Agency Request

Agency Request

State Building Commission Action

December 2009


Department of Health Services


Southern Wisconsin Center, Union Grove, WI

Mendota Mental Health Institute, Madison, WI


a) Authority to construct various maintenance and repair projects at an estimated total cost of $682,700 ($502,400 GFSB -Utilities Repair and Renovation and $180,300 GFSB – Facilities Maintenance and Repair);

b) Transfer all approved GFSB All Agency Allocations to the Department of Health Services Infrastructure [Z490] appropriation; and

c) Permit the Division of State Facilities to adjust individual project budgets.

|Institution |Project Title |Amount |Funding Source |Project No. |

|SWC |Roadway Improvements |$502,400 |Utility Repair |09K2P |

|MMHI |Goodland Hall Loading Dock |$180,300 |Facility Repair |09K2R |

Southern Wisconsin Center – Roadway Improvements - $502,400

Project Description:

This project will replace several roadways and parking areas at various locations on the Southern Wisconsin Center (SWC) campus. The areas to be addressed will include approximately 20,000 square yards of roadway and approximately 6,000 square yards of parking areas. This will be the first phase of a multiphase project. Note: This will be a joint request, with final costs to be allocated between DHS, DVA and DOC (DHS would be responsible for $251,200, and DVA and DOC would each be responsible for $125,600).

Project Justification:

The roadways and parking lots selected for replacement by this project have reached the end of their useful life as identified by the Pavement Surface Evaluation Rating (Paser) system. These parking lots and roadways are badly deteriorated with large cracks and potholes and are beyond the point of being corrected by preventative maintenance. These areas are used by staff and visitors to the campus on a daily basis and need to be properly maintained to avoid hazards and injuries.

DHS Contact:

Tim Zinkgraf (608) 267-4595, tim.zinkgraf@

Mendota Mental Health Institute - Goodland Hall Loading Dock - $180,300

Project Description:

This project will demolish, reconfigure and reconstruct the existing loading dock servicing Goodland Hall at Mendota Mental Health Institute. The adjacent pedestrian ramp will be rebuilt and repairs made to the earthen retaining wall. The new dock will be equipped with mechanical leveling plates.

Project Justification:

Goodland Hall is a secure patient care facility that was constructed in the mid 1950s and houses approximately 160 forensic patients. The existing loading dock and integrated pedestrian ramp have significantly deteriorated. The loading dock is actively used for deliveries, and the pedestrian entrance is utilized for patient intake to Goodland Hall.

DHS Contact:

Brent Wallace (608) 266-2902, brent.wallace@

Budget & Scheduling for DHS Building Commission Request

December 2009

Southern Wisconsin Center – Roadway Improvements - $502,400

|Budget % |Cost |Schedule |Date |

|Construction | $416,000 | Commission Approval |December 2009 |

|Contingency 7% |$29,100 | A/E Selection |January 2010 |

|A/E Fees 9.5% |$39,500 | Receive Bids |May 2010 |

|DSF Mgmt. Fee 4% |$17,800 | Start Construction |July 2010 |

| Total |$502,400 | Substantial Completion |December 2010 |

| DHS Share |$251,200 | Project Close Out |May 2011 |

| DOC & DVA Share (ea.) |$125,600 |

Mendota Mental Health Institute - Goodland Hall Loading Dock - $180,300

|Budget % |Cost |Schedule |Date |

|Construction | $148,100 | Commission Approval |December 2009 |

|Contingency 8% |$11,800 | A/E Selection |January 2010 |

|A/E Fees 9.5% |$14,000 | Receive Bids |August 2010 |

|DSF Mgmt. Fee 4% |$6,400 | Start Construction |September 2010 |

| Total |$180,300 | Complete Project |December 2010 |

| | | | |

Previous Building Commission Action



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