ECAS Commercial Vendor Meal Contract

righttop2018Muth, ScottNJ Dept. of Agriculture1/1/2018400001000002018Muth, ScottNJ Dept. of Agriculture1/1/20181809752962910ContractCommercial VendorSchool Food Authority (SFA)ContractCommercial VendorSchool Food Authority (SFA)1130301424305000251460000Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u mercial Vendor Contracts PAGEREF _Toc498590261 \h 1Objectives PAGEREF _Toc498590262 \h 1What is a Commercial Vendor Contract? PAGEREF _Toc498590263 \h 2A Commercial Vendor Cannot: PAGEREF _Toc498590264 \h 2SFA Requirements: PAGEREF _Toc498590265 \h 2Procurement PAGEREF _Toc498590266 \h 3Formula PAGEREF _Toc498590267 \h 32.Contract Term PAGEREF _Toc498590268 \h 4Objectives PAGEREF _Toc498590269 \h 4Contract Term PAGEREF _Toc498590270 \h 5Base Year Contracts PAGEREF _Toc498590271 \h 5Contract Renewal (Addendums) PAGEREF _Toc498590272 \h 63.Submit Commercial Vendor Contract PAGEREF _Toc498590273 \h 7Objectives PAGEREF _Toc498590274 \h 7Submit a Commercial Vendor Contract in ECAS PAGEREF _Toc498590275 \h 8Background PAGEREF _Toc498590276 \h 8ECAS Homepage Review PAGEREF _Toc498590277 \h 9A.Header Menu PAGEREF _Toc498590278 \h 9B.My Account PAGEREF _Toc498590279 \h 10C.I Want To: PAGEREF _Toc498590280 \h 10D.Contracts Menu PAGEREF _Toc498590281 \h 10E.Contract Type PAGEREF _Toc498590282 \h 11F.Learn More PAGEREF _Toc498590283 \h 12G.Continue PAGEREF _Toc498590284 \h 121. Vendor/Info Contract Span Details PAGEREF _Toc498590285 \h 122. Contract Info PAGEREF _Toc498590286 \h 153. Charges for the Vended Meals Provided PAGEREF _Toc498590287 \h 204. List of Schools (Sites) Receiving Vended Meals PAGEREF _Toc498590288 \h 225. Upload Supporting Procurement Documents PAGEREF _Toc498590289 \h 234.After Contract Submittal PAGEREF _Toc498590290 \h 27Objectives PAGEREF _Toc498590291 \h 27After Contract Submittal PAGEREF _Toc498590292 \h 28State Agency Does Not Approve Contract PAGEREF _Toc498590293 \h 28State Agency Approves Contract PAGEREF _Toc498590294 \h 305.References & Resources PAGEREF _Toc498590295 \h 32Federal Funds Procurement Selection Chart PAGEREF _Toc498590296 \h 33Meal Pattern Links for Vended Meal Procurement Document Preparation PAGEREF _Toc498590297 \h 34SNEARS Vended Meal Documents PAGEREF _Toc498590298 \h 35Section1Commercial Vendor ContractsObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to:Describe a Commercial Vendor ContractIdentify what Commercial Vendors are not permitted to do for the SFAExplain the responsibilities of the SFA in the Commercial Vendor Contract What is a Commercial Vendor Contract?A Commercial Vendor Contract is a contract between a School Food Authority (SFA) (this can be a private, public or charter school or school district) and a commercial vendor, which is an enterprise that provides complete reimbursable meals, with or without milk; school breakfast, lunch, snack or "At Risk" dinner programs.A Commercial Vendor Cannot:Provide employees on-site at the SFA to make final meal preparation.Provide employees on-site at the SFA to serve meals.Manage any aspect of the school food service program.SFA Requirements:Proper procurement regulations must be followed.Active procurement MUST take place before entering any information into ECAS.Contract information and required forms must be entered and uploaded in the state agency ECAS system.Once the contract is reviewed and pre-approved by the state agency, the signature page of the contract must be signed by the Administrator/Business Administrator of the SFA and the Vendor and uploaded using ECAS. The contract is then available for download and a hard copy must be printed to provide to the vendor and retain on file. This printed version will have the Stage Agency approval ID number.When the signature page is uploaded and the contract is certified, the State Agency will then review for final approval.A Final Contract can be printed in ECAS with a state agency Approval ID number.Procurement There are two procurement methods, formal and informal. The decision to follow a formal or informal procurement process depends on the total cost of the contract purchase and if the School Food Authority (SFA) is a public or non-public school. . of serving days in the school year0No. of serving days in the school year39230301936750022796501163955Estimated No. of meals per day0Estimated No. of meals per day157797519367500-218714371892Current meal cost per meal (or) snack00Current meal cost per meal (or) snackThis calculation must be completed separately for each meal type offered then added to determine the total cost of the contract.After the procurement process, this information will then need to be entered into ECAS. ECAS will review your entries for accuracy and notify you of any errors.Section2Contract TermObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to:Describe Base Year term options for a Vendor ContractExplain how renewal (addendums) work for a Vendor ContractContract TermBase Year ContractsThere are two options for the vended meal base year contract duration.TermExamplesA 12-month year 4 additional one year renewal (addendums) allowedJuly 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019A multi-year periodCannot exceed a term of 3 yearsThe SFA must certify their meal charges in ECAS at the end of every year.The meal charges must remain the same for the entire base year span.The same applies to the multi addendum year contracts.One or two-year renewal (addendums) are allowed (5-year cap)July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020 (2yrs)July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021 (3yrs)Contract Renewal (Addendums)SFAs have the option to renew the base year contract or to start the procurement process again to secure a new base year commercial vendor contract.Four requirements must be met when renewing a contract.Each renewal shall be awarded by resolution of the SFA upon a finding that the services are being performed in an effective and efficient manner.The contract shall not be renewed or extended so that it runs for more than a total of five consecutive years. After year five, the SFA needs to establish a new base year.Any price changes included as part of the renewal shall be based on the price of the original contract as cumulatively adjusted pursuant to any previous adjustment of the renewal and shall not exceed the change in the Index Rate (as defined in Public Schools Contract Law, N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et seq.) for the 12 months preceding the most recent quarterly calculation available at the time the contract is renewed.(ECAS will contain this calculation.)The terms and conditions of the contract shall remain substantially the same. [N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-42].If the original contract term was for a . . .Then the SFA can have . . .One-year period4 one-year addendums This approach follows the traditional federal framework for food service contractsOR2 two-year addendumsMulti-year period(more than 12 months but less than 3 years)The multi-year provision allows extensionsIf the base year was . . .SFA can have . . .2 yearsThree 1-year addendums, orOne 2-year + one 1-year addendum3 yearsTwo 1-year addendums, or One 2-year addendumSection3Submit Commercial Vendor Contract ObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to:Submit a Commercial Vendor Contract in ECASSubmit a Commercial Vendor Contract in ECASBackgroundThe SFA must complete the procurement process referencing all procurement resources to ensure proper procurement procedures.The SFA also must review sample contract and required support documentation/forms to successfully complete process in ECAS. After you submit the contract, the state will either Pre-Approve or Non-Approve the contract.The following workflow is an overview of the contract submittal process:80327541910049441106565901612906470659772652244090(Contract errors are noted in the Comments section of each screen, Resubmit only the non-approved sections)(Contract errors are noted in the Comments section of each screen, Resubmit only the non-approved sections)3232156902450002578101. Vendor Info/Contract span details1. Vendor Info/Contract span details10521953003552. Contract Info002. Contract Info187071041592521793202616203. Charges for the meals provided03. Charges for the meals provided32677101517654. List of all schools (sites) receiving vended meals04. List of all schools (sites) receiving vended meals4580890210185State Pre-Approves the contract0State Pre-Approves the contract57067452101855. Sign & initial then upload the signature page005. Sign & initial then upload the signature page296672042037053803554203700310324516516355. Upload Supporting Documents005. Upload Supporting Documents43751504349750056845201383030StateFinal ApprovalSFA must print a copy and retain on file00StateFinal ApprovalSFA must print a copy and retain on file42824402251710State Agency Non-Approval – Errors in contract must be corrected for resubmission00State Agency Non-Approval – Errors in contract must be corrected for resubmission43872151902524(OR)00(OR)42322751216499003636759534092039700207023106. SFA certifies the contract006. SFA certifies the contractECAS Homepage Review33013654171950045135802682875027990802686050279844516776700044113454222750036423609334500338138474663The ECAS Contracts Home page appears after you sign on to ECAS.Review the following items on the Contracts Home screen.Header MenuMy AccountI want to:Contracts MenuContract TypeLearn MoreContinueHeader MenuThe header menu contains the following links to take you back to:NJ PortalSNEARS HomeMessages and MemosLogout315269314905100My AccountMy Account gives your Account Details:NameEmailRoleMy Reviewer29803044569200I Want To:I Want To: gives you the ability to view and print contract submittal procedure instructions.Contracts MenuThe Contracts Menu gives you access to different contract options and identifies the option you are viewing by highlighting the title.From the example above, you can see that you are viewing the Contracts Home.Contract TypeThe Contracts Menu displays the four contract types. FSMC ContractsCommercial Vendor ContractsSFA – SFA Vended Meal ContractsConsolidation AgreementsEach Contract Type contains an identifying heading.150495599940Learn MoreLearn More describes the contract type and requirements.ContinueYou will click Continue to Commercial Vendor Contracts when you want to start submitting your contract.Next, we will move on to submitting a Commercial Vendor Contract.1. Vendor/Info Contract Span DetailsClick Continue to Commercial Vendor Contracts.20129516399820Result: The Commercial Vendor Contracts Summary page appears.This page displays all the contracts that you have submitted.Click Add New Base Year Contract to begin the contract submittal process.Your contract will appear in the Summary when you submit the fist page of the conract, Vendor Info.382501710541000If you are a SFA user having access to more than one SFA, select the SFA that you wish to work on. If you are a single SFA user your information will come up automatically.Result: Commercial Vendor Contract Form #233 appearsSelect a commercial vendor from the drop-down list.52984402311177003797302410237015430552936702208752477471The highlighted section of the progress bar identifies where you are in the contract submittal process.00The highlighted section of the progress bar identifies where you are in the contract submittal process.If the vendor you have awarded the contract to does not appear in the drop down selection, you must click on the link “Not finding your Commercial Vendor” and enter the required information. The State Agency will then review the status of that vendor. The contract cannot be submitted for review until the vendor submits the required information to the State Agency. If the vendor you have selected is listed with the State Agency, then the commercial vendor name, address, city, state and zip code will auto-plete the contact information.2. Contract InfoEnter the Contract Details, and click Submit and Continue.-10223511982450052617378146040017556598709503218213185646001717631201536001252847141250The base contract can range from one to three years in length.00The base contract can range from one to three years in length.ECAS will review your entries for accuracy and notify you of errors.Correct the error under Contract Span by selecting the span that matches your Start and End Date.If you entered the incorrect End Date, correct it and choose the matching Contract Span.Board Meeting Date must be before the contract Start Date. The contract must have board approval prior to submission into ECAS. Result: The second Contract Info page appears.Identify Meal Requirements.Identify Milk Requirements.-17705379818400SFA must follow proper procurement procedures for purchasing milk when purchasing separately. Identify Menu options.If you skip a field, ECAS will identify your errorIdentify Delivery options.Identify Packaging options.Choose a Record Keeping option.Select a Billing option and click Submit and Continue.334010014859000042793921492199373806715141450Use Save when you are not done entering the page or contact and plan to return.Use Save and Continue when you have finished entering the page data.3. Charges for the Vended Meals ProvidedCalculate meal charges by entering details into the Charges fields and click Submit and Continue.Enter Breakfast ChargesOn this screen, you will see options for meals you selected on the Contract Info-Meal Requirements Screen.If you see wrong meals on the Charges screen, return to Contract info to make corrections.473100131792530036416973199351A few schools charge different prices (Hot & Cold) for the same meals.Enter Lunch Charges, and click Submit and Continue.30460212556551Result: The Exhibit A page appears.4. List of Schools (Sites) Receiving Vended MealsComplete the required information for schools receiving meals, and click Submit and Continue.307340030232360030480002065020Use this Add button is to add another site receiving vended meals.00Use this Add button is to add another site receiving vended meals.5518150255333600-227102385447500-1946606850403019044544782Use Add New Site to add a new site that is not listed in the drop down.5. Upload Supporting Procurement DocumentsIdentify if your SFA has a Qualifying Purchasing Agent (QPA).A QPA is established through a registration and examination process with the NJ DOE.Select Procurement Process.Formal3541196335754InformalWhat determines the decision to use the formal or informal procurement process?5814045415Remember that the Formal Procurement Process cutoff for a public school Commercial Vendor contract with QPA is $40,000.00.0227You do not want to see this message! Forecast and estimate before the bidding process begins.Review:Total Estimated Cost with QPAProcurement ProcessBelow $40,000.00InformalAt or above $40,000.00FormalSelecting the Formal Procurement Process displays options to upload procurement documents.Scan & Upload Affidavit of Publication or copy of published notice.All sample procurement related documents are available in SNEARS Resources for reference.Use this format when entering file Descriptions:SFA Name – Document NameExamples:Anytown BOE – Form #24021590093281500Scan & Upload Form #240 (Record of Bids Received)2159009569450If necessary, scan and upload additional supporting documents, and click Submit & Continue. If selecting informal process, need to upload scanned copy of the RFP solicitation document and obtain a minimum of 3 quotes.308610023939500If you are not able to proceed from this screen, scroll to the top to see your error messages.Review Commercial Vendor Info-23177535687000Certify contract information, and click Submit for State Approval.247765448260000If you do not check “I certify” and click Submit for State Approval, the State Agency (SA) will not know that you entered your contract into ECAS.It is like writing an e-mail and not sending it.Result: A success message will appear.Section4After Contract SubmittalObjectivesAfter completing this chapter, you will be able to:Describe the Commercial Vendor Contract review and update processAfter Contract SubmittalThe state agency will review your contract in ECAS and either pre-approve or not-approve your contract. You will receive an e-mail message, If the state agency does or does not approve a portion of your contract or the entire contract.State Agency Does Not Approve ContractReview the e-mail that you received from the state agency.Sign back into ECAS and look for your contract.32538391450934Re-submit Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.0Re-submit Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.5165766174187900Review each page of your contract for notes.3846706455484The top of each page will display its review status.The top of each page will display its review status.54448367350083680716-121557Fix pages that display Not Approved.Fix pages that display Not Approved.5284519154849Reviewer comments appear at the bottom of Not Approved pages.Correctly edit the rejected page.Continue to the Certification page and recertify.25056943600370State Agency Approves ContractThe state agency will send you a message indicating the approval of your contract and instruct you to print your Commercial Vendor Contract and Contract Signature Page.Review the e-mail that you received from the state agency.Print your Commercial Vendor Contract and Contract Signature Page.Share your Commercial Vendor Contract with your vendor for review.Sign your Contract Signature Page and have the vendor sign it too.Scan your signed Contract Signature Page.Sign in to ECAS and locate your vendor contract.31706462079386Upload Signed Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.0Upload Signed Contract will appear in the Next Steps column.50529512364616Use the Next button at the bottom of each page to navigate to the Contract Signature Page.Upload your signed Contract Signature Page and click Submit for State Agency final approval.3544784241404726125712918290Result: A success message will appear. Print two copies of the final State Agency approved contract. One copy for the Commercial Vendor and one for the SFA.Section5References & ResourcesThe following items are contained in this section:Federal Funds Procurement Selection ChartMeal Pattern Links for Vended Meal Procurement Document PreparationSNEARS Vended Meal DocumentsFederal Funds Procurement Selection ChartThis file is also available on SNEARS at Pattern Links for Vended Meal Procurement Document PreparationNational School Lunch Program5 Day Week Lunch Meal Pattern 4 Day Week Lunch Meal Pattern Day Week Lunch Meal Pattern Day Week Lunch Meal Pattern Breakfast Program5 Day Week Breakfast Meal Pattern Day Week Breakfast Meal Pattern Day Week Breakfast Meal Pattern Day Week Breakfast Meal Pattern School Snack Program Risk “Dinner” Vended Meal DocumentsProcurement Resource from NFSMI ?Disclosure of Investments in Iran (Form 39) ? Commercial Vending Delivery Ticket (Form 45) ? SFA to SFA Vended Meal Contract FY 2018 (Form 56) ? Agreement for Consolidating School Meals (Form 72) ? Certificate Regarding Debarment (Form 130) ? Certification of Independent Price Determination (Form 131) ? Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Form 132) ? Certification Regarding Lobbying (Form 133) Commercial Vendor Contract/Addendum Fact Sheet (Form 187) ? Commercial Vendor RFP Scoring SAMPLE (Form 222) ? SFA/Commercial Vendor CONTRACT (Form 233) ? Commercial Vendor RFP Specifications (Form 238) ? Commercial Vended Meals Record of RFP/IFB (Form 240) ? SAMPLE RFP Letter for Commercial Vended School Meals (Form 245) ? SAMPLE Letter to Commercial Vendors Who Did Not Respond to RFP (Form 246) ? Commercial Vendor Evaluation Criteria Form SAMPLE (Form 247) ? RFP Commercial Vended Meals Documentation Log (Form 251) ? SAMPLE Board Minutes for Award/Renewal Commercial Vended Meals (Form 258) ? Commercial Vendor RFP Scoring EXAMPLE (Form 259) ? Sample Legal Notice for RFP for a Commercial Vendor FY 2018 (Form 296) ? SFA to SFA Using USDA Foods - Sample Monthly Invoice (Form 321) ? Commercial Vendor Evaluation Criteria EXAMPLE (Form 322) ? ................

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