“GOLDEN NOTES OF THE MUGWUMP” A CRASH BULLET REVIEW in PEDIATRIC NURSINGPrepared by Prof. Brian YU, RN, USRN1Disproportionately represents most of the homeless peopleAfrican Americans2The racial group that has the highest infant mortality rateAfrican Americans3Majority of poor children in the United States are from which of the following group?Caucasian4Infancyfrom birth to 12 months5Newbornfrom birth to 4 months6Neonate1 to 28 days7Poverty rates are highest in which of the following types of familiessingle-parent8Factor that increases the prevalence of illnesses such as asthma and anemia, as well as respiratory and gastrointestinal infections? poverty9Children who are at greatest risk of infant death are borninto families in poverty10Using the deficit-orientation model of chronic conditions, clinicians assessing the client would look forabnormalities and problems11The deficit-orientation model of chronic conditions tends to see which of the following as the expert?the professional(s)12The health-orientation model of disability tends to be critical of:professionals making negative appraisals13The ordinary model of chronic conditions differs from other models because in this model, people with chronic conditions view themselves as:leading ordinary lifestyles14The health-orientation model of chronic conditions portrays the relationship between client and professional as a:partnership15The nurse is working with a child who has been rewarded for inappropriate and unsafe sexual behavior. This child equates love and affection with sex. The nurse realizes the term for this is:traumatic sexualization16Incest is most likely to occur between:siblings17Leading cause of injury-related death for children aged 1 to 4 years is:drowning18Leading cause of injury-related deaths in adolescents aged 14 to 19 is by:motor vehicle occupant injuries19Atraumatic care refers to:a philosophy of providing health care that minimizes or eliminates physical or psychological distress for children and their families20Best exemplifies atraumatic careusing a eutectic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA) cream 1 hour before blood draws or the use of any needle21An appropriate method for teaching preschool children:imitation22Adolescents learn best when they:see an immediate personal benefit23The character of a nursing unit is determined mainly by the:nurse manager24Discipline should not only include setting limits and punishing for wrongdoing but also help children learn:rules, regulations, and goals of living in a world with others25The consequences of discipline must have the following qualities:effective, constructive, and not unduly harsh26Most frequent cause of injury to children while at school?falls27When the school nurse prepares sex education curricula, the primary goals are to increase knowledge and to:encourage students to make positive health choices28Before teaching students about contraception, the nurse most needs to be aware of:school district policies and community values29Infants start grasping with the whole hand, and as they develop they begin to use just the fingers. This development is an example of which of?proximodistal30In learning new developmental skills, the new skills:predominate over older skills31In the development of a number of children, which aspect shares a commomality?basic sequence of changes32The child were demonstrating being in shame and doubt instead of having mastered autonomy?dependency and constantly looking to others for approval33A nurse should provide a pacifier to a client in which of the following age groups?birth to 1 year34Corresponding stage of development of Erikson’s initiative versus guilt stage to Piaget is?preoperational35A breastfed newborn has a baby’s stool which is golden yellow, is pasty instead of firm, and has a sour milk odor.“This is a normal stool for a newborn that is breastfed. Do not change anything about your breastfeeding.”36The nurse is assessing a newborn and finds a rash that has a red macular base with a white vesicular center. erythema toxicum37The caregivers are instructed on how to transport a newborn in the car.The baby should be secured in a car seat in the rear facing backward.38Why infant is walking sideways while holding onto furniture. The best response by the nurse is:“Infants start walking sideways while holding onto furniture before they walk or stand alone.”39The very first sucking by an infant occurs because of:an accidental reflex of rooting40Playing peek-a-boo with a teaches a baby regardingobject permanence41Best describes object permanenceThe infant realizes an object continues to exist even when out of sight.42Best and richest play for an infant is when:the caregiver is involved in the play and responds to the child43A family is planning to integrate solid foods into the infant’s diet. Which of the following foods would be recommended for an infant?Cereal44Growth rate slows for toddlers due to which of the following causesdecline in appetite and erratic eating habits45In the toddler, the spinal cord ends at which of the following levels of the spine?L3-L446All of a child’s deciduous teeth usually erupt by how many months of age?3047Until myelination of the spinal cord is completed, the child will:have some difficulty in walking48Most toddlers can climb stairs by how many months?1849Best help the toddler understand why he or she is being given cough syrup for his persistent cough“This medicine will help you feel better and will help your cough go away.”50This must develop prior to the beginning of bowel and bladder training? myelinization of the spinal cord51The recommended method in toilet-training?Use a calm, relaxed approach, praise for success, and no punishment at all.52The difference in vocabulary between the 3-year-old child and the 4-year-old child is:500 versus 1,500 words53When a preschooler is watching a new show or a new video, the caregivers need to:watch the new show or video with the child54An adolescent complaining of being lonely and having a lack of fulfillment in her life. This adolescent shies away from intimate relationships at times, yet at other times she appears promiscuous. The nurse will likely work with this adolescent most in which of the following areas, as it is at the center of the other problems?identity55Caregiver responsivenessthe degree to which caregivers respond to their children’s needs in an accepting, supportive manner56Most important questions or statements during the health history interview of the family seeking care for a toddler?“Tell me how you have childproofed your home.”57Child is allowed to fall asleep with bottle of milk or other liquid containing sugar?Child can have cavities.”58A 5-day old baby with jaundice. The most logical explanation of which is?breast milk jaundice59What is one of the ways to assess for a child’s hydration? Pinches up a small section of the child’s skin between the thumb and forefinger, then quickly releases it. 60In inspecting a child’s eyes, the nurse finds that a portion of the sclera can be seen above the iris. This is suggestive of what?hydrocephalus61In inspecting the eyes of a child, the nurse notes that there are some small white flecks around the perimeter of the iris. These white flecks are called:Brushfield spots62White flecks around the perimeter of the iris in children are:found in a child with Down syndrome63Low set ears, means:the finding is abnormal and may be a sign of renal anomalies or Down syndrome64To look into the ear of a child younger than 3 years old, the nurse would position the ear by pulling the auricle:down and out65Patency of the nares must be determined at birth because:newborns are nose breathers66To assess for choanal atresia, the nurse would:pass a 10-12 French catheter through the nasal passage and into the nasopharynx and repeat in the other nostril67The femoral pulses are weaker than brachial pulses when palpated simultaneously, the nurse realizes this is abnormal and occurs in which of the following conditions?coarctation of the aorta68The nurse finds a sausage-shaped mass that produces intermittent pain when palpated in the upper abdomen.intussusception69Best arrangement for the parents of a hospitalized infant or young child?rooming-in70In the nursing mutual participation model of care (NMPMC), the nurse believes that:the presence and support of families is essential for optimal healing, recovery, and prevention of additional trauma to a child71Which of the following questions by the nurse would best fit the philosophy of the nursing mutual participation model of care (NMPMC)?“How does your child look to you today?”72Reye’s syndromea life-threatening condition following a mild viral illness, in which there is liver enlargement and cerebral edema73The nurse will most often find intertrigo in which of the following placesthe axillae, interdigital spaces, and the gluteal cleft74Best defines autoimmunityidentification of self as foreign and mounting of immune response75Nociceptors are nerve receptors for:pain76Giving the school-aged child an intramuscular injectionapply a self-adhesive bandage77Who is the best person to provide the most accurate measurement of a child’s pain?the child him- or herself78Most associated GOAL with good pain managementMaximize function (eating, walking, and participating in the recovery process).79The nurse is working with a child who is going to have a bone marrow aspirate. The physician orders TAC (tetracaine, adrenaline, and cocaine). Which of the following is the route of administration?application to the skin, covered with a dressing prior to the procedure80Biotransformation is also calledmetabolism81Most biotransformation of medications occurs in the:liver82Primary goal of a hospice nurse caring for dying children. keep the dying child pain free83Pathological jaundice of the newborn occurs:within the first 24 hours of life84A with baby with a dark-black tuft of hair and a dimple over the lumbosacral area, indicates:abnormal and may indicate spina bifida85Atopic dermatitis is a skin lesion that is:common and involves the epidermis and superficial dermis86While palpating the outer layer of the cranial bones behind and above the ears, the nurse finds a softening of this area and has the sensation of pressing on a table-tennis ball when palpating the area.craniotabes87Cephalhematomaswelling does not cross suture lines88Swelling over the occipitoparietal region of the skullcaput succedaneum89Frequent assessment of the adolescent’s pain level is necessary because adolescents tend to:deny their pain and hide it from caregivers90How many hours is the gastric emptying time in neonates?6-8 hours91What is parentification?assuming the caregiver (parental) role92Most common type of burn in children?thermal93Extent of burns in childrenpercentages of total body surface area (TBSA)94Most common fluid replacement used in children with severe burnslactated Ringer’s solution95Best describes the term tolerancethe need to use increasing doses of a medication over time to achieve the desired result96Skin grafts made from cadaver skin?Homografts97Why is it easy to palpate a full bladder on infants and children?Their bladders are closer to the anterior abdominal wall.98Why is it that the kidneys of a child are more susceptible to trauma compared to those of an adult?The kidneys are less protected in the child due to unossified ribs and less fat padding.99What is chordee, a condition that can be associated with hypospadias?downward curvature of the penis and an incomplete foreskin100Cryptorchidismfailure of one or both of the testes to descend through the inguinal canal into the scrotum101Hydrocelea collection of fluid in the scrotal sac102What is the cause of primary nephrotic syndromeglomerular disease of the kidney103Types of acute renal failurethree types: prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal104What condition always precedes end-stage renal failure?Uremia105Why small frequent feeding is indicated for newborns and infants?a 10- to 20-milliliter stomach capacity at birth106A parent tells the pediatric nurse about her baby spitting up. The nurse will explain that regurgitation by infants is:common because the lower esophageal sphincter tone is decreased107The pediatrician suspects that an infant has a malabsorption disorder or a biliary tract obstruction and orders a fecal fat test. The nurse realizes that this test involves:collecting all stool for 72 hours under cool conditions108Infants can absorb the fat in breast milk more readily than fat in formula because human breast milk:contains lipase109Which is the initial symptom of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?nonbilious vomiting starting between the 2nd and 4th week of life110The infant with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis will eventually:have projectile vomitus propelled up to several feet111How does examination of palate done in newborns?by palpation with a gloved finger112Most often the initial reaction of parents who have a baby with craniofacial anomalies?shock113The ESSR method involves:enlarge, stimulate, swallow, and rest114When a caregiver has tried standard nipples, preemie nipples, and all kinds of special nipples without much success, the best plan is to teach feeding with which of the following types of equipment?Asepto syringe with a rubber tip115Esophageal atresia is:characterized by incomplete formation of the esophagus so it ends before it gets to the stomach116In newborn what INDICATES large amount of fine, frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth, rattling sound to the respirations and has a choking episode and becomes a little cyanotic?esophageal atresia117Pre-operative focus prior to the surgical repair of an esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal fistulapreventing aspiration pneumonia118Most frequent cause of intestinal obstruction in infants and young children?intussusception119Best describes intussusceptiona condition in which one segment of the bowel telescopes into the lumen of an adjacent segment1203 classic signs and symptoms for intussusception will look for: colicky intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, and which kind of stool?currant-jelly-like stools121The treatment of choice and the safest treatment for intussusception is which of the following treatments?hydrostatic reduction with an air or a water-soluble contrast agent122In Hirschsprung’s disease the normal portion of the bowel:becomes hypertrophied and dilated123Primary manifestation of Hirschsprung’s disease among newbornsfailure to pass meconium during the first 24 to 48 hours after birth124The nurse assessing an older infant or child will suspect Hirschsprung’s disease when the child has a history of which of the following symptoms?chronic constipation125Best defines gastroesophageal refluxStomach contents are put back into the lower esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter.126What causes frequent progression of appendicitis to perforation of the appendix among children?“Young children have a thinner appendiceal wall than adults, so they progress to perforation much quicker than adults.”127What is one of the differences between Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis (both are types of inflammatory bowel disease) in terms of the bowel are involved?ulcerative colitis involves the colon and rectum, whereas Crohn’s disease may affect the entire gastrointestinal tract128Typical stool of celiac diseasebulky, putty colored, foul smelling, greasy, and likely to float129The position for a child post-operatively?on the abdomen or side130A child who is in the first postoperative day after a tonsillectomy starts to cough and wants to blow his nose. What is the action of the nurse?Remind the child not to cough or blow his nose.131Earliest manifestation of bleeding in a child who has had a tonsillectomy?frequent swallowing132Which of the following outcomes is the most important for a child who has had a tonsillectomy?no postoperative bleeding133Otitis media can occur with or without an effusion. Which of the following best describes an effusion?accumulation of fluid such as in the middle ear or pleural cavity134The nurse is talking with parents about the prevention of otitis media. What are the preventive measures?immunizations and breastfeeding135What indicates a preverbal child who keeps pulling on his ear?Pain136Which of the following body structures is infected when a child has croup?larynx, trachea, and large bronchi137The nurse is assessing a child with croup. Which of the following signs or symptoms would the nurse associate with croup and most expect to find?barklike cough, hoarseness, inspiratory stridor128Specific therapy for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis?ribavirin (Virazole)129Contraindicated to ribavirinpregnant health care workers130Heart size has a correlation that continues into adulthood. The heart is the size of the:Fist131After birth the pulmonary artery is the only artery in the body that:carries deoxygenated blood132Which calculation determines cardiac output?heart rate times stroke volume133What are factors determining stroke volume?preload, afterload, and contractility134The angle between the nail and the nail bed of a child has been lost and the fingertips are wider and rounder?Clubbing135Systolic murmurs are considered abnormal if they are:grade III or greater136What is the primary focus of nursing intervention when the child has iron-deficiency anemia?caregiver education137Over 84% of newborn babies prenatally infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are of which of the following races?African American and Hispanic138Classic sign of impetigo, which is typically used to diagnose this condition?honey-colored crusts on the skin139Preventive measure of diaper dermatitisabsorbent disposable diapers140To prevent or alleviate diaper dermatitisfrequency of the diaper changes141Test for color-blindnesssthe Ishihara color plates142Which of the following will the nurse teach the family of a child who has tonic/clonic seizures to do when their child begins to have a seizure?Perform a jaw thrust and, if available, administer oxygen.143If you are walking with a child who begins to have a seizure, you will ease the child to the floor to prevent injury. What additional action will you most need to take?Place the child on his or her side.144The noncommunicating or obstructive type is responsible for what percentage of occurrences of hydrocephalus in children?99%145Older children and adolescents who develop hydrocephalus usually have hydrocephalus due to which of the following causes?intracranial tumors, fever, or injury146Which of the following signs and symptoms will the nurse most likely find when assessing an infant with Arnold-Chiari malformation?difficulty swallowing, diminished or absent gag reflex, and respiratory distress147Post-operative position for a child who just returned from the placement of a shunt as a treatment for hydrocephalus. flat and lying on the unoperated side148What do you expect to find during the initial assessment to a child with craniosynostosis?hydrocephalus149Among neonates, what are the signs of arteriovenous malformation?congestive heart failure, cardiomegaly, and a cerebral bruit150Medication to be given in the initial phase of increased intracranial pressure to shrink brain volume?mannitol (Osmitrol)151Where is fat stored in bones?in the yellow marrow of the medullary cavity152Where does hematopoiesis occur in bones?in the red marrow of the medullary cavity of the bone153Growth hormone is produced in the:anterior lobe of the pituitary154During the initial assessment of a child with Bryant’s traction the nurse will make certain that:the child’s buttocks are off the bed155Focus of family therapy is:relationships and communication patterns among family members156Major focus of play therapy is to:help the child reveal emotions, feelings, and problems157The school nurse observes parents interacting with a school-aged child and notices that they do not show any affection toward the child and there is no evidence of emotional support or supervision. Later the nurse learns from the child that he must take care of all his own hygiene tasks, has to find something to eat on his own, and his parents never say anything nice about him. The nurse at this point believes that the parents are engaging in:psychological abuse158Majority of perpetrators of abuse to children are:parents159Majority of child abuse victims fall into what age rangesunder 6 years160Most common type of mistreatment of childrenneglect161In the sociological model of family violence, family violence is viewed as:a pattern of behavior that is passed from generation to generation162The social-interactional systemic perspective of child abuse and neglect says that the legitimization of violence in the family is due to which of the following factors?society’s attitudes, beliefs, and values163According to the social-interactional systemic perspective of child abuse and neglect, four factors place the family members at risk for abuse. These risk factors are the family itself, the caregiver, the child, and:the presence of a family crisis164Best defines the term role reversal?The child assumes a caregiver role toward the caregiver.165When a child has a single cigarette burn of partial thickness (second degree) this burn is probably:an accidental burn158Flexion burnsthe body part immersed in hot liquids is held in a flexed position159Characteristic pattern of the burn in a flexion burn?zebra pattern160Most child abuse deaths occur for which reasons?neurological injuries, with most of these being head injuries161Classic sign of shaken baby syndromeretinal hemorrhage, usually bilaterally with subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhages162Best example of psychological abuse that is an act of commission?telling a child that he or she is dumb and will not amount to anything163A teenage girl who has been having sex with an adult male constitutes:statutory rape164Acquaintance rape or date rapesexual intercourse committed with force or the threat of force without a person’s consent165When the nurse treats families as context, the emphasis is on?individual166Sociologists define the family as a group of people:who are living together167The nuclear family consists of:husband, wife, and their natural and adoptive children168For the child in foster care, the nurse is aware that the primary goal is which of the following?to reunite the child with the birth parent(s)169The original role of the school nurse was:identifying, educating, and following up on communicable diseases170Who is in the best position to teach anger management skills to schoolchildren?the classroom teacher171The school nurse’s main focus in child abuse or neglect issues is:awareness: recognizing signs and symptoms and reporting to authorities172In the nature versus nurture controversy about human development, the nature view sees development as mainly influenced by?Genetic173When a person is discussing the strong influences that child-rearing methods have on the development of the child, this person is most probably coming from which of the following viewpoints or theories?nurture174The most popular theory of developmentalists today is that:how biological and environmental factors interact is more important than the predominance of one over the other175In human development, theorists who use discontinuity believe that:development is a series of discrete steps or stages176If you view a child’s development from a passivity theory, you would most probably believe that:children become delinquent because of association with an antisocial peer group177The activity view of a child’s development would most believe which of the following statements?An inquisitive, friendly, outgoing child may encourage the same behavior in indifferent and unfriendly people.178It is documented that infants who lived in an impoverished orphanage and who were adopted into nurturing homes grew up without identifiable intellectual defects. This occurrence best supports what view of development?sensitive period179Context specificity suggests which of the following beliefs?There are differences in child development related to cultural values, beliefs, and experiences.180John Locke suggested that children are neither good nor bad but have inborn tendencies and are molded by life experiences. What do you call this doctrine?tabula rasa181The assumptions about human nature that Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) proposed include a belief that children are:inherently good and born without a sense of right and wrong182The psychoanalytic perspective of development proposes that each person:has two basic biological instincts: life and death, which compete with each other183Freud developed the theory that the source of psychic energy that drives human behavior is:the id, ego, and superego184Best describes the ego, according to Freudian theorythe rational and controlling part of the personality185In Freudian theory the component of the personality that emerges when the child internalizes values, roles, and morals is called the:Superego186Freud believed that the most important life instinct was?sex187Freud theorized that methods used to toilet-train children might have a lasting effect on their personality. Children who had rigid, severe toilet training would most likely show what behaviors later in life?meticulous and hypercritical188What activities are most closely identified with the latency stage suggested by Freud?The child increasingly identifies with the same-sex parent and has intense involvement with same-sex peers.189When caring for a child between the ages of 1 and 3 years, it would be most important for you to ask the caregivers about:words and rituals used for elimination190The behavioral theorists believe what factors most influence behavior?rewards and punishment191Piaget believed that interactions with the environment caused people to organize patterns of thought called:schema192Piaget theorized that development moves from:simple to complex--begins with the concrete and proceeds to abstraction193According to Piaget, the coordination of the secondary schemes phase of development (8 to 12 months) occurs when the infant:understands concepts of space and object permanence and anticipates actions of others194When children use language and have a growing understanding of the past, present, and future, they are in which stages or phases of a stage, according to Piaget?preoperational stage195According to Piaget, a child whose thinking is characterized by systematic and abstract thinking and who is able to consider alternative solutions is in which stages?formal operations stage196The first level of moral development according to Kohlberg, is called:preconventional197During stage one of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, the child conforms to rules:due to fear of punishment198The nurse instructing the mother on how to care for the umbilical cord of the newborn would direct the mother to:apply 70% isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to the base next to the skin and to the cord with each diaper change199The nurse instructs the caregivers of a newborn to notch the diapers or fold them in such a way as to expose the cord. The major purpose of exposing the cord is to:provide air circulation for the cord200The stomach capacity of the newborn is?60mL201The newborn is less capable of absorbing fat than older children and adults because of:reduced bile salt secretion and less efficient pancreas202The nurse assessing newborns finds that one of the babies has signs consistent with physiologic or normal jaundice. Which of the following signs did the nurse most likely find?jaundice in a 2-week-old premature baby203The nurse is working with a newborn who has elevated bilirubin levels that are fast approaching the toxic level. The nurse is concerned of what condition to occur?Kernicterus204Best describes the purpose of phototherapy?reducing serum bilirubin level and preventing brain damage205The nurse administering phototherapy ordered by the primary care provider must take special safety precautions and?shield the baby’s eyes and protect the gonads206To best assess the effectiveness of the phototherapy treatment, the nurse will monitor which of the following?serial serum bilirubin levels207A collection of fluid between the parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis is called:Hydrocele208Color of transitional stool of the newborngreen brown-yellow brown209The nurse will assess the newborn for passage of stool and will expect the newborn to pass which of the following stools:a meconium stool by 24 hours210Prior to discharge from the hospital, the newborn most often will receive a screening blood test to rule out which of the following conditions?phenylketonuria and hypothyroidism211The type of heat exchange that occurs between the newborn and water during a bath or when exposed to drafts is called:Convection212The usual recommended sleeping position for a normal newborn is which of the following positions?supine213The current practice of feeding newborns is:an on-demand feed214How should a mother remove the newborn from the breast?Place a finger in the side of the baby’s mouth and between the jaws to release suction.215What specific teaching is given to a mother who is microwaving a bottle before feeding it to the newborn?Microwave heating is uneven and poses the risk of severe burns to the newborn’s throat and mouth.216Best describes respiratory distress syndrome?inadequate production of surfactant with reduced surface tension of alveoli217A neonate who is just an hour old has a dry, cracking skin, but no vernix or lanugo, and the skin appears greenish in color. What is the likely cause of these signs?Postmaturity218A mother asks the nurse when a soft spot on the baby’s head will close. The best response by the nurse is?“The soft spot you are talking about will close by 12 to 18 months of age. Another soft spot will close by 2 months.”219Gross motor development is best exemplified by the ability to:maintain balance, postural control, and locomotion220In assessing the amount of head lag in an infant, the nurse will:pull the infant up by the arms from a supine to a sitting position221Infant head control is judged by the:presence or absence of head lag222Studies based on attention time given to an image have shown that infants prefer which images?the human face223To help prevent sudden infant death syndromeHave the baby sleep in a supine or side-lying position.224Infants at greatest risk of sudden infant death syndromemale twin, premature, 4 months old225The nurse is assessing a toddler of 18 months to see what skills the child has for dressing himself. The nurse expects to find that a toddler of this age can do?remove his own shoes226Caregivers ask the nurse at what age their 1-year-old will be able to ride a tricycle. The most accurate response by the nurse would be which of the following?24 months227The usual eating patterns of toddlers is to:vary widely in amount eaten and in foods liked and disliked from day to day228Physiologic anorexiaperiod of decreased appetite as a result of decreased caloric need229Foods best for the toddlersliced white turkey breast, green beans, and skim milk230To avoid overlooking food allergies in the toddler, the nurse would advise the caregivers to add new foods:one at a time231Cause of potbelly appearance is because of underdeveloped abdominal muscles or:poor nutrition intake or constipation232In teaching the caregivers about growth and development, the nurse provides information about the fact that depth perception is developing during the toddler years. Since their child is just entering the toddler stage, the caregivers will realize that developing depth perception will affect their child in which of the following ways?put the toddler at risk for frequent falls when learning to walk, run, and climb stairs233What behaviors by caregivers most helps a child internalize a specific gender?continual rewards for responding in a manner consistent with a specific gender234One of the three major psychosocial tasks of toddlerhood?gaining self-control235The nurse is doing some teaching with a toddler, explaining that the child is to take medicine to help him get well and that it is taken once a day until the total amount prescribed is finished (7 days). The mother and the nurse agree that this medicine will be given in the early morning each day. Which of the following statements by the nurse will the toddler understand best?“You will be taking your medicine every morning after breakfast until it is gone.”23634-month-old girl, begun to wet the bed and suck her thumb after being admitted to the hospital. This caregiver asks the nurse to explain why this is happening.“This behavior is a defense mechanism when normal routines are changed.”237Best initial approach when a child has shown signs of regressionIgnore the regression, and compliment the child on positive attributes and behaviors.238Toilet-training success depends on which of the following factorsthe readiness of both the child and the caregiver239A father asks the nurse why his toddler engages in fantasy and make-believe in play. The best answer by the nurse is:“Fantasy helps the toddler cope with caregiver expectations and helps the child conceptualize how he or she wishes the world to be.”240Caregivers have asked the nurse to suggest some activities they could do with their toddler that would help the child developmentally. Which of the following activities would the nurse recommend as most developmentally helpful for a toddler?making puppets and putting on a puppet show with some children of the same age241Caregivers ask the nurse how they need to deal with their toddler who is a picky eater and eats very little at mealtime. In addition to telling the caregivers that this is not unusual behavior for a toddler, which of the following statements by the nurse would be most helpful?“Offer smaller amounts of food to encourage the toddler to ask for more, and serve frequent nutritious snacks throughout the day.”242The grandparents are preparing to care for a toddler for the first time while the caregivers are away on a business trip. What information is the most important for the caregivers to provide the grandparents?a developmental-specific injury prevention list243Grandparents who are expecting a toddler to visit most need to do which of the following things in preparation for the visit?Lock up all medications and toxic substances.244Caretakers of toddlers need to keep which of the following substances on hand to administer in an emergency under the direction of appropriate professionals?syrup of ipecac245Type of balloon is safe for the toddler?Mylar246A nurse is educating a family on the risk factors for urinary tract infections in the toddler. Which of the following statements made by the nurse would identify the key risk factor for the development of urinary tract infections in toddlers?“Urethral structures are shorter in toddlers than in adults.”247To assess specifically for the evaluation of circulating blood volume?inspection of capillary refill248A nurse is providing education on the psychosocial milestones of the toddler. The nurse informs the parents that temper tantrums, negativism, and dawdling behaviors will subside at which of the following ages?36 months249The parents of a toddler who is a “picky eater” are seeking advice from the nurse. Which of the following suggestions made by the nurse would be considered the most accurate?“Provide a snack every 1 to 2 hours.”250A preschooler believes that objects such as rocks have human qualities. Type of thinking is:animism251A child is talking to the pediatric nurse. This child answers his own question of “Why does the sun shine?” with the answer, “To see me when I play outside.” The nurse explains to the mother that this is an example of:egocentrism252The nurse is teaching a caregiver to select activities that will develop hand-eye-mouth coordination in a preschooler. Which of the following activities would indicate that this caregiver had learned to select well?bubbles and stickers253When parents select or approve physical activities for their children, they most need to select activities according to the:abilities of the child254Conservation is the ability to:recognize that a change in shape does not mean a change in amount255When a school-aged child has a malocclusion, the parents need to:take the child to an orthodontist256Latchkey children are most at risk for:physical and social problems and anxiety257Puberty is best defined as the:state of development when reproduction first is possible and the adolescent growth spurt starts258Hormone causes breast changes, including enlargement and darkening of the nipple?estrogen259During adolescence the heart will:almost double in weight and increase in size by about 1/2260What ideal or model do adolescents compare themselves to when developing a sense of body image?culture261In conflict management, the win-win approach occurs when:both parties involved are committed to solving the conflict262When one person allows the conflict to be resolved at his or her own expense, this is referred to in conflict management as:the lose-win approach263Which of the following approaches has been recognized as most healing and capable of bridging communication gaps with children and families?humor264Most effective method of communicating with older school-age children and adolescents?written communication265“Motherese”a type of speech using short, simple sentences in a high-pitched voice266Best describes a difference in communicating with school-age children versus toddlers?For toddlers, preparation for procedures is just before the procedure and much earlier for school-aged children.267Two-word utterances by a child become common around which of the following ages?2 years268Preschoolers are able to see things from which of the following perspectives?only their own269Adolescents most need people to:listen to them verbalize what the world should be like270Rapid growth growth spurt271Cow’s milk is unacceptable until after the:baby’s first birthday272The most reliable indicator of body fat is:skinfold thickness273Type of lighting best for the nurse to use during the pediatric physical assessment?natural274When obtaining a child’s past health history, the nurse would ask questions aimed at getting pertinent information, beginning with the:prenatal period275The nurse is preparing to count the respirations of an infant. The nurse will count the respirations for:1 minute, watching the abdomen276Best statement for the nurse to use with a small child when the nurse is preparing to obtain the child’s blood pressure reading?“I am going to hug your arm with this cuff.”277Head circumference is measured until24 months278Causes of microcephalyuterine infections, drug or alcohol intake during pregnancy, and genetic defects279The mother of a 9-month-old infant is concerned that the head circumference of her baby is greater than the chest circumference. The best response by the nurse is:“This is normal until the age of 1 year, when the chest will be greater.”280The nurse is assessing a newborn for jaundice. The nurse knows that jaundice is easiest to detect in?on the tip of nose, external ear, lips, hands, and feet2813 years old child with an open and wide anterior fontanel. The nurse is aware that an open anterior fontanel at this age most likely is:due to disease, such as rickets282The nurse inspects a child’s red reflex with an ophthalmoscope and finds black spots or opacities within the red reflex. The nurse knows these findings:are abnormal and may indicate a cataract283Child has stridor. The best course of action on the part of the nurse is to get prompt attention for the child to prevent which of the following problems?epiglottitis284Urethral meatus located behind or along the ventral side of the penis, this condition is known as:hypospadias285Most susceptible to infections from staphylococci and Escherichia coli?Newborns286The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 provides:an alternative to civil litigation in which anyone who was injured or lost a family member due to a vaccine may seek compensation287Which of the following areas is most important for a pediatric unit to have for its hospitalized children to use?playroom288Best means of transporting a small child to surgery?a surgery stretcher289When a child is ordered to have nothing by mouth (NPO) for surgery, it is best that the familyrefrain from oral intake in the presence of the child290Which of the following terms is preferred when referring to a child who has diabetes?the child with diabetes291Preschool children have special needs including:being curious and wanting to know why292Meaning of red to children is:hurting293The deficit-orientation model of chronic conditions assumes that people with chronic conditions are:lacking important aspects of life294When caregivers of a child with a chronic health care condition look for meaning in their situation, they most often:find positive outcomes, such as family relationships being strengthened due to working together295Nurses assessing families of children with chronic health conditions need to focus more on which of the following areas?strengths of the family and child296DOB when receiving fentanyl due tohas chest wall rigidity as a side effect297Life-expectancy of a child with cystic fibrosis?30 years298A child who recently underwent a routine tonsillectomy. Which of the following assessment findings should the parents be encouraged to report immediately to the physician?frequent swallowing299Medications should be recommended for treating the common cold in the infantnasal saline drops300Purpose of the ductus arteriosus while the fetus is developing in utero?to divert blood from the fetal lungs to the fetal aorta301Two critical events differentiate fetal circulation from postnatal circulation?interruption of the umbilical cord and spontaneous respiration302The nurse is assessing an infant with chronic heart failure. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse most likely find in this infant?diaphoresis during feeding303Before giving the digoxin, you would first check the apical pulse, and you would also be most interested in making sure which of the following levels were within normal?potassium levels304Purpose of deep hypothermia during open-heart surgery?Doing so lowers the body’s metabolic rate and protects vital organs during cardiac bypass.305Heart defects increases pulmonary blood flow?patent ductus arteriosus306A classic murmur found in which of the following cardiac defects?atrial septal defect307Treatment for moderate to severe valvular pulmonary stenosis?Balloon valvuloplasty308Surgery for tetralogy of FallotBlalock-Taussig (BT) shunt or modified BT shunt309Surgery for transposition of the great arteries (TGA)?arterial switch310Criteria for diagnosis of acute rheumatic feverJONES criteria311Pathophysiology of Kawasaki diseasemultisystem vasculitis that tends to affect the coronary arteries312Complication of Kawasaki diseasethe formation of aneurysms313Main therapeutic interventions for Kawasaki disease in the first 10 days of the disease?intravenous immune globulin and aspirin314Client’s blood pressure is 120/76 in the right arm and 92/60 in the right leg, suspect for:possible coarctation of the aorta315Before digoxin therapy, evaluate which of the following labspotassium316The nurse assessing a child finds the classic symptoms of scabies, which are:nighttime itching and minute grayish-brown, threadlike burrow tracks with a black dot at the end of the track317A teacher confers with the school psychologist and the school nurse about a child who has poor attention span, aggressive behaviors, delayed speech, and shyness, and who tends to withdraw. This child often falls asleep in class, saying he is not sleeping at night. Which of the following situations or conditions is most likely to cause or contribute to the behavior exhibited by this child?homelessness318Psychological problems most often identified among homeless children are:depression, anxiety, and behavioral problems319Research has shown that the majority of the firearms used in suicide attempts and accidental shootings were acquired in:the victim's home or the home of a friend or relative320Infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of infant deaths:during the first year of life per 1,000 live births321Increases in numbers of low birth weight (LBW) babies born to Caucasian women in the past 10 years is attributable mainly to:multiple births323Most common major neurological abnormality seen in low birth weight (LBW) infants is:cerebral palsy324Immunization rates should be at which of the following percentages to provide herd immunity?80325What percentage of states has immunization requirements for school entrance?100%326Today, which of the following causes of death accounts for the majority of deaths in children ages 1 to 19?unintentional injuries327For children under 1 year of age, what is the leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths?Suffocation328In 1987, the Association for the Care of Children's Health (ACCH) stated that paramount in the concept of family-centered care is meeting the ever-changing needs of the:family329Differentiated practicedelineating a nurse's role and functions according to experience, competence, and education330To be an effective educator, the nurse must initially have a knowledge of:cognitive development331Which of the following activities best exemplifies cognitive learning?describing or explaining something, or answering questions332Critical pathways are developed to guide a health care team through a client's course of therapy. Their major purpose is to:achieve specific client outcomes in a defined time frame333Critical pathways are designed to indicate:key events that must happen each day in order to achieve an acceptable length of stay334Nursing interventions supportive of the philosophy of atraumatic carefreely administering analgesics for pain335The drug most abused by children and adolescents is:alcohol336Risk factors for shaken baby syndrome include:stressful life events337Osteomyelitisan infection of an entire bone caused by a microorganism, which is usually bacterial but may be viral or fungal338Fragile X syndrome occurs more often in:Males339A definitive diagnosis of Down syndrome is based on:karyotyping340Which of the following factors is known to directly increase the incidence of Down syndrome?age of mother341You are the nurse caring for a newborn infant who has a cleft lip and cleft palate and shows signs of mental retardation. Which of the following actions on your part would best support the parents?Model love and acceptance of the infant, and convey how precious the infant is.342Which of the following classifications applies to the majority of children with mental retardation?mild343Most common cause of cerebral palsypremature birth or very low birth weight344The majority of spinal cord injuries are a result of which of the following types of traumamotor vehicle crashes345Also known as primary and secondary head injuries?coup and contra coup346An infant’s brain is what portion of the weight of an adult’s brain?two-thirds347The legal definition of blindness is peripheral fields narrowed to an angle of 20 degrees or less, or which of the following visual acuities or less with correction?20/200348The major goal of the nurse using Neuman’s nursing theory would be to:help keep the family structure stable within its environment349King’s open systems theory viewed the family as:a social system that influences the growth and development of individuals350Which of the following statements best represents a major belief in King’s open systems theory?Nurses are partners with families.351The major goal of nursing in Roy’s adaptation model is to:promote adaptation and minimize ineffective responses352Cause of periorbital cellulitisextension of infection from the sinuses, face, or ears; upper respiratory infections; insect bites; or trauma353An alternative way aside from surgery that can correct strabismus and is successful in about 50% of clients. A treatment using the substance botulism toxin354Structures of the ear equalizes pressure between the outer and middle ear?tympanic membrane (ear drum)355Structural differences between children and adults predisposes children to middle ear infections?Children have shorter, more horizontal, and more flaccid eustachian tubes.356If child was bitten by a black widow spider, the nurse should tell the mother what to doCall for emergency transport to the emergency room due to danger of cardiopulmonary collapse.357Cause of tinea infectionsdermatophytes358Most common type of central nervous system tumor in children?astrocytomas359Symptoms of Hodgkin’s disease in childrenpainless enlarged lymph nodes in the cervical and supraclavicular areas360Most common presenting signs of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)fever, bone pain, pallor, and bruising361Most frequently used treatment in pediatric oncologychemotherapy362The most common childhood malignancyleukemia363A female can have hemophilia A or hemophilia B when:both parents have the recessive gene for one of these disorders364To increase absorption of iron, what foods should be included?vitamin C rich foods365Main function of plateletsto facilitate blood coagulation to control bleeding366Where are blood cells produced during fetal development?liver and spleen3673 primary treatments for chronic heart failure: diuretics, afterload-reducing agents, inotropes368A child on diuretic and digoxin has bradycardia, ventricular arrhythmia, and is nauseated and wanting to vomit. The child maybe having a?digitalis toxicity369The frequent benign major manifestation for a child with rheumatic fever?polyarthritis370Most common cause of chronic heart failure in infantscongenital heart disease371Most common cause of chronic heart failure in older children acquired heart disease372Best describes the quality of an innocent murmur?soft, short, systolic, and vibratory373The leading cause of infection-related death in the world?tuberculosis374During the warm weather, the nurse will assess children with cystic fibrosis to see if they need which of the following supplements added to their diet?Salt375Leading cause of pediatric chronic illness?asthma376Best defines cystic fibrosis?an autosomal recessive disorder that mainly affects the exocrine glands and does multiple system damage377Pneumonia in children appears:as a primary disease or a complication of another disease378What is meant by the ventilation/perfusion ratio?the comparison of alveolar ventilation to capillary perfusion379The treatment of pneumonia most depends on:the presence or absence of fever380Which of the following types of pneumonia would be treated with antibiotics?bacterial381What medication should be avoided of children for several days to weeks who are going to be skin tested for allergies?Antihistamines382An herbal substance that is mixed with water and taken orally to soothe and relax the airway and relieve cough?mullein383Pathogens causing bronchitis?Viruses384Primary complication of otitis media?conductive hearing loss385Which of the following makes children prone to tonsillitis and pharyngitis?frequent upper respiratory tract infections and being around other children who may be infected386Primary function of the respiratory tract?facilitate gas exchange387Other name for nasopharyngitiscommon cold388Major cause of nasopharyngitisviruses389Meckel’s diverticulum is usually asymptomatic but when it is symptomatic, the most common clinical manifestation is which of the following symptoms?painless rectal bleeding390An infant presents to the pediatric clinic following recent colic, intermittent vomiting, and jelly-like stools. Which of the following gastrointestinal alternations is likely given the clinical presentation?Intussusception391Which of the following anorectal malformations do not require surgery?anal stenosis392Hirschsprung’s disease involves which of the following problems?absence of parasympathetic ganglion cells in the large intestine393Which of the following is an early warning sign of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?the infant being hungry and wanting to feed again very soon after vomiting394Diagnosis of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis can be made on history and what other finding?failure to gain weight395The infant who has had a pyloromyotomy may still vomit after surgery. The nurse will instruct the caregivers to notify the health care provider if vomiting persists for more than:48 hours396The incidence of cleft lip or cleft palate is highest inAsians397Soft stools of infant is caused by:having a totally liquid diet with no bulk or solids of any kind398Which of the following causes is associated with hemolytic uremic syndrome?Escherichia coli and other pathogens399Signs and symptoms consistent with the diagnosis of acute glomerulonephritis?hematuria, dependent edema, elevated serum sodium, diminished glomerular filtration rate, proteinuria400Child with nephrotic syndrome is characterized by massive proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia, which tells the nurse to assess for which of the following signs or symptoms?edema and hyperlipidemia401Most widely used form of treatment for enuresis?bed-wetting alarms402The majority of cases of acute gastroenteritis in children under 2 years old in the United States are caused by:Rotavirus403The nurse is working with a child who has a drug overdose. Respirations are decreased and shallow. Arterial blood gases show the child’s pH is decreased and the pCO2 is elevated. The nurse realizes that this child is in:respiratory acidosis404A substance that predominantly occupies extracellular fluid?Saline405According to Kubler-Ross, the first stage of the grieving process is:Denial (Remember DABDA)406Parentification is common in children and adolescents who are 9 years old or older and is especially common in which of the following circumstances?when daily activities of the home are neglected407What direction should you pull the pinna of a 2 year child?downward and back408Preferred IM injection site for infantvastus lateralis409The gastric pH of the newborn is:more alkaline than the adult410A client with fourth-degree burns is going to require fluid resuscitation. The nurse is aware that the most typical fluid used for fluid resuscitation is which of the following?lactated Ringer’s411A child’s blood gas levels indicate a pH of 7.30, carbon-dioxide level of 47, and HCO3 level of 25 milliequivalents per liter.respiratory acidosis412The PQRST pain assessment measures:presence, quality, radiation or location, severity, and timing of pain413Which of the following statements best reflects a major advantage of using a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) system for a child?The child can immediately and independently relieve pain.414The Oucher pain assessment tool is for use with children of ages:3 to 12 years415The Oucher pain assessment tool is a scale with faces ranking pain from:0 to 100416The environment of the pediatric unit most needs to:be conducive to feelings of safety and security417Purpose of thimerosalto reduce the risk of bacterial contamination in opened vaccine vials418An expectant mother is found to have syphilis. What order do you expect?penicillin G benzathine IM two doses, 1 week apart419Adolescents who are addicted to crack cocaine are:more likely to have sex with several partners and be at risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)420The age that infants should double their weight6 months421If the nurse finds a yellowish or white light reflex (cat’s eye reflex) when inspecting the retina, he or she knows this may indicate:retinoblastoma422Erythema infectiosum, or fifth disease, has which of the following characteristics?intensely red “slapped cheeks” appearance423The average birth weight of infants is how many pounds?6.5424When the nurse communicates with a preschool child, he or she should communicate with:honesty and concrete language425The nurse is preparing to give the child an intramuscular injection. The nurse’s best approach would be to:say, “I am going to give you an injection that may hurt a little.”426Which of the following skills does the toddler master?ability to participate in turn-taking rules of social communication427An example of empathy is:The nurse gets down on the floor to see the world as a toddler sees it.428Most communication is:nonverbal429The major components of the communication process are:message, sender, channel, receiver, and feedback430Barriers to communication include:preconceived ideas431The school nurse is working with a 17-year-old student who has experienced a crisis period and has achieved a sense of commitment to resulting decisions. This teen is well adjusted, stable, and mature. The nurse, using Marcia’s theory that adolescents occupy one of four identity statuses, will find this student occupying which of the following identity statuses?identity achievement432An adolescent boy has developed gynecomastia. The nurse would share with the adolescent that this condition:may occur normally in adolescence and the elderly male and is normally temporary433Eccrine and apocrine glands mature during adolescence. These glands cause:increased amounts of, and a distinct odor to, perspiration434Best method to help a child release his tension during a crisis mode?Play435A behavior of a child showing positive self-esteeminitiating a conversation436The factors that determine the rate at which children lose deciduous teeth during the school-age years?genetics and gender 437Which of the following adult behaviors would be most important for preschoolers to witness caregivers engaging in?giving or receiving rewards for positive behavior438Best way a caregiver should deal with child’s nightmares. comfort and reassure the child that nightmares are not real439American Academy of Pediatrics suggests what caregivers should do regarding pysical activities for preschoolers?Encourage a variety of physical activities in a noncompetitive environment.440The period of toddlerhood is from 12 months to:36 months441Weight gain in toddler stage?5 lbs/year442A correct way that a caregiver can ask, when handling a 2-year-old’s negativism:“Do you want peanut butter or bologna for lunch?” 443According to Freud, toddlers are in which stage of development?Anal444Who is usually the first to notice that something is wrong with vision or hearing in an infant?infant’s caregivers445The baby teeth or primary teeth of a baby are also called:deciduous446The nutritional requirements of a newborn are how many kilocalories per kilogram per day?120 kilocalories/kg/day447According to La Leche League International, what can happen if a pacifier is introduced before the nursing relationship has been established?nipple confusion or refusal to breastfeed448The way a child behaviorally interacts with the surrounding environment is called astemperament449Locomotion, or the ability to move from place to place without assistance, is dependent on:head control and sitting without support450Erikson’s psychosocial development of an infant is centered at:trust versus mistrust451The age range for an infant:1 month to 1 year452The most rapid growth period in a person’s life is during which of the following periods?Infancy453In the first 6 months life how many POUNDS does a baby gain?1-1/2 pounds per month454In the first 6 months of life how many INCHES is the increase in height?1 inch per month455The neonatal or newborn period of life is defined as the first:28 days456In fetal circulation, most blood will bypass the fetal lungs via the:foramen ovale457Number of veins and arteries in umbilical cord:two arteries and one vein(AVA)458For a newborn with a hydrocele, the best response of a nurse to the caregivers is:reassure them that this usually disappears within the first year of life459Immediate care for newborns circumcised with a plastic bell:gently lift the ring and squeeze warm water from a cotton ball onto the tip of the penis when changing the diaper460An ability or behavior of the normal newborn that he/she uses to protect him- or herself from overstimulation and to free energy to meet physiologic demands?Habituation461How to develop basic trust among newborns?Caregivers meeting the needs of the newborn462To help prevent neonatal hypoglycemia in the baby born to a mother who is either insulin dependent or has gestational diabetes, the nurse will:start feedings early, monitor serum glucose, and discuss or anticipate orders for IV glucose solution as needed463A child who between ages 6 and 12 is going through which of the following stages?industry versus inferiority464According to Freud the infant (birth to 1 yr of age) is in which of the following stage?Oral465Part of the body during phallic stage that a child’s energy is focused?Genitals466What attachment of a girl to her father produces anxiety, which must be resolved and controlled. Electra467Maturation refers to changes that are due to:genetic inheritance468Cephalocaudal development proceeds in which directionhead downward469Development that proceeds from the inside out Proximodistal470In screening for vision and hearing, the nurse’s role ends in:follow-up care471Most common illness causing absence from school in USA? Asthma (Asthma as in America)472Best storage place for children’s medications at school locked cabinet473To be effective, when is the best time for antismoking education to be done:Before forming of smoking habits and are swayed by peers474Effect of alcohol and drug school performance?poor academic performance and often dropping out475Major focus of the DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY of family is:predictable stages with specific issues and tasks476General systems theory states that a SYSTEM:not the total sum of its parts but is characterized by wholeness and unity477What information does genogram records and maps: morbidity, mortality, and onset of illnesses of all family members, usually for three generations478The ideal place for family assessment to be conductedchild’s home479During the 1920s the school nurse role expanded to include:identification of physical defects in children and making referrals to correct the defects480Best describes a nurse with cultural sensitivity?one who has awareness and appreciation of cultural influences on health care and respect for differences in cultural beliefs and values481Best describes the Oedipus complex?incestuous desire of a boy for his mother482Best describes habituation?ability to decrease responses to disturbing stimuli483Best describes the term parallel play?playing alongside, but not with, other children484Best describes acute pain?discomfort lasting 3 to 5 days and due to a specific cause such as surgery or injury485Best describes croup?a life-threatening bacterial infection486Standard of carethe accepted action expected of an individual who has a certain skill or knowledge level487Ecomapvisual representation of a family in relation to the community488Cruisingdeliberate steps while holding onto something489Herd immunity is a concept that refers to:using immunization to reduce the number of people susceptible to a particular communicable disease, thus preventing its spread490Smegma is:a collection of cells that shed from the outer layer of skin and gathered under the foreskin491What is term grieving?an individual’s reaction to a loss492What is cardioplegia?the cessation of cardiac function following an injection of cold high-potassium solution into the heart493What is craniosynostosis?premature ossification of suture lines resulting in early fusion of the bones of the skull494What is dacryocystitis?an infection of the lacrimal sac due to the obstruction of the lacrimal duct495Best definition of child maltreatmentintentional injury of a child496Best definition of physical abusebodily injury to a person that seems to have been inflicted by other than accidental means497Most common treatment for osteosarcoma today?limb-sparing surgery using cadaver bone498Head injuries are categorized as primary or secondary in nature. Which of the following injuries is an example of both primary and secondary head injury?hitting the windshield of a car that was hit from behind499the major insult associated with near-drowningHypoxemia500The nurse assessing a child or adolescent with a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder will find which symptomsa depressed or irritable mood for most of the day, on most days, for 2 or more years and low energy or fatigue ................

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