Administrator Tips and Troubleshooting - TMW Systems

Administrator Tips and Troubleshooting

Customizing menus and toolbars A.3

Tips - Menus and toolbars A.3

Which menu commands are available only for system administrators? A.3

Are there menu commands and buttons that TMW recommends hiding from end users? A.4

How do I save changes to the main menu? A.4

After I save customized layouts for menus and toolbars, how do I integrate new commands when I upgrade to a new release? A.5

I want to add a new custom menu to the menu bar. How do I do this? A.5

Troubleshooting – Menus and toolbars A.5

I want to save one layout for all customizations for an application window and its menu and toolbar. The menu/toolbar changes didn't stick. What do I do? A.5

I just added a custom menu command, but I don't see it in the layout. Why? A.6

Applying security to right-click shortcut menu commands A.7

How do I keep users from resetting customized layouts to the system default? A.7

For data security reasons, how do I prevent users from exporting records in scroll windows to Microsoft Excel? A.8

For data security reasons, how do I prevent users from printing records in scroll windows? A.9

Customizing window layouts A.10

Tips – Window layouts A.10

How do I access the QuickDesigner? A.10

How do I make a field read-only? A.10

How do I add a field for a label from the label file? A.10

After I create links and reports for a window, how do I make updates to them? A.11

Is there anything I must do outside of TMW Operations to enable users to e-mail reports? A.11

Troubleshooting – Window layouts A.12

Even though users are assigned to the same layout, field names overlap for some users, but not for others. What's causing this? A.12

I tried to hide a tab on the Order Maintenance window, but the change didn't stick. Why? A.13

Customizing data grid layouts A.14

Tips – Grid layouts A.14

How can I make columns in a data grid read-only? A.14

Is there a way to hide the Field Chooser icon for users? A.14

Troubleshooting – Grid layouts A.15

When I try to access a profile window by right-clicking on a record ID and selecting View > Profile, I get a message asking if I'd like to map the column to a profile. What do I do? A.15

It looks like data in one of my grids is grouped and filtered and there is no way to change this. Why? A.15

When I log into TMW Operations, sometimes the Help menu is red. Why? A.16

Assigning window and grid layouts A.17

Tips – Assigning layouts A.17

How do I set up a personal default layout? A.17

How do I set up a global default layout? A.18

How do I set up a default layout for a user or user group? A.19

What is the hierarchy for user, group, and global layout assignments? A.19

What happens when a user belongs to multiple groups, each with its own default layout? A.20

How do I give a group a layout priority? A.21

Troubleshooting – Assigning layouts A.21

Sometimes Layout Permissions/ Delete Layout is disabled in the shortcut menu. Why? A.21

Importing and exporting window and grid layouts A.22

How do I export a window layout? A.22

How do I import a layout from one database into another database? A.22

Can I import a layout from one database to a database that is at a different build level of TMW Operations? A.22

Setting up boards and views A.23

Tips - Boards and views A.23

What is the difference between a board and a view? A.23

I want to permanently delete some columns for a custom SQL view. Are there any I should not delete? A.23

To improve system performance, how do I delete columns from a SQL view? A.24

How do I create nested views to show additional information about each record in a scroll window? A.25

Troubleshooting - Boards and views A.26

When I create a new SQL view, all users have immediate access. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? A.26

Customizing menus and toolbars

There are two types of menus and toolbars:

• Those that are part of the main window, which is the container for all applications.


• Those that are for windows (or applications), which open as tabs or floating windows within the main window. They are called forms. For example, the Order Maintenance window opens as a tab (or form) within the main window. It contains its own set of menu categories and toolbar icons.


When you customize layouts for menus and toolbars, you should make a note all of your changes, as well as the users or user groups who were assigned to those layouts.

|Tips - Menus and toolbars |

|Which menu commands are |These examples show shortcut menus for forms and grids. Highlighted commands are available only for system |

|available only for system |administrators. By default, other users will not see them. |

|administrators? |[pic] [pic] |

| |Window Grid |

|Are there menu commands and |There are a number of commands that you may want to remove for a user login. |

|buttons that TMW recommends |The File > Board Setup menu command allows you to modify restrictions for boards. By default, end users have |

|hiding from end users? |access to it, but you should remove it. |

| |Note: Administrators also can access the Board Setup window from any scroll window by clicking the Edit Views |

| |button. However, the command icon is not available for end users, so you don't have to do anything to hide it. |

| |[pic] |

| |Custom Menu Entries command is used for adding custom menu commands. You may have added it for your own use to |

| |create custom commands that run an executable file, launch a Web page, run an Integrated Report, or add a new |

| |menu. |

| |Reset Layout command, by default, is on the shortcut menu of windows and grids for all users. To remove it from |

| |user's menus, set: |

| |[Misc] ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N. |

|How do I save changes to the |To save and delete menu changes to the TMW Operations main menu, you must add these options to your menu. They |

|main menu? |are automatically removed for a user. |

| |With the Customize window open, click the Commands tab. |

| |Under Category, select the MaintenanceMenu. |

| |Under Commands, locate Save Menu for User(s). |

| |Drag it to a location in the Tools menu. |

| |Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for Save Menu For Group(s), Delete Menu for User(s), and Delete Menu for Group(s). |

| |When you are finished, close the Customize window. |

| |Use the Save Menu for User(s) command to save this menu for yourself. |

|After I save customized |When you upgrade, you will not see new commands on customized menus and toolbars. You must delete the customized|

|layouts for menus and |menu layouts, repeat your customizations, and then save them as new layouts. |

|toolbars, how do I integrate |To delete menu layouts from the main TMW Operations window: |

|new commands when I upgrade |Select Tools > Delete Menu for User(s) or Delete Menu for Group(s). |

|to a new release? |To delete menu layouts from application windows: |

| |Right click on the window, and select Load Permissions/Delete Layout. |

| |Select the layout and click Delete Layout. |

|I want to add a new custom |Before you can add your own new menu, you must first create it in the Custom Menus window. |

|menu to the menu bar. How do |Create a command with the following: |

|I do this? |Action Type: select Popup Menu. |

| |Menu Text: enter something like Menu 1, Menu 2, etc. |

| |Description: If you know what you are going to use it for, enter that information. If it was created as a |

| |placeholder for later use, go back into the Custom Menus window and indicate its use. |

| |For details and instructions, see the online help topic: Defining a custom command to create a menu. |

|Troubleshooting – Menus and toolbars |

|I want to save one layout for|To combine menu and toolbar changes with window customizations, you must be sure the following options are |

|all customizations for an |selected on the right-click shortcut menu before you save the layout. |

|application window and its |[pic] |

|menu and toolbar. The |On some windows, the Toggle Include Form Layout option is not automatically selected for you. |

|menu/toolbar changes didn't | |

|stick. What do I do? | |

|I just added a custom menu |To access newly-created menu commands, you must close out of the application and open it again. |

|command, but I don't see it | |

|in the layout. Why? | |

|Applying security to right-click shortcut menu commands |

|How do I keep users from |The Reset Layout command causes the window or grid to switch from a customized layout back to the system |

|resetting customized layouts |default. This can be problematic because the system default has no customization or security applied to it. As a|

|to the system default? |result, users will be able to view or make entries in fields or columns that your company wants to be hidden or |

| |read-only. |

| |Set [Misc] ShowResetLayoutForNonSA = N to hide the Reset Layout menu selections for users who are not system |

| |administrators. |

| |Right-click shortcut menus for window layouts |

| |[pic] [pic] |

| |ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=Y ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N |

| |Note: The Toggle Include Form Layout menu option is always visible to users; however, it is not functional for |

| |them. |

| |Right-click shortcut menus for grid layouts |

| |[pic] [pic] |

| |ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=Y ShowResetLayoutForNonSA=N |

|For data security reasons, |By default, after you retrieve records on any scroll window, you have the ability to export retrieved records to|

|how do I prevent users from |Excel by right-clicking on the data display and selecting the Export to Excel command from the shortcut menu, or|

|exporting records in scroll |by pressing CTRL+E. |

|windows to Microsoft Excel? |This feature can be useful when you want to obtain data quickly for reporting purposes. However, it also may |

| |pose a risk to the confidentiality of your data, since that information will now be available in a form that can|

| |be shared easily with unauthorized people. |

| |To remove the Export to Excel command and the CTRL+E keyboard shortcut for all users, use this setting: |

| |[Misc]RemoveScrollExportToExcelMenuOption=Y |

| |Warning: The setting disables the Export to Excel feature for system administrators and supervisors, as well as|

| |users. |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

| |Default options |RemoveScrollExportToExcelMenuOption=Y |

|For data security reasons, |By default, after you retrieve records on any scroll window, you can print retrieved records by right-clicking |

|how do I prevent users from |in the data display and selecting the Print > All Rows, Print > Selected Rows, or Print > Print Preview command |

|printing records in scroll |from the shortcut menu. |

|windows? |This feature is useful when you find it easier to review data in hardcopy form rather than online. However, it |

| |also may pose a risk to the confidentiality of your data, since that information will now be available in a form|

| |that can be shared easily with unauthorized people. |

| |To remove the Print command for all users, use this setting: |

| |[Misc]RemoveScrollExportToExcelMenuOption=Y |

| |Warning: The setting disables the print feature for system administrators and supervisors, as well as users. |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

| |Default options |RemoveScrollPrintMenuOption=Y |

Customizing window layouts

|Tips – Window layouts |

|How do I access the |In an area of the window where you want to make a change, right-click and select QuickDesigner. |

|QuickDesigner? | |

|How do I make a field |Toggle into QuickDesigner mode. |

|read-only? |Right-click on the field name or field. |

| |Select Show Preferences to access the Field Preferences window. |

| |Under Misc, set ForceDisabled to True. |

| |Toggle out of QuickDesigner mode. |

| |Save the layout. |

| |If it is a new layout, assign it to the appropriate user(s) or user group(s). |

|How do I add a field for a |Open the window or tab where you want to add the label field. |

|label from the label file? |Right-click and verify that you are using the desired layout. |

| |On the right-click shortcut menu, select QuickDesigner. |

| |Right-click in the area where you want to add the field and select Add New Item. |

| |Set Control type to LabelFileDropdown. |

| |In the middle section, go to TMW Required Properties > Label Definition and select the label. |

| |At the right of the window, select Field Group and Field. |

| |Select the Auto Label check box. |

| |Click OK. |

| |Position and size the new label field. |

| |Toggle out of QuickDesigner. |

| |Save and name your layout. |

| |In the Screen Layout Permissions window, assign the layout to the appropriate users or user groups. |

|After I create links and |You cannot edit a link or report that you added to a window. To make changes beyond size and position, you must |

|reports for a window, how do |remove and recreate it. |

|I make updates to them? |For details and instructions, see the online help topic: Adding links, reports, and custom grids to a window. |

|Is there anything I must do |In System Administration, look up users' profiles and specify their e-mail addresses. |

|outside of TMW Operations to | |

|enable users to e-mail | |

|reports? | |

|Troubleshooting – Window layouts |

|Even though users are |The problem occurs for users who have used a Windows Control Panel feature to make their fonts larger than what |

|assigned to the same layout, |is acceptable for TMW Operations. Font size is set in Control Panel > All Control Panel Items > Display. |

|field names overlap for some |The application is designed to be viewed with your system font size set to Smaller - 100% (default). |

|users, but not for others. |[pic] |

|What's causing this? |This illustration shows how the Order Maintenance Summary tab appears when the font is set to Medium - 125%. |

| |[pic] |

|I tried to hide a tab on the |When you hide a tab, verify Toggle Include Form Layout is checked on the right-click shortcut menu. It is |

|Order Maintenance window, but|located under Toggle Include Current Menu With Screen Layout. |

|the change didn't stick. Why?|[pic] |

| |For some changes, such as hiding or rearranging sub tabs, the command is not selected automatically. |

Customizing data grid layouts

|Tips – Grid layouts |

|How can I make columns in a |Right-click on the column heading and selecting Column Security > Read-only Access. |

|data grid read-only? | |

|Is there a way to hide the |To remove the Field Chooser icon from data grids, use this setting: |

|Field Chooser icon for users?|[FuelDispatch] DoColumnChooserDisableIfNotAdmin=Y |

| |Note: This also prevents users from dragging columns off the data grid. |

| |[pic] |[pic] |

| |No Field Chooser icon |No ability to drag-and-drop |

|Troubleshooting – Grid layouts |

|When I try to access a |Sometimes when you right-click on an ID field and select View Profile, you may see a message indicating that the|

|profile window by |column is not mapped. |

|right-clicking on a record ID|[pic] |

|and selecting View > Profile,|To map it: |

|I get a message asking if I'd|Click Yes. |

|like to map the column to a |The Map Column window opens. For example: |

|profile. What do I do? |[pic] |

| |Make the following entries: |

| |Profile window |

| |Select the type of profile to which you want to map the column (e.g., Tractor). |

| |Note: You can only map to one of the profile windows listed in the drop-down. |

| | |

| |Key Column |

| |Select the ID column for the record type (e.g., TractorNumber). |

| | |

| |Click Save. |

|It looks like data in one of |It is possible the layout was saved with the Group By and Filter features turned on. Turn on those features to |

|my grids is grouped and |verify and remove the group(s) and filter(s). |

|filtered and there is no way |Unless it is your intent to have data permanently grouped and filtered for a particular user or user group, |

|to change this. Why? |avoid saving a layout with those features in effect. Otherwise, users of that layout may not realize that the |

| |information they are seeing has been manipulated. As a result, they will have an incomplete understanding of the|

| |data in view. |

|When I log into TMW |A red Help menu indicates that one or more columns required by SQL view(s) for a scroll window or dispatch board|

|Operations, sometimes the |are missing. In order for the board(s) to function properly, those columns must be added. |

|Help menu is red. Why? |[pic] |

| |For details and instructions, see the online help topic: Fixing views to include required columns |

Assigning window and grid layouts

|Tips – Assigning layouts |

|How do I set up a personal |There are two ways you can set a personal default layout: |

|default layout? |During the save process, select the Set As Default check box in the Save Grid Layout window. |

| |[pic] |

| |After you have saved your layout, right-click and select Load Layout > [your layout's name] > Set to Default. |

| |[pic] |

|How do I set up a global |Right-click in the window or the data grid for which you want to set the default. |

|default layout? |A shortcut menu is shown. |

| |Click Layout Permissions/Delete Layout. |

| |The Layout Permissions window is displayed. |

| |In the upper half of the window, do the following: |

| |Under Global Default, select the check box to the right of the name of the layout you want to set as the |

| |default. |

| |Click Save Layout Global Default. |

| |[pic] |

| |Click Close. |

|How do I set up a default |Right-click in the window or the data grid for which you want to set the default. |

|layout for a user or user |A shortcut menu is shown. |

|group? |Click Layout Permissions/Delete Layout. |

| |The Layout Permissions window opens. |

| |Under Layout Name in the upper half of the window, select the layout that you want to set as the default. |

| |[pic] |

| |In the lower half of the window, make the following entries: |

| |Under Type, note that New . . . displays to the right of an asterisk. |

| |[pic] |

| |Select the drop-down arrow to the right of New . . . |

| |Note that New . . . is no longer shown. User Type is now shown in the drop-down. |

| |[pic] |

| |Select either User or Group to indicate the entity for which you are setting a default. |

| |Select the check box under IsDefault. |

| |Click Save Permissions. |

| |Continue assigning layouts for the selected window or grid as needed. |

| |When finished, click Close. |

|What is the hierarchy for |TMW Operations will use the user's default layout first. If the user doesn't have a default layout then it will |

|user, group, and global |use the default layout for the user's group. If the user doesn't have any groups or the groups don't have |

|layout assignments? |layouts, it will use the global default. |

|What happens when a user |Say a user belongs to two groups, DAY and CLE. Each group has a different default layout for the Trip Folder. |

|belongs to multiple groups, |TMW Operations can’t use both default layouts at the same time. To break these ties, you can create a group |

|each with its own default |layout priority list. |

|layout? |[pic] |

| |In the example above, DAY is layout priority 1, and CLE is layout priority 2. Because DAY has a higher priority,|

| |the user belonging to both DAY and CLE groups will see the default layout assigned to DAY. |

| |If no priorities are defined, the default will follow an alphabetized list of the group IDs. In the example |

| |above, if a user belongs to both the CHI and the TOL groups, and each group has its own default, the user will |

| |see the default layout assigned to the CHI group. |

| |You only create one group layout priority list. That list applies to all windows in TMW Operations, i.e. the |

| |same list will determine which default layout a user will see in both the Trip Folder and Order Maintenance. |

|How do I give a group a |To set up group layout priorities, do the following: |

|layout priority? |Open any application window. |

| |From the right-click menu, select Define Group Layout Priority. |

| |The Set Group Layout Priority window opens. |

| |[pic] |

| |Under Non Prioritized Groups, click on a group. |

| |Click [pic]. |

| |The group moves to the Layout Priority list, and is assigned number 1. |

| |Continue to move the appropriate groups to the Layout Priority list. |

| |Rearrange the priority numbering as needed. |

| |In the Layout Priority list, click on a group. |

| |Click on the [pic] and [pic] buttons to position it in the desired location. |

| |When you are finished, click Apply. |

| |The window closes. |

| |To change the priorities, open the window, rearrange the groups, and click Apply. |

|Troubleshooting – Assigning layouts |

|Sometimes Layout Permissions/|The exact cause of the Layout Permissions/Delete Layout menu option being disabled is unclear. |

|Delete Layout is disabled in |As a work-around, close the application window (e.g., Order Maintenance) and reopen it. |

|the shortcut menu. Why? | |

Importing and exporting window and grid layouts

|How do I export a window |Using TMW Operations, you can export layouts from one database to another. For example, if you create a layout |

|layout? |on your test or development database, you can export that layout and import it into your active database. |

| |Open TMW Operations with a system administration login. |

| |Load the layout you want to export. |

| |Right-click anywhere in the body of the window. |

| |From the shortcut menu, select Screen designer diagnostics > Export screen design. |

| |Navigate to the save location and enter the filename. |

| |Note: Files are saved with the extension .SDL (for Screen Designer Layout). |

| |Click Save. |

| |The saved layout is now available for importing to the target database. |

|How do I import a layout from|The instructions are too lengthy for inclusion in this document. For details and instructions, see the online |

|one database into another |help topic: Copying window and grid layouts from another database. |

|database? | |

|Can I import a layout from |The only way to know for sure is to try and do the import. |

|one database to a database |When the developers change the containers (design of the screen in .NET) the layouts will not import correctly. |

|that is at a different build |If no changes have been made to the design of the screen then layouts should import correctly. |

|level of TMW Operations? |When you import, always test to make sure that the screen is functioning as intended. For example, be sure the |

| |items you have disabled or hidden are still disabled or hidden. |

Setting up boards and views

|Tips - Boards and views |

|What is the difference |A board is a window that displays a spreadsheet-like data grid. Examples are the Planning Worksheet and scroll |

|between a board and a view? |windows. |

| |Views are applied to data grids to control the records that users see in the grids. A SQL view (also just known |

| |as a "view") is a stored query that joins one or more tables, resulting in a virtual table. The data retrieved |

| |by a view is not stored in the database. Instead, the SELECT statement is stored. The virtual table is made up |

| |of the result set retrieved by the SELECT statement. |

| |A view allows you to do the following for a data grid, i.e., board: |

| |Set restrictions. |

| |Add your own customized restriction fields to data retrieval grids. |

| |Hide and arrange columns. |

| |Set custom sorts and filters. |

| |Add columns that do not exist in the system default views. |

| |Permanently remove unwanted columns to make data retrieval faster. |

|I want to permanently delete |For views to function properly, certain columns are required and cannot be deleted. Before deleting columns from|

|some columns for a custom SQL|a view's select statement, run the following command to see which columns are required. |

|view. Are there any I should |select * from PlanningBoardRequired |

|not delete? |where BoardType = [type of board, enclosed in single quotes] |

| |For example, this SQL determines the required columns for the Inbound Scroll View. |

| |select * from PlanningBoardRequired |

| |where BoardType = 'INBSCR' |

|To improve system |This procedure assumes knowledge of SQL queries and the structure of the database. |

|performance, how do I delete |Warning: Boards must include certain columns to run. Do not delete required columns. |

|columns from a SQL view? |Run this SQL command to see which columns are required. |

| |This example displays the required columns for Inbound (INBSCR) views. |

| |select * from PlanningBoardRequired |

| |where BoardType = 'INBSCR' |

| |Compare the columns in the view with those listed in the query results. |

| |Follow the steps in the online help topic: Creating custom SQL views to create a custom view. |

| |From the listed columns in the query window, delete those you do not need. |

| |Continue with creating the SQL view. |

|How do I create nested views |A nested view is a view within a view, and can only be added to a scroll window. The primary scroll view |

|to show additional |provides you with the "top layer" of data for a record. A nested view then takes that record and provides more |

|information about each record|detail. By default, only data for the primary view is shown, but you can expand each line of data for a record |

|in a scroll window? |to see the information retrieved for the nested view. In this sample, the order count for each carrier was added|

| |as a nested view. |

| |[pic] |

| |The nested view must contain the Primary Key of the parent view. The Primary Key is the field that uniquely |

| |identifies a single record in the view. For example, the primary key for the Carrier Scroll View is the carrier |

| |ID. Any nested view for that scroll must include a carrier ID field. |

| |To find the Primary Key, on the Board Definition window of the primary view, click Primary Keys. A window opens |

| |to display the key column names. |

| |[pic] |

| |For more details and instructions, see the online help topic: Adding a nested view to a scroll view. |

|Troubleshooting - Boards and views |

|When I create a new SQL view,|No. New SQL views are assigned automatically to ALL users at Full Access. |

|all users have immediate |[pic] |

|access. Is there a way to |As soon as you create a new view, and until you are ready to assign it to a particular user or group, assign it |

|prevent this from happening? |to yourself and remove the GROUP/ALL assignment. |

| |Go to File > Board Setup. |

| |On the Board Setup window's list of views, select the newly created view. |

| |Click Access. |

| |The Planning Board Security window opens. |

| |Assign yourself as the user. |

| |Click Add. |

| |A new row is added to the list. |

| |From the AssignType list, select User. |

| |From the AssignValue list, select your User ID. |

| |Select FULL. |

| |Remove access to the user group ALL. |

| |Select the GROUP/ALL row. |

| |Click Delete. |

| |A confirmation message is shown. |

| |Click Yes. |

| |Click Close. |

| |On the Board Setup window, click Save. |


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