7th quarterly update Chap 18 - Access Training Materials

Chapter 18

Medical Highlight: Cosmetic Dentistry – Porcelain and Dental Veneers

An attractive smile for life is now possible today, thanks to improvements in procedures to repair chipped teeth or other common problems such as discolored or stained teeth. Dental veneers come in two different types, porcelain laminate veneers or resin-based composite veneers.

Dental veneers are different than a filling or crown. A composite filling is used when only a small amount of tooth structure needs to be replaced or altered. A full crown is indicated when a tooth has root canal treatment, or when a substantial amount of the tooth structure has been lost. A porcelain veneer or resin composite is indicated when the front surface and the biting edge of the tooth needs a cosmetic repair.

The two types of dental veneers are:

• Porcelain laminate veneer. This is a solid, thin porcelain covering that is bonded to the tooth. This wafer-thin shell of porcelain can be an excellent cosmetic solution for a tooth that is stained, chipped, or slightly misaligned. This may simply cover the front of the tooth. More often, porcelain laminates wrap around the edges of the tooth and cover up to three-quarters of the tooth’s surface.

In this procedure a small amount of enamel is removed from the front and sides of the tooth. This allows room for the veneer without the tooth looking bulky. Then a dental impression is made for use in making a fitted veneer at a dental laboratory. A shade is determined to ensure that the veneer matches adjacent teeth or corrects discolored teeth. The placement of the fitted veneer using a special bonding technique takes place at the second appointment.

• Resin-based composite veneer. Resin-based composite veneer is the same material used to fill cavities and is used to cover irregular surfaces. During the procedure tooth enamel may be removed similar to preparing the tooth for a porcelain laminate. A composite material that has been matched to the color of the teeth is then bonded to the tooth’s surface. A special light hardens the composite, and it is polished and smoothed so that is looks like a regular tooth.

The advantage of a porcelain veneer is that it is more durable than composite. Porcelain veneers are more resistant to chipping and staining and keep their luster and look of vitality for years. In contrast, composite veneers are more porous and therefore more prone to staining, wearing down, and eventually losing their luster. However if chips occur they are more easily repaired than porcelain laminates. Most cosmetic dental procedures are not covered by dental insurance.


Animated-. (2004). Porcelain veneers/ dental veneers/ cosmetic dentistry.

Retrieved March 16, 2005 from .

Florida Dental Insurance. (2005). Porcelain veneers. Retrieved March 16, 2005 from



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