correspond to the types of notes I asked you to create for Deadline #3.)

SUMMARIZING: condensing the main point(s) of your source as you restate them in your own words. A summary is shorter than the original source and lacks the kind of detail that fleshes out the original. Even when you summarize, however, you need to include a parenthetical citation.

PARAPHRASING: restating information in about the same number of words as the original. Paraphrase when you (a) use someone else’s content but not his/her specific words or (b) simplify difficult material. Do NOT make the mistake of thinking that you can substitute synonyms for an author’s words while you preserve the sentence structure. This is plagiarism, even if you provide a source citation.

USING DIRECT QUOTATIONS: the most straightforward method of incorporating research into your paper. However, there are a number of important guidelines to keep in mind when using direct quotations.

• Use direct quotations only (a) to retain the beauty/clarity of someone else’s words or (b) to discuss the implications of the words in question.

• Standing alone is for cheese, not for quotations. Each quotation you use in your paper needs a firm connection to your own thoughts and the overall flow of your sentences. There are four basic ways to integrate quotations.

1. Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon.

Thoreau ends his essay with a metaphor: “Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in” (64).

2. Use an introductory phrase, separated from the quotation with a comma.

Thoreau asks, “Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life?” (61).

3. Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting.

According to Thoreau, we are “thrown off the track by every nutshell and mosquito’s wing that falls on the rails” (63).

4. Use very short quotations—only a few words—as part of your own sentence.

Thoreau argues that people blindly accept “shams and delusions,” while regarding reality as “fabulous” (63).

• Try not to use the same method all the time. Instead, spice up your paper with a little variety. Also, keep in mind that your words are the most important! Avoid long quotations, and don’t rely too heavily on quotations of any size to construct the body of your paper. Make sure that your thoughts and ideas begin and end each paragraph; keep quotations in the middle, where you can provide proper context and explanation.

• Pay attention to punctuation. In general, punctuation marks go inside the final quotation mark, except where you are providing a parenthetical citation. Additionally, if a question mark or exclamation point is yours and not the quoted author’s, it too should go outside the quotation mark.

• You should never change the words in a quotation without indicating the changes. Even if you find a spelling or grammatical error in your source, you should include it in the quotation. Follow the error with [sic], a Latin word meaning “thus found.” (Chances are you won’t have to worry about this.)

• Brackets indicate material that you have added to a quotation. For instance, you may need to change the tense of a verb or provide the antecedent of a pronoun in order to integrate the quotation as smoothly as possible. Be careful not to overuse brackets, though. (You may not need them at all.)

• It is okay to delete material from a quotation, as long as the deleted material is not vital to the meaning of the quotation. Replace deleted material with an ellipsis [. . .].

• If you must use a long quotation—more than three lines in length—offset and indent the quotation two tabs. Do not put quotation marks around indented quotations, but do double-space them.

• Always use single quotation marks to indicate a quotation within a quotation.

PARENTHETICAL CITATIONS: The basic elements of the parenthetical citation are the author’s last name and the page number of the material used in the source. However, it is not necessary to repeat any information that is already clearly provided.

Olivier creates Richard III’s “central device of coherence” by using a cyclical theme of the crown (Brown 133).

Constance Brown argues that Olivier uses a cyclical theme of the crown to create “the central device of coherence” (133).

If you cite a source with more than one author, be sure to credit both authors. If you cite an anonymous or unsigned text, use a shortened version of the title in place of a name. If you cite a multivolume work, include the volume number (followed by a colon and a space) before the page number.

As Katherine Raine has argued, “true poetry begins where human personality ends” (2: 247).

(Ask if you are unsure how to cite other types. You can always consult a style guide in the media center or even online! Ignorance is no excuse.)

Works Cited

Begley, Sharon, et al. "Mapping the Brain." Newsweek 20 Apr. 1992: 66-70.

Damasio, Antonio R. "Aphasia." The New England Journal of Medicine 326 (1992): 531-39. Diagram Group. The Brain: A User’s Manual. New York: Putnam’s, 1982.

"Nurturing Development of the Brain." Editorial. New York Times 28 Apr. 1997,late ed.: A14. New York Times Ondisc. CD–ROM. UMI. 1997.

Ex. (Begley 67) Ex (Damasio par. 6) Ex. (“Nurturing” 80)


WHAT: Rough draft of the works cited page

TOTAL POINTS: 10 points

WHY: to give accurate and complete credit to all sources actually USED within the paper


➢ Your works cited should be the final page of your research paper so the heading should have your last name and page number and it should start on a separate sheet (should be pg 7 or higher).

➢ You works cited is like a “final draft” of your working bibliography

➢ Use the checklist and the sample to guide you.

Works Cited Checklist:

⇨ Do I have six sources? Is one primary? Are three print?

⇨ Are all my sources cited in my paper?

⇨ Is everything double spaced?

⇨ Is my header my last name with a space and the page number?

⇨ Is everything in Times New Roman 12 point?

⇨ Are the sources in alphabetical order?

⇨ Did I make sure each one is a hanging indention?

Mackenzie 7

Works Cited

Begley, Sharon, et al. "Mapping the Brain." Newsweek 20 Apr. 1992: 66-70.

Damasio, Antonio R. "Aphasia." The New England Journal of Medicine 326 (1992): 531-39. Diagram Group. The Brain: A User’s Manual. New York: Putnam’s, 1982.

"Nurturing Development of the Brain." Editorial. New York Times 28 Apr. 1997,late ed.: A14. New York Times Ondisc. CD–ROM. UMI. 1997.



WHAT: typed outline

TOTAL POINTS: 70 (based on completion and format)

WHY: A formal outline is helpful when analyzing a draft and preparing to revise.

The thesis statement should be at the top of your outline. The outline is helpful in analyzing a draft & preparing to revise. It helps keep your paper organized and focused throughout writing.

Keep in mind your outline should

▪ Indentions and numbers to indicate various levels of logic for your paper. The main points form the major headings and the supporting idea for each point form the subheadings.

▪ You will need enough major headings to develop your subject within the boundaries established by your thesis. In this case, you need four virtues and/or vices.

▪ MAKE SURE YOU USE THE CORRECT FORMAT (see example). You may have to turn off the auto-format)

▪ MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PARALLEL STRUCTURE (if you have point A you must have point B. If you have a 1 you must have a 2)

▪ Be sure to keep a copy for yourself so you can begin writing your first draft!

Sarah McKenzie

Ms. Carmichael

English 2 Third Period

26 February 2008


Thesis: The history and development, current implementation, relevant processes, modern research, and projected future of elementary education show that an elementary school teacher must be prepared and focused each day they enter the classroom.

I. (Transition) History and development (complete topic sentence)

A. (Transition) Historical Idea 1 (complete sentence)

1. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

2. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

3. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

A. Concluding Sentence

B. (Transition) Historical Idea 2 (complete sentence)

1. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

2. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

3. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

B. Concluding sentence

I. (Transition) History and development (complete concluding sentence)

II. (Transition) Current implementation (complete topic sentence)

A. 1 implementation (complete topic sentence)

1. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

2. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

3. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

4. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)

A. Concluding Sentence

B. 2nd implementation (complete topic sentence)

1. Summary, quote, or paraphrase (parenthetical)


WHAT: final draft, works cited page, online submission to

TOTAL POINTS: Final draft 200

WHY: Completion of an argumentative research paper is one of the requirements for English III.


• You will receive an automatic zero for any of the following:

o failure to turn in a research paper within five days of the deadline

o failure to turn in a Works Cited page along with your paper

o failure to submit your paper through by midnight on

o lack of parenthetical citations

o (no higher than 69% ) if less than five FULL pages

• If you need help, come see me BEFORE the deadline. Otherwise log on, select your class, and click “submit” next to Research Paper. Type your name and paper title. Click “Browse,” and a box called “Choose File” will appear. Within minutes, you should receive an e-mail confirmation. Save it just in case!

• The hard copy of your paper is due on your due date. No excuses. You’ve known about this for a month. Figure it out before that day.


“Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help!”

Figure 1: floating quotes are a "no-no!" They will float away like a balloon without a string

“Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help!”

Sings the original “boy Band,”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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