Database Cosmetics

Database Cosmetics

import os import platform import mysql.connector import pandas as pd mydb=mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost",\ user="root",\ passwd="tiger",\ database="cosmetics") mycursor=mydb.cursor() '''-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' def cosmeticsInsert(): L=[] cos_id=int(input("Enter the cosmetic ID number : ")) L.append(cos_id) name=input("Enter the Cosmetics Name: ") L.append(name) company=input("Enter company of Cosmetics : ") L.append(company) cost=int(input("Enter the Cost : ")) L.append(cost) manudate=input("Enter the Date of Manufacture : ") L.append(manudate) expdate=input("Enter the Date of Expiry : ")

L.append(expdate) cosmme=(L) sql="insert into cosmetics (code,name,company,cost,dom,doe) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" mycursor.execute(sql,cosmme) mit()

'''-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' def cosmeticsView(): print("Select the search criteria : ") print("1. Roll") print("2. Name") print("3. All") ch=int(input("Enter the choice : ")) if ch==1:

s=int(input("Enter cosmetics ID : ")) rl=(s,) sql="select * from cosmetics where code=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) elif ch==2: s=input("Enter Cosmetics Name : ") rl=(s,) sql="select * from cosmetics where name=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) elif ch==3: sql="select * from cosmetics" mycursor.execute(sql) res=mycursor.fetchall() print("The Cosmetics Stock details are as follows : ") print("(Cosmetics ID, Cosmetics Name, Cost, Date of Manufacture, Date of Expiry)") for x in res: print(x)

'''-----------------------------------------------------------------------------''' def viewCustomer():

print("Select the search criteria : ") print("1. Customer ID") print("2. Customer Name") print("3. All") ch=int(input("Enter the choice : ")) if ch==1:

s=int(input("Enter customer ID : ")) rl=(s,) sql="select * from customer where cust_id=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) elif ch==2: s=input("Enter Cosmetics Name : ") rl=(s,)

sql="select * from customer where cname=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) elif ch==3: sql="select * from customer" mycursor.execute(sql) res=mycursor.fetchall() print("The Cosmetics Stock details are as follows : ") print("(Cosmetics ID, Cosmetics Name, Cost, Date of Manufacture, Date of Expiry)") for x in res: print(x)

def CustomerPurchase(): print("Please enter the details to purchase cosmetics product :") sql="select * from cosmetics" mycursor.execute(sql) res=mycursor.fetchall()

print("The Cosmetics Stock details are as follows : ") print("(Cosmetics ID, Cosmetics Name, Cost, Date of Manufacture, Date of Expiry)") for x in res:

print(x) cost=0.0 LI=dict(); ch='y' tsum=0.0 q1=0 cc=0.0 while(ch=='y'):

c1=input("Enter the items to be purchased : ") r1=(c1,) sql="Select cost from cosmetics where name=%s;" mycursor.execute(sql,r1) res=mycursor.fetchall() for x in res:

cost=float(x[0]) print (cost) q1=int(input("Enter the item quantity: ")) cc=q1*cost print(cc) tsum=tsum+cc ch=input("Want to purchase more items:") else: L=[] cid=int(input("Enter customer ID")) L.append(cid) cname=input("Enter customer name") L.append(cname) phone_no=int(input("Enter Phone no."))

L.append(phone_no) add=input("Enter Address") L.append(add) gender=input("Enter your Gender") L.append(gender) member=input("Enter membership") L.append(member) cosmme=(L) sql="insert into customer (cust_id,cname,c_phoneno,c_address,gender,membership) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)" mycursor.execute(sql,cosmme) mit() print("Record of customer saves...") print("Total cost of item purchased is Rs.",tsum)

'''---------------------------------------------------------------------------------''' def removeCosmetics(): cname=int(input("Enter the cosmetics name to be deleted : ")) rl=(cname,) sql="Delete from cosmetics where name=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) sql="Delete from customer where cname=%s" mycursor.execute(sql,rl) mit()


def MenuSet(): #Function For The Student Management System print("Enter 1 : To Add cosmetics product") print("Enter 2 : To View Complete Cosmetics Stock") print("Enter 3 : To Purchase any cosmetics Product ") print("Enter 4 : To Remove any Cosmetic product") print("Enter 5 : To View Customer Details")

try: #Using Exceptions For Validation userInput = int(input("Please Select An Above Option: ")) #Will Take Input From User

except ValueError: exit("\nHy! That's Not A Number") #Error Message

else: print("\n") #Print New Line

if(userInput == 1): cosmeticsInsert()

elif (userInput==2): cosmeticsView()

elif (userInput==3): CustomerPurchase()

elif (userInput==4):

removeCosmetics() elif (userInput==5):

viewCustomer() else:

print("Enter correct choice. . . ")

MenuSet() def runAgain(): runAgn = input("\nwant To Run Again Y/n: ") while(runAgn.lower() == 'y'):

if(platform.system() == "Windows"): print(os.system('cls'))

else: print(os.system('clear'))

MenuSet() runAgn = input("\nwant To Run Again Y/n: ") print("good Bye") runAgain() *******************************************************************************8 Output Screen


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