Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done

Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done

Week 6: Remember God’s Protection

This includes:

Leader Preparation

Lesson Guide



“Great! We’ve escaped from Pharaoh. Now what?” This is probably what many Israelites were thinking when they realized they had a vast sea in front of them and Pharaoh’s army behind them. But God had a plan. God led them with a pillar of cloud and protected them with a pillar of fire. And when it seemed like it was either go back to Egypt or drown, God had a plan for that, too. A mighty wind separated the water of the sea so the Israelites could escape to safety. Use this lesson to help children praise God and put God first by remembering God’s protection.


Remember God’s protection.


Exodus 14:19-25


“Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power” (Exodus 15:6).


The short overview below is designed to help you prepare for your lesson.

Supplies You’ll Need: Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD; LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD; CD player; TV/DVD player; Bibles; paper; flashlight; “Unexpected Protection” handout; “Run! I Mean, Swim! I Mean, Run!” handout; crayons or markers; pens or pencils; sticky notes; index cards; and bowl, cup of water, 1 plastic bag, 10 sheets of paper, 2 sheets of sandpaper, scissors, glue, tape, 5 sheets of blue tissue paper and scissors for every four kids

Before This Lesson

• Fill cups with water, one cup for every four kids.

• Print the “Run! I Mean, Swim! I Mean, Run!” handout. You’ll need one copy per crew of four kids.

• Print the “Unexpected Protection” handout. You’ll need one copy for each child.

• Prepare a plastic bag for every four kids. Each bag should include 10 sheets of paper, two sheets of sandpaper, crayons or markers, a pair of scissors, glue, and five sheets of blue tissue paper.

• Assemble Bible Exploration Kits (one per four kids): Bible; “Run! I Mean, Swim! I Mean, Run!” handout; bowl; several index cards; pens or pencils; scissors; one plastic bag of supplies prepared above; and several pieces of scrap paper, several large sticky notes, and four copies of the “Unexpected Protection” handout.

• Review Exodus 14:19-25.

• Cue "Into the Bible" (Track 1) on the Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD or (Quarter 8/Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD.

• Huddle briefly with your volunteers beforehand. Answer any questions they have. Encourage them and pray.


We’ve provided you with a “Family Devotion” handout to send the Bible learning and faith discovery home. When kids and parents have faith discussions regularly, kids’ faith multiplies.

So we’ve given you two options:

• Print the “Family Devotion” handout and make enough copies for each child to take one home.

• Email the “Family Devotion” to families before or after the actual lesson.

Or why not do both? That way you’ll double the opportunities for parents to actually get the handout.

Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done

Week 6: Remember God’s Protection



Supplies: Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Play “Into the Bible” (Track 1) from the Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD or (Quarter 8/Track 1) from the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD as kids arrive.

• “Into the Bible”

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the Bible...is getting into me!

We’re discovering a brand-new world

As we dig a little deeper (deeper),

Finding out about who God is.

Open it up and see it (see it)!

There’s nothin’ like

God’s Word, and I get

So excited.

It makes me wanna,

Makes me,

Makes me wanna jump!

Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!

Makes me wanna sing! Hallelujah!

It’s the greatest book.

Come and take a look.

Makes me wanna shout!

Shout! Shout! Shout! Shout!

So that everyone will see

I’m getting into the Bible

And the Bible...is getting into me!

“Into the Bible” by Jay Stocker. © 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

2. As kids arrive, have them form Bible Crews of four. Give each crew a Bible Exploration Kit, and have crews find the bowl, index cards, and scissors in their kits. Explain that it’s the crew’s job to use the scissors and index cards to create a dam that will keep water on one side of the bowl.

3. After everyone has arrived, allow a few more minutes for crews to complete their dams. Then start the “Fireworks Countdown” (Quarter 8/Countdown Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD to signal that time is up.

4. When the countdown ends, explain that each crew will test its dam by pouring a cup of water on one side of the bowl. Give each crew a cup of water, and have crews take turns pouring water into their bowls as other crews watch.

5. ASK:

• What surprised you about your crew’s dam?

• If you were standing beside a dam as strong as yours, why would you or wouldn’t you trust it?

SAY: The people we’re going to learn about today didn’t exactly build a dam to hold back water. God held the water back for them to protect them! Let’s find out more as we explore how we can remember God’s protection.


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits, flashlight, Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player

1. Have kids spread out around the room. Turn the flashlight on. Dim the room lights so the flashlight will be easy to see, but don’t make the room too dark. Explain that as you move the flashlight beam around the room, everyone will need to follow it to its new location.

Start by slowly moving the flashlight beam around the room so it’s easy for kids to follow it. As they get the hang of it, move the beam faster. When it starts to be difficult to follow, simply turn off the flashlight and wait for kids to respond. Allow them to look around for the beam and ask what happened to it, and then encourage them to keep following the beam, even though you’ve turned it off. When kids begin to complain that they can’t follow something that’s not there,


• What’s this game like without me leading you?

• Why is it important to have a light to show you the way?

• How can a light be used for protection?

SAY: In today’s Bible story, the Israelites needed God’s help to find the way. But God used a light in a very unusual way. God used it to protect the Israelites. Let’s find out more.

2. Have Bible Crews find the Bibles and “Unexpected Protection” handouts in their Bible Exploration Kits. SAY: God used three things to protect the Israelites in unexpected ways as they fled from Egypt. Each one is shown on your handout. Your job is to find out how each one was used. Then you’ll think of ways God might use things in unexpected ways to protect us.

Have crews work together to follow the directions on their handouts.

3. Allow five minutes for crews to finish their handouts. Then ASK:

• What surprised you about God’s protection in these verses?

• Based on how God protected the Israelites from Pharaoh, how can you remember God’s protection?

SAY: Let’s hear about someone else who needs to learn to remember God’s protection.

4. Play “Petrified Spaghetti” (Track 18) from the Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD.

Say: Just as Logan learned that we need to remember and trust God to protect us, we need to remember God’s protection and trust that God will watch over us in unexpected and miraculous ways.

5. Have crews take the scrap paper out of their Bible Exploration Kits. Each person will need two pieces. SAY: God protected the Israelites in an unexpected way. Sometimes God uses things in our lives to protect us in unexpected ways. For example, a piece of paper may be used to protect you from a paper wad attack!

Have kids spread out around the room with their two pieces of paper. Explain that they will crumple one piece into a paper wad to throw at other people. The other piece can be used to protect them from being hit by paper wads. Tell kids to keep their feet planted in one spot so no one gets hurt and to listen for the countdown to begin. That’s when the paper wad attack is over.

Allow kids to play for one minute, and then start the “Fireworks Countdown” (Quarter 8/Countdown Track 1) on the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD. Then ask each person to pick up a paper wad and put it in the trash. Then have kids return to their crews.

6. ASK:

• How effective were the pieces of paper at protecting you?

• How were your papers like or unlike God’s protection of us?

• When do you need God’s protection in your life?

SAY: God protects us in lots of ways every day. Some of those ways are pretty miraculous and unexpected. Exodus 15:6 says, “Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power.” It’s important to remember God’s protection when he protects us in unexpected ways and in normal ways every single day. Let’s make something to help us do that.

7. Have crews take the “Run! I Mean, Swim! I Mean, Run!” handout from their Exploration Kits. Ask crews to use the supplies in the plastic bags in their Bible Exploration Kits to complete the activity on the handout.

When crews are finished with their projects, SAY: Take your Red Seas home with you to remember God’s protection.


Supplies: Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD, LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD, CD player, TV/DVD player, flashlight

1. Have kids spread out around the room and face you. Turn on the flashlight, and dim the lights. SAY: God protected the Israelites as they fled from Egypt. God guided them with pillars of cloud and fire and led them to safety. Look at the light as we sing, and remember God’s protection. God also parted the water in the Red Sea so the Israelites could escape the Egyptians. As we sing, I’ll raise my arms. When I do, let’s each go to the end of the room we’re closest to so we split the room in two to remember that God protected the Israelites by splitting the water in two. When I lower my arms, come together in the middle.

2. Set up the Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD or the LIVE Children’s Curriculum (Year 2) DVD. PLAY:

• God Loved the World So Much (John 3:16) (CD Track 5) (DVD Quarter 8/Track 5)

Here we are, here we are,

And we’re feeling alive

‘Cause Jesus saved our lives.

Jesus made us see.

God is love; God is good.

God is bigger than sin.

It’s easy to let him in.

All you gotta do is believe.


God loved the world so much he gave his only Son.

God loved the world so much he gave his only Son,

So whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

We can try, we can try but it’s not enough.

We can’t earn God’s love because it’s already free.

So give it up, give it up,

Give your sin to the Lord.

You know you can be sure he’s all that you will need.


Whoever believes in him, whoever believes in him, whoever believes in him

Will not perish, but have eternal life.


“God Loved the World So Much” (John 3:16) by Jay Stocker. © 2007 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• Let Us Bow Down in Worship (Psalm 95:6-7) (CD Track 6) (DVD Quarter 8/Track 6)

Come, let us bow down in worship.

Let us kneel before the Lord.

Let us bow down in worship.

Let us kneel before him.

For he is our God,

Yes, he is our God.

We are always under his care.

He is always there.

(Repeat from the beginning.)

For he is our God,

Yes, he is our God.

We are always under his care.

He is always there.

Always there,

He is always there.

“Let Us Bow Down in Worship” (Psalm 95:6-7) by Ben Glover and Jay Stocker. © 2004 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.

• I Will Never Fail You (Hebrews 13:5b) (CD Track 7) (DVD Quarter 8/Track 7)

God has given you everything

You will need,

And you don’t have to worry.

Be satisfied.

Don’t even try to get more,

For God has said,

I will never fail you

Or abandon you.

I will never fail you

Or abandon you.

(Repeat from beginning.)

I will never fail you

Or abandon you.

I will never fail you

Or abandon you.

“I Will Never Fail You” (Hebrews 13:5b) by Wallace and Rachel Fa’agutu and Jay Stocker. © 2006 Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to use lyrics granted for local church use only. No unauthorized duplication permitted.


Supplies: assembled Bible Exploration Kits

1. Have kids return to their Bible Crews and take the sticky notes out of their kits. SAY: We’re surrounded by things God uses to protect us. In your crew, take turns writing prayers on your sticky notes to thank God for his protection. When you’ve written several prayers, find things around the room that God uses to protect us. For example, the ceiling protects us from rain. Then stick your notes to the protections you find.

2. Allow time for kids to write their prayers and stick the prayers to things that protect them. Help kids if they have trouble thinking of protecting things in the room.


Supplies: none

As kids prepare to leave, SAY: God protects us in many ways. Let’s form protective walls to help our crew members remember God’s protection.

Have each crew form a tight circle with someone in the middle. Tell crews to say to that person, “remember God’s protection” and give him or her a high five. Then have kids switch so each person gets to stand in the middle.


Bases of Protection

Supplies: none

Have kids spread out around the room. Choose one person to be “It,” and designate a large number of bases where kids can be safe from It. Play for a minute or so, and then switch so someone else can be It. Continue until everyone has had a chance. Talk about how hard it was to tag anyone with so many bases and how God protects us like the bases protected kids in this game.

Safe from What?

Supplies: none

Have kids get into their Bible Crews and whisper a strange scenario where people need protection. For example, a gorilla attack, kayaking over a waterfall, a school bus driving itself, or taking a walk in the summer when it suddenly starts to blizzard. Have crews figure out how to mime their scenarios and ways they could be protected in those scenarios. Talk about how God protects us in many different events, no matter how weird the situation.

Hiding It in Your Heart

Supplies: quick-drying modeling clay

Have kids read the Key Verse, Exodus 15:6. Give each child a baseball-size piece of modeling clay, and have kids mold something that reminds them of power. Then have them carve “Exodus 15:6” in their creations and take them home to remember that God uses his power to protect them.

Create a Bible Dictionary

Supplies: paper, markers, dictionary, CD player, Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD

Ask kids to create one or more pages, each with a new word, for a Bible dictionary. Have kids suggest words from today’s lesson—protection and glorious are two suggestions. Have them write each word on a sheet of paper in fun letters, add a definition, list Scripture references, and make illustrations. Play “The Books of the Bible Song” (Track 8), from the Putting God First: Remembering What God Has Done (Year 2/Quarter 8) CD while kids work. Add each page to a three-ring binder, and watch the dictionary grow!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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