Dentaltown - Where The Dental Community Lives®




Human Relations (H/R) Manual

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

Employee Handbook 4

Mission Statement 4

Your Role at Today’s Dental 4

Employment Practices 5

At-Will Employment 5

Equal Opportunity Employer 5

Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy 5

Open Communications 6

Work Schedule 7

Office Hours 7

Staff Meetings 7

Attendance 7

Breaks 8

Time Clock 8

Time Away From Work 9

Vacation 9

Unpaid Leaves of Absence 10

Maternity Leave 10

Bereavement Leave 10

Jury Duty Leave 10

Personal Time Off 10

Employment Classifications 12

Introductory Period 12

Classifications 12

Compensation 13

Pay Cycle 13

Rates of Compensation 13

Bonus Plan 13

Standards of Conduct 14

Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures 14

Personal Appearance and Uniforms 14

Workplace Policies 16

Personal Telephone Calls 16

Parking 16

Office Confidentiality 16

Maintenance and Housekeeping 16

Smoking 17

Purchasing Policy 17

Collection Policy 17

Electronic Communication Systems Policy 18

Treatment and Diagnosis Policy 19

Safety 21

Office Security 21

Reporting Accidents/Injuries 21

H/R Administration 22

Personnel Data Access and Changes 22

Performance Reviews 22

Outside Employment 23

Benefits 24

Holiday Pay 24

Insurance 24

Dental Care 24

Workers’ Compensation 26

401(k) Plan 26

Professional Development 27

Continuing Education 27

Re-Certification/State Licenses 27

Separation 28

Termination of Employment 28

Resignation 28

Return of Company Property 28

Pay and Benefits at Separation 28

Disclaimer and Acknowledgment 29

Electronic Communication Systems Acknowledgment and Consent 30



This Employee Handbook is for the benefit of all employees. Please refer to it whenever you have a question. THIS EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK IS NOT A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT, nor is it intended to create any contractual or other legal obligations. The Company retains the right at any time, without notice, to change all or part of its policies or depart from them depending on the circumstances


Our Mission Statement is to “Build a long-term relationship between our staff and patients and provide quality, consumer friendly dental services the whole family can value and afford in a happy environment.”


We are building a tradition of care, service, and solid relationships between our staff and patients at Today’s Dental. We will expect no less than 100% from you as a team player and staff member. You must bring a great attitude to the office each day and abide by the following “Team Commandments”:

• Help each other be right, not wrong.

• Look for ways to make new ideas work, not for reasons they won’t.

• If in doubt, check it out! Don’t make negative assumptions about each other.

• Help each other win and take pride in each other’s victories.

• Speak positively about each other and about our organization at every opportunity.

• Maintain a positive mental attitude no matter what the circumstances.

• Act with initiative and courage, as it all depends on you.

• Do everything with enthusiasm; it’s contagious!

• Whatever you want, give it away.

• Don’t lose faith.




Employment by Today’s Dental is AT-WILL, meaning that either you or the Company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law, with or without cause or notice, and with or without procedural formality or progressive discipline. No supervisor or manager at Today’s Dental has the authority to alter the at-will nature of the employment relationship, except the President or CEO in a written agreement signed by both parties.


Today’s Dental is an equal opportunity employer. Although management is primarily responsible for seeing that the Company’s equal employment opportunity policies are implemented, all members of the staff are responsible for assuring that their actions are fair to other staff members. Any individual who believes that he or she has been discriminated against in violation of this Policy should follow the Complaint Procedure set forth in the Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy below.

Non-Discrimination/Anti-Harassment Policy

It is the Company’s policy to provide a work environment free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Discrimination and harassment based on an employee’s race, sex, gender, pregnancy, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, age, disability, marital status, political beliefs or activities, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law will not be tolerated. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, slurs, jokes, teasing, or name-calling directed at one of the above categories. The Company promptly will investigate and address all reported allegations including taking any appropriate disciplinary action. Discrimination and harassment of employees by non- employees, such as patients and vendors, also is prohibited.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a type of harassment and generally is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct/contact of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating any intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Some examples of conduct that can create a hostile working environment include unwelcome touching, sexually explicit language, obscene gestures, staring, sexual jokes, display of sexually explicit materials, graphic or suggestive comments about an individual’s body or manner of dress and derogatory comments based on gender.

Complaint Procedure

Any employee who experiences or observes conduct that he or she believes constitutes discrimination or harassment is responsible for reporting this problem to his or her supervisor or to the Office Manager. These different means of reporting are provided so that an employee does not have to deal directly with a person whom the employee believes engaged in inappropriate conduct. All reports will be investigated promptly, thoroughly, impartially, and in as confidential manner as possible. All employees are expected to cooperate fully in the investigation of a report.

If the Company determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, appropriate and immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, will be taken. The Company will not tolerate retaliation against an employee for making a legitimate report or cooperating in an investigation of a report.


Today’s Dental is committed to an open door policy and creating a work environment that encourages open, direct, and honest communication between all employees. If you have questions, concerns, or a work-related problem, you are encouraged to promptly discuss the matter with the individual involved to try and resolve the issue. If that does not work, or you do not feel comfortable approaching the individual involved, the next step is to raise your concerns with your supervisor or the Office Manager if your issue involves your supervisor. If a problem arises that you believe cannot be addressed through the normal channels the final step should be utilizing the Dispute Resolution Form found on the server.

Each employee is an integral part of the team; please do your part to foster good communications and a positive work environment.



Office hours at Today's Dental are:

8am to 5pm Monday - Thursday

8am to 1pm Friday

(Hours subject to change)

Employees must arrive by 7:30 a.m. to be present for the morning huddle and to prepare for the day.

Dental Assistants / Hygienists are expected to have their operatories completely ready for service by the time the patients are scheduled to be seen and to have patients seated on time.


The purpose of staff meetings include identifying and discussing problem areas, helping each other resolve problems, and educating staff in new products and ideas. Staff meetings will be held at management’s discretion. All staff members are expected to attend staff meetings unless the meeting is a department meeting.

All staff members are encouraged to participate in the meetings. Teamwork is encouraged and no one staff member will be singled out for any special discussion. Anyone wishing to be on the agenda or to have a special topic addressed at a meeting must inform the Office Manager a minimum of two working days in advance of the meeting.

Non-exempt employees do not have to clock out for staff meetings. If a staff meeting occurs during the lunch break, lunch will be provided.


Every employee is expected to attend work regularly and report to work on time. Unscheduled absences are very hard on the entire team and punctuality is very important for the doctors and the office to stay on schedule. If you are unable to report to work on time for any reason, it is your responsibility to telephone your supervisor as far in advance as possible before the start of your shift.

Unless otherwise protected by law, unsatisfactory attendance, including tardiness, may be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Unless otherwise protected by law, unreported absences of more than three consecutive workdays will be considered a voluntary resignation.


Breaks are important. All staff members are eligible for and encouraged to take one 15-minute break anytime they are scheduled for four consecutive hours of work. Break time is for rest and personal activities, such as phone calls.


Non-exempt employees are required to clock in and out each day to keep accurate track of their time worked. Please clock in / out at lunch, at any other time you are out of the office for any reason other than office business or if you are receiving dental treatment during working hours.

Falsifying a time record or failing to record your time and/or tampering with another employee’s time record are serious violations of company policy and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.



Full-time employees (regularly scheduled for a minimum of 32 hours per week) with a minimum of one full year of continuous employment are eligible for paid vacation. Annual paid vacation is determined by the employee’s length of service with the Company, as of his or her Anniversary or Date of Hire. Paid vacation begins to accrue on a monthly basis with your first month after the first full year of continuous employment according to the vacation schedule below. If you are on a leave of absence, you will not accrue vacation during that leave. Vacation time earned for a partial calendar year of service is prorated based upon the number of months of service during the partial calendar year.

Vacation Schedule

|Length of Service |Annual Accrual |

|1 year |5 days |

|2 to 4 years |10 days |

|5 to 7 years |15 days |

|8 to 19 years |20 days |

|20+ years |25 days |

All vacation requests must be made in writing on the appropriate forms and are subject to approval by the Office Manager. Except in case of illness or emergency, requests for vacation must be submitted at least 15 days in advance. Vacation will be granted on a first-come, first-serve basis, although every effort will be made to accommodate employees’ vacation schedule preferences.

When a Doctor takes vacation time off, the assistants are encouraged to take time off during that same timeframe.

Exempt, salaried employees must take vacation in eight-hour increments only. Non-exempt employees may take vacation in one-hour increments as needed.

Vacation time for employees will be paid at the regular straight-time rate for an eight-hour day. Vacation time for dentists will be paid at a rate of $50.00 per hour for an eight-hour day.

Accrued but unused vacation may not be carried over or accumulated from year to year. Accrued but unused vacation time remaining in your vacation bank at the end of your Anniversary year will be forfeited. However, if employees have three or more years of full-time employment and cannot take vacation time off due to their workload, the Office Manager may approve a payout of a portion of the accrued but unused vacation time or a carry-over of a portion of the accrued but unused vacation time to be used within 30 days past the Anniversary or Date of Hire.

Employees discharged based on their conduct are not eligible to receive a payout for their accrued but unused vacation time for the year. An employee who resigns in good standing or is laid off, with at least two weeks’ written notice, will be paid for accrued but unused vacation, provided that the employee works his or her regular hours during the resignation notice period.


Occasionally, for medical, personal, or other reasons, you may need to request time away from work. Management may grant unpaid leaves of absence in its discretion. Since each person is vital to the success of our Company, the granting of this type of leave is normally only for extremely compelling reasons. All requests for leaves of absence must be submitted in writing to and approved by your supervisor. Each request shall provide sufficient detail such as the reason for the leave and the expected duration of the leave. If you are on a leave of absence, you will not accrue vacation during that leave.


Female employees are eligible for maternity leave for the birth of a child. An eligible employee may take up to six weeks unpaid leave subject to approval of the Office Manager. Employee’s benefits will continue during the six-week maternity leave excluding holiday pay.


In the event of a death in an employee’s immediate family, the Company may allow up to three days off with pay and up to an additional four days off without pay. “Immediate family” for purposes of this Policy generally is defined as an employee’s spouse, child, step-child, mother, father, brother, sister, grandparents, father in-law, mother in-law, son in-law and daughter in-law. Exceptions to this Policy may be approved by the Office Manager.


Today’s Dental allows up to three (3) paid days off for jury duty. Should you have to serve more than three (3) days on duty, you are entitled to an unpaid leave or you may choose to use your accrued vacation leave. If you are called for jury duty, you must notify your supervisor immediately and provide appropriate documentation of your jury summons.


Leaving the office for personal reasons during regularly scheduled hours requires prior authorization from your supervisor or the Office Manager. The Company recognizes that occasional personal time off may be necessary due to illness, childcare issues, or other personal emergencies. Time away for these situations or for personal business may be taken as vacation time, if available, or, in the case of non-exempt employees, may be deducted from your pay.

Earned vacation hours are your guideline to request time off; employees are encouraged to request only earned time off away from the practice. Time off in addition to earned vacation time is subject to discretionary management approval and will be allowed for extraordinary / emergency circumstances only.



All new and rehired employees work on an introductory basis for the first 90 calendar days after their date of hire. Any significant absence will automatically extend an introductory period by the length of the absence.

During the introductory period, all employees will be fully trained on their specific job duties and also will be cross-trained in each department. Job descriptions are given out with new hire paperwork.

Upon satisfactory completion of the introductory period, employees enter the “regular” employment classification. During the introductory period, new employees are eligible for benefits that are required by law, such as workers’ compensation insurance and Social Security. After becoming regular employees, they may also be eligible for other Company-provided benefits, subject to the terms and conditions of each program.

At all times, both during and after the introductory period, all employees are at-will, meaning that either you or the Company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law, with or without cause or notice, and with or without procedural formality or progressive discipline.


The following employment classifications have been established for overtime and benefit purposes:


A position that is not exempt from minimum wage and overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Non-exempt employees are compensated for all work hours over 40 hours per work week at the rate of time and one half of their regular hourly rate of pay.


A position that is exempt from the minimum wage and overtime of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Exempt employees will report time as required by state and/or federal law.

Regular, Full-Time

Employees regularly scheduled to work between 32 and 40 hours per week.

Regular, Part-Time

Employees regularly scheduled to work less than 32 hours per week.



Payday is on the 15th and last day of each month. If either of these days falls on a weekend or a holiday, payday will be on the prior Friday.


The Company’s compensation system is designed to allow for differences in pay based on individual ability, knowledge and skill.

The Company utilizes a merit increase system. Consideration for merit raises is based upon job performance in an employee’s specific duties and as a team player. Merit raises do not necessarily coincide with performance reviews.


The Company has established a monthly Bonus Plan, based on the previous month’s adjusted production. Management sets goals for the Bonus Plan each year based on monthly production/collection numbers needed to obtain a 10% net income.

Regular, full-time employees in the following positions are eligible to participate in the Bonus Plan, provided that they have been employed with the Company for at least 90 days and is effective the first of the month following the 90 day anniversary: Patient Services, Treatment Assistants, Hygienists and Dentists.

The Bonus Plan is based on three goal levels that increase in $5,000 increments. The goals for 2009 are listed below. Any staff member is welcome to print the production from SoftDent at any time to see updated numbers for the month.

Bonus distributions will be paid in cash between the 10th and 15th of the month as follows:

Goal - $170,000 = $100 to each eligible staff member

Goal - $175,000 = $200 to each eligible staff member

Goal - $180,000 = $300 to each eligible staff member


Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

All employees are expected to comply with Company policies and practices and to conform to the Company’s expectations for behavior and performance. We expect employees to act professionally at all times and to behave in a way that promotes productivity, efficiency and mutual respect.  Employees must be interested in their jobs, and have a willing, cooperative attitude towards all staff and team members.  

You are a goodwill ambassador both in and out of the office. Representing Today’s Dental in a professional manner requires tactfulness and diplomacy regarding staff and competitors.  Comparing or discussing our competitors in a negative way is prohibited.

If an employee is not meeting the Company’s standards for behavior or performance, the Company will take the disciplinary or corrective action it considers appropriate depending on the circumstances, up to and including termination.


Today’s Dental strongly discourages romantic relationships between employees, which can lead to misunderstandings, actual or potential conflicts of interest, complaints of favoritism, possible claims of sexual harassment, and employee morale and dissension problems.

Managers and supervisors are not permitted to date, marry or become members of the same household with one another or with any other employee of the Company. Additionally, all employees, both managerial and non-managerial, are prohibited from fraternizing or becoming romantically involved with other employees when, in the opinion of the Company, their personal relationship may create a conflict of interest, cause disruption, create a negative or unprofessional work environment, or present concerns regarding supervision, safety, security, or morale.

An employee who is romantically involved with a manager, supervisor or fellow employee should immediately and fully disclose the relevant circumstances to H/R. After notification of the relationship, the Company, in its sole discretion, may transfer one of the affected employees to a different department or, if accommodations of this nature are not feasible, the Company may terminate one or both of the affected employees.


Your personal appearance is very important. All employees are expected to maintain a neat, professional, and clean appearance. In addition, employees must comply with all occupational safety and health standards and regulations established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSHA”) and state and local regulations. The following guidelines are provided to assist employees in determining appropriate attire; these guidelines should not be considered all inclusive.

• Hair must be shampooed as often as necessary and combed in a neat hairstyle. For employees with long hairstyles, the hair must be pulled away from the face and secured so it does not hang down toward the patient.

• Fingernails must be clean, and medium or short in length.

• No strong perfumes are allowed.

• Jewelry must be conservative. Exposed piercings are restricted to ears only and only three piercings per ear showing. Earrings may be stud-like only; dangling earrings are prohibited. Only small neck chains and rings can be worn. Employees may wear professional pins on uniforms.

• Never chew gum around the patients.

Today’s Dental will provide a professional uniform (scrubs) that has been OSHA-approved for all back office personnel (doctors, assistants, hygienists, sterilization) and will provide a uniform allowance twice yearly for front office staff. Clean, wrinkle-free uniforms are required daily and are to be laundered in the office.

Lab coats must be worn by all back office personnel when working on patients or when working in the lab. Lab coats must not be taken/worn outside of office. Work shoes must be white and closed-toe when working on patients. Work shoes are to be left at the office daily. Staff members are responsible for maintaining their own shoes with only reasonable wear and tear showing.

Gloves and masks must be worn when working with patients, but gloves should not be worn when working on the computer or transferring paperwork. Employees must wear appropriate eye protection when working in the lab. Non-compliance of any OSHA regulations may result in daily penalties (monetary) as defined by the Office Manager.

Nothing in this Policy is intended to preclude an employee who, for medical or other legally protected reasons, requires alternate accommodations regarding dress or grooming. Should an employee require such an accommodation, please speak confidentially with the Office Manager.



Office telephones are for business communications only and are not to be used for personal phone calls. In the event of an emergency, you will be contacted immediately. This Policy notwithstanding, an employee may use the ‘back line’ for personal telephone calls during the employee’s lunch or break time.


Parking spaces closest to the office’s front door are for patient parking only. Employees should park near the back door of the office or, if parking in the front, in spaces located farther away from the front door.

Today’s Dental is not responsible for damage to or theft of any vehicle or its contents. Remember to lock your vehicle.


Due to HIPAA regulations, all matters relating to our patients are confidential and are never discussed outside the office or within hearing distance of any patient. All clinical and financial patient records belong to Today’s Dental and may not be removed from the premises or duplicated without authorization. All patients, regardless of the “Doctor of Record,” are patients of Today’s Dental.

As dental care professionals, we often have access to personal information about our patients. When reviewing a patient’s medical history form, we may discover medical diagnoses that are private. We must respect our patients’ rights to privacy. Information about patients, their treatment or their personal lives must be kept completely confidential. Here are some guidelines to maintain confidentiality:

• Speak softly or privately with patients so other patients do not overhear.

• Keep computer screens, chart notes, case histories, health history forms and other confidential papers where patients cannot view them.

• Do not give patients advice on personal matters even if they ask.

• Do not reveal information about a patient to family members, unless you are speaking to the parent of a patient under the age of 18.

• Do not discuss dental treatments or personal information of patients outside of the practice.

• Provide patient information to other health care professionals using only approved medical forms/documentation.


Clean and orderly surroundings have a positive bearing on staff morale and productivity. Patients are favorably impressed and attracted to an office that looks professional and well-maintained. All staff members are expected to keep their areas stocked with the necessary items to complete their jobs. Before leaving at the end of each shift, work areas are to be left fully stocked and cleaned. It is each staff member’s responsibility to keep work areas neat and tidy and to correct or report any conditions that detract from the professional image of the facility.

Because of the nature of our business, it is strongly encouraged that all food be contained in the break room only and that all eating and drinking be done during breaks. In addition, each staff member is encouraged to be respectful of the possessions of other staff members and asked not to eat or drink other staff members’ food, unless the food is in a common area set aside for everyone’s use.


In accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona, smoking is not permitted in the office. Smoking is permitted only in outdoor areas that have been specifically designated as smoking areas.


All employees must adhere to the following guidelines for all office purchases.

• Sundries are to be purchased in accordance with the montly budget percentage ratio assigned by the Office Manager.

• Purchases less than $750.00 may be approved by a department supervisor’s verbal approval.

• Purchases greater than $750.00 but less than $2500.00 require a written purchase order, completed by the requestor and signed by the President.

• Purchases greater than $2500.00 require a written purchase order, completed by the requestor and the Officer Manager and signed by the CEO.


Today’s Dental requires all patients to pay for treatment at the time services are rendered. Two-appointment procedures will be allowed a two-payment or three-payment plan with exceptions approved by the Patient Services Supervisor. Any previous balances on a patient’s account must be collected before any further treatment is performed.

All patients must sign Treatment Plans and Financial Arrangements before work is performed. Agreements for reduced fees must be approved by the Office Manager.

No checks over $500.00 should be accepted from patients, unless the patient is a long-time patient with no history of bad checks. Exceptions may be made as authorized by the Office Manager.

If this Policy is not followed, any lost income may be adjusted from the treating doctor’s production.


Electronic communication systems, such as telephone systems, voice mail, computers, e-mail, and the Internet, are provided to all staff members for the benefit of the Company and to facilitate Company business. All employees have a responsibility to maintain and enhance the Company’s public image and to use all electronic communication systems in an effective, ethical, and lawful manner. The following guidelines have been established for using our electronic communication systems:

• All Today’s Dental electronic communication systems are the property of the Company. All computer information created, received, sent, and/or stored on the electronic communication systems are considered the property of the Company. No employee should consider any of these materials or equipment to be confidential to, or the private property of, the employee. Today’s Dental reserves the right to intercept, retrieve, access, inspect, read, monitor, copy, remove, disclose or otherwise alter all information on the electronic communication systems if deemed necessary and appropriate. Use of these systems constitutes employee consent to the Company’s right to intercept, access, review, and disclose this information.

• All electronic communication systems are intended for Company business. Any personal use should be limited and should not interfere with Company business or your productivity. Such personal use is allowed only during lunch and break time.

• All employees are responsible for content of all text, audio or images that they store, create, play, or send over the electronic communication systems. Internet access or electronic mail systems are not to be used to access, create or distribute any offensive, hostile, or disruptive messages or material, including sexually explicit material. The electronic mail systems shall not be used to send (upload) or receive (download) copyrighted materials, trade secrets, proprietary financial information, or similar materials without prior authorization.

• Employees should not assume that any message or data is private or confidential. Individuals using the Company’s business equipment should have no expectation that any information stored on a computer - whether the information is contained on a computer hard drive, computer disk or in any other manner - will be private. Employees should not give their passwords or access codes to any other person nor should they use another employee’s passwords in order to avoid the potential for errors or fraud, for which the employee may be held accountable.

Violation of any guidelines listed above may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


Today’s Dental believes, teaches and promotes that we should keep one eye on the customer/patient and one eye on the cost. We want to provide maximum value for our dental services.

NEW PATIENT: If the patient is over 18 years old, he or she must have a new patient exam with FMX or 4 bitewings and pano before scheduling with hygiene. The Dentist must do a full mouth probing, record the pocket depths, and diagnose as a regular prophy or a perio case type.

REPLACING AMALGAM FILLINGS: Today’s Dental does not place mercury silver fillings and, although we do not believe in silver fillings from a health and environmental perspective, we do not recommend removing them simply because they exist. We recommend replacing silver fillings when there is either recurrent decay or a fracture. Replacing for cosmetic reasons may not be covered by insurance and therefore this procedure must be the patient’s choice with the insurance information disclosed to the patient before any work is performed.

FILLINGS VS. INLAYS/ONLAYS: A filling is significantly less expensive than an inlay or onlay. Therefore, for a Dentist to recommend these over a direct resin filling, you would need a significant reason why. We want to provide maximum value for our dental services; therefore this must be the patient’s choice with the insurance information disclosed to the patient before any work is performed.

CROWNS: A full crown is used to restore either structure to the tooth or is used for cosmetic purposes.

FILLINGS VS. CROWNS: A filling is significantly less expensive than a crown. Therefore, for a Dentist to recommend a crown over a direct resin filling, you would need a significant reason why. We want to provide a maximum value for our dental

services; therefore this must be the patient’s choice with the insurance information disclosed to the patient before any work is performed.

BUILD-UPS: A build-up is only used to add retention for the final crown restoration. If the final full crown restoration can be placed without the need for increased mechanical retention, then a build-up would not be necessary, nor should it be an automatic assumption with every crown. By the mere definition of an inlay or onlay you would never need a build-up for these procedures. A build-up is mainly used on endodontically- treated teeth and under some (but not all) full crowns in which there is little remaining tooth structure.

ROOT CANALS: Root canals (endodontic treatment) are used for the treatment of irreversible pulpitis, abscesses, and infections.

EXTRACTIONS: In preventive dentistry we need to accomplish three things: (1) Clean the teeth and supporting tissue; (2) Teach the patient to clean their own teeth and supporting tissue; and (3) Make their mouth cleansable. To achieve number three often times the wisdom teeth need to be removed.

ORTHODONTICS: To be a general dentist is to be a family dentist. Watching as many children develop before our eyes on six-month recall all family dentists need to be well trained in orthodontics. If a family practicing dentist cannot do a simple Class 1 Orthodontic case or place a simple Rapid Palatal Expander, then it would be hard to argue that he or she could monitor a child’s development or be able to explain the child’s development to the child’s parents. This is why Today’s Dental prefers that all family practicing dentists become proficient in orthodontics.



• Today’s Dental is not responsible for staff’s personal belongings brought onto Company property.

• Staff members with keys are to notify the employer immediately if a key is lost. If re-keying is required, a fee may be charged to the employee.

• Entrance Security Codes are confidential and may not be given out to anyone without permission from management.

• For the safety of our staff, no one is permitted to work alone when the office is closed or leave alone at closing unless authorized by management.


Each employee is expected to obey all safety rules and to exercise caution in all work activities. Employees must comply with all occupational safety and health standards and regulations established by the Occupational Safety and Health Act and state and local regulations. All employees are responsible for reporting immediately any safety hazards in the workplace to a supervisor.

If you have been involved in a workplace accident or injury, no matter how slight, you must report it to your supervisor immediately. Failure to report work-related injuries/illnesses in a timely manner may affect your eligibility to receive worker’s compensation insurance benefits.

Employees who violate safety standards, who cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or who fail to report or remedy such situations, may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.



Today’s Dental maintains a personnel file for each employee. These files are the property of Today’s Dental. Employment records for current and former employees are considered confidential and access to such information is restricted. Employees may review, but not copy, their own personnel file by a reasonable written request to the Office Manager.

All inquires to verify employment shall be directed to the Office Manager or other individual designated by management. Unless otherwise required by law, Today’s Dental will not release any employment information to third parties except for the employee’s start date, the employee’s end date, the employee’s position(s) held during employment, and wages.

It is the responsibility of each employee to notify the Office Manager of any changes in your personal data, such as your name, address, telephone number, marital status, tax status, number of dependents, educational accomplishments, insurance beneficiaries, or emergency contacts. These changes may affect benefit programs, payroll deductions, or our ability to contact you or your family.


Performance reviews are generally scheduled a minimum of once a year. Reviews and any salary increases do not always coincide. The areas reviewed include the following:

• Cooperation and Teamwork - Willingness to help fellow team members and to go “out of your way” for the good of the office.

• Self Improvement – Includes follow-through on goals/issues determined by management

• Communication – Between yourself, peers, doctors, and patients

• Attitude and Patience

• Punctuality and Attendance

• Professional Appearance and Courtesy

• General Job Performance and Improvement

Service awards will be given at five-year, seven-year, and ten-year anniversaries.


Full-time employees, including doctors, may not hold employment with any other dental office or dental-related company that is not affiliated with Today’s Dental.

Employees may hold outside jobs as long as they meet the performance standards of their job with Today’s Dental. All employees will be judged by the same performance standards and will be subject to the Company’s scheduling demands, regardless of any existing outside work requirements. If the Company determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with performance or the ability to meet the requirements of Today’s Dental, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment if he or she wishes to remain with Today’s Dental.



Regular, full-time employees will receive holiday pay for the following holidays, when the holiday falls on a work day:

• Memorial Day

• Independence Day (4th of July)

• Labor Day

• Thanksgiving

• Christmas Day

• New Year’s Day

Holiday pay for employees is calculated at the regular straight-time rate for the scheduled hours of the practice on that day. Holiday pay for dentists will be paid at a rate of $50.00 per hour for the scheduled hours of the practice on that day.

Staff members on a leave of absence for any reason are ineligible for holiday pay for holidays that are observed while they are on leave. Employees do not receive credit for overtime purposes for holiday hours that are not actually worked.


Health insurance and dental insurance may be available to regular, full-time employees the first month after the 90-day introductory period. Today’s Dental also provides life insurance to regular, full-time employees at no cost.

Open enrollment occurs in December for coverage effective the first of January. Specific benefit provisions for the Company’s insurance programs are contained in their summary plan descriptions, which are available upon request. Any conflict between statements in this Handbook and the summary plan documents will be governed by the provisions set forth in the summary plan document.


The following dental care will be provided by the office, after your 90-day waiting period.

Employee (EE) & Immediate Family Members *

Maximum $5000 Family Max per Year

Preventative 100%

Basic 80%

Major 50%

No ortho coverage until one year of service

The following dental care will be provided by the office, after one year of service.

Employee (EE) & Immediate Family Members *

Maximum $5000 Family Max per Year

Preventative 100%

Basic 100%

Major 80% 20% EE portion OR 100% lab fee whichever is greater

Standard ortho 100%

Invisalign 100% (Employee & Immediate Family less lab fees)

* Family Members are defined as follows:

Immediate: Spouse, employee’s children, step-children, parents, grandparents.

Plan excludes: Siblings, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, in-laws and in-law children; these family members will be given a 20% discount on their portion due.

Services are defined as follows:





After meeting your maximum allowed in a given year, the employee and/or employee’s family members will pay at 100%. If you have dental benefits outside of Today’s Dental, after 90 days you will be covered as “insurance only” as long as all lab fees are covered. Exceptions before 90-day period has been fulfilled may be approved by the Office manager only for emergencies. Associate dentists will be paid regular production for work done on employees, except for whitening and/or work done on their own family members.

On all above services, payment is required at time of treatment or when lab bills are due. Payment arrangements may be made in advance with the Office Manager for larger procedures.

Please see Office Manager or Front Office supervisor for appointments as well as financial arrangements. Doctor approval/referral is not in place of the Office Manager’s authorization. The Office Manager has final say on all decisions regarding employee/employee family-related treatments and financial arrangements.


In the event of an occupational injury or illness, employees may be covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

All injuries or illnesses arising out of the scope of your employment must be reported to your supervisor immediately. Failure to report work related injuries/illnesses in a timely manner may affect eligibility to receive worker’s compensation benefits.

401(k) Plan

All employees over the age of 21 are eligible for the 401(k) Plan after one year of employment provided they work at least 1000 hours during that year. Entry dates for participation are January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, and October 1st. Detailed plan information is available upon request.



Today’s Dental encourages educational development and recognizes that such development is becoming increasingly important. Attendance at continuing education courses may be mandatory or voluntary. All Dentists and Hygienists are required to receive a minimum of 25 hours of continuing education each year.

Today’s Dental will reimburse a yearly maximum of $3000 to doctors and $400 to hygienists for continuing education courses. Course content must be approved by the Office Manager via CE Request form prior to being submitted to the Controller for reimbursement.

The course must benefit the practice by increasing production and/or improving systems. Participants must bring back an idea(s) to share with staff in order to be reimbursed for the course.

If a continuing education course is scheduled during time when a staff member is scheduled to work, staff members attending courses are required to make arrangements for substitute personnel. When attendance at a continuing education course is mandatory, non-exempt employees will be paid (50% the hourly rate for hygienists and vacation rate of pay for doctors) for the time spent at the continuing education course.


Staff members who are required to be licensed or certified in order to perform their job duties in the office are responsible for maintaining a valid, current license by attending the necessary number of continuing education courses required for re-certification. The employer assumes no responsibility for employees who become delinquent in the number of units needed for re-certification and who, as a result, lose their license.



Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization and many of the reasons for termination are routine. Since employment by Today’s Dental is at-will, either you or the Company can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law, with or without cause or notice, and with or without procedural formality or progressive discipline.


Although advance notice is not required, Today’s Dental requests at least two weeks’ written resignation notice from all employees. Employees who provide the Company with at least two weeks’ written resignation notice will be considered to be in good standing.


All Company property must be returned to Today’s Dental at the time of separation or upon earlier request by the Company. You will be responsible for any lost or damaged items.


Employees who have resigned will receive their final paycheck no later than the regular payday for the pay period during which the separation occurred. Employees who have been discharged shall be paid their final paycheck within three working days or at the end of the next regular pay period, whichever is sooner.

Employees discharged based on their conduct are not eligible to receive a payout for their accrued but unused vacation time. An employee who resigns in good standing, with at least two weeks’ written notice or is laid off by the company, will be paid for accrued but unused vacation, provided that the employee works his or her regular hours during the resignation notice period. If the company chooses to accelerate the resignation date with an employee in good standing unused and accrued vacation will be paid.


of Today’s Dental No. 1 Ltd. Employee Handbook

By signing below, I hereby acknowledge that I have received, read and understand Today’s Dental’s Employee Handbook.

I understand and acknowledge that the Employee Handbook supersedes and replaces all previous editions or versions of any Employee Handbook, or any personnel policies, written or oral, except in the case where a written agreement has been executed and signed by me and the President (attach agreement or letter for reference if applicable).

I understand and acknowledge that IN NO WAY DOES THIS HANDBOOK CREATE A LEGAL OBLIGATION OR CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT. My employment with Today’s Dental is AT-WILL, meaning that either the Company or I can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason not prohibited by law, with or without cause or notice, and with or without procedural formality or progressive discipline. I understand and acknowledge that this at-will arrangement can be altered only in a written agreement signed by me and the President.

I understand and acknowledge that Today’s Dental reserves the right to change, add to or delete any or all of the provisions of this Employee Handbook at any time and may, without notice, depart from the Handbook depending on the circumstances.

I certify that the information I have given on my application form and during my employment interview(s) is accurate, complete and without omissions, and I understand that my application may be rejected or my employment may be terminated if it is not.




These guidelines shall remain in place until further revisions/guidelines are implemented.


I have read and agree to abide all of the procedures in Today’s Dental’s Electronic Communication Systems Policy. I understand that Today’s Dental provides electronic communication systems, such as computers, Internet, e-mail, voice-mail, and telephones, for use in its business. I understand and acknowledge that these resources are for business use only, and not for personal use. I understand and acknowledge that Today’s Dental intends to monitor its Internet, e-mail, voicemail, data files and computer systems for a number of purposes, including but not limited to providing those systems, maintaining and repairing those systems, preventing abuse of those systems, protecting the Company’s rights in those systems, assuring quality work performance and investigating workplace misconduct.

As a condition of my being given access to these systems, I hereby expressly consent that during my employment by Today’s Dental or thereafter, the Company may without notice, intercept, retrieve, access, inspect, read, monitor, copy, remove, disclose or otherwise alter any employee e-mail, voicemail, data file, Internet activity or other communication from or to me. I understand, acknowledge and consent that such actions may be taken by the Company despite the existence of system features that give the appearance of privacy, including but not limited to personal passwords and the ability to delete communications. My signature on this document indicates my express consent to the foregoing within the meaning of the Federal Wiretap Act, as amended by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510 et seq., and Arizona law, A.R.S. §§ 13-3001 et seq.

__________________________________________ ________________________

Employee’s Signature Date


Employee’s Printed Name



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