Spare spellings

Mr B’s Bumper Spelling Bonanza“

“Points mean prizes”

“Come on dollies – do your dealing”

1 circle the correct spelling

2 put an X by any words where you don’t know what they mean

1. Circle the correct spelling Violence Violance Vialense Vyalense

2. Circle the correct spelling Pytee Pity Pitee Pitty

3. Circle the correct spelling Mathamatics Mathermatics Mathmatics Mathematics

4. Circle the correct spelling Gallop Galop Gallep Galep

5. Circle the correct spelling begining biginning beginning beggining

6. Circle the correct spelling separate seperate seprate seperat

7. Circle the correct spelling vallies vallees vallys valleys

8. Circle the correct spelling accessory acsessory. accesory accessorie

9. Circle the correct spelling arguement argument argumant arguemant

10. Circle the correct spelling Volantary Voluntry Volluntary Voluntary

11. Circle the correct spelling Extremeley Extreemly Extremly Extremely

12. Circle the correct spelling Knoledge Knowledge Knowlidge Nowledge

13. Circle the correct spelling Pecculiar Peculiar Peculliar Perculiar

14. Circle the correct spelling Outrageouss Outrajeous Outragous Outrageous

15. Circle the correct spelling Abundance Abundence Abbundance Abunndance

16. Circle the correct spelling Parallell Parallel Paralel Paralell

17. Circle the correct spelling Occassion Ocasion Occasion Occashion

18. Circle the correct spelling Millionare Milionaire Millionaire Millionnaire

19. Circle the correct spelling Omited Ommitted Omitted Ohmitted

20. Circle the correct spelling Resevoir Reservoir Resservoir Rezevoir

21. Circle the correct spelling Rhythom Rhythem Rhythm Rythm

22. Circle the correct spelling Hypocrite Hyppocrite Hipocrit Hippocrite

23. Circle the correct spelling Resistance Resistence Resisstence Risistance

24. Circle the correct spelling Attendence Atendence Attendance Attenndance

25. Circle the correct spelling Mispeled Mispelled Misspelled Misspeled

26. Circle the correct spelling Dissapearance Dissappearance Disappearance Disapeerance

27. Circle the correct spelling Werever Wherever Whereever Werevar

28. Circle the correct spelling Tournament Tornament Tornement Tournamant

29. Circle the correct spelling Condem Condemn Condenm Comdem

30. Circle the correct spelling Promenent Prominant Prominent Promenant

31. Circle the correct spelling Physician Physichen Physition Phisishon

32. Circle the correct spelling Relievving Relieving Releiving Releeving

33. Circle the correct spelling Consistent Connsistent Consistant Consestant

34. Circle the correct spelling Questyonnaire Questionnere Questionare Questionnaire

35. Circle the correct spelling Espeshilly Especilly Especially Espeshally

36. Circle the correct spelling Perrsistence Persistance Persisstance Persistence

37. Circle the correct spelling Obedeience Obediance Obedience Obiedieance

38. Circle the correct spelling Desperate Dessperate Desparate Desparatte

39. Circle the correct spelling Recceipt Reciept Receet Receipt

40. Circle the correct spelling Giudance Guidance Guidence Guydence

41. Circle the correct spelling Imedietly Immediatly Immediately Imediately

42. Circle the correct spelling Jealousy Jelousy Jealosy Jealousie

43. Circle the correct spelling Irresistible Irrisistible Irisitible Iresisstible

44. Circle the correct spelling Parliment Parliament Parlement Parlament

45. Circle the correct spelling Optimisem Opptimism Optimism Optimmism

46. Circle the correct spelling Rissemberlance Risembelance Resembelance Resemblance

47. Circle the correct spelling Mischievous Myschievous Mischevous Mischeivous

48. Circle the correct spelling Perserverance Perseverance Persiverance Perrseverance

49. Circle the correct spelling Perculier Peculiar Perculiar Peculia

50. Circle the correct spelling Seanary Scenary Scenery Seenery

51. Circle the correct spelling Tendncy Tenddency Tendency Tendancy

52. Circle the correct spelling Speciffically Specifficaly Specifically Specifialy

53. Circle the correct spelling Twelfth Twelth Twellth Twelf

54. Circle the correct spelling Tragidy Traggedy Trageddy Tragedy

55. Circle the correct spelling Medicine Meddicine Medicinne Medisin

56. Circle the correct spelling Character Caracter Charechter Carechter

57. Circle the correct spelling. Consiet Conciet Conceit Conceet

58. Circle the correct spelling Busines Bisness Business Buisness

59. Circle the correct spelling Deafinite Definet Definnit Definite

60. Circle the correct spelling Foolfil Fulfill Fulfil Fullfill

61. Circle the correct spelling Gratefull Grateful Grate-full Graitful

62. Circle the correct spelling Dissapeer Disappear Disapear Dissappear

63. Circle the correct spelling Exersize Exarcise Exercise Xercise

64. Circle the correct spelling Hapiness Happy-ness Happyness Happiness

65. Circle the correct spelling Favrite Favorite Favourite Favouritt

66. Circle the correct spelling Frivalous Frivolous Frivolos Frivollous

67. Circle the correct spelling Que Queue Qeue Queu

68. Circle the correct spelling Diferrence Diference Difference Diffarance

69. Circle the correct spelling Exausted Exhausted Exusted Exhorsted

70. Circle the correct spelling Buatifull Beutiful Beautifull Beautiful

71. Circle the correct spelling Hinndrance Hindarance Hinderance Hindrance

72. Circle the correct spelling Influenshall Influencial Innfluentiall Influential

73. Circle the correct spelling Likelihood Likelyhood Lieklehood Lykeleehood

74. Circle the correct spelling Carrcus Carcuss Carcas Carcass

75. Circle the correct spelling of the word meaning ‘headteacher’ Prinsipel Principall Principle Principal

76. Circle the correct spelling Yeled Yeild Yeeld Yield

77. Circle the correct spelling Dissimilar Disimilar Dissimillar Dissimiliar

78. Circle the correct spelling Competent Compettant Competant Compatant

79. Circle the correct spelling Accidently Axidently Acsidentally Accidentally

80. Circle the correct spelling Ofensive Offensive Offensiv Ofenseve

81. Circle the correct spelling Biscuit Biscit Bisckit Biscet

82. Circle the correct spelling of the noun (NOT the verb) Lisence Licence Lisense Lycence

83. Circle the correct spelling Formerly Formally Formely Forrmely

84. Circle the correct spelling Musl Mussle Musle Muscle

85. Circle the correct spelling Neese Neece Niece Neice

86. Circle the correct spelling Susspicious Suspicius Suspicious Suspishus

87. Circle the correct spelling Strate Striat Straight Straiht

88. Circle the correct spelling february Febuary Februay February

89. Circle the correct spelling Yacht Yot Yocht Yaht

90. Circle the correct spelling nessecary nececerry neccesary necessary

91. Circle the correct spelling absence absense absensce abscence

92. Circle the correct spelling accessable accesable accessible ascessible

93. Circle the correct spelling accomodation accommadation acomodation accommodation

94. Circle the correct spelling accomodate acommodate accommodate acomodate

95. Circle the correct spelling Fortuittous Fortuitous Foretuitous Fortuitus

96. Circle the correct spelling Publiclly Publicaly Publically Publicly

97. Circle the correct spelling Tangeble Tangible Tanjible Tangibel

98. Circle the correct spelling Unanimous Unanimuss Unanemous Unanamous

99. Circle the correct spelling Noticable Noticeble Notisable Noticeable

100. Circle the correct spelling Ocurence Occurence Ocurrence Occurrence

Optional extra activities:

• Write a poem about a horse who learns to spell

• Eat lots of cabbage and then think of 40 words that rhyme with “slurry”

• Record a CD containing 8 songs about spelling. Send it to a record company and become a millionaire. Send money to Mr G Barton.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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