Topic 8: The science (or art?) of fitting and interpreting ...

Topic 8: The science (or art?) of fitting and interpreting linear regression modelsJeroen ClaesContentsPreliminary analysesDesign choices: Categorical predictor variablesDesign choices: InteractionsDesign choices: How many predictors?Design choices: Scaling and centeringFitting and interpreting a linear regression modelImproving on a first modelThe not-so-recommended way: data dredgingTesting for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validationWrap-up: How to fit linear regression models in RExercisesReferences1. Preliminary analyses1. Preliminary analyses (1/3)We will be working again with the extended version of the dataset by Balota et al. (2007) that we have seen before (data provided by Levshina, 2015)WordLength: word lengthSUBTLWF: normalized word frequencyPOS: part-of-speechMean_RT: Mean reaction timeResearch question:To what extent and how do word length, word frequency, and part-of speech condition subjects’ reaction times in a lexical decision task?library(readr)library(dplyr)library(ggplot2)dataSet <- read_csv(";)glimpse(dataSet)## Observations: 880## Variables: 5## $ Word <chr> "rackets", "stepmother", "delineated", "swimmers", "um...## $ Length <int> 7, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 8, 8, 6, 8, 12, 8, 6, 7, 3, 3, ...## $ SUBTLWF <dbl> 0.96, 4.24, 0.04, 1.49, 1.06, 3.33, 0.10, 0.06, 0.43, ...## $ POS <chr> "NN", "NN", "VB", "NN", "NN", "NN", "VB", "NN", "NN", ...## $ Mean_RT <dbl> 790.87, 692.55, 960.45, 771.13, 882.50, 645.85, 760.29...1. Preliminary analyses (2/3)Recall that before you can even think of fitting a linear regression model, you have to:Investigate the distributions of all of your variables:What are their central tendencies?What is their dispersion?Are there any outliers?Examine the relationship of the independent variables to your dependent variable:Are they linear?Are they homeoskedastic?Examine the relationships between each of your individual predictors:Are they correlated? To which extent?After investigating all of this, you can begin to fit your model1. Preliminary analyses (3/3)From Topic 7 we know that the data has some issues that need to be corrected:HeteroskedasticityOutliersThese can be corrected with the following codelibrary(car)# OutliersdataSet<-dataSet[abs(scale(dataSet$Mean_RT)) <= 2, ]dataSet<-dataSet[abs(scale(dataSet$Length)) <= 2, ]dataSet <- dataSet[abs((dataSet$SUBTLWF-median(dataSet$SUBTLWF))/mad(dataSet$SUBTLWF)) <= 3.5, ]# SUBTLWF needs a log-transformationdataSet$SUBTLWF<-log(dataSet$SUBTLWF)# Define an initial regression modelmod<- lm(Mean_RT ~ Length + SUBTLWF + POS, data=dataSet)# Overly influential observationsindices <-row.names( influencePlot(mod))indices <-as.numeric(indices)dataSet <- dataSet[-indices, ]# HeteroskedasticitytestValues <- boxCox(mod, plotit=FALSE)exponent <- testValues$x[which.max(testValues$y)]dataSet$Mean_RT_transformed <- dataSet$Mean_RT^exponent2. Design choices: Categorical predictor variables2. Design choices: Categorical predictor variables (1/4)Categorical variables can be handeled in different ways in regressions, this is called contrastsThe default contrasts assume that the first level of a factor is the control condition and that the second level is the treatment conditionThis is called treatment contrastsOnly for the second level we get regression coefficients, which express the deviation with respect to the first levelThis makes sense in many experimental settings, where there is a clear reference/baseline and a trial conditionE.g., Primed condition is compared to unprimed condition in structural priming experimentTreatment contrasts make less sense for most corpus-based designs2. Design choices: Categorical predictor variables (2/4)Sum contrasts are often more useful for corpus-based designsWith sum contrasts the coefficients for each factor level express the deviation that is caused by that factor level with respect to the global mean of the dependent variableWe get coefficients for all factor levels, minus the last levelThe sum of the coefficients is zeroWe can calculate the coefficient for the missing level by substracting the sum of the coefficients from zeroTo specify human-readable sum contrasts, we can set the option contr to c("contr.Sum", "contr.Poly"). This requires the car packagelibrary(car)options(contr=c("contr.Sum", "contr.Poly"))2. Design choices: Categorical predictor variables (3/4)In other cases the predictor levels imply a particular orderingE.g., First case, second case, third case…For this type of categorical predictor, you should specify ordinal contrastslibrary(car)options(contr=c("contr.Poly"))2. Design choices: Categorical predictor variables (4/4)With the options command we specify the global contrasts functionIn some cases, it may make sense to specify e.g., treatment contrasts for one variable, sum contrasts for another, and ordinal contrasts for yet another predictorIn these cases, you will have to set the contrasts for each variable individually with the contrasts functioncontrasts(dataSet$Word) <- contr.Sum(dataSet$Word)3. Design choices: Interactions3. Design choices: Interactions (1/8)Plotting of the relationships of your variables to the dependent variable is essential:To catch any non-linear relationships early onTo spot outliers early onTo find interactions between variables:The term interaction describes a situation where there is partical co-dependence between variables, i.e., the effect of a particular predictor varies along the values of a second variableConsider e.g., a priming experiment. It may be the case that female students are less susceptible to priming than male students or it may even be that the effect is reversedIf your dataset is large enough, these interactions may greatly improve your model3. Design choices: Interactions (2/8)By-factor plots are easy to obtain in ggplot2 thanks to the facet_wrap functionHere we find that the lines are not completely parallel for the three POS categoriesggplot(dataSet, aes(x=Length, y=Mean_RT_transformed)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm") + facet_wrap(~POS, ncol=3)3. Design choices: Interactions (3/8)Sometimes interactions are easier to spot if we plot everything on the same plotHere we can see more clearly that the by-POS lines intersect:The effect for NN is different from that of VB and JJggplot(dataSet, aes(x=Length, y=Mean_RT_transformed, group=POS, color=POS, fill=POS)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", se= FALSE)3. Design choices: Interactions (4/8)To explore the interactions between two continous variables, we may discretize one of themThe ntile function in the dplyr package breaks up the distribution in n binsIf we use n=4, we get 4 quartile groups, which will help us identify interactionsIn statistics/machine learning, this is called binningSince Length has few unique values, we could equally have plotted the values without binningdat <- dataSet %>% mutate(Length_bins=ntile(Length, 4)) 3. Design choices: Interactions (5/8)The plot appears to reveal an interaction between SUBTLWF and Length as the line for the first Length quartile is steeper than the othersggplot(dat, aes(x=SUBTLWF, y=Mean_RT_transformed)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm") + facet_wrap(~Length_bins, ncol=4)3. Design choices: Interactions (6/8)Indeed, putting everything on the same plot shows that some Length_bin lines intersectdat$Length_bins<-as.factor(dat$Length_bins)ggplot(dat, aes(x=SUBTLWF, y=Mean_RT_transformed, color=Length_bins, fill=Length_bins)) + geom_point() + geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE)3. Design choices: Interactions (7/8)Recall that if you want to compare the scores of a continuous variable across groups identified by one or more categorical variables, boxplots are the method of choiceTo spot interactions, facetted boxplots may be very helpful: if the differences between the medians are more acute or the trend becomes reversed, there may be a relevant interaction theredat <- dataSet %>% mutate(Length_bins=ntile(Length, 4))ggplot(dat, aes(x=POS, y=Mean_RT_transformed)) + geom_boxplot() + facet_wrap(~Length_bins)3. Design choices: Interactions (8/8)If you want to include an interaction in your formula, you have two choices:SUBTLWF:Length: The values of the predictors are multiplied into a new predictor (for continuous variables) or they are concatenated (for factors). The individual variables are not added to the model.SUBTLWF*Length: R multiplies/concatenates the values of the predictors and adds the individual variables to the model. In other words, SUBTLWF*Length expands to SUBTLWF + Length + SUBTLWF:Length.The * notation is usually the one that you are interested in, unless you want to evaluate how collapsing two factors would pan out4. Design choices: Scaling and centering (1/3)Recall that the intercept in a multiple regression is the predicted value of y when all predictors are 0In some cases (e.g., when the predictors have no logical zero, e.g., word frequency, age, income, etc.) it would be more meaningful to have the intercept correspond with the predicted y-value when all predictors are at their mean valueThis is what scaling and centering does: it scales the predictors and the response variable linearly such that their means are 0We speak of standardized coefficients when they were calculated for scaled/centered X and Y variables4. Design choices: Scaling and centering (2/3)To scale a predictor or the dependent variable, we can use as.numeric(scale(predictor))dataSet$Length<- as.numeric(scale(dataSet$Length))4. Design choices: Scaling and centering (3/3)Scaling is very useful when you have multiple numeric predictors that are on different scales, in which case it makes comparing the coefficients more straightforwardThe only disadvantage is that the units of the regression coefficients are less easily translatable to real-world units, as they are on the Z-score scale (rather than on the scale of the Y-axis)Scaling also reduces the degree of correlation between interaction variables and the predictors they are made up of#Without scalingcor(dataSet$Length, dataSet$Length*dataSet$SUBTLWF)## [1] -0.3209568#With scalingcor(scale(dataSet$Length), scale(dataSet$Length)*scale(dataSet$SUBTLWF))## [,1]## [1,] 0.021845785. Design choices: How many predictors/interactions?5. Design choices: How many predictors/interactions? (1/2)At this point, we know our data in and out, we have considered the relationships of our independent variables to the dependent variable, we have excluded outliers, and we have looked for interactionsWith this information, we can specify a first regression modelWe use this model to validate the regression assumptions and to get a first impression of which predictors condition the dependent variable5. Design choices: How many predictors/interactions? (2/2)It is important that you do not include more predictors in the model than your data can supportOtherwise you will run into overfitting:Your model does not learn the generalizations in your data. Instead, it picks up on the white noiseThis results in a model that fits the data well, but fails to generalize to new datasetsAs a general rule of thumb, you will want 10-15 observations (rows in your data.frame) per coefficient in your model (a factor with 2 levels counts as 2 coefficients)Here we have 9 coefficients, and 660 data points, so we’re well in the clear6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (1/6)We define the model as followsThis would be the point where we check all the regression assumptions carefullymod1 <- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF + POS + POS * Length + SUBTLWF*Length, data=dataSet)6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (2/6)We can inspect the results by calling summary on the model objectsummary(mod1)## ## Call:## lm(formula = Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF + POS + POS * ## Length + SUBTLWF * Length, data = dataSet)## ## Residuals:## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -0.0073219 -0.0019512 0.0000778 0.0018924 0.0075542 ## ## Coefficients:## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 7.526e-02 1.122e-03 67.091 < 2e-16 ***## Length -6.125e-04 1.338e-04 -4.579 5.6e-06 ***## SUBTLWF 1.144e-03 3.937e-04 2.906 0.00379 ** ## POSNN -1.700e-03 1.239e-03 -1.372 0.17053 ## POSVB 1.650e-03 1.438e-03 1.147 0.25174 ## Length:POSNN 2.218e-04 1.461e-04 1.519 0.12937 ## Length:POSVB -1.155e-04 1.711e-04 -0.675 0.50008 ## Length:SUBTLWF -3.971e-05 4.601e-05 -0.863 0.38838 ## ---## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1## ## Residual standard error: 0.002828 on 652 degrees of freedom## Multiple R-squared: 0.2454, Adjusted R-squared: 0.2373 ## F-statistic: 30.29 on 7 and 652 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-166. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (3/6)The Estimate column contains the coefficients:Coefficients are on the same scale as the y-value. Since we applied a transformation to our y-value, they are on this exponentiated scaleFor each unit increase in Length, subjects need on average 6.12529110^{-4} units less compared to the baseline of 0.0752576 unitsWhen the POS is a verb, they need 0.00165 units moreThe Std Error provides the standard error of the estimates. Larger standard errors point to less certainty when it comes to the estimatesThe t value column provides the t-statistic on which the p-value is basedThe Pr(>|t|) column gives you the p-value associated with the effect6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (4/6)Interpreting the interaction terms is a bit more complicated:The value 2.217902510^{-4} that is reported for Length:POSNN indicates that the normal effect of -6.12529110^{-4} units per unit increase in Length has to be added up with 2.217902510^{-4}, yielding an effect of -3.907388510^{-4} units for Length when the word is a noun.The value -3.97141610^{-5} that is reported for indicates that, as we move along the values of Length, the effect of SUBTLWF changes. For each increase in Length, the effect of SUBTLWF decreases with -3.97141610^{-5} units.6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (5/6)At the bottom, we find a couple of summary statistics:Residual standard error:Standard error of the residuals, how much variability do the residuals display. Lower is better.652 degrees of freedom:Degrees of freedom in your model, which reflects the number of predictor values in your modelMultiple R-squared: % of variance that is explained by the model. Here we find that the model only accounts for 25% of the variance.0 indicates a useless model, as the model would have as much success when it would always predict the mean value of Y.1 indicates a perfect model, which provides correct predictions for each individual value6. Fitting and interpreting a linear regression model (6/6)At the bottom, we find a couple of summary statistics:Adjusted R2:The R2 squared value that is adjusted for the number predictors in the model and the predictor-to-observations ratioThis R2 decreases when the model includes too many useless predictors or when there are too few observationsF-statistic: The ratio of the variance explained by the model to the residual variance. The p-value expresses the chance of observing the F-ratio by chance, which shows us that our model as a whole performs significantly better than chance7. Improving on a first model7. Improving on a first model (1/5)With this initial model, we can try to obtain a more parsimonious model by applying Occam’s Razor:We exclude predictors that do not contribute significantly to improving the fit of the modelWe should look for predictors that have small effect sizes and high p-values, exclude those one at a time and compare the fit of the model with the initial model or a previous better-fitting model7. Improving on a first model (2/5)To compare the fit, we calculate Akaike's Information Criterion, a measure that expressses the tradeoff between model fit and model complexity:If a model has many ‘useless’ predictors, its AIC risesIf a model without a predictor has a AIC value that is at least two units lower than a model with the predictor, there is more evidence in favor of the simpler model than there is for the more complex model (Burnham & Anderson, 2008: 70)7. Improving on a first model (3/5)The summary shows that the POS variable and its interaction with SUBTLWF have the smallest effect sizes and p-values higher than 0.05These terms appear to be good candidates to exclude.As a rule of thumb, you will want to start with interactions before you remove main effectsmod2 <- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF +POS + Length*SUBTLWF, data=dataSet)mod3<- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF +POS + Length*POS, data=dataSet)mod3 <- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF + POS, data=dataSet)mod4 <- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF, data=dataSet)7. Improving on a first model (4/5)If we now calculate the AIC statistic for mod1 and mod2 we may evaluate whether the model without POS has a better fit:AIC(mod1) - AIC(mod2) yields a difference of -2.5391909 units.This means that the AIC of mod2 is almost three units higherThis implies that there is substantially more evidence in favor of the model with the interaction POS*Length7. Improving on a first model (5/5)If we now calculate the AIC statistic for mod1 and mod3 we may evaluate whether the model without POS*SUBTLWF has a better fit:AIC(mod1) - AIC(mod3) yields a difference of -0.9177945 units.This implies that there is not substantially more evidence in favor of the model without the interaction POS*LengthQuite unsurprisingly, dropping POS and all of its interactions does not receive much support either8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting (1/5)It is still rather common in (socio)linguistics to find what is called stepwise variable selection or data dredging (e.g., Rbrul, GoldVarb, dredge in the MuMIn package)Without much analysis/theoretical reflection/hypotheses, a bunch of predictors are fed to an algorithm that builds up a model from scratch and then eliminates predictors one at a time to obtain the most parsimonious fit automatically8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting (2/5)“Stepwise variable selection has been a very popular technique for many years, but if this procedure had just been proposed as a statistical method, it would most likely be rejected because it violates every principle of statistical estimation and hypothesis testing” (Harrell, 2015: 67)8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting (3/5)These are the most important problems of stepwise regression according to Harrell (2015: 67-68):In the vast majority of the cases, the true predictor is not selected by the dredging processThe R2 values of model derived with stepwise regression are higher than they should beThe method violates just about every assumption of statistical hypothesis testing: hypothesis tests are performed without prespecified hypotheses and null hypotheses.The method yields overconfident estimates of the generalizeability of the results from the sample to the population (standard errors for coefficents that are biased low and confidence intervals for effect estimates that are falsely narrow)The method yields p-values that are too smallIt overestimates the effects of predictors (it provides regression coefficients that are biased high)Rather than solving problems caused by multicollinearity, variable selection is made arbitrarily when there are collinear predictors in the modelIt allows us to not think about the problem8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting (4/5)The last one may be the most severe problem of all, as stepwise regression gives the analyst a false sense of security:“If a rigorous automatic method says that this is the best model, it can only be the absolute truth”If we have no theoretical backing, we are terribly exposed to spurious correlations and effects that make no sense at allRegression analysis is a form of inferential statistics. Inferential statisitcs without specific hypotheses to test is a big NO-NO8. The not-so-recommended way: data dredging/stepwise model fitting (5/5)R includes functions to do the variable selection process automaticallydrop1stepConsult Levshina (2015:149-151) or Field et al. (2012: 264-266) for instructions on how to use them, but I would not recommend automated variable selection9. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation9. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (1/6)The model output gives you information on the effect sizes of each of the invidual predictors and their statistical significanceIf the model overfits, this information will be worthless, because it will fail to generalize to new dataTo exclude overfitting you should perform a bootstrap validation9. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (2/6)The best way to evaluate if our model overfits/generalizes would be to collect new data, apply the model to that data and see how well the coefficients correspondUnfortunately, this is not an option in most casesHowever, we can mimic a new dataset drawn from the same population by re-sampling the same amount of data from our original sample with replacementThis means that we may randomly select the same observations more than onceIf we repeat this procedure a large number of times (>= 1,000 times), we will effictively have evaluated our model on a large number of potentially very different samplesThis comes close to collecting a large number of new samplesIn principle, you could do this for any statistic (e.g., mean, median,…)9. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (3/6)Bootstrap validation requires some intermediate-level programming in RTo be able to collect the results in a tidy way, we need the broom packageThe idea is the following:We are going to create a loop that runs 1,000 timesFor each iteration of this loop we are going to sample 660 random observations from our data (the same amount as there is in the original sample)With this bootstrap sample we will compute the model againWe store the output of lm in a dataframe with the tidy function of the broom packageWe glue everything together by columns in a single data.frame at the endlibrary(broom)library(dplyr)bootstrap <- lapply(1:1000, FUN=function(x) { #'lapply' loops indices <- sample(1:nrow(dataSet), nrow(dataSet), replace = TRUE) # Create indices dat <- dataSet[indices, ] #Sample indices from our data mod <- lm(Mean_RT_transformed ~ Length + SUBTLWF + POS + SUBTLWF*POS, data=dat) #Run the model return(tidy(mod)) #Convert to a data.frame and return }) %>% bind_rows() #Glue everything togetherhead (bootstrap)## term estimate std.error statistic p.value## 1 (Intercept) 0.0747188392 5.544951e-04 134.7511316 0.000000e+00## 2 Length -0.0004783342 5.557954e-05 -8.6062986 5.616423e-17## 3 SUBTLWF 0.0009765537 2.456764e-04 3.9749589 7.824443e-05## 4 POSNN 0.0001388137 4.103058e-04 0.3383177 7.352325e-01## 5 POSVB 0.0002907378 4.723735e-04 0.6154829 5.384503e-01## 6 SUBTLWF:POSNN 0.0001405550 2.691613e-04 0.5221960 6.017109e-019. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (4/6)Now we have a data.frame with sampling distributions for our coefficients, estimates, std. errors, t-values, and p-valuesTo gauge overfitting, we can calculate 95% confidence intervals for our coefficients using the bootstrap percentile method:The lower bound of the interval will be the 0.025th quantile of the sampling distribution of each estimateThe upper bound of the interval will be the 0.975th quantile of the sampling distribution of each estimateThis way, 95% of the bootstrap etimates fall between the two boundaries9. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (5/6)If our model does not suffer from overfitting and our coefficients are robust:Our estimates fall right in the middle of the intervalsThe confidence intervals do not include zeroThe confidence intervals are quite narrowHere we find that some of the coefficients are not numerically stable. We should remove those terms for which we find unstable estimatesWe only have to remove factor variables, if all of their levels have unstable coefficientsAfter removing the unstable coefficients, we repeat our bootstrap procedureintervals <- bootstrap %>% group_by(term) %>% summarise(`2.5%`= quantile(estimate, 0.025), `97.5%` = quantile(estimate, 0.975))intervals ## # A tibble: 7 x 3## term `2.5%` `97.5%`## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>## 1 (Intercept) 0.0730238516 0.0752037528## 2 Length -0.0005899302 -0.0003659904## 3 POSNN -0.0005691704 0.0008393323## 4 POSVB 0.0001977510 0.0017729137## 5 SUBTLWF 0.0004047024 0.0011011062## 6 SUBTLWF:POSNN -0.0003918298 0.0004489183## 7 SUBTLWF:POSVB -0.0002333509 0.00068931509. Testing for overfitting and numerical stability with a bootstrap validation (6/6)We can also turn the bootstrapping algorithm into a function, which extracts the data from the model object (more advanced; for demonstration only)bootstrap <- function(model, replicates=1000) { library(dplyr) library(broom)intervals <- lapply(1:replicates, FUN=function(x) { indices <- sample(1:nrow(model$model), nrow(model$model), replace = TRUE) dat <- model$model[indices, ] mod <- lm(as.formula(model$call$formula), data=dat) return(tidy(mod)) }) %>% bind_rows() %>% group_by(term) %>% summarise(`2.5%`= quantile(estimate, 0.025), `97.5%` = quantile(estimate, 0.975)) return(intervals)}confintervals<-bootstrap(mod1, 1000)confintervals## # A tibble: 8 x 3## term `2.5%` `97.5%`## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>## 1 (Intercept) 7.299292e-02 7.752670e-02## 2 Length -8.792351e-04 -3.555924e-04## 3 Length:POSNN -4.398239e-05 5.051977e-04## 4 Length:POSVB -4.319868e-04 1.974660e-04## 5 Length:SUBTLWF -1.291441e-04 4.393657e-05## 6 POSNN -4.287078e-03 6.815604e-04## 7 POSVB -1.195790e-03 4.380653e-03## 8 SUBTLWF 4.189218e-04 1.909344e-0310. Wrap-up: How to fit linear regression models in R10. Wrap-up: How to fit linear regression models in R (1/3)The following steps will get you on your way:State the research hypothesisState the null hypothesisGather the dataAssess each variable separately first:Obtain measures of central tendency and dispersionDraw a boxplotIs the variable normally distributed?Assess the relationship of each independent variable, one at a time, with the dependent variable:Calculate a cor.test with the dependent variableObtain a scatter plot (continuous variables)/box plot (factors)Are the two variables linearly related?10. Wrap-up: How to fit linear regression models in R (2/3)Assess the relationships between all of the independent variables with each other:Perform pairwise correlation/Chi-squared testsAre the independent variables too highly correlated with one another?Scout for interactions by pairwise plottingDecide on your contrasts. These should be in line with your hypothesesRun a first regression model. Decide which predictors (and which interactions) you want to includeRemember the rule of thumb: per coefficient you want 10-15 observationsUse this model to check the regression assumptionsIf all assumptions are satisfied, check the coefficients and their p-values: are there any predictors that have tiny effect sizes and high p-values?Compute the AIC value for the model10. Wrap-up: How to fit linear regression models in R (3/3)Delete the independent variables that have tiny effect sizes and high standard errors one at a time.After each deletion, run the model and calculate the AIC for the new modelIf the AIC rises by two units or more with respect to the previous model, you keep the predictor in the modelPerform a bootstrap validation with at least 1,000 replicates to guard against overfitting and to assess how well the model generalizesFrom the bootstrap, extract a 95% confidence interval for your coefficients and inspect the confidence intervalsIf any of the confidence intervals include 0 or are very wide, delete the predictor associated with the abnormal confidence intervalReturn to step 10 and repeat the process11. Reporting on a linear regression model11. Reporting on a linear regression modelYou should clearly describe all of your data transformation stepsYou should clearly describe the characteristics of your dataIdeally, you mention your estimates, std. errors, T-values, and p-valuesBootstrap confidence intervals for your effect estimatesAdjusted R-squaredResidual standard error and its degrees of freedomF-statistic and its degrees of freedom; was the model taken as a whole significant?12. ExercisesPlease go to and perform the exercises13. ReferencesBurnham, K., & Anderson, D. (2002). Model selection and multi-model inference: A practical information-theoretic approach. New York, NY: Springer.Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering statistics using R. New York, NY/London: SAGE.Harrell, F. E. (2015). Regression modeling strategies: With applications to linear models, logistic and ordinal Regression, and survival analysis. New York, NY: Springer.Levshina, N. (2015). How to do Linguistics with R: Data exploration and statistical analysis. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.Urdan, T. (2010). Statistics in Plain English. New York NY/London: Routledge. ................

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