February 9th, 2015 @ 7:00 pm

A regular meeting of the Village of Oakfield Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jason Armbrewster, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. The following Trustees were present: Scott Boring, David Boyle, Shelly D’alba. Absent Trustee: Joan Stevens.

Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer, Andrew Maguire; D.P.W. Supervisor, David Laney; Fire Chief, Peter Schieber; Assistant Fire Chief, Chad Williams,.


1. Time Warner Franchise Agreement Renewal & Resolution #1-2015.

Public Hearing called to order @ 7:01 PM by Mayor Armbrewster on A Motion by Trustee D’alba, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: D’alba, Boyle, Boring. Carried

No Public Comments to be heard.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to approve Resolution #1-2015: Time Warner Cable Franchise Agreement Renewal, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried




1. Street Reconstruction, Forest Ave. & Water St:

Trustee D’alba reports that many bidders were present. Mountain Engineering is still working on the bid tabulations as some bids had errors. Conrtact #1, which is for the utilities, estimates are around $500,000. And Contract #2, which is asphalt, is estimated around $440,000. Expecting it to be a $1.1 million project overall. Borrowing rates are very low and the streets are in major need of these two projects. Mayor Armbrewster thought the last time those streets were reconstructed was in the 1970’s, Supervisor Laney believes it was more recent than that. Several bidders in the process, great time to put out the bid. Mountain Engineering will be review the bids, find all the errors and create the bid tabulations, and will present @5pm on Tuesday February 17th during a special meeting. The company that was low bid on contract #1 had errors on their bid and has been in business for one year. They may not be the most valuable bid or most responsible bid. Steve will give his recommendation on February 17th, 2015. John Alessi was informed about the need of a bond anticipation notice and will begin the process.

2. Camden Group Solar Panel Proposal Update: Mayor Armbrewster.

Mayor Armbrewster reports that he was emailed a proposal. We did not print that due to size. Ken offered to come out for the proposal, Mayor Armbrewster states Camden Group will be at our March’s Meeting held on March 9th, 2015. Reid Whiting, Village Attorney, will review the agreements and give recommendations.

3. Zoning Review Committee: David Boyle, Chairman.

Chairman Boyle reports that progress is going well. The next scheduled meeting is on February 16th, 2015 at 5PM. Trustee Boyle has some recommendations for Mayor Armbrewster to review, and then send it off to the Village Attorney and Felipe Oltramari with Genesee County. He would like to know how Jason would like it presented. The entire committee will be present. The meeting will be public as it has in the past.


1. Green Genesee Smart Genesee (GGSG) Inter Municipal Agreement & Resolution #2-2015.

Trustee D’alba reports this is an agreement between Town of Batavia, Village and Town of Oakfield, and the Town of Alabama. It is a county wide group. Sustainability planning effort to try and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have sustainable energy. Each entity will contribute, the Village’s piece is $4000 cash and $1000 in-kind service. It started last year, growth of the Village is a big part of the future with GGSG and the zoning laws may need to be addressed and may want to address the zoning committee. GCEDC is a part and Felipe is also part of the group. Trustee Boyle says Auburn did something similar, from water ways to bridges, to thermals, to electric cars. They have done great work and have great literature.

A Motion was made by Trustee Boyle to approve Resolution #2-2015: Green Genesee Smart Genesee Inter Municipal Agreement, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried

2. County Health Department Mandated Letter.

Supervisor Laney reports the notice of violation of Trihalomethanes (disinfection by products) TTHM. A boiler plate letter, filled out by Dave, will be mailed to all the water users as soon as possible. The Count Health Department did review the letter. Mayor Armbrewster will present to the Town of Oakfield Board. County Health Department sent an evaluation form and guide to get through this process and help fix the issue for the future with our annual sampling. Trustee D’alba asked what corrective measures the Village DPW will take. DPW Supervisor Laney states they will lower chlorine residual levels at DPW Building where it is mixed with the water, lower level of tank to churn water quicker, increased water monitoring and a more intense hydrant flushing program. The Mayor states there will be a meeting with NYS Health Department, Genesee County Health Department, Village of Oakfield, Town of Oakfield, Town of Batavia, and Monroe County Water Authority. This has been going on for 2 years but now it is now officially a problem. Supervisor Laney called the lab where testing is completed about pricing options for different types of tests. It is $175 per test for all the needed testing, if we only test for TTHM, it is $40 a sample. He has been In contact with engineers from Clark Paterson Lee (CPL), for other ideas to fix the problem, but the testing will be a big financial savings as opposed to testing everything. Random locations will be sampled. Mayor Armbrewster received an e-mail in regards to 7 testing locations and to do our best at correcting the issue with this information. The Mayor would like a sample from the top of the tank’s water to see where this. David Laney sees a problem with where is the stale water actually is. Shelly D’alba states a bubbler system would cycle the water and leaves no stale. Dave Boyle asked is CPL has been helpful with recommendations? Mayor Armbrewster states they have been, he will be speaking about this during the budget time. An E-mail was sent to the Mayor about corrective issues from CPL and a proposal of their services. They want to be part of this process and would like to work as a liaison between us and the Town of Oakfield, as well as making recommendations on the process of lowering our TTHM levels. The cost of their service will not exceed $20,000. It will be hourly billing. Jeremy Delyser will likely do most of the work, and Dave Drexel with CPL. This needs to be solved this and we need their support to correct the issue. The letter we are mandated to send to water users will be self-explanatory, people should contact their doctors if they have concerns. DPW Supervisor Laney did testing on Feb 4th and tested at Power Sports Supply. Trustee Boyle states there is a Town Board meeting tomorrow, he will attend with Mayor Armbrewster they will also talk to the Town Board about the Fire Departments proposal. .

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to approve the proposal for Clark Patterson Lee’s engineering services to help correct the TTHM levels in the water system. Cost of service not to exceed $20,000, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried.

3. New Water Tower Internet for FlexNet Antenna Based Reading

Clerk Treasurer Maguire presented 3 proposals of internet options for the new water tank site to allow our fixed based reading system to function properly and consistently.

A Motion By Trustee Boring to approve Time Warner Cable’s proposal for business grade internet service located at our water tank, 6975 Lewiston Rd. Oakfield, 14125 for $49.99 a month, second by D’alba. Ayes: D’alba, Boring, Boyle. Carried

4. Time Warner Cable Renewal for Office and Additional Service at DPW Building.

Clerk-Treasurer Maguire presented the proposed renewals from TWC for the Village Office and the DPW building. Cost of service at village office will decrease by $19.99 a month, DPW will increase by $39.99 a month.

A Motion by Trustee Boring for the addition of Time Warner Cable internet at the DPW Building located at 100 S. Pearl St, Oakfield NY 14125, for an additional $39.99 a month, second by trustee D’alba. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried.

5. Caldwell Tank’s Quality Survey.

Mayor Armbrewster asked for the Board of Trustee’s and Supervisor Laney’s input on the Quality Survey provided by Caldwell Tanks. He states the tank is a staple, you can see it on the drive in. Supervisor Laney states the temperature inside the Tank is at about 50-52 degrees. The new telemetry system, located in the Village DPW Building, regulates the inside of the building as well and an alarm will go off it drops to low. Mayor Armbrewster asked how the DPW building is maintaining. Supervisor Laney says it is showing its age, and running out of room slowly. Mayor Armbrewster asked when the last time the roof was done. Supervisor Laney states not since he has been with the Village DPW. Trustee Boring states that there is appears to leak by a fuse panel. Supervisor Laney will have someone come take a look at it. Trustee Boring agrees, it can’t be running into the break room and throughout the building.

6. Fire Chief/President Report. Peter Schieber, Fire Cheif

Fire Chief Schieber reports to the Board of Trustee’s that things are going well, all responding well, doing what they need to. Pete has been in contact with NYS about any issues. He does have some concerns about evacuation plan, but something they will talk about. They received a call today about a diaphragm that was ripped off of a gas line. It was fixed quickly, little concerns, no threat to the public. There was a fire on South Main in the past, the report got deleted out of the system, will work with County to get it updated. Mrs. Yaeger, the property owner, is informed on the process of getting this corrected. She has been going to county for her answers. It is still vacant as she is dealing with the insurance company. The new Fire techniques Chad has been implementing have been working well. The Mayor states the Fire Department Budget has been very easy to read. He would like the Town to be here for their budget items and discussions. Chad Williams states the Fire Department will need a new tanker. He will this to the Board at a later date and also provide a 30 year future break down. Has a drawing of the truck, specification came from the same company of engine 74 and will show financing information. They Mayor states they will have further discussion about moving forward with the truck. If they can get the bids out in the next months, it would be easier for financing now than later. Meeting will be set for Feb 23rd, 2015 @ 5 pm at the 20 Albert St. in Oakfield. Assistant Fire Chief Williams also informed the board about solar panel project they are moving forward with, it will save them a large amount on utility cost. The Fire Department Softball league will continue with possibly a new person running it and making more of a sports complex. Mayor Armbrewster had an issue with the Darien Lake Tournament, the Little League needs the field on Saturday, and there was scheduling issues. Neil Turvey is the contact person for Little League, Mayor Armbrewster will put him in touch with Fire Department President, Jeff Mcintyre. Assistant Chief Williams states it should be a great opportunity, 4 nights of softball, kickball, and better maintenance of the field. There were also some previous issues with a near-by residence about balls and people going into the yard but it has been resolved. He states the department is doing much better and trying to bring pride back to the FD. Fire Chief Schieber will be going to the school for a presentation.

7. Zoning/Code Reports:

Code Officer, Bruce Gerould. Code Officer Gerould was absent. A written report was submitted. Trustee Boyle feels recent court rulings have allowed for too much leniency and continue giving violators more and more time and not resolving the issue. Mayor Armbrewster asked if a meeting with Judge Graham or Judge Baker would help. Trustee D’alba states if the violation is not cleaned up by spring, then they may want to push it with the court. Trustee Boyle feels that it sets a precedent for other people to do the same. Mayor Armbrewster believes the value of homes will stay flat due to issues like this.

Zoning Officer, Rick Pastecki. Zoning officer Pastecki was absent. A Written report was submitted.

8. Camden Report: Lou Moretti, Camden Group: A written report submitted. Mayor Armbrewster informed the Board.

9. Approval of January 12th & 21st, 2015 Minutes.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to approve January 12th & 21st, 2015’s minutes, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boyle, D’alba, and Boring. Carried

10. Approval of February’s Abstract/ P.O’s.

General Fund –Chks: 10783-10809 $ 9,413.70

Water Fund – Chks: 10403-10405 $ 299.76

Sewer Fund – Chks: 10210-10214 $ 4,466.32

Capital Projects: Chks: 8387 – 8388 $ 8,200.00 $$___


TOTAL $22,379.78

A Motion was made to approve February’s Abstract and Purchase Orders by Trustee Boyle, second by Trustee D’alba. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, and D’alba. Carried

11. January’s Investment Report.

The Board of Trustees reviewed January’s Investment Report

12. December’s Financial Report.

The Board of Trustees reviewed December’s Financials

13. D.P.W. Report. David Laney, DPW Supervisor:

Supervisor Laney submitted a written report of typical duties. Supervisor Laney states the new truck he has researched will cost $33,512.12 for a base model. He has specs for new 2015 Ford F250 Pick-up. That price is not including back rack or tool bar. He also researched dump trucks, it will cost roughly $35,000. A new Ford F250 will save on fuel, and should be everything Dave needs. For resale value, he recommends certain things like power windows and cruise control. Trustee D’alba states they could hold a Public Hearing before March meeting. Supervisor Laney reports the snow banks are building up and that can be an issue. He spoke with Town Highway Superintendent Alan Dennis, they have not had a thaw-out to reduce the piles. There is not enough manpower to remove the snow piles and keep up with more snow falls. He has run into issues with storage areas for snow. Mayor Armbrewster asked about over time hours for the DPW employees. Not much has been used reports Supervisor Laney. Mayor Armbrewster states they may need to stay late to get the snow removed and blind spots cleared. Residents have spoken to Mayor Armbrewsater about blind spots and they can be dangerous. Supervisor Laney states that plowing the sidewalks has been difficult and some residents have complained about their driveways getting blown into. The routine will not change, they try to not put it into driveways but it can be difficult. There is not a big loader to get rid of it. Trustee D’alba agrees the blind spots at the corners of intersections are getting worse and should be addressed. It is a safety issue, and they should pay over time to get this done if it is needed, especially with more snow forecasted. Mayor Armbrewster thinks they may need a loader to do this efficiently. The Town of Oakfield has a loader, but uses it themselves. He feels they need to do something soon. Supervisor Laney says only one Village DPW truck can haul snow. Mayor Armbrewster states that all 3 DPW employees should be working on this, and the corners need to be cleared immediately. He then asked what else the Village DPW is working on. Supervisor Laney states snow and more snow. The NYS DOT is coming on Friday. They will Start with South Pearl’s intersection and get the blind spots cleared.

14. Clerk’s Report. Andrew Maguire, Clerk-Treasurer

Mr. Maguire has presented a budget amendment, requested by the Oakfield Fire Department. He then presented the Fire Protection Agreement with the Town of Oakfield, which is split 42% Village funded and 58% Town of Oakfield funded based on total assessed values of properties and the tax roll.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to amend the 2014-2015 budget, contingent on acceptance from the Town of Oakfield Board, based on their percentage of contribution to the Fire Departments budget, as stated:

Current Amount Transfer New Amount

A0.3410.200 Fire Gear: $13,798.00 + $8,500.00= $22,298.00

A0.3410.201 Radios and Pagers: $2,500.00 + $1,000.00= $3,500.00

A0.3410.202 Tools and Equipment: $2,725.39 + $9,000.00= $11,725.39

A0.3410.401 Truck Maintenance: -$1,447.34 + $5,000.00 = $3,552.66

For a total of an additional from the reserve transfer: $23,500.00

Current Amount Transfer Final Amount

A0.3410.402 Fuel: $3,900.09 - $2,500.00= $1,400.09

A0.3410.405 Training: $2,475.00 - $1,300.00= $1,175.00

Current Amount Transfer Final Amount

A0.3410.200 Fire Gear (After Transfer): $22,298.00 + $2,000.00= $24,298.00

A0.3410.202 T&E (After Transfer): $11,725.39 + $1,300.00= $13,025.39

A0.3410.400 Fire Equipment Maint: $1,147.12 + $500.00= $1,647.12

Second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to approve the 2015-2016 Fire Protection Agreement with the Town of Oakfield for 58% of the Fire Departments overall Budget total amount in the amount of $55,011.84, second by Trustee Boyle. Ayes: Boyle, Boring, D’alba. Carried.

Mayor Armbrewster spoke to City of Batavia Manager, Jason Molino, about potentially borrowing a vacuum truck for the catch basins in the Village. The Village can use their services by third partying them under contract; do not want to add to payroll. To rent a vacuum truck would be extremely expensive for a week, close to $20,000. Need to fill in catch basins and get the debris out. Mayor Armbrewster thinks it is a good idea but can be discussed at a future meeting. Trustee D’alba spoke about health insurance for the upcoming fiscal year. With Obama Care, the owners can now pick from a range of plans and providers and now the employees can choose directly. Multiple plans are good to offer, like a “Cadillac” plan, then a middle plan, and HDHP. Tompkins can present to us at any point. She states they have used Tompkins at her employment. They did a great job and they offer many options and make good recommendations. Blue Cross Blue Shield has lots of different plans that are cost effective.

A Motion was made by Trustee Boring to go into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter @ 8:37 PM, second by Trustee Boyle. Aye: Boring, Boyle and D’alba. Carried

A Motion was made by Trustee Boyle to close the executive session on a personnel matter @ 9:03 PM, second by Trustee D’alba. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried.

No public comments to be heard on Time Warner Cable Franchise Agreement Renewal. A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to close the Public Hearing @ 9:04 PM, second by Trustee Boring. Ayes: Boring, Boyle, D’alba. Carried

Having no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned @ 9:04 p.m. on A Motion by Trustee Boyle, seconded by Trustee D’alba. Ayes: Boyle, Boring and D’alba. Carried.

A Special Board meeting will be schedule for February 17th, 2015 @ 5 PM to discuss and award Forest Avenue and Water Street Reconstruction Project bids and bonding. A budget workshop session will follow.

The next regular Board meeting will be March 9th, 2015. @ 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrew Maguire


February 9th, 2015

RESOLUTION # 1-2015: Renewal of the Cable Television Franchise Held by Time Warner Cable in the Village of Oakfield, Genesee County, New York

An application has been duly made to the Board of the Village of Oakfield, County of Genesee, New York, by TIME WARNER CABLE NORTHEAST LLC (“Time Warner”), a partnership organized under the laws of the State of New York doing business at 2604 Seneca Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY 14305, and holder of a cable television franchise in the Village of Oakfield for the approval of an agreement to renew Time Warner’s cable television franchise for an additional fifteen (15) years. The Franchise Renewal Agreement would bring the franchise into conformity with certain provisions of the Federal Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, and certain court rulings.

A public hearing was held in the Village of Oakfield on February 9th, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. and notice of the hearing was published in the Daily News on January 27th, 2015 and February 3rd, 2015.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of the Village of Oakfield finds that:

1. Time Warner has substantially complied with the material terms and conditions of its existing franchise and with applicable law; and

2. The quality of the Time Warner service, including signal quality, response to customer complaints and billing practices has been in light of community needs; and

3. Time Warner has the financial, legal and technical ability to provide these services, facilities and equipment as set forth in its proposal attached; and

4. Time Warner can reasonably meet the future cable-related community needs and interests, taking into account the cost of meeting such needs and interests.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the Village of Oakfield hereby renews the cable television franchise of Time Warner in the Village of Oakfield for fifteen (15) years commencing on the date of approval by the Public Service Commission.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of the Village of Oakfield hereby confirms that this Franchise Renewal Agreement replaces the original franchise last amended on October 28th, 2002.

A Motion was made by Trustee D’alba to adopt Resolution #1-2015: Renewal of the Cable Television Franchise Held by Time Warner Cable in the Village of Oakfield, Genesee County, New York.

Seconded by Trustee Scott Boring

Ayes: D’alba, Boring, Boyle

Absent Trustee: Joan Stevens


DATE: February 9th, 2015




WHEREAS, the Village of Oakfield, along with the Town of Alabama, the Town of Oakfield, the Town of Batavia, New York Green, Inc., the County of Genesee, the Genesee County Industrial Development Agency, d/b/a Genesee County Economic Development Center, and the Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”), applied for and received a grant in the amount of $175,000.00from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, and

WHEREAS, the Green Genesee/Smart Genesee Project, (hereinafter referred to as “Project”), requires each Party to contribute a portion of cash and in-kind services totaling $133,334.00.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of Trustees for the Village of Oakfield, New York, that a proposed “Green Genesee/Smart Genesee Project Intermunicipal Agreement”, with Exhibits A, B and C annexed thereto, which Intermunicipal Agreement and Exhibits will be incorporated into this Resolution by reference and made available at the Village of Oakfield Office, 37 Main Street, Oakfield NY 14125; is hereby approved and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to sign this Intermuncipal Agreement on behalf of the Village of Oakfield, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Mayor is also authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to comply with the Intermunicipal Agreement and the requirements of the Project, including, but not limited to, contributing cash amounts as needed, not to exceed the sum of $4000.00, and arranging for in-kind services by Village employees, as needed, not to exceed a value of $5000.00; as the Village of Oakfield’s contributions to the Project as set forth in Exhibit C.


Seconded by Trustee David Boyle

Ayes: D’alba, Boring, Boyle

Absent Trustee: Joan Stevens



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