Grading Rubric for Interactive Notebook

Grading Rubric for Each Unit in the Interactive Notebook

|Score |Structure & Organization |Presentation |Processing |Reflection |Self Evaluation |

|A |*There is a title page and |*You have used color in a |*Notes are Cornell style with |*Shows in-depth reflection about the work at the end of |*Indicate your overall rating of your notebook |

|45-50+ |completed table of contents |meaningful way throughout |Costa’s three level of |each unit including: what and how you learned from the |based on the grading rubric and describe how |

| |*Contents are complete, dated|notebook |questioning and a summary. |activities, what aspects of the work were high quality, |your notebook has improved. Explain why you |

| |and labeled |*The notebook includes |*You integrate other sources of|what made you proud of this particular work, what made the|have earned this rating. |

| |*Notes are Cornell style |diagrams and pictures that|information that enhance your |activity worthwhile for you, how this work impact your |*Describe specific study skills you employed to|

| |*Left sides are processing of|support your learning. |learning. |view of the world, what information was learned that was |be successful in this class and explain |

| |information and right sides |*The notes and reflection |*You demonstrate extensive left|new to you, what you would do differently in the future |organization strategies that appear on the |

| |are input. |are well organized and |side processing of information.|(and why), etc. |notebook that helped you learn. |

| |*Pages are numbered correctly|neat. |The processing allows you to |*Skills you might discuss are: organization, analysis, |*List specific areas in which you feel you need|

| | | |take your learning beyond |logic, creativity, thoroughness, accuracy of information, |to improve or need help improving. |

| | | |memorization to higher level of|ability to put new information together, understanding new|*Explain specific changes that would assist you|

| | | |learning. |concepts, etc. |in learning in this class. |

| | | | |*The Interactive Notebook includes significant adult | |

| | | | |signature and comments; | |

|C-B |*There is a title page and |*You have used color in a |*Notes are Cornell style with |*Shows in-depth reflection about the work at the end of |*Indicate your overall rating of your notebook |

|35-44 |completed table of contents |meaningful way throughout |Costa’s three level of |each unit including: what and how you learned from the |based on the grading rubric. |

| |*One to three assignment may |notebook |questioning and a summary are |activities, what made the activity worthwhile for you, how|*Describe specific study skills you employed to|

| |be missing all other are |*The notebook includes |used most of the time. |this work impact your view of the world, what information |be successful in this class and explain |

| |complete, dated and labeled |diagrams and pictures that|*You demonstrate extensive left|was learned that was new to you, what you would do |organization strategies that appear on the |

| |*Notes are Cornell style |mostly support your |side processing of information.|differently in the future (and why), etc. |notebook that helped you learn. |

| |*Left sides are processing of|learning. |The processing allows you to |*Skills you might discuss are: organization, analysis, |*List specific areas in which you feel you need|

| |information and right sides |*The notes and reflection |take your learning beyond |logic, creativity, thoroughness, accuracy of information, |to improve or need help improving. |

| |are input. |are well organized. |memorization to higher level of|ability to put new information together, understanding new|*Explain specific changes that would assist you|

| |*Pages are numbered correctly| |learning. |concepts, etc. |in learning in this class. |

| | | | |*The Interactive Notebook includes significant adult | |

| | | | |signature and comments | |

|F-D |*There is a title page and |*You have used color |*Notes are not Cornell style |*Shows minimal reflection about the work at the end of |*Indicate your overall rating of your notebook |

|0-34 |partially completed table of |throughout notebook |*You demonstrate minimal left |each unit including: what and how you learned from the |based on the grading rubric. |

| |contents |*The notebook includes |side processing of information.|activities, what made the activity worthwhile for you, |*Describe specific study skills you employed to|

| |*Four to six assignments are |diagrams and pictures that|The processing sometimes allows|what information you learned that was new to you, etc. |be successful in this class. |

| |missing |support your learning. |you to take your learning |*Skills you might discuss are: organization, analysis, |*List specific areas in which you feel you need|

| |*pages are not labeled or |*The notes and reflection |beyond memorization to higher |logic, creativity, thoroughness, accuracy of information, |to improve or need help improving. |

| |dated |are organized. |levels. |ability to put new information together, understanding new|*Explain specific changes that would assist you|

| |*Left sides are processing of| | |concepts, etc. |in learning in this class. |

| |information and right sides | | | | |

| |are input. | | | | |


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