Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine ...

[Pages:24]Harvard Medical School/Harvard School of Dental Medicine

Date Prepared: Oct 9th, 2018


Kawin Setsompop

Office Address: Bldg 149 13th St, Rm 2301, Charlestown, MA 02129

Work Phone: (617) 669-6640

Work Email: kawin@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Researcher ID: P-1464-2014

Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand


2003 2008

M.Eng first-class honour Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Training

Engineering Science

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Advisor: Elfar Adalsteinsson

Oxford University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2008-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow 2008-2010 Research Fellow

Faculty Academic Appointments

Radiology Radiology

Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital

2010-2014 2014-2016 20162016-

Instructor Assistant Professor Associate Professor Affiliated Faculty

Radiology Radiology Radiology Health Sciences and Technology

Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions

Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School Harvard-MIT


Assistant Biomedical Radiology Engineering


Major Administrative Leadership Positions

Local 2010-2012


Organizer of Brain Mapping Seminar

Director of HST 584 Magnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques

Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology


2012 2012

Founder Initiate, organize and chair

MR club of Thailand (MCT) ISMRM global outreach workshop,


2015 2018

Advisory Board Advisory Board

Committee Service

Regional 2014




Annual Meeting Program Committee

Professional Societies


International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) ISMRM





2014 2015




Grant Review Activities

2015, 2018

2014 2016-2018

Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (STW) Austrian Science Fund (FWF) National Institute of Health, NIBIB

Thailand Magnetic Resonance in South East Asia workshop, Singapore KinetiCor--Motion Correction Technologies

Biomedical Imaging session, 40th annual Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC)

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)


Moderator, pulse design session, 17th annual conference Moderator, Parallel RF Transmission session, 18th annual conference Moderator, Parallel Transmission in three dimensions session Co-organizer: Sunrise Educational Course on Image Reconstruction 19th annual conference Moderator, High Field study session, Moderator, Multi-band Methods session, 22nd annual conference Co-chair, ISMRM challenge: competition on RF pulse design Co-chair, ISMRM workshop on Simultaneous MultiSlice imaging: Neuroscience & Clinical Applications Moderator, Diffusion Acquisition session, Moderator, fMRI: Acquisition, Contrast, Artefacts session, 24th annual conference

Adhoc reviewer

Adhoc reviewer Adhoc reviewer, BMIT-A study section


Editorial Activities

Ad hoc reviewer

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine NeuroImage IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine (MAGMA) Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Nature in Biomedical Engineering PLOS One

Other Editorial Roles


Guest Editor


Editorial Board

Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Virtual Issue on Simultaneous MultiSlice Imaging Tomography

Honors and Prizes

2000-2003 2008

2010 2012 2012-2014

2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017

Keble college scholar

First place, Poster Award in High Field Category

K99/R00 Career development award Young Scientist Award Finalist (Mentor for Berkin Bilgic) Graduate Student Scholarship (Mentor for Cornelius Eichner)

Junior Fellow (Mentor for Berkin Bilgic) Graduate Student Scholarship (Mentor for Daniel Polak) Postdoc Mobility Fellowship (Mentor for Elda Fischi-Gomez) NIBIB New Horizon plenary lecture, ISMRM Annual Meeting Graduate Student Scholarship (Mentor for Daniel Polak) F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship (Co-mentor for Bo Zhao) Opening plenary lecture, SMRT Annual Meeting

Keble College, Oxford University International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) NIH


ERP scholarship, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Germany ISMRM


Swiss National Science Foundation ISMRM



Society for MR Radiographers & Technologists (SMRT)

Academic Research

Research Research Research

Research Research Research Research Research Research Research


2017 2018

First place, Poster Award in Diffusion study group (Mentor for Elda Fischi-Gomez)

F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship (Mentor for MaryKate Manhard)

International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)


Research Research


K99/R00 Career development


award (Co-mentor for Bo Zhao)



China Scholarship Counsel (CSC) China program, two-year fellowship (Mentor for Jinmin Xu)


Report of Funded and Unfunded Projects

Funding Information

Past 2010-2015

PI: NIH, NIBIB R00/K99 EB012107, "MRI technology for measurement of functional and structural connectivity in brain", total direct cost to K.S. $597,000

Current 2012-2017 2013-2018 2014-2017 2015-2019 2016-2020 2013-2017 2014-2018 2014-2019 2016-2018 2016-2021 2017-2020 2017-2022

Subcontract-PI: NIH: R01 MH097979, "Taking Advance Diffusion Imaging to the Clinic for Pediatric Patients with ADHD" , total direct cost to K.S. ~$31,000 Subcontract-PI: NIH: R44NS084788 "Highly effective cerebral perfusion MRI", total direct cost to K.S. ~$67,000 Co-PI: NIH BRAIN Initiative: R24MH106096 "MRI Corticography (MRC0G): Microscale Human Cortical Imaging", total direct cost to K.S. ~$225,000 Co-Investigator: NIH R01EB019437 "Fast MRI at the Limit of Biological Temporal Resolution", total direct cost to K.S. ~$650,000 PI: NIH NIBIB R01EB020613 "Rapid MRI acquisition for pediatric low-grade gliomas", total direct cost to K.S. ~$1,680,000 Investigator: NIH R01EB017219 "Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) for Improved high field MRI", K.S. 1 calendar month effort/year Investigator: NIH R24MH106053 "Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) for Functional Brain Imaging in Humans", K.S. 5% effort/year Investigator: NIH P41EB015896 "Center for Functional Imaging Technologies", K.S. 10% effort/year Subcontract-PI: NIH SBIR R44NS084788 "Highly Accelerated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast MRI", total direct cost to K.S. $59,115 Investigator: NIH R01MH111419 Improving Human fMRI through Modeling and Imaging Microvascular Dynamics, K.S. 5% effort/year Investigator: NIH R01MH111917 Patient-specific, Effective, and Rational Functional Connectivity Targeting for DBS in OCD, K.S. 5% effort/year Co-PI: NIH BRAIN Initiative: U01-EB025162-01 "MRI Corticography (MRC0G): Microscale Human Cortical Imaging", total direct cost to K.S. ~$1,980,000


2018-2023 PI: NIH R01 MH116173-01"Next generation in-vivo diffusion imaging at submillimeter resolution", total direct cost to K.S. ~$2,460,000

2018-2021 PI: Siemens-MGH: Ultra-fast 3D Brain scans using advanced acceleration and machine learning approaches, total cost to K.S. ~$1,200,000

2018-2022 Subcontract-PI: NIH R01EB016695 Array-Compressed Parallel Transmission for High Resolution Neuroimaging at 7T, total direct cost to K.S. ~$200,000

2018-2023 Investigator: NIH U01EB026996 Connectome 2.0: Developing the next generation human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso- and macro-connectome, K.S. 3% effort/year

Report of Local Teaching and Training

Teaching of Students in Courses

2011, 2013, 2015

2011, 2012

2012, 2014, 2016,2018 2012, 2015, 2017


HST.580/6.556, Data Acquisition and Image Reconstruction in MRI HST.582J/6.555J, Biomedical Signal and Image Processing HST.584, Magnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques HST.583, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis HST.563, Imaging Biophysics and Clinical Application

2x1.5 hours lectures per semester 1.5 hours lecture per semester Course Director/80 hours per semester 1.5 hours lecture per semester 1.5 hours lecture per semester

Laboratory and Other Research Supervisory and Training Responsibilities

Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical School


Supervision of undergraduate, graduate,

Daily mentorship

post-doctoral research fellows

Formally Supervised Trainees

Years Name 2011- Berkin Bilgic

Degree, institution PhD, MIT

Role in training

Current position

2011-2013: PhD Thesis committee member, supervise some of research work and co-authored three first author manuscripts

2013- 2015:Postdoctoral Fellow 2016-present: Instructor supervisor. co-authored six first author manuscripts

Instructor, Harvard Medical School

2012- Cornelius 2014 Eichner

PhD, Max Plank, Leipzig University

Supervise research work during his research fellowship at MGH as part of his PhD program, co-authored four first author manuscripts

Business Strategy (Pharma /Life Sciences), Accenture

2011- Steven Cauley PhD, Purdue Supervise research work, co-authored Assistant Professor,



2013- HuiHui Ye 2015

2014- Ola Norbeck

PhD, Zhejiang University

Karolinska Institutet

2012- Itthi


2015 Chatnuntawech

2015- Haifeng Wang PhD 2017

2015- Daniel Polak Bsc

2015- Bo Zhao


five first author manuscripts

Harvard Medical School

Supervise research work, co-authored Postdoctoral Fellow,

two first author manuscript

Zhejiang University,


External mentor for PhD research

Graduate Student, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

PhD Thesis committee member, supervise some of research work and co-authored two first author manuscripts

Staff Scientist, National Nanotechnology Center, Thailand

Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor

Assistant Professor, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, China

Supervise research work, visiting student, co-authored one first author manuscript Co-supervise research work

Graduate Student, Heidelberg University Postdoctoral Fellow

2016- Elda FischiGomez


2016- Mary Kate Manhard

PhD, Vanderbilt

2016- Fuyixue Wang Bsc.

2017- Jun Ma


2016- Congyu Liao PhD

2017- Jenni Schulz Bsc

Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor

Postdoctoral Fellow MGH

Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor

Postdoctoral Fellow MGH

Supervise research work

PhD candidate, HST, MIT

PhD Thesis committee member

PhD candidate, Vanderbilt

Co-supervise research work (visiting student from Zhejiang University) Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor PhD Thesis committee member

Postdoctoral Fellow, MGH

PhD candidate, Radboud University, Netherlands


2017- Sohuyn Han PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor

Postdoctoral Fellow MGH

2017- Zijing Dong Bsc

2017- Siddharth


Srinivasan Iyer

Supervise research work (was a visiting student from Tsinghua University, and now MIT PhD student) Supervise research work

PhD candidate, EECS, MIT

PhD candidate, EECS, MIT

2017- Maaike



2018- Merlin Fair


Supervise research work (visiting student)

Postdoctoral Fellow supervisor

PhD candidate, University of Groningen, Netherlands Postdoctoral Fellow, MGH

2018- Jinmin Xu


Visiting Student

PhD candidate, Zhejiang University, China

Formal Teaching of Peers (e.g., CME and other continuing education courses)


201220132013, 2015

2014 201420152015

2017 2017


Faculty: fMRI and Connectivity Hands-on Training, 9th Biennial Minnesota Workshops on High and Ultrahigh Field Imaging, University of Minnesota Faculty: Athinoula A. Martinos center: Connectivity course Faculty: Athinoula A. Martinos center: MultiModality course Faculty: Harvard Catalyst: Advanced Imaging Course: Neuroscience Imaging for Clinical/Translational Research Faculty: Intelligent MR educational session, MICCAI annual conference Faculty: MGH Radiology, MRI mini course for residence Faculty: Athinoula A. Martinos center: fMRI course

Faculty: Hands-on training on SMS Image Reconstruction, ISMRM workshop on Simultaneous MultiSlice imaging: Neuroscience & Clinical Applications: Faculty: MGH annual Neuroradiology post graduate course Faculty: Introduction to Parallel Imaging and Simultaneous MultiSlice Acquisition, SMRT annual meeting Faculty: Prototype to Product (Pathways to

2 hrs session, Minneapolis, Minnesota

1 hr/course, ~2 courses/year, Charlestown, MA 1 hr/course, ~2 courses/year, Charlestown, MA 1 hr/course, Cambridge, MA

1 hr lecture, Cambridge, MA

2 hrs lecture, Charlestown, MA

2 hrs/course, ~2 courses/year, Charlestown, MA 2 hrs session, Pacific Groove, California

1 hr lecture, Boston, MA

1 hr lecture, Hawaii

30 min lecture, Hawaii


Commercialization): Simultaneous MultiSlice EPI with Blipped-CAIPI; ISMRM annual meeting

Local Invited Presentations



2015, 2016, 2017 2017

Efficient Diffusion Imaging Acquisition, Brain-mapping seminar, Athinoula A. Martinos center, MGH Simultaneous MultiSlice techniques for efficient Diffusion and fMRI acquisition, FetalNeonatal Neuroimaging & Developmental Science Center (FNNDSC), Boston Children's Hospital Advanced MR Imaging: Multi-Channel; Multi-Slice, MGH Radiology resident Noon Lecture series Wave-CAIPI, Pediatric Neuro-Oncology group, Boston Children's Hospital

Report of Regional, National and International Invited Teaching and Presentations

Invited Presentations and Courses


No presentations below were sponsored by outside entities.


Simultaneous multi-slice imaging techniques for human brain connectivity mapping,

Langone Medical Center, New York University


Advanced Parallel Imaging for high-quality order of magnitude acceleration in MRI brain acquisition, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins


Blipped-CAIPI and Wave-CAIPI: techniques for order of magnitude acceleration in MRI, General Electric research center, Milwaukee

2015 2015 2016

Advanced Parallel Imaging for brain MRI acquisitions, Medical Imaging Seminar Series, University of Southern California Technologies for Order of Magnitude Acceleration in MRI brain Acquisitions, Functional Magnetic Resonance Facility (FMRIF), National Institute of Health (NIH) Rapid Brain MRI; more speed and more information, University of Southern California


No presentations below were sponsored by outside entities.


High flip angle slice selective Parallel RF Excitation on an 8-channel system at 3T,

(selected from abstracts), ISMRM annual meeting, Berlin, Germany


In vivo Parallel RF Excitation with B0 correction, (selected from abstracts), ISMRM

annual meeting, Berlin, Germany


Sparse spokes slice selective design for B1 inhomogeneity correction at 7T, (selected from


abstracts), ISMRM annual meeting, Berlin, Germany Uniform Wideband Slab Selection with B1+ Mitigation at 7T via Parallel Spectral-Spatial

Excitation, (selected from abstracts), ISMRM annual meeting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Design Algorithms for Parallel RF transmission in Magnetic Resonance Imaging; seminar

at the Singapore Bioimaging Consortium (SBIC), Singapore


Multislice acquisition via Blipped CAIPIRINHA, Invited talk, FMRIB, Univ. of Oxford,



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