Señora G | Spanish Teacher and Learner

My name: ______________________________

Self-Assessment Guide: E-mail Response

Use the following descriptions to assess your e-mail response. Read carefully what you wrote. Give yourself constructive feedback that focuses on the descriptors below.

Written Assessment Criteria*

1. Task completion

□ I show that I understood very well the contents of the e-mail that I responded to.

□ My e-mail is clearly organized into an introduction (brief greeting and acknowledging the topic of the e-mail, the body (giving requested information and asking questions), and a conclusion (good-bye, hope to hear from you soon, etc.).

□ I gave all of the requested information with details.

□ I asked questions that related to the content of the e-mail that I responded to.

Feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________





2. Language Control

□ My language is fully understandable; small errors do not impede communication.

□ I use a variety of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

□ I use correct spelling and accents.

□ I use good grammar, syntax (correct word order in sentences) and usage (correct word choices).

□ I use formal language and avoid using slang or casual language.

□ I use a variety of simple and compound sentences, and some complex sentences.

Feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________





3. Take out your AP interpersonal writing rubric. What grade do you give yourself?

Task Completion = _____/5 Language Control = _____/5

*Descriptions are summarized from the AP Spanish Language and Culture Curriculum Guide, Fall 2013.

Name of the person who evaluated my e-mail: ______________________________

Peer Assessment Guide: E-mail Response

Use the following descriptions to assess your partner’s e-mail. Read carefully what he/she wrote. Give constructive feedback that focuses on the descriptors below.

Written Assessment Criteria*

1. Task completion

□ My partner shows that (s)he understands very well the contents of the e-mail that (s)he responded to.

□ My partner’s e-mail is clearly organized into an introduction (brief greeting and acknowledging the topic of the e-mail, the body (giving requested information and asking questions), and a conclusion (good-bye, hope to hear from you soon, etc.).

□ My partner gave all of the requested information with details.

□ My partner asked questions that related to the content of the e-mail that (s)he responded to.

Feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________





2. Language Control

□ My partner’s language is fully understandable; small errors do not impede communication.

□ My partner uses a variety of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions.

□ My partner uses correct spelling and accents.

□ My partner uses good grammar, syntax (correct word order in sentences) and usage (correct word choices).

□ My partner uses formal language and avoids using slang or casual language.

□ My partner uses a variety of simple and compound sentences, and some complex sentences.

Feedback: __________________________________________________________________________________________





3. Take out your AP interpersonal writing rubric. What grade do you give your partner?

Task Completion = _____/5 Language Control = _____/5

*Descriptions are summarized from the AP Spanish Language and Culture Curriculum Guide, Fall 2013.


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