Ms. Thrower's Social Studies Website

Your Name: _______________________________Dairies from the Jazz AgeDirections: Read this fictional diary based on facts and answer the questions that follow. You DO NOT need to use complete sentences.Dear Diary, July 15th, 1925I can’t believe my little old Tennessee town of Dayton is the setting for such a circus! Today I went down to the courthouse to try and see some of the trial…but they said there were so many people in the courtroom, I couldn’t even get in! The line wrapped around the block! Some friends of pa had a radio outside so we could listen to those two lawyers go at, all while hanging out right outside! That Clarence Darrow sure sounds smart, he argues like he’s the real deal with Williams Jenning Bryan who keep calling himself something like a “fundamentalist”? Ma says we go to church and all, but we aren’t that.There are so many out-of-towners here, people that usually work at our state fair are here selling cold drink and food outside…one guy from New York even hadchimpanzees and there was a 3-and-a-half foot man who called himself the "missing link." They say the chimps were put on display for jurors and the animals' owners argued that this was proof that primates had descended from humans ! Can you believe that, dairy?! I know in school all we learn about is that God created us all in 6 days, but apparently there’s more to the story. The newspapers said this “professor”, who is really just a football coach that taught some biology classes, violated something called the Butler Law…which says he’s not suppose teach that monkey business. I hear if Mr. Scopes is found guilty he will only have to pay $100 fine! Well, I”ll write tomorrow, they cancelled school all week because this is the Trial of the Century they say!!In your own words, what is the meaning of fundamentalist?Using context clues, what specific scientific theory did the Butler Law ban teachers from telling students?List two pieces of evidence from the diary that support the claim that this was the “Trial of the Century”. ................

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