Directions for Making Grammar Corrections:

Directions for Making Style.Mechanics Corrections

1. Locate the first “numbered” error on your paper.

2. Look at the symbol sheet for guidance about what type of error was made.

3. Rewrite, correctly, the entire sentence in which the error(s) occurs.

4. Do not number the sentence.

5. For error #1, supply an explanation for why you made the change. Number this rule. You may use a direct rule, paraphrase a rule, or use a statement of logic based on a rule. General or vague statements will not be accepted for credit.

6. When you have completed the correction(s) for that sentence, find the second numbered error and continue with the pattern.

7. Skip a space between each sentence/rule set.

8. The original test/essay/paper must be submitted with corrections.

Consider These Points.

• Only correct the sentences in which at least one numbered error occurs.

• Do not write both the incorrect sentence and the correct one on the revisions. Write only the corrected version and the rule/explanation.

• If a sentence contains more than one numbered error, write the sentence only once, correcting all errors before providing rules, in order. Be sure the rules are numbered.

• Each rule must be written separately; do not combine rules or use phrases like “see rule #2.”

• Always be sure your numbered explanations correspond to the numbers assigned to the errors in the paper. If I made a numbering error, please see me before changing any numbers.

• You will receive 5 points for each item only if both the correction (in the corrected sentence) and the explanation are correct.

• Do not use the symbol to provide your explanation. In other words, if I put an ro symbol over a word, you cannot explain by telling me that a run-on sentence is not allowed.

• See Dr. Huff if you have any questions!

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Things go better with good grammar.


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