Halo 3 is one of the finest-looking games we've ever seen

Halo 3 is one of the finest-looking games we've ever seen. Fresh out of the fight, Travis Moses details the 65 most amazing OMG! moments in Halo 3. We guarantee you haven't seen all of these memorable moments!

Halo 3 has some of the most epic battles we've ever seen. But even if you don't own an Xbox 360, that doesn't mean you should miss out on all the fun. We've spent the last two weeks picking through Halo 3 with a fine tooth comb (and some handy screenshot tools). Here's what we came up with.

The entire first level: Sierra 117

Sierra 117 is a refreshing spin on the usual Bungie level design. Minus "The Silent Cartographer" level from Halo: CE, which was a masterpiece in my book, repetitious and mundane environments plague the Halo games from beginning to end.

The Overall Scale

When this Covenant Phantom flies overhead you feel more like a Grunt than a seven-foot tall Master Shaq.

Armored Brute shimmering in the sunlight

There are all sorts of OMG moments stuffed into Sierra 117. The first of which, the ferocious Brute clad in shiny armor Dirty Dancing on the fallen tree with the UNSC soldier in his arms. Did you save the poor chap or were you blinded by the majesty of Halo 3's HDR lighting?

Banshees destroy Sgt. Johnson's Pelican

This landmark is technically the first real OMG moment in the game. When you arrive at the top of the waterfall, Sgt. Johnson is waiting to pick you up for evac, but things go awry.

Monkey Cave Men

These furry creatures can be found in Sierra 117 on a high sniper's ledge shortly after the waterfall. Oddly enough, their faces are rumored to be that of 's numero uno writer, Frank O' Connor. Maybe that's why he calls himself the content monkey.

First encounter with a Brute Chieftain

You know the big guys with the Gravity Hammers. It's difficult to say which is more of an OMG moment; going toe-to-toe with your first Brute Chieftain or stealing his Gravity Hammer after he's dead. Sucka!

Warthog away

Even scripted moments such as this will make your jaw drop. It's even better in slow-mo where you can see the explosive detail of the blue plasma against the flaming Warthog.

What's the password?

Whether or not it's the machina champs Red vs. Blue, this little Easter egg in "Crow's Nest" is a quirky treat.

Turret madness

The docking bay in "Crow's Nest" is especially satisfying. Sit on one of the two turrets at either end of the room and wail on the incoming drop ships.

That's a big bomb

This ridiculously oversized bomb is a little going away present for the Covenant from Sgt. Johnson and Miranda Keyes.


OMG! Drones are a pain in the rear. Try sticking at least one with a plasma grenade and enjoy the fireworks.

Crow's Nest shootout

No matter what difficulty you play on, this hangar shootout with the Brutes is quite a challenge. You'll be saying, "OMGWTF, I've died like ten times already!"

Flying Brutes

Brutes with jetpacks. I want one. Shoot these vulnerable Brutes in the back to send them skidding face first across the ground like a flat stone over water.

Through the Tsavo caves

"Tsavo Highway" sports some the best vehicular shootouts in Halo 3. You know it's going to be a crazy ride as soon as you roll out of the bunker.

Out of commission

Feast your eyes on the Halo scrap yard. If you listen close enough you can here the creaking of the metal cringing under the massive weight.

Tsavo Highway

Just wow! There's no way you missed this epic moment.

Fuel Rod Cannon

This screenshot is cool because it shows the explosive power of both the Wrath tank and Fuel Rod Cannon.

Surely you remember this shootout near the end of "Tsavo Highway." There's wave after wave of Brute Choppers to take down, a pair of well-placed sentry guns, and the two Wrath tanks don't let up. Keep moving or you're a dead Spartan.

The Storm

This moment may have only wowed a certain number of gamers, but there's no denying that the first lakebed in "The Storm" is one of the more intriguing environments of any Halo game. It's too bad the rest of the level is muddled with confusing and repetitious indoor hallways.

Take out those anti-air Wraths

The Ghost is the most effective vehicle for a one-man team. Its hover capabilities and rapid-fire plasma cannons make the Ghost perfect for speedy drive-bys. In the second arena of "The Storm," shoot the Grunts driving the Ghosts to quickly rid yourself of the pesky nuisance. Blow up the AA Wrath by firing at the circular dial at the rear end of the tank.

The First Scarab

Hah! Remember the Scarab in Halo 2 and how it mindlessly ran along that scripted path through the streets of New Mombasa. Well, not anymore. These hulking beasts may be confined to small areas in Halo 3, but they'll use every inch to squash you like a little green bug.

Hello Hunter, Goodbye

Hurray! The 12-foot tall worms return. But only long enough to eat my rockets.

Destroy the gun installation

It's not the size of the gun that matters; it's how you use it. Get under this massive gun installation and fire at the honeycomb energy core that exposes itself every few seconds.

Stand solid

The Chief doesn't move for anything. Not even a Covenant Phantom infested with enough Flood spores to give the whole world Flooditus.

Opening the Flood Gate

"Floodgate" opens with quite possibly the most stunning, yet frightening vistas in any game. But the Flood is spreading, there's no time to stop and enjoy the view.

Leaping skull

This gold skull caused anxious gamers the most grief to acquire next to the ridiculous IWHBYD skull. Luckily for us, Bungie showed us this little secret at the review event.

Mighty morphing power marine

The fate of this young marine is a sad tale of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and contraceptive abuse.

Dismembering the Flood

Shotguns, Energy Swords, Gravity Hammers, and grenades will dismember the Flood. So stick to what the Chief does best and that's pure ownage.

Ascend the Floodgates

There's just something about "Floodgate." Both the beginning and end environments are simply spectacular to look at. It's well worth viewing the saved replay and zooming out to get the full effect that an enormous flood-infested spaceship wrecked here.

Straight outta Star Wars

This screenshot from the preparation segment of the Chief and his crew loading up on weapons before the risky portal jump is breathtaking.

"Burn their mongrel hides."

Like the Elite Shipmaster said, "It is an even fight." Right after you jump through the portal get ready for one of the most intense cinematics ever as you bear down for a landing on the Ark.

The Prowler

This smooth Brute ride seats a driver, a gunner, two poor saps on the winged extensions, and always lands on its feet. Equip one of the poor saps with a rocket launcher and you've got an unstoppable ride. Remember, marines have unlimited ammo.

Friggin' frigate

Commander Keyes, being female and all, has nothing to compensate for; and therefore pilots the most ridiculously large spaceship. So large and powerful in fact, when she comes in for a landing you'd better hold onto something or the force will blow you right back into space.

"Tank beats everything!"

Even Scarabs. Although you could do this a little more stylishly, such as using a Grav Lift to loft you onto the Scarab's back, the Scorpion tank gets the job done with twice the efficiency.

A piss break

You really do have to see this in motion, but this squirmy Brute can be caught with his fly down.


The Auto-turrets seem to have a mind of their own. I still can't believe it worked long enough to take this screenshot.


What's a flamethrower without fire grenades? "The Ark" is the first level you'll find these devastating show stoppers.


We'll never forget the sidewinder beachfront of "The Silent Cartographer" from the first Halo, but "The Covenant" in Halo 3 is pretty close.

Bomb the hill

After you deactivate the first tower in "The Covenant" it's time to head back to the beach. Grab a Mongoose and put the petal to the metal.

Hornet's nest

Take to the skies in the most powerful vehicle in the game. Equipped with dual machine guns and rockets it's no wonder the Hornet is not in multiplayer.

Clear a landing zone

This is just unfair. They're sitting ducks down there.

Dual Scarab fight

Some may see this sticky situation as a fight against two massive Scarabs, but creative minds see it as a sandbox with all of their favorite toys in it. How did you tackle the two Scarabs?

Sgt. Johnson is a badass

Even when a Brute twice his size could pop his head like a pimple, Sgt. Johnson coaxes the Brute to do so. "What's the matter? Can't start your own party?" Burn.

Miranda Keyes is a badass too

With a shotgun in one hand and a magnum in the other, these Brutes don't stand a chance. It's a damn shame she had to die.

Get behind the Flood

On the platform that leads to the Prophet of Truth, use the hard-skinned Flood as a shield against the Brutes and Grunts.

Revenge on a Prophet

It's about time someone silenced that blabbering old fool. The moment the Arbiter stabs Truth in the back is satisfying to say the least.

Popping the pustules of the Flood infestation

It's like a chicken-pot pie without the crusty edges of goodness. Pop one of these pulsating zits and you'll unleash an army of Flood face-huggers.

Destroy the generators

Shortly after you rescue Cortana it's time to put an end to the Gravemind. Use plasma or fire grenades to blow up the remaining three generators.

Swords away

Use the sword to escape the frantic Flood infestation after you've rescued Cortana. It's a blast!

The Arbiter has got your back

On the way out of the "Cortana" stage look to the high catwalk to find the Arbiter firing up the barbeque with a furious rage. Looks like we've got a Master Chef on our hands.

Winter wonderland

Like the water effects, the snow in Halo 3 is even better than the ice-centric Lost Planet.

The last stand

The final fight against the Flood can be a real pain in the butt. You're constantly low on ammo and they're never enough grenades.

Laser 343 Guilty Spark

He did kill Sgt. Johnson. This little robo-twerp deserves all three Spartan Laser blasts and a T-bag. Survivor's tip: Don't get too close to 343 or he'll knock you off the platform.

Big Bang

In case you missed it, the biggest explosion in the game is off to your left shortly after you grab Johnson's Warthog in the last level. Wow!

The Ark

And if you get a chance, look to the sky for the most amazing sky dome in any videogame. Bungie must have an artist who's Bob Ross reincarnate to create a masterpiece like this.

Full circle escape

Remember the awesome Warthog escape in the last level of Halo: CE? Well, Bungie went and did it again, but this time turned the awesome factor up to 11.

Gravity Hammer

There's always fun to be had with the new Gravity Hammer. The more enemies within the thunderous smash radius, the better the party.

Find all the skulls

Most of the skulls in Halo 3 are pretty easy to get if you know where to look, and saved replays make them even easier to find. Get all the skulls to unlock the Hayabusa helmet in multiplayer.

Sniper towers

Ah, the beauty of physics. Destroy the Covenant sniper towers for the best demonstration of Halo 3's physics prowess.


"Kill it with fire."


Yeah, the Chief still has that badass slanted shoulder look when dual-wielding.

Marathon man?

The terminals are a nice touch, but I can't understand what the hell they're talking about. Collect them all to earn the Marathon Man achievement.

Spartan Laser

The Spartan Laser is just too cool not to include on this list. Zing!

Splatter kills


Rocket Race

Rocket Race is by far one of the most original creations to come out of the Forge so far. Nice one, Bungie. We love you.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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