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Watkins Rental Properties

3451 Kvichak Circle Anchorage, AK 99515

907.349.9202 main * 907.339.2330 fax



Applicant Information EMPLOYMENT STATUS: EMPLOYED UNEMPLOYED RETIRED Name Date of Birth Soc. Sec. No. Marital Status Telephone Driver’s License / State ID No. State Issuing ID Exp. Date E-mail Address Desired lease term Desired Move-in Date Other names used the last 10 Years

Do you have a Cosigner? YES NO

Applicant Information EMPLOYMENT STATUS: EMPLOYED UNEMPLOYED RETIRED Name Date of Birth Soc. Sec. No. Marital Status Telephone Driver’s License / State ID No. State Issuing ID Exp. Date E-mail Address Desired lease term Desired Move-in Date Other names used the last 10 Years

Applicant Information EMPLOYMENT STATUS: EMPLOYED UNEMPLOYED RETIRED Name Date of Birth Soc. Sec. No. Marital Status Telephone Driver’s License / State ID No. State Issuing ID Exp. Date E-mail Address Desired lease term Desired Move-in Date Other names used the last 10 Years

Property Address you are applying for

Address History RENT OWN OTHER Current Address City State Zip code Landlord name Landlord Tel. Rent Amount Move In Date Move Out Date Reason for Leaving Have you given notice that you are moving out? YES NO

If not, why?

RENT OWN OTHER Prior Address City State Zip code Landlord name Landlord Tel.

Rent Amount Move In Date Move Out Date

Reason for Leaving

RENT OWN OTHER Prior Address City State Zip code Landlord name Landlord Tel. Rent Amount Move In Date Move Out Date Reason for Leaving


Name Date of Birth Relationship to Applicant

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Employment History FULL TIME PART TIME CURRENT PRIOR Company Name Manager Phone Fax Street Address City State Zip Code Position Monthly Pay Start Date End Date Reason for Leaving

FULL TIME PART TIME CURRENT PRIOR Company Name Manager Phone Fax Street Address City State Zip Code Position Monthly Pay Start Date End Date Reason for Leaving

FULL TIME PART TIME CURRENT PRIOR Company Name Manager Phone Fax Street Address City State Zip Code Position Monthly Pay Start Date End Date Reason for Leaving

Additional Monthly Income

Alimony/Spousal Support Income $ Child Support $ Unstated Monthly Income $

Bank Information

Bank Name Branch Telephone City State Account Type Account No. Current Balance Average Balance

Bank Name Branch Telephone City State Account Type Account No. Current Balance Average Balance

Bank Name Branch Telephone City State Account Type Account No. Current Balance Average Balance

Vehicle Information

Make Model Year State Plate No. Vehicle Type Color Payment Amount

Make Model Year State Plate No. Vehicle Type Color Payment Amount

Make Model Year State Plate No. Vehicle Type Color Payment Amount

Make Model Year State Plate No. Vehicle Type Color Payment Amount

Emergency Contacts

Name Relationship Telephone E-mail Address Address City State Zip code

Contact has permission to enter your rental property in case of death or other emergency? YES NO

Name Relationship Telephone E-mail Address Address City State Zip code

Contact has permission to enter your rental property in case of death or other emergency? YES NO

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Name Address Email Address Contact Tel. Relationship

Personal History

I have / do (select all that apply) Provide details on any of the items selected a prior eviction Eviction Date

received an eviction notice

declared Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Discharge Date declared Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Discharge Date been sued for unlawful detainer

refused to pay rent been sued for rent

been sued for property damage

moved out before the end of my lease without permission currently pay child support

currently pay alimony been convicted of a crime past due accounts

open collections paid collections

a judgment tax lien

paid rent late

received a violation notice received a no cause eviction

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Special Provisions

The undersigned consents to have a background check done by NTN as a condition to their application to rent. The background check may include a credit report, NTN Tenant Performance report, OFAC terrorist search and criminal background check. By disclosing the rental application details and checking the box, you are providing your written consent to proceed as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Processing of your application to rent the vacancy you have selected is dependent upon the rental owner and NTN receiving your consent to screen your background. The undersigned understands that the rental move in - move out information may be maintained in the NTN National system for up to seven (7) years.

Applicant’s Signature Date

Applicant’s Signature Date

Applicant’s Signature Date

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