BILL# - California

Summaries of All Senate Bills Heard

by the Committee in 2005 – 2006


|12 |Escutia |School Food Nutrition. Removes the requirement that SB 19 (Escutia), Chapter |Chapter 235, Statutes of |

| | |913, Statutes of 2001, be funded in order to be implemented, thereby |2005 |

| | |implementing nutrition standards in elementary schools, and extends the | |

| | |standards to secondary schools. Modifies nutrition standards for elementary | |

| | |schools. | |

|18 |Ortiz / Runner |Reproductive Health and Research. Requires the State Auditor to conduct a |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |performance audit of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and | |

| | |the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee, and to issue an audit report by | |

| | |June 30, 2006. States Legislative intent that the State Auditor conduct | |

| | |additional audit work, if necessary. | |

|19 |Ortiz |California Rx Program. Establishes the California State Pharmacy Assistance |Failed Passage in Senate |

| | |Program, a state pharmacy assistance program under the authority of the |Health |

| | |Department of Health Services, to provide prescription drug discounts for | |

| | |California residents with income up to 300% of the federal poverty level. | |

|23 |Migden |Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal. Requires the Managed Risk Medical |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Insurance Board (MRMIB) and the State Department of Health Services to enter | |

| | |into an interagency agreement with the State Employment Development Department| |

| | |to promote participation in the Healthy Families and Medi-Cal programs, and | |

| | |requires MRMIB to develop a process by which family contributions to Healthy | |

| | |Families are deducted from an applicant’s pay and are transmitted by the | |

| | |employer to MRMIB. | |

|24 |Ortiz |Hospital Charity Care. Directs acute-care, acute-psychiatric and special |Died in Senate |

| | |hospitals to limit charges imposed on patients with incomes below 400 percent |Appropriations |

| | |of federal poverty guidelines. Authorizes the Office of Statewide Health | |

| | |Planning and Development to develop a model application for patients seeking | |

| | |to qualify for charity-care and reduced-payment status. | |

|37 |Speier |Prohibited Substances. Requires the Department of Health Services to provide |Chapter 673, Statutes of |

| | |to the State Department of Education with the United States Anti-Doping |2005 |

| | |Agency’s “Guide to Prohibited Substances and Prohibited Methods of Doping”, on| |

| | |or before June 30, 2006. Makes changes relating to the 1998 California High | |

| | |School Coaching Education Program. | |

|38 |Alquist |Healthy Families Program. States the intent of the Legislature to expand the |Died at |

| | |income household eligibility limit for the Healthy Families Program from 250 |Assembly Desk |

| | |percent to 300 percent of the federal poverty level. | |

|47 |Scott |Nonprofit Medical Research Clinics. Removes the January 1, 2008 sunset date |Chapter 135, Statutes of |

| | |for the exemption from licensure requirements for nonprofit clinics that |2005 |

| | |satisfy requirements regarding medical research and the receipt of charitable | |

| | |contributions, including satisfying requirements regarding medical research | |

| | |and the receipt of charitable contributions before January 1, 2005. Requires | |

| | |such clinics to report to the Legislature on their activities by January 1, | |

| | |2007, and every five years thereafter, at a cost borne by the clinics. | |

|103 |Ducheny |Primary Care Clinic Licensing: Timing. Makes changes to the licensure |Provisions Removed from |

| | |requirements for primary care clinics. |Version Heard in Committee |

|108 |Lowenthal |Health Care Service Plans: Procedures For Participation by Subscribers and |Chapter 45, Statutes of |

| | |Enrollees. Deletes a provision in the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act|2005 |

| | |of 1975 that deems health plan compliance with federal Health Maintenance | |

| | |Organization Act requirements related to subscriber and enrollee involvement | |

| | |in the plan’s public policy as compliance with state requirements relating to | |

| | |plan public policy making. | |

|131 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Reimbursement for Federally Qualified Health Centers and Rural |Chapter 548, Statutes of |

| | |Health Clinics. Extends the period for filing scope-of-service rate |2005 |

| | |adjustment requests from 90 days to 150 days and requires Federal Qualified | |

| | |Health Centers in Los Angeles County to transition from cost of service to a | |

| | |prospective payment system. | |

|144 |Runner |Retail Food. Repeals and reenacts the existing California Uniform Retail Food|Chapter 23, Statutes of |

| | |Facilities Law as the California Retail Food Code, including substantive |2006 |

| | |changes, effective July 1, 2007. | |

|147 |Runner |Fetal Pain Prevention. Enacts the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2005 to |Died in |

| | |require, with an exemption for medical emergency, the physician performing the|Senate Health |

| | |abortion to offer to the pregnant woman information and counseling on fetal | |

| | |pain. | |

|162 |Ortiz / Runner |State Department of Public Health. Establishes a Department of Public Health |Chapter 241, Statutes of |

| | |within the Health and Human Services Agency, and transfers various |2006 |

| | |responsibilities relating to public health, currently administered by the | |

| | |Department of Health Services to the new department. | |

|163 |Scott |Public Contracts: Pharmaceutical Companies. Requires a pharmaceutical |Provisions Removed from |

| | |company that has state contracts to disclose the percentage of its national |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |operating budget that is expended for marketing purposes and the percentage | |

| | |that is expended for research and development, to the extent permitted by | |

| | |federal law. | |

|167 |Speier |Seismic and Patient Safety. Amends the Alfred E. Alquist Hospital Facilities |Died in |

| | |Seismic Safety Act of 1983 to permit delays of the 2008 seismic safety |Assembly Health |

| | |deadline for specified hospitals that do not exceed maximum allowable seismic | |

| | |risk, as determined by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and | |

| | |Development, and expedites the final compliance deadline to 2020 for hospitals| |

| | |granted the delay. | |

|206 |Dunn |Inpatient Hospital Services: Reimbursement: Pediatric Outlier Payment |Died in |

| | |Adjustment Program. Establishes the Pediatric Outlier Payment Adjustment |Senate Health |

| | |Program to provide funding to offset the unfunded costs of eligible hospitals | |

| | |that serve Medi-Cal eligible children with extraordinarily health care needs. | |

|209 |Alquist |Stroke Education. Requires the Department of Health Services to implement an |Died in Senate |

| | |education program intended to reduce the incidence of strokes. Requires the |Appropriations |

| | |department to conduct seminars for high-risk populations and disseminate | |

| | |information regarding strokes. Requires the program to be consistent with the| |

| | |recommendations of the Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and Treatment State| |

| | |Master Plan. | |

|224 |Chesbro |Health Facilities: Construction Plans. Creates a project to demonstrate and |Chapter 494, Statutes of |

| | |evaluate a plan review process for multistory hospital buildings that would |2005 |

| | |exempt specified repair and maintenance projects from pre-construction review | |

| | |and inspection by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. | |

|257 |Chesbro |Mental Health Services. Requires the Mental Health Services Oversight and |Provisions Removed from |

| | |Accountability Commission, established pursuant to Proposition 63, titled the |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |Mental Health Services Act, to elect from its members, a chair and vice chair | |

| | |at its first meeting and annually thereafter. | |

|266 |Romero |Trauma Care. Requires the Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) to |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |establish a trauma care advisory committee as specified, and requires the | |

| | |committee to develop a statewide trauma care plan, present the plan to the | |

| | |EMSA, and provide the plan to the Legislature along with the EMSA’s comments | |

| | |by January 1, 2007. | |

|267 |Romero |Emergency Medical Services: Trauma Care Fund. Changes the distribution |Provisions Removed from |

| | |formula that local emergency medical services agencies must use to distribute |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |money from the Trauma Care Fund to trauma care centers. | |

|279 |Cedillo |Physicians and Surgeons: Locum Tenens Services. Declares that a temporary |Chapter 596, Statutes of |

| | |physician staffing agency, commonly referred to as a locum tenens agency, is |2005 |

| | |not an employer of physicians they place. | |

|281 |Maldonado |Nutrition. Requires the Department of Health Services and the Department of |Chapter 236, Statutes of |

| | |Food and Agriculture, in consultation with the Department of Education, to |2005 |

| | |develop a program that encourages public schools to provide fruits and | |

| | |nonfried vegetables free of charge to students. | |

|315 |Margett |Hospitals: Reduction or Elimination of Emergency Medical Services: Notice. |Failed Passage |

| | |Requires the hospital to notify those entities and all local emergency medical|in Senate Appropriations |

| | |services agencies within the region served by the hospital at least 90 days | |

| | |before a planned reduction or elimination of the level of emergency medical | |

| | |services or closure of the hospital. | |

|325 |Ducheny |County Reimbursement. Appropriates $69,000,000 from funds payable under the |Died in |

| | |Federal Trust Fund, and monies from the General Fund, to the State Department |Senate Health |

| | |of Mental Health for allocation to county mental health agencies for the | |

| | |purposes of providing mental health services for the 2005-06 fiscal year under| |

| | |individualized education program developed pursuant to the federal Individuals| |

| | |with Disabilities Education Act. | |

|328 |Cedillo |Health Facilities: Medi-Cal Reimbursement: Selective Provider Contracts. |Provisions Removed from |

| | |Establishes additional criteria that must be considered by the California |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |Medical Assistance Commission in negotiating Medi-Cal inpatient payment rates | |

| | |for hospitals that are not "disproportionate share hospitals". | |

|329 |Cedillo |California Prescription Drug Safety and Effectiveness Commission. Establishes|Died in |

| | |the California Prescription Drug Safety and Effectiveness Commission within |Senate Health |

| | |the California Health and Human Services Agency. Prescribes the composition | |

| | |of the commission, how the members will be appointed, the terms of | |

| | |commissioners, and duties of the commission related to providing Californians | |

| | |with information on the safety and effectiveness of prescription drugs via an | |

| | |Internet Web site. | |

|340 |Battin |Stem Cell Research: Revenues. Requires that all revenues derived from |Died in |

| | |patents, royalties, and licenses paid to the state as a result of intellectual|Senate Health |

| | |property agreements entered into pursuant to these provisions be deposited | |

| | |into the General Fund. | |

|364 |Perata |Health Care Service Plans. Allows an emergency physician who has a contract |Died on Assembly Floor |

| | |with a health plan, but does not have a contract with a medical group or other| |

| | |entity that has been assigned responsibility for paying claims by the health | |

| | |plan, to submit a claim to the plan, and requires the plan to pay the claim | |

| | |pursuant to the terms of the contract. Provides that a physician submitting a| |

| | |claim to a plan pursuant to the bill shall not bill the patient, except for | |

| | |copayments, deductibles, or other costs that are the responsibility of the | |

| | |patient. | |

|367 |Speier |Health Care Complaint System. Enacts the Patient and Provider Preferred |Chapter 723, Statutes of |

| | |Provider Organization Protection Act and revises the way complaints from |2005 |

| | |health care providers are handled by the Department of Insurance. | |

|375 |Speier |Medicare Supplement Coverage. Conforms state Medicare Supplement Insurance |Chapter 206, Statutes of |

| | |statutes to the federal Medicare Modernization Act of 2003, and expands |2005 |

| | |Medicare beneficiaries’ access to Medicare supplemental insurance policies | |

| | |without medical underwriting. | |

|377 |Ortiz |Medi-Cal: Dental Services. Requires the Department of Health Services to |Chapter 643, Statutes of |

| | |inform Denti-Cal and other Medi-Cal providers that prevention and treatment of|2005 |

| | |dental and periodontal disease is a covered benefit for all pregnant | |

| | |beneficiaries. | |

|380 |Alquist |Drugs: Adverse Event Reporting. Requires health care providers to report |Provisions Removed from |

| | |suspicious serious adverse drug events to the federal Food and Drug |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |Administration | |

|383 |Maldonado |State Department of Mental Health: Sexually Violent Predators. Allows the |Chapter 137, Statutes of |

| | |Department of Mental Health to enter into an inter-agency agreement or |2005 |

| | |contract with the Department of Corrections and local law enforcement agencies| |

| | |for services related to the supervision and monitoring of sexually violent | |

| | |predators who have been conditionally released into the community. | |

|397 |Escutia |Elder Death Review Teams. Requires skilled nursing facilities and residential|Provisions Removed from |

| | |care facilities for the chronically ill within a county that has an elder |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |death review team (EDRT) to notify the chair or chair designee of the EDRT | |

| | |through fax or e-mail, when there is a death of an elderly resident of the | |

| | |facilities. | |

|400 |Kuehl |Tobacco Licensing. Makes changes to the penalties imposed on a retailer |Died in Senate |

| | |convicted of furnishing cigarettes or tobacco products to a person under the |Appropriations |

| | |age of 18. | |

|401 |Ortiz / Runner |Medical Information: Pharmacies: Marketing. Includes in the definition of |Provisions Removed from |

| | |"marketing," under the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act, written |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |communications, which pharmacists provide to patients when dispensing | |

| | |prescription drugs, if the communication includes the trade name or commercial| |

| | |slogan for any drug other than the dispensed drug when the cost of the | |

| | |communication is paid, directly or indirectly, by a drug manufacturer or | |

| | |distributor. | |

|409 |Kehoe |Emergency Health Care Services: Appropriations. Appropriates from the |Chapter 26, Statutes of |

| | |General Fund $5,451,000 to the Department of Health Services and $1,622,000 to|2006 |

| | |the Emergency Medical Services Authority for the 2005-06 fiscal year, for | |

| | |specified public health purposes. | |

|417 |Ortiz |Payment of Provider Claims. Prohibits a hospital-based physician, as defined,|Died in |

| | |from engaging in a pattern of billing a patient for covered services in excess|Assembly Health |

| | |of applicable copayments, deductibles or coinsurance, unless specified | |

| | |conditions are met, establishes specific notice requirements when the | |

| | |physician sends a patient a bill or statement and establishes penalties in law| |

| | |for violations of this bill by physicians or for violations of statutorily | |

| | |mandated payment practices by health care service plans | |

|429 |Florez |Recreational Bathing: Sanitation. Requires the Department of Health Services|Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |(DHS) to convene a public advisory group consisting of specified members to | |

| | |advise DHS on the development of minimum sanitation standards of high-use or | |

| | |priority freshwater bathing areas, as specified. | |

|437 |Escutia |Health Care Coverage. Establishes the Healthy Families Presumptive |Chapter 328, Statutes of |

| | |Eligibility Program for children who appear to meet the income requirements of|2006 |

| | |Healthy Families and were receiving but are no longer eligible for Medi-Cal | |

| | |without a share of cost or are eligible for Medi-Cal with share of cost and | |

| | |establishes the Medi-Cal to Healthy Families Accelerated Enrollment Program, | |

| | |subject to federal approval including Healthy Families Program (FFP), to | |

| | |provide temporary benefits until a final eligibility determination is made for| |

| | |children applying for Medi-Cal who appear to be eligible for Healthy Families | |

| | |(including children eligible for Medi-Cal with a share of cost). Requires the| |

| | |Department of Health Services to implement a process for self-certification of| |

| | |assets and income for various eligibility categories, subject to FFP, under | |

| | |the Medi-Cal program. | |

|442 |Machado |Maintenance: Income Levels. Reduces the share of cost for medically needy |Died in Senate |

| | |persons under the Medi-Cal program by allowing an additional deduction from |Appropriations |

| | |income of the difference of the current maintenance need level and 133% of the| |

| | |corresponding federal poverty level. Stipulates that it would only be | |

| | |implemented to the extent that federal financial participation is available. | |

|452 |Alarcon |Medi-Cal: Contracts: Disclosure and Confidentiality. Requires the Governor,|Failed Passage on |

| | |after reviewing an annual report comparing drug prices paid by Medi-Cal and |Assembly Floor |

| | |AIDS Drug Assistance Program with those paid by the federal government, to | |

| | |decide if additional state rebates should be sought and to include that | |

| | |decision in the Governor’s budget. | |

|454 |Ortiz |Health Counseling. Requires the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board and the |Died in Senate |

| | |Department of Health Services to establish standards to ensure that |Appropriations |

| | |educational materials are available to beneficiaries of the Healthy Families | |

| | |Program and Medi-Cal, at their request, on the subjects of nutrition | |

| | |education, increased physical activity and participation in state and federal | |

| | |nutrition programs. Requires that these educational materials and outreach be| |

| | |culturally and linguistically appropriate so that beneficiaries will be aware | |

| | |of these benefits, and that they be made available through contracting | |

| | |providers. | |

|456 |Runner |Access for Infants and Mothers: Federal Funding. Provides that federal funds|Died in |

| | |allocated to the state under the State Children’s Health Insurance Program |Senate Health |

| | |will also be allowed to support the Access for Infants and Mothers Program and| |

| | |prenatal services provided through Medi-Cal. | |

|458 |Speier |Health Care: County Organized Health Systems. Permits community health |Chapter 906, Statutes of |

| | |centers and clinics to offer one month of prepaid coverage for preventive |2006 |

| | |health care service for up to 200,000 employees of employers who have not | |

| | |offered employee health care coverage for the prior year when the employer has| |

| | |5,000 or fewer employees in California. Permits county operated health | |

| | |systems and local initiatives to offer coverage to private employers in that | |

| | |county, another county, or both. | |

|479 |Lowenthal/ |Childhood Obesity Mitigation. Requires the Department of Health Services to |Died in Assembly |

| |Vincent |establish the Childhood Obesity Mitigation Pilot Project until January 1, |Appropriations |

| | |2008, and authorizes local agencies and certain health care providers to | |

| | |participate in the pilot project. Provides for the administration of the | |

| | |pilot project by a committee that consists of representatives of participating| |

| | |entities. | |

|482 |Chesbro |Napa State Hospital: Cemetery Restoration. Requires the State Department of |Died in |

| | |Mental Health to develop a workplan for the restoration of Napa State Hospital|Senate Health |

| | |gravesites, would exempt the workplan from the prohibitions against structural| |

| | |changes, and requires the Governor to submit the workplan and the proposed | |

| | |budget as part the Governor’s proposed 2006–07 fiscal year State Budget. | |

|484 |Migden |Cosmetics: Chronic Health Effects. Requires, commencing January 1, 2007, |Chapter 729, Statutes of |

| | |cosmetic product manufacturers subject to federal Food and Drug Administration|2005 |

| | |regulation to provide to the Division of Environmental and Occupational | |

| | |Disease Control a complete list of its cosmetic products that are sold in | |

| | |California, and to identify by product any ingredient that is a chemical | |

| | |identified as causing cancer or reproductive toxicity. | |

|491 |Ducheny |Earthquake Safety and Hospital Preservation Bond Act. Establishes the |Died at |

| | |Earthquake Safety and Hospital Preservation Program within the California |Assembly Desk |

| | |Health Facilities Financing Authority to provide funds to nonprofit and public| |

| | |general acute care hospitals for retrofit or construction projects necessary | |

| | |to bring the hospitals into compliance with seismic safety standards. | |

| | |Authorizes the Authority to issue bonds in the amount of up to $5 billion. | |

|492 |Ashburn |Valley Fever: Vaccine. Appropriates $1,000,000 to the State Department of |Died in Assembly |

| | |Health Services for continuation of the Valley Fever Vaccine Project. |Appropriations |

|496 |Kuehl |Medi-Cal: Administrative Claims. Makes changes to the Medi-Cal |Died in Assembly |

| | |Administrative Activities claiming process for local governmental agencies, |Appropriations |

| | |local education agency, and local educational consortia. | |

|499 |Alarcon |Hospitals: Emergency Medical Services Elimination. Requires a hospital, |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |prior to issuing notice to the Department of Health Services of a planned | |

| | |elimination of emergency medical services or closure of the hospital, to | |

| | |prepare a public health and safety report, and to submit that report to the | |

| | |county supervisors and the local emergency medical services agency, and to | |

| | |make the report available to the public. | |

|522 |Torlakson |State Property: Vending Machines. Requires each vendor that operates or |Died on |

| | |maintains vending machines on designated state property to satisfy a specified|Senate Floor |

| | |phased-in requirement that at least 25 percent of the food and beverages | |

| | |offered in the vending machine meets accepted nutritional guidelines, as | |

| | |defined, by December 31, 2006, and 50 percent by December 31, 2007, or under | |

| | |specified conditions, by December 31, 2009, and to provide to users, upon | |

| | |request, information about the nutritional value of food and beverages offered| |

| | |in the vending machine and procedures for requesting a change in vending | |

| | |machine offerings. | |

|526 |Alquist |Long-Term Health Care. Requires the State Department of Health Services to |Died in |

| | |establish dedicated complaint response units in each district office of the |Senate Health |

| | |Licensing and Certification Division of the Department of Health Services | |

| | |(DHS) by January 1, 2007 following a study of unanticipated costs, requires | |

| | |DHS to issue a Class "A" citation when a nursing home resident is sexually | |

| | |assaulted by an employee of the facility, adds to the list of resident rights | |

| | |for long-term health care facilities, including changes to requirements | |

| | |regarding transfer and discharge of patients, creates requirements for skilled| |

| | |nursing facilities for the admission of patients covered by the Medi-Cal | |

| | |program, and requires nursing home operators to document labor costs by | |

| | |submitting payroll records to DHS on a quarterly basis. | |

|533 |Dunn |Long-Term Health Care Facilities: Admission Contracts. Additionally require |Died in |

| | |a statement in an abbreviated contract of admission informing the person being|Senate Health |

| | |admitted whether or not the facility is covered by liability insurance. | |

|556 |Migden |Drug Treatment. Allows the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to waive |Failed Passage on Senate |

| | |the requirement that no more than 25 percent of the money expended by a county|Floor |

| | |for the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act (SACPA) implementation be for| |

| | |"criminal justice activities", allows a court to retain a probationer in SACPA| |

| | |upon a third or subsequent drug-related probation violation, allows the parole| |

| | |authority to retain a parolee in SACPA upon a second drug-related parole | |

| | |violation, and insures that no person is denied SACPA treatment because of a | |

| | |co-occurring psychiatric disorder. | |

|558 |Migden |Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal. Requires the Managed Risk Medical |Died in |

| | |Insurance Board (MRMIB) and the Department of Health Services to collaborate |Assembly Health |

| | |with the Employment Development Department to promote participation in the | |

| | |Healthy Families and Medi-Cal programs; requires employers to notify employees| |

| | |of the Healthy Families and Medi-Cal programs; requires MRMIB to develop a | |

| | |process by which family contributions to Healthy Families are deducted from an| |

| | |applicant’s pay and are transmitted by the employer to MRMIB; and would make | |

| | |other related changes. | |

|564 |Torlakson |Cigarette and Tobacco Products Taxes: California Healthy Children Trust Fund.|Died in Senate Revenue and |

| | |Increases cigarette taxes by $1.00 per pack; uses proceeds for various |Taxation |

| | |health-related programs. | |

|571 |Perata |Adult Day Health Care Services: Certification. Requires applicants for adult|Died in Senate |

| | |day health care facility certification to attend an orientation provided by |Appropriations |

| | |the California Department of Aging (CDA) and submit documentation of the need | |

| | |for the facility and other specified information to CDA. Allows CDA to | |

| | |conduct a face-to-face interview with the applicant, lists the items that must| |

| | |be examined to qualify for certification and authorizes CDA to give priority | |

| | |to certain applications. | |

|573 |Romero |Disability Insurance: Intoxication. Repeals the existing provision that |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |allows health insurance companies to exclude coverage of injuries sustained as| |

| | |a consequence of the insured’s being intoxicated or under the influence of any| |

| | |controlled substance unless administered on the advice of a physician. | |

|576 |Ortiz |Health Care Coverage: Tobacco Cessation Services. Requires health care |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |service plans (generally HMOs) and health insurers (health plans) that provide| |

| | |outpatient prescription drug benefits to include coverage for tobacco | |

| | |cessation services. | |

|593 |Alarcon |Health Care Costs: Recovery. Requires a for-profit corporation with at least|Died in |

| | |20,000 employees to reimburse the state for costs of providing Medi-Cal and |Senate Health |

| | |Healthy Families to the corporation employees and dependents. | |

|600 |Ortiz/Perata |Biomonitoring. Creates a program to monitor and assess biomedical condition |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |in Californians. Requires the Department of Health Services to adopt | |

| | |guidelines and protocols for the states biomonitoring program. | |

|611 |Speier |Meat and Poultry Recalls. Requires a meat or poultry supplier, distributor, |Chapter 592, Statutes of |

| | |broker or processor to immediately notify the Department of Health Services, |2006 |

| | |as specified, when meat or poultry products they sell are subject to a | |

| | |voluntary recall by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. | |

|615 |Figueroa |Cervical Cancer. Expands the scope of the Cervical Cancer Community Awareness|Chapter 550, Statutes of |

| | |Campaign (CCCAC) to include the human papillomavirus (HPV) and would include |2005 |

| | |within the CCCAC provider education aimed at promoting the awareness of HPV | |

| | |and its link to cervical cancer. | |

|630 |Dutton |Anatomical Gifts: Organs: Inquests. Removes the sunset date for statutes |Chapter 138, Statutes of |

| | |governing procedures for removal of organs for transplant when a death |2005 |

| | |requires an inquest by the medical examiner or coroner. | |

|634 |Speier |Health Insurance: Claims Practices. Extends, beginning July 1, 2006, certain|Chapter 441, Statutes of |

| | |claims payment protections afforded to health care providers who deliver care |2005 |

| | |to enrollees of health care service plans to providers who provide services to| |

| | |patients with health insurance policies. Requires greater disclosure to | |

| | |individual policyholders about their potential costs when obtaining services | |

| | |from a provider who does not have a contract with the insured’s health | |

| | |insurer. | |

|642 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Adult Day Health Care Services. Makes various changes to the Adult|Died on |

| | |Day Health Care (ADHC) Program and mainly requires the Department of Health |Senate Floor |

| | |Services (DHS) to take all appropriate action to obtain approval for a state | |

| | |plan amendment that conforms the ADHC program to requirements of federal law | |

| | |and include specific requirements. | |

|643 |Chesbro |Nursing Facilities. Requires that a skilled nursing facility resident’s plan |Chapter 551, Statutes of |

| | |of care include services to assist the resident in maintaining, regaining, and|2005 |

| | |acquiring the skills and level of functioning to assist in a return to the | |

| | |community. Reduces the time for Medi-Cal to approve independent nurse | |

| | |provider applicants from 180 to 30 days. Requires professional assessments | |

| | |for conservatees. Creates a targeted case management system. Authorizes | |

| | |expansion of home- and community-based waivers. | |

|644 |Ortiz |Dispensing Prescription Drugs and Devices. Prohibits a licensed health care |Chapter 417, Statutes of |

| | |provider from obstructing a patient in obtaining a prescription drug or device|2005 |

| | |that has been legally prescribed or ordered for that patient. Makes a | |

| | |violation of this bill unprofessional conduct by the health care provider, and| |

| | |subjects the provider to disciplinary action by his or her licensing agency. | |

|650 |Ortiz |Prostate Cancer: Improving Access, Counseling, and Treatment for Californians|Chapter 442, Statutes of |

| | |with Prostate Cancer Program. Requires the Improving Access, Counseling, and |2005 |

| | |Treatment for Californians with Prostate Cancer (IMPACT) Program to include | |

| | |certain services, and allows the Department of Health Services to expend an | |

| | |amount equal to the amount appropriated for IMPACT in the Budget Act of 2005 | |

| | |and in any future Budget Act. | |

|666 |Aanestad |Congregate Living Health Facilities. Increases the capacity of a congregate |Chapter 443, Statutes of |

| | |living health facility from no more than six beds to no more than 12 beds, |2005 |

| | |with certain exceptions as provided by existing law. | |

|676 |Ashburn |Medi-Cal: Pharmacy Reimbursement. Requires the Department of Health Services|Chapter 525, Statutes of |

| | |(DHS) to ensure that medications provided to Medi-Cal recipients for |2006 |

| | |intravenous or infusion drug therapy are reimbursed in a manner that is | |

| | |consistent with the services provided to ensure that patients receiving these | |

| | |services continue to receive appropriate care and continuity of their drug | |

| | |regimen. Authorizes DHS to establish per diem or bundled reimbursement rates | |

| | |for specified pharmacies that provide home infusion supplies and services. | |

|708 |Speier |Drug Discount Program: Conditions of Participation. Requires the Department |Chapter 207, Statutes of |

| | |of Health Services to develop a standard contract for private nonprofit |2005 |

| | |hospitals whereby a hospital that elects to participate in the drug discount | |

| | |program established under federal law shall agree to provide charity care on a| |

| | |continuing basis. | |

|730 |Speier |Organic Products: Aquaculture Products. Prohibits any aquaculture, fish, or |Chapter 685, Statutes of |

| | |seafood product (including farmed and wild species) from being labeled or |2005 |

| | |represented as "organic," until such time that the United States Department of| |

| | |Agriculture’s National Organic Program, or the California Department of Food | |

| | |and Agriculture’s implements formal certification standards. | |

|734 |Torlakson |Controlled Substances. Makes various technical and clarifying changes to the |Chapter 487, Statutes of |

| | |Health and Safety Code pertaining to the Controlled Substance Utilization |2005 |

| | |Review and Evaluation System. | |

|739 |Speier |Hospitals: Infection Control. Requires hospitals to participate in hospital |Provisions Removed from |

| | |acquired-infection reporting systems, as specified. Expresses legislative |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |intent that data regarding hospital-acquired infections be made public in | |

| | |order to improve quality of care. Establishes an advisory panel to advise the| |

| | |Office of Statewide Planning and Development (OSHPD) on reporting | |

| | |requirements. Requires hospitals to report to OSHPD risk-adjusted data on | |

| | |selected infections, process measures, and infection rate trends. | |

|750 |Soto |Medi-Cal: Disease Management. Allows the Department of Health Services to |Provisions Removed from |

| | |require contractors in their acute long-term care integration pilot project to|Version Heard in Committee |

| | |establish Medi-Cal disease management programs. | |

|770 |Romero |Medi-Cal: Provider Enrollment. Makes physicians participating in the |Died in Assembly |

| | |Medicare program eligible for enrollment in the Medi-Cal program via a short |Appropriations |

| | |form application if they meet specified criteria, and shortens the timeframes | |

| | |for the Department of Health Services to enroll Medi-Cal providers. | |

|774 |Cox |Vended Water. Requires the telephone number displayed on the machines be a |Died in |

| | |toll-free telephone number. Imposes a state-mandated local program. |Senate Health |

|776 |Runner |Health Care Districts: Mortgage Insurance, Loans, Credit. |Chapter 554, Statutes of |

| | |Allows a health care district to secure federally insured loans issued under |2005 |

| | |the National Housing Act through specified financing mechanisms. Allows a | |

| | |health care district to establish a line of credit secured by accounts | |

| | |receivable or other noncapital assets. | |

|780 |Ortiz |University of California: Medical Schools: Admissions Criteria. Requests |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |the University of California to require medical schools of the University to | |

| | |consider specific criteria in their consideration of applicants for admission.| |

| | | | |

|791 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Continuous Skilled Nursing Care Benefit: Pilot Project. Extends |Died in Senate |

| | |the repeal date from January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008 for a current pilot |Appropriations |

| | |project that provides continuous skilled nursing care as a benefit of the | |

| | |Medi-Cal program to individuals with developmental disabilities in the least | |

| | |restrictive health facility setting. | |

|798 |Simitian |Prescription Drugs: Collection and Distribution Program. Establishes a |Chapter 444, Statutes of |

| | |voluntary, county-option drug repository and distribution program to |2005 |

| | |distribute surplus medications to persons in need of financial assistance to | |

| | |ensure access to necessary pharmaceutical therapies. | |

|803 |Ducheny |Ongoing Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2005. States the |Died in Assembly Public |

| | |Legislature’s intent to appropriate $120 million to the Substance Abuse |Safety |

| | |Treatment Trust Fund in the annual budget act. Makes other changes relating | |

| | |to the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000. | |

|840 |Kuehl |Single-Payer Health Care Coverage. Creates the California Health Insurance |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |System, a single payer health care system, administered by the California | |

| | |Health Insurance Agency, to provide health insurance coverage to all | |

| | |California residents. | |

|849 |Escutia |Environmental Health Data. Requires the Department of Health Services (DHS) |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |and the California Environmental Protection Agency to establish the | |

| | |Interagency Office of Environmental Health Tracking within DHS’ Division of | |

| | |Environmental and Occupational Disease Control for the purpose of implementing| |

| | |the California Health Tracking Program. | |

|861 |Speier |Medi-Cal: Allowable Drug Product Prices: Updates. Changes the amount of |Provisions Removed from |

| | |time by which the director of the Department of Health Services must update |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |allowable drug product prices from no less often than every 30 days, to within| |

| | |seven days of receiving notice of a drug product price change. | |

|869 |Bowen |Nurse-Family Partnership Program. Establishes the Nurse-Family Partnership |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Program administered by the Department of Health Services, for purposes of | |

| | |making grants to eligible participating counties for voluntary registered | |

| | |nurse home visiting services for expectant first-time low-income mothers, | |

| | |their children, and their families. | |

|912 |Ducheny/ |Medi-Cal: Provider Reimbursement. Eliminates the existing 5 percent |Chapter 8, |

| |Runner |reduction in many Medi-Cal provider payments and makes an appropriation from |States of 2006 |

| | |the General Fund and the Federal Trust Fund | |

|913 |Simitian |Medication Therapies: Rheumatic Diseases. Prohibits any health care service |Died in Senate |

| | |plan or health insurer that contracts to provide coverage for drugs from |Appropriations |

| | |requiring a step therapy pharmacy management protocol that makes distinction | |

| | |between biologic and nonbiologic therapies. Requires the Department of Health| |

| | |Services to establish a pilot program in which any biologic drug prescribed | |

| | |for the treatment of rheumatic disease would be covered under Medi-Cal if | |

| | |certain conditions are met. | |

|917 |Speier |Payers’ Bill of Rights: Diagnostic Related Groups. Establishes the Hospital |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Transparency Act of 2005, which amends the Payers’ Bill of Rights to require | |

| | |the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development to compile and publish| |

| | |on its web site the top 25 most common Medicare diagnostic related groups and | |

| | |the average charge for each by hospital. | |

|923 |Florez/ |West Nile Virus. Requires the State Department of Health Services to allocate|Died at |

| |Ashburn |funds to mosquito and vector control districts and to the departments for |Assembly Desk |

| | |purpose of abatement and control of mosquitoes and vectors that cause the | |

| | |transmission of West Nile virus. | |

|941 |Alquist/ |Emergency Medical Services Fund. Establishes the Emergency Medical Services |Chapter 671, Statutes of |

| |Speier |(EMS) Funding Act, which revises existing law governing administration of the |2005 |

| | |Maddy EMS Fund and the California Tobacco Tax and Health Promotion Act of 1988| |

| | |(Proposition 99) Physician Services Account to make the statutes more | |

| | |consistent. | |

|942 |Chesbro |Cigarettes: Pollution: Litter. Imposes a fee of no more than five mills per|Died in Senate |

| | |cigarette on cigarette manufacturers for various programs and activities |Appropriations |

| | |related to cigarette pollution and litter prevention and cleanup. | |

|945 |Soto |Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing. Requires healthcare providers and|Died in |

| | |laboratories to report cases of HIV infection to the local health officer |Senate Judiciary |

| | |using the patient’s name. | |

|965 |Escutia |Pupil Nutrition: Beverages. Revises current law related to the sale of |Chapter 237, Statutes of |

| | |beverages on school campuses. |2005 |

|985 |Dunn |Adulterated Candy: Lead Poisoning Prevention. Requires the Department of |Died in Senate |

| | |Health Services to regulate lead in candy to ensure that the candy is not |Appropriations |

| | |adulterated. Defines "adulterated candy" as candy with lead levels that | |

| | |exceed the naturally occurring level as determined by the Office of | |

| | |Environmental Health Hazard Assessment | |

|1062 |Bowen |Victims of Crime: Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault. Requires, if an |Chapter 639, Statutes of |

| | |agency receives funding from both the Comprehensive Statewide Domestic |2006 |

| | |Violence Program (CSDVP) in the Office of Emergency Services and the Maternal | |

| | |and Child Health Branch (MCH Branch) of the Department of Health Services | |

| | |during any grant cycle, the CSDVP and the MCH Branch, to the extent feasible, | |

| | |to coordinate agency site visits and share performance assessment data with | |

| | |the goal of improving efficiency, eliminating duplication, and reducing | |

| | |administrative costs. | |

|1083 |Ackerman |California Medical Assistance Commission: Reimbursement. Provides that the |Died in |

| | |Commission shall be reimbursed at the annual salary of members of the State |Senate Health |

| | |Personnel Board. | |

|1100 |Perata and Ducheny |Medi-Cal Hospital/Uninsured Care Demonstration Project. Implements a |Chapter 560, Statutes of |

| | |five-year waiver of federal Medicaid requirements and revises the methods the |2005 |

| | |state uses to pay private, public and university hospitals that contract with | |

| | |the state under the Medi-Cal selective provider contracting program. | |

|1208 |Ortiz |Tobacco Products. Prohibits transportation of cigarettes and tobacco |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |products, excluding cigars and pipe tobacco, to persons in California except | |

| | |when such shipments are made either to an entity that is licensed by the Board| |

| | |of Equalization for tobacco transactions or to certain other specified | |

| | |entities, and broadens the definition of bidis, a prohibited tobacco product. | |

| | | | |

|1220 |Migden |Vaccines: Influenza. Requires the Department of Health Services (DHS) to |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |establish a bulk purchasing program for flu (flu) vaccine on behalf of smaller| |

| | |physician practices, as determined by DHS, to facilitate the timely | |

| | |distribution of the vaccine to the public. Requires DHS to establish a | |

| | |process for the smaller physician practices to order the flu vaccine from DHS.| |

| | | | |

|1223 |Scott |Hearing Aids. Requires health care service plan contracts and health |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |insurance policies to provide coverage for hearing aids, up to $1,000, to all | |

| | |children, defined as enrollees and insureds under 18 years of age, as | |

| | |specified. | |

|1245 |Figueroa |Health Care Coverage: Cervical Cancer Screening Test. Requires health care |Chapter 482, Statutes of |

| | |service plans and health insurers to cover a human papillomavirus screening |2006 |

| | |test approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration as part of the | |

| | |existing law requirement that plans and insurers cover an annual cervical | |

| | |cancer screening test upon referral by a patient’s health care provider. | |

|1248 |Alquist |Long-term Health Care Facilities: Resident Rights. Requires as of July 1, |Chapter 530, Statutes of |

| | |2007, that specified federal regulations regarding the rights of residents in |2006 |

| | |long-term care facilities and the duties of facilities toward their residents | |

| | |apply to each skilled nursing facility and intermediate care facility | |

| | |regardless of a resident’s payment source or the Medi-Cal or Medicare | |

| | |certification status of the skilled nursing facility or intermediate care | |

| | |facility in which the resident resides. | |

|1260 |Ortiz / Runner |Reproductive Health and Research. Deletes sunset dates of certain provisions |Chapter 483, Statutes of |

| | |in existing law relating to the derivation or use of human embryonic stem cell|2006 |

| | |research. Establishes guidelines relating to egg donation for stem cell | |

| | |research funded outside of Proposition 71. | |

|1277 |Alquist |Emergency Care and Services: Reimbursement. Requires the Department of |Chapter 398, Statutes of |

| | |Health Services to adopt a fee schedule to establish a uniform, reasonable, |2006 |

| | |level of reimbursement for use in physician services reimbursement programs | |

| | |operated by DHS pursuant to the Emergency Medical Services Appropriation | |

| | |Contract Back Program. | |

|1288 |Cedillo |Medi-Cal: Minors: Drug and Alcohol Treatment. Includes as a covered |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |services under Drug Medi-Cal residential drug and alcohol treatment services, | |

| | |and the services described in the Youth Treatment Guidelines issued by the | |

| | |Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs. | |

|1301 |Alquist |Health Facilities: Reporting and Inspection Requirements. Requires general |Chapter 647, Statutes of |

| | |acute care hospitals, acute psychiatric hospitals, and special hospitals to |2006 |

| | |report an adverse event to the Department of Health Services (DHS) no later | |

| | |than five days after the event has been detected or in the case of an urgent | |

| | |or emergent threat, not later than 24 hours after the adverse event has been | |

| | |detected. Requires DHS to make onsite inspections or investigations within 48| |

| | |hours or two business days, whichever is greater, upon receipt of a report | |

| | |that indicates an ongoing threat of imminent danger of death or harm. | |

| | |Requires DHS by January 1, 2009 to provide information regarding reports of | |

| | |adverse events and the outcomes of inspections on the DHS website. | |

|1312 |Alquist |Health Care Facilities. Requires inspections and investigations of long-term |Chapter 895, Statutes of |

| | |care facilities certified by the Medicare or Medicaid program to determine |2006 |

| | |compliance with federal standards and California statutes and regulations. | |

| | |Eliminates existing law that provides an exemption for specified health care | |

| | |facilities from periodic inspections by the Department of Health Services. | |

|1323 |Cedillo |Los Angeles Mental Health: Treatment Pilot Program for Felony Offenders. |Died in Senate |

| | |Appropriates $350,000 from the General Fund to the Department of Mental Health|Appropriations |

| | |(DMH) for allocation to the County of Los Angeles for the purpose of creating | |

| | |one position within the Los Angeles County DMH to work, in conjunction with | |

| | |the Los Angeles County Superior Court, on a 5-year co-existing Mental | |

| | |Disorders Treatment Pilot Program for felony offenders in the state who have | |

| | |been identified as having both serious mental health and substance abuse | |

| | |problems. | |

|1329 |Alquist |Community Development: Healthy Food Choices. Creates a new grant program |Died in Assembly |

| | |within the California Department of Food and Agriculture to test marketplace |Appropriations |

| | |innovations in low income communities for the purpose of increasing | |

| | |consumption of fruits, vegetables and other healthy food. | |

|1338 |Alquist |California Health Care Infrastructure Authority. Requires the Health and |Died in Assembly |

| | |Human Services Agency to establish and operate the California Health Care |Appropriations |

| | |Infrastructure Program to improve the quality of health care in California and| |

| | |to reduce the cost of health care through the advancement of health | |

| | |information technology | |

|1339 |Romero/ |Emergency Medical Services. Requires, to the extent that private funding is |Vetoed by the Governor |

| |Perata |obtained, the Emergency Medical Services Authority to create a working group | |

| | |to, among other things, design a study to assess the adequacy of the state’s | |

| | |emergency and trauma care system. | |

|1350 |Romero |Trauma Care Funding: Regional Funding Allocations. Requires the Emergency |Died in Assembly |

| | |Medical Services Authority to establish a statewide inclusive trauma system, |Appropriations |

| | |establish trauma care regions, and require each region to develop a trauma | |

| | |care plan that would provide trauma care coverage to the entire region. | |

|1353 |Romero |Medi-Cal: Provider Enrollment. Requires specified physicians to be eligible |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |for expedited enrollment in the Medi-Cal program. Permits a Medi-Cal | |

| | |physician provider to change locations within the same county by filing a | |

| | |change of location form. | |

|1356 |Lowenthal |Suicide Prevention. Establishes the Suicide Prevention Act of 2006 which |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |requires the Department of Mental Health in consultation with impacted state | |

| | |and local boards and departments to implement a comprehensive suicide | |

| | |prevention plan. | |

|1369 |Maldonado |Clinical Laboratories: Anatomic Pathology Services. Expands the billing |Died in |

| | |restrictions for cytologic pathology services to apply to anatomic pathology |Assembly Health |

| | |services, and defines anatomic pathology services to include cytologic | |

| | |pathology, histopathology, hematology, sub-cellular pathology and molecular | |

| | |pathology. | |

|1371 |Maldonado |Medi-Cal: Smart Cards. Requires the Department of Health Services to |Died in Senate |

| | |implement a smart card demonstration project within the Medi-Cal program. |Appropriations |

|1379 |Perata / Ortiz |Biomonitoring. Establishes the Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Program, |Chapter 599, Statutes of |

| | |to be administered jointly by the Division of Environmental and Occupational |2006 |

| | |Disease Control at the Department of Health Services (DHS) and the Office of | |

| | |Environmental Health Hazard Assessment within the California Environmental | |

| | |Protection Agency (CalEPA). The Program is established to monitor the | |

| | |presence and concentration of designated chemicals in Californians. Requires | |

| | |DHS and CalEPA to establish an advisory panel to assist the department and the| |

| | |agency and establishes the Healthy Californians Biomonitoring Fund for deposit| |

| | |of funds for the purposes of the Program. | |

|1394 |Florez |Health Care: Kern Health Systems. Requires the Department of Managed Health |Died in |

| | |Care to evaluate Kern Health Systems to determine the adequacy of rates, |Assembly Health |

| | |access to care by plan enrollees, impacts to non-contracting providers and | |

| | |opportunities to improve the network and quality of care. | |

|1398 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Managed Care: Reimbursement. Requires the Department of Health |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Services to provide, on an annual basis, as part of the May Revision of the | |

| | |annual Budget Act, specified information regarding all Medi-Cal managed care | |

| | |plans. | |

|1403 |Scott |Medi-Cal: Dental Restoration Documentation Requirements. Eliminates the |Chapter 61, Statutes of |

| | |requirements that a radiograph, commonly known as X-rays, is required for |2006 |

| | |approval under Medi-Cal when the beneficiary is under four years of age or is | |

| | |developmentally disabled. | |

|1405 |Soto |Medi-Cal: Healthy Families: Interpreter Services. Creates a task force for |Died on |

| | |developing methods to obtain federal matching funds to pay for language |Senate Floor |

| | |assistance services, including oral interpretation and translation of written | |

| | |materials. | |

|1414 |Migden |California Fair Share Health Care Act. Requires employers with 10,000 or more|Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |employees to spend between 6 percent and 8 percent of its total wages, as | |

| | |specified, on employee health insurance costs, or pay a specified amount to | |

| | |the Department of Industrial Relations for deposit into the California Fair | |

| | |Share Health Care Fund. | |

|1427 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Federally Qualified Health Centers: Rural Health Centers. |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Authorizes the provision of Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) services | |

| | |by certain qualified health professionals at the prospective payment system | |

| | |rate at locations other than a FQHC’s primary care clinic site, under | |

| | |designated circumstances. | |

|1430 |Alquist |The Local Pandemic and Emergency Health Preparedness Act of 2006. Allows the |Chapter 874, Statutes of |

| | |director of the Department of Health Services to declare a health emergency |2006 |

| | |and a local health officer to declare a local health emergency whenever there | |

| | |is an imminent and proximate threat of the introduction of any contagious, | |

| | |infectious, or communicable disease, chemical agent, noncommunicable biologic | |

| | |agent, toxin, or radioactive agent. | |

|1439 |Cedillo |Medi-Cal: Adult Day Health Care: Meals. Requires that those nutrition |Died in |

| | |services include a minimum of 2 meals per day, of the specified quality and |Senate Health |

| | |quantity. | |

|1440 |Cedillo |Mental Health Treatment: Exercise of Rights: Retaliation. Establishes a |Died in |

| | |rebuttable presumption that any attempt to expel a patient, or any |Senate Health |

| | |discriminatory treatment of a patient, within 150 days of the filing of a | |

| | |complaint by or on behalf of the patient, is retaliatory. | |

|1448 |Kuehl |Health Care: Medi-Cal: Uninsured Persons. Establishes the Health Care |Chapter 76, Statutes of |

| | |Coverage Initiative as required under the Special Terms and Conditions of |2006 |

| | |California’s Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration project waiver relating to | |

| | |hospital financing and health coverage expansion that became effective | |

| | |September 1, 2005. | |

|1461 |Florez |Health Care: Primary Care: Grants in Aid. Revises the conditions that the |Chapter 176, Statutes of |

| | |Department of Health Services uses to allocate grants to primary care clinics |2006 |

| | |to include that they are located in a federally designated health professional| |

| | |shortage area and makes other technical changes. | |

|1469 |Cedillo |Medi-cal: Eligibility: Juvenile Offenders. Requires a county juvenile |Chapter 657, Statutes of |

| | |detention facility to notify the county welfare department (CWD) when a |2006 |

| | |juvenile is incarcerated, so that the CWD can determine if the juvenile will | |

| | |be eligible for Medi-Cal or Healthy Families on release from custody. | |

| | |Requires the CWD to initiate an application for Medi-Cal and Healthy Families | |

| | |with the cooperation of the juvenile’s parent or guardian. | |

|1471 |Kuehl |Sex Education Programs: Requirements. Requires any program that provides |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |education to prevent adolescent or unintended pregnancy or to prevent sexually| |

| | |transmitted infections and that is conducted, operated, or administered by the| |

| | |state or any state agency, or is funded directly or indirectly by the state, | |

| | |or receives any financial assistance from the state, including, but not | |

| | |limited to, public schools, to meet specified requirements that emphasize | |

| | |comprehensive sex education. | |

|1487 |Hollingsworth |Coerced Abortion. Prohibits a physician or surgeon from performing an |Failed Passage in Senate |

| | |abortion unless he or she has obtained the written assurance from the patient |Health |

| | |that she understands that she may not be coerced into having an abortion, and | |

| | |that her decision to have an abortion is voluntary. Requires a signed form to| |

| | |that effect be placed in the patient’s chart. | |

|1500 |Speier |Drug Programs. Requires the Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs to |Chapter 662, Statutes of |

| | |develop and implement a statewide media campaign designed to deter the use of |2006 |

| | |methamphetamines. Authorizes the department to accept voluntary cash and | |

| | |in-kind contributions and prohibits the department from developing the media | |

| | |campaign unless sufficient donations have been collected to pay for the cost. | |

|1508 |Bowen |Health Care Coverage: Colonoscopies. Requires health care service plan |Died in |

| | |contracts and health insurance policies that cover colonoscopies, to provide |Assembly Health |

| | |coverage for medically necessary anesthesia services for the covered | |

| | |colonoscopy. Exempts from the requirements in this bill specialized health | |

| | |care service plans and insurance policies that are accident-only, specified | |

| | |disease, hospital indemnity, Medicare, Civilian Health and Medical Program of | |

| | |the Uniformed Services supplement, dental-only, or vision-only policies. | |

|1520 |Ducheny |Medi-Cal: Hospital Funding Demonstration Project: University of California. |Chapter 665, Statutes of |

| | |Amends the Medi-Cal Hospital and Uninsured Hospital Care Demonstration Project|2006 |

| | |Act, by requiring the Department of Health Services to adjust, at the request | |

| | |of the governmental entity, Medicaid payment distributions to designated | |

| | |public hospitals that are part of a hospital system licensed to the same | |

| | |governmental entity, prior to distributing those payments. | |

|1528 |Bowen |Medi-Cal: Covered Services: Pregnancy. Requires home infusion treatments |Chapter 666, Statutes of |

| | |with tocolytic agents for pregnant women to be covered under the Medi-Cal |2006 |

| | |fee-for-service program, subject to utilization controls and clinical | |

| | |guidelines and requires the Department of Health Services to prepare, or | |

| | |contract for the preparation of, a report evaluating the medical effectiveness| |

| | |and cost-effectiveness of infusion treatments with tocolytic agents. | |

|1532 |Bowen |Household Substances: Packaging. Revises the Health and Safety Code Section |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |108680 (California Poison Prevention Packaging Act) definition of package to | |

| | |include any empty container that is designed to contain any household | |

| | |substance for consumption, use, or storage by any individual in or about the | |

| | |household, effective January 1, 2008. | |

|1555 |Speier |Umbilical Cord Blood Banking: Education. Requires the primary prenatal care |Chapter 484, Statutes of |

| | |provider of a pregnant woman, during the first prenatal visit, to provide her |2006 |

| | |with information developed by the Department of Health Services (DHS) | |

| | |regarding her options with respect to umbilical cord blood banking at the same| |

| | |time information is provided regarding the use and availability of prenatal | |

| | |screening for birth defects of the fetus. Requires DHS to develop | |

| | |standardized, objective information about cord blood donation that is | |

| | |sufficient to allow a pregnant woman to make an informed decision on whether | |

| | |to participate in a private or public umbilical cord blood banking program. | |

|1591 |Kuehl |Health Insurance Plans: Administrative Costs. Prohibits health insurers |Provisions Removed from |

| | |from spending on administrative costs in any fiscal year an excessive amount |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |of aggregate dues, fees, or other periodic payments received by the insurer. | |

| | |Provides, for purposes of the bill, that administrative costs include all | |

| | |costs identified in current regulations that apply to health care service | |

| | |plans. Requires the Department of Insurance to develop regulations to | |

| | |implement the bill by January 1, 2008, and provides that the bill is to take | |

| | |effect on July 1, 2008. | |

|1596 |Runner |Nurse-Family Partnership Program. Requires the State Department of Health |Chapter 878, Statutes of |

| | |Services to establish and implement a program of grants to counties for the |2006 |

| | |provision of voluntary registered nurse home visits for first-time, low-income| |

| | |mothers and their families. | |

|1616 |Kuehl |Juveniles: Incarceration: Medi-Cal: SSI: SSDI. Requires the Division of |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |Juvenile Justice of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, to work | |

| | |with the Social Security Administration and the Department of Health Services | |

| | |to ensure that disabled wards are enrolled in Medi-Cal and that their | |

| | |disability benefits are available to them when they are released from | |

| | |incarceration at a state institution. | |

|1622 |Escutia |Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal: Employee Eligibility. Requires the |Died in Assembly |

| | |Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board and the Department of Health Services to |Appropriations |

| | |collaborate with the Employment Development Department to promote | |

| | |participation in the Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal. | |

|1638 |Figueroa |Midwives: Advisory Council: Annual Report. Requires the Division of |Chapter 536, Statutes of |

| | |Licensing of the Medical Board of California (Board) to create and appoint a |2006 |

| | |Midwifery Advisory Council consisting of licensees in good standing, who need | |

| | |not be members of the Board, and members of the public who have an interest in| |

| | |midwifery practice, including, but not limited to, home births. Requires each| |

| | |licensed midwife who assists, or supervises a student midwife in assisting, in| |

| | |childbirth that occurs in an out-of-hospital setting to annually report to the| |

| | |Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development, as specified. | |

|1659 |Cox |Hospital Seismic Retrofit. Authorizes the Office of Statewide Health Planning|Chapter 678, Statutes of |

| | |and Development (OSHPD) to permit electronic submission of seismic |2006 |

| | |construction plans. Requires OSHPD by April 1, 2007, to adopt, and the | |

| | |California Building Standards Commission to approve, regulations amending the | |

| | |California Mechanical Code that facilitate construction of toilet rooms | |

| | |accessible to persons with disabilities in hospitals and long-term health care| |

| | |facilities. Requires regulations to be deemed emergency regulations pursuant | |

| | |to existing law regarding seismic safety requirements and to be adopted as | |

| | |such, and sunsets this authority on January 1, 2008. | |

|1661 |Cox |Health Facilities: Seismic Safety: Construction. Authorizes an extension |Chapter 679, Statutes of |

| | |of up to an additional two years for hospitals that have already received |2006 |

| | |extensions of the January 1, 2008 seismic safety compliance deadline if | |

| | |specified criteria are met, and requires specified hospital reports to be | |

| | |posted on the Web site of the Office of Statewide Health Planning and | |

| | |Development. | |

|1672 |Maldonado |Public Health: Health Care Technology Systems: Tax Credit: Loans. Requires|Died in Senate |

| | |the California Health Facilities Financing Agency to establish a low-interest |Appropriations |

| | |loan program to provide financing for the costs of health care information | |

| | |technology systems for health institutions, facilities and providers. | |

|1683 |Scott |Pharmaceutical Information: Clinical Trial Data. Requires pharmaceutical |Died in Senate |

| | |manufacturers to register all clinical trials and publish all clinical trials |Appropriations |

| | |results on the federal clinical trials database for every medicine they sell | |

| | |in California, regardless of when the clinical trials were initiated or | |

| | |completed, or where they were conducted. | |

|1691 |Runner |California State Pharmacy Assistance Program. Establishes the California |Died in |

| | |State Pharmacy Assistance Program within the department to provide discount |Senate Health |

| | |prescription drugs for low-income uninsured Californians. | |

|1702 |Perata |Discount Prescription Drug Program. Establishes the California Discount |Provisions Removed from |

| | |Prescription Drug Program in the Department of Health Services to use |Version Heard in Committee |

| | |manufacturer rebates and pharmacy discounts in order to reduce prescription | |

| | |drug prices and improve the quality of health care for eligible Californians. | |

|1708 |Ackerman |Medi-Cal: County Organized Health Systems: Fraud. Requires the Department |Died in |

| | |of Health Services to prepare a report assessing statewide compliance by |Senate Health |

| | |county organized health systems with current requirements applicable to those | |

| | |entities regarding provider and beneficiary fraud against the Medi-Cal | |

| | |program. | |

|1711 |Ortiz |Flu Vaccinations: Report. Requires the Department of Health Services to |Died in Assembly |

| | |report annually to the Legislature the amount of flu vaccine that it |Appropriations |

| | |distributes to local governmental or private, nonprofit agencies. | |

|1746 |Runner |Health Care Reporting: Public Access. Requires the State Department of |Died in |

| | |Health Services to convene a commission to conduct a study regarding specified|Senate Health |

| | |aspects of reporting information to the department and various aspects of | |

| | |making the information available to the public. | |

|1748 |Figueroa |Cystic Fibrosis and biotinidase: Newborn Screening. Adds biotinidase and |Died in Assembly |

| | |cystic fibrosis to the existing expansion of the statewide newborn screening |Appropriations |

| | |program that the Department of Health Services (DHS) is required to implement | |

| | |and extends the date by which DHS can temporarily obtain testing services | |

| | |through a competitive bid process if it is unable to provide the expanded | |

| | |screening to August 1, 2007. | |

|1755 |Chesbro |Medi-Cal: Adult Day Health Care Services. Revises the Medi-Cal eligibility |Chapter 691, Statutes of |

| | |and medical necessity criteria, service requirements and roles and |2006 |

| | |responsibilities of a participant’s personal health care provider in the adult| |

| | |day health care program, as specified. | |

|1763 |Figueroa/ |Pharmaceuticals: Compulsory Licensing. Gives the Governor explicit |Died in Senate |

| |Kuehl |authorization, when a state of emergency is declared, to issue a compulsory |Appropriations |

| | |license of pharmaceuticals; directs the Department of Health Services (DHS) to| |

| | |establish a process by which any person affected by the compulsory license may| |

| | |appeal; authorizes DHS to issue a license for the manufacture of the | |

| | |pharmaceutical drug; and provides that just compensation would be given to the| |

| | |property owner. | |

|1766 |Kehoe |Medi-Cal: Demonstration Project. Permits the Department of Health Services |Died in Assembly |

| | |to contract for a diabetes disease management demonstration project in San |Appropriations |

| | |Diego County. | |

|1772 |Ashburn |Public Health: Vended Water. Increases the licensing fee for water vending |Died in Assembly |

| | |machines to $25 per machine (the current fee has been adjusted to $15.60 |Environmental Safety & |

| | |pursuant to Section 100425 of the Health and Safety Code). Requires water |Toxic Materials |

| | |vending machine operators, when required by the Department of Health Services,| |

| | |to cure any inspection related violation of applicable state health and safety| |

| | |laws; requires the customer service telephone number be toll-free and requires| |

| | |water-vending machine operators to post on each machine a sign indicating the | |

| | |last date that the machine was serviced. | |

|1773 |Alarcon |Emergency Medical Services: Fines and Forfeitures. Authorizes counties to |Chapter 841, Statutes of |

| | |elect to levy an additional $2 for every $10 in base fines for purposes of |2006 |

| | |supporting emergency medical services (EMS), and requires the additional | |

| | |assessment to be deposited in local Maddy EMS Funds, with 15 percent to be | |

| | |directed to pediatric trauma services. | |

|1780 |Alarcon |Health Facilities: Nosocomial Infections. Requires that on and after January|Died in |

| | |1, 2008, each health facility transmit notification of a nosocomial infection |Senate Health |

| | |to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. Requires that the | |

| | |office on or before January 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, compile this | |

| | |data and establish an aggregate nosocomial infection rate per health facility | |

| | |and transmit the aggregate nosocomial infection rate of each health facility | |

| | |to all applicable local health agencies. | |

|1785 |Figueroa |Human Milk. Establishes hospital standards for the processing of human milk |Died in Senate |

| | |and exempts hospitals which process milk from a mother for the exclusive use |Appropriations |

| | |of her own child from the licensure requirements of a tissue bank. | |

|1804 |Florez |Health Care: Product Database. Requires Department of Managed Health Care |Died in |

| | |and California Department of Insurance to maintain a database for each plan |Assembly Health |

| | |and insurer, in each county, on product lines, number of covered persons, and | |

| | |the number of providers by product line, as specified and required to be | |

| | |reported quarterly by health care service plans and disability insurers that | |

| | |offer health insurance, and to make the information available on the | |

| | |respective department web sites. | |

|1811 |Romero |Emergency Medical Services: Training. Provides, as of July 1, 2008, that an |Died in |

| | |EMT-I may be authorized by a local emergency medical services (EMS) agency to |Senate Health |

| | |administer naloxone hydrochloride by means other than intravenous injection | |

| | |only if the EMT-I has completed training and passed an examination | |

| | |administered or approved by the local EMS agency that has jurisdiction in the | |

| | |area where the EMT-I is performing duties within his or her scope of practice.| |

| | | | |

|1822 |Bowen |Organ, Tissue, and Bone Marrow Donor Programs: Task Force. Requires the |Vetoed by the Governor |

| | |governor to appoint a task force with specified representatives to analyze the| |

| | |state’s current efforts to educate and recruit individuals to become organ, | |

| | |tissue, or bone marrow donors. The task force would be required to report its| |

| | |findings and recommendations on these efforts to the Legislature by July 1, | |

| | |2008. | |

|1838 |Perata/Florez |Health Facilities: Construction Plans. Requires the governor to appoint a |Chapter 693, Statutes of |

| | |task force with specified representatives to analyze the state’s current |2006 |

| | |efforts to educate and recruit individuals to become organ, tissue, or bone | |

| | |marrow donors. The task force would be required to report its findings and | |

| | |recommendations on these efforts to the Legislature by July 1, 2008. | |

|1850 |Health |Health Care: Training: Reporting. Renames the Song-Brown Family Physician |Chapter 259, Statutes of |

| | |Training Act as the Song-Brown Health Care Workforce Training Act and makes |2006 |

| | |other technical and clarifying changes to health facility data reporting laws | |

| | |administered by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development | |

|1851 |Health |Cancer: Informed Consent. Requires a physician and surgeon, upon a diagnosis|Chapter 485, Statutes of |

| | |of breast cancer, to give the patient a written summary of alternative |2006 |

| | |efficacious methods of treatment for breast cancer required under current law | |

| | |and to note on the patient’s chart that he or she has given the patient the | |

| | |written summary. | |

|SCA 13 |Ortiz / Runner |Biomedical Research. Modifies provisions of Proposition 71 dealing with |Died on |

| | |reporting of economic interests and conflicts of interest for appointees of |Senate Floor |

| | |the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee (ICOC), employees of the | |

| | |California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), and working group | |

| | |members. Applies open meeting and public records laws to meetings and records| |

| | |of the ICOC, the CIRM, and working groups with exceptions, including to allow | |

| | |for scientific evaluations of applications for funding and to consider matters| |

| | |involving intellectual property or proprietary information. Requires the ICOC| |

| | |to ensure that treatments, therapies, products, and services resulting from | |

| | |technologies and inventions derived from grants awarded are accessible and | |

| | |affordable to low-income residents, including those residents eligible for | |

| | |state and county-funded health care programs. | |

|SCR 49 |Speier |Medication Errors Panel. Makes findings related to the dangers and causes of |Resolution Chapter 123, |

| | |medication errors, and resolves that a special panel be formed by the |Statues of 2005 |

| | |California Legislature to study the causes of medication errors and submit a | |

| | |final report to the Senate Committee on Health by June 1, 2006. | |

|SJR 5 |Speier |Food Recalls. Makes various findings concerning food and other product |Died on |

| | |recalls and memorializes the President and the Congress of the United States |Senate Floor |

| | |to give the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug | |

| | |Administration the authority to implement a mandatory food recall system. | |

|SJR 9 |Morrow |Retired Military Personnel: Medicare. Requests that Congress and the |Resolution Chapter 89, |

| | |President of the United States enact legislation that provides payment of |Statues of 2005 |

| | |Medicare payments to military treatment facilities for retired military | |

| | |personnel and their dependents who meet Medicare age standards. | |

|SJR 21 |Machado |Sudden Child Cardiac Arrhythmia Syndrome. Memorializes the President and |Resolution Chapter 77, |

| | |Congress of the United States to take necessary action to amend the Public |Statues of 2006 |

| | |Health Service Act to provide for a program of screenings and education | |

| | |regarding children with sudden cardiac arrhythmia syndromes. | |

|SJR 22 |Speier |Microbicide Development Act. Memorializes the United States Congress and the |Resolution Chapter 127, |

| | |President to enact the Microbicide Development Act to facilitate the |Statues of 2006 |

| | |development of microbicides to prevent the transmission of HIV and other | |

| | |diseases. | |

|SJR 25 |Figueroa |Relative to International Trade Agreements and Pharmaceutical Drug Programs. |Died in |

| | |Urges the United States Trade Representative to clarify in a legally binding |Assembly Health |

| | |manner that provisions relative to pharmaceuticals and health care in the | |

| | |United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement and other pending free trade | |

| | |agreements do not constrain state administration of federal health care | |

| | |programs. | |

|SJR 28 |Figueroa |Relative to International Trade Agreements and Public Health Services. |Held at |

| | |Memorializes Congress and the President of the United States to ensure that |Assembly Desk |

| | |international trade agreements preserve the traditional powers of state and | |

| | |local governments to regulate and protect public health. | |


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