
Writer’s Name:_______________________ Reviewer’s Name:________________________Romeo and Juliet DBQ Essay Peer Review ChecklistRequirements: MLA FormatYesNoHas correct MLA heading in upper left corner and is double spacedContains a title that is centered and is after MLA headingHas the writer’s last name and page number in the upper right corner on every page after the first one Requirements: IntroductionYesNoBegins with attention-grabber or hookEffectively introduces relevant background information for topicHas a thesis statement that is specific, focused, and includes the title and author of the textHas a thesis that is underlined and the last sentence of the introduction Requirements: Body Paragraph 1YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: Body Paragraph 2YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: Body Paragraph 3YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: ConclusionYesNoRestates thesis in a different wayIncludes transitional word or phraseExplains the significance or “so what” of the argumentIf you will now highlight any major spelling and grammar errors you find in the essay. Then, in the space below, respond to the following questions about the essay. What has the writer done well in the essay? Comment on at least one strength of the essay. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is one area that needs to be improved in the essay? Suggest a way that the writer might go about editing this area of improvement. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Romeo and Juliet DBQ Essay Self Review ChecklistRequirements: MLA FormatYesNoHas correct MLA heading in upper left corner and is double spacedContains a title that is centered and is after MLA headingHas the writer’s last name and page number in the upper right corner on every page after the first one Requirements: IntroductionYesNoBegins with attention-grabber or hookEffectively introduces relevant background information for topicHas a thesis statement that is specific, focused, and includes the title and author of the textHas a thesis that is underlined and the last sentence of the introduction Requirements: Body Paragraph 1YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: Body Paragraph 2YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: Body Paragraph 3YesNoHas topic sentence that directly connects to thesis statementUses transitional word or phraseIncorporates direct quotation from the textIncludes a lead in or embedding of direct quotation Uses a correct parenthetical citation for the direct quotation Connects evidence to paragraph’s topic sentence through argument Requirements: ConclusionYesNoRestates thesis in a different wayIncludes transitional word or phraseExplains the significance or “so what” of the argumentPlease complete the following for the BODY PARAGRAPHS in your essay: Place brackets around your transitional word(s) or phrases at the beginning of the paragraph. Underline the claim or topic of your paragraph where you state the main idea or argument of the paragraph. Ideally, this should be your first sentence in the paragraph. Make sure your claim fits your thesis.Place brackets around your evidence. This should be specific and direct quotations from the text or documents. Make sure your evidence is relevant to your claim. Underline your argument or explanation of your evidence. You should have an explanation after each piece of evidence used. Make sure your explanation relates directly to your evidence and claim. If it does not, you have lost the focus of your paragraph. If you find anything in your paragraph that DOES NOT fit in any of these four prior categories, it most likely does NOT need to be in your essay at all. If you will now highlight any of the following: First or second person pronouns. (I, we, me, you, etc.) Informal or casual language. (i.e. language that you would use in conversation) Major spelling and grammatical errors. ................

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