UbD Lesson Planning Guide (PSI)

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: Grade 2 – Math Unit: Money Lesson Duration: 55 min


| | |(Observations, Key Questions, Written |

| | |Assessments, Performance Assessments) |

|- Develop Number Sense |1. Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by: |Worksheet questions |

| |- 5s and 10s, forward, using starting points |Money Bingo |

| |that are multiples of 5, 10, and 25 |Purchasing goods from the store, and |

| |- 10s, using starting points from 1 to 9 |understanding the value of money |

| |4. Represent and describe numbers to 100 |Understanding that numbers can come in |

| |pictorially |different forms |

| |9. Demonstrate an understanding of addition |Observation |

| |with answers to 100 and the corresponding |Feedback |

| |subtraction by: | |

| |- Creating and solving problems that involve | |

| |addition and subtraction | |

| |- Using the commutative property of addition | |

| |- Using the associative property of addition | |

| |- Explaining that the order in which numbers | |

| |are subtracted may affect the difference | |

|- Use patterns to describe the world and to |1. Demonstrate an understanding of repeating |Creating enough money to purchase goods from |

|solve problems |patterns by: |store |

| |- Comparing |Counting numbers quickly, by understanding |

| |- Creating |representation of 5s, 10s, 25s, and 100s for |

| |2. Demonstrate an understanding of increasing |money |

| |patterns by: | |

| |- Reproducing | |

| |- Extending | |

| |- Creating | |


|Resource #1: Money images take from kidzone.ws - Money worksheets |

| |

|Resource #2: Alberta Education. (2000). Programs of Study: Grade 2 Math. Retrieved November 8, 2014 from |

| |


|* Poster Sign for Store |

|* Prizes to Purchase |

|* Fake Coins |

|* Money Worksheets |

|* Money Bingo and Cards |

|* Money memory cards |


|Introduction (5 min.): |

| |

|Hook/Attention Grabber: Start off the class by welcoming them to Mr. Brown's store! Here they will have to test their money skills, and will be |

|able to buy prizes from my store! |

| |

|Assessment of Prior Knowledge: Who feels comfortable with their money counting and will be able to do all the stations? |

| |

|Expectations for Learning and Behavior: Everyone in the class will have fun, but try their best when doing the stations in order to develop |

|their money counting skills. |

| |

|Transition to Body: Explain all the stations to the students and put the students into groups by their animal groupings. |

|Body (45 min.): |

|Money Station #1 (~10 min) |

|Money Bingo |

| |

|The group of students will all choose a bingo card, and then with the help of an instructor, they will begin the game. The goal of the game is |

|to fill up their bingo sheets with what number has been spun on the bingo spinner. The teacher will guide the students throughout the game as |

|the game may have provide challenges to the student. Whatever the hand lands on when spun, that is what the students will need to cover and must|

|make a line to get bingo. |

| |

|Assessments/Differentiation: As students play the game, the teacher will assess the students ability to figure out money concepts. If game too |

|difficult, the teacher may assist the student and show them where the right answer is on the sheet. The game should be a challenge, but only to |

|assist their learning and allow them to have fun. |

|Money Station #2 (~10 min) |

|Money Memory |

| |

|Students will have 20 cards placed in front of them, with 10 cards showing the numerical value that they will look for, while the other 10 will |

|have the actual money on the card that should match the value written. The ten cards with the written value will have a match with the pictures |

|of money. The students will have to flip 2 cards at one time, and if there is no match, they will have to flip them over again and pick 2 new |

|cards. If there is a match when they choose 2 cards, the cards will be left face up, or they can remove them from the playing surface. Students |

|will have to be accountable and make sure that they abide the rules, as there will be no instructors with them. Students will be tasked to |

|complete the game in the time allowed, and may assists others to work collaboratively and cooperate. |

| |

|Assessments/Differentiation: If students finish before the time is up, they will have to either sit quietly or assist another student that may |

|be struggling in the class. This game should not be too difficult for their grade level, but they are able to ask questions at any time they may|

|wish. |

| |

|Money Station #3 (~10 min) |

|Mr. Brown's Store |

|Students will be given $1.35 in change, with one quarter and no loonie. This will be to ensure that the students will need to use their |

|knowledge on how much the coins are worth and how to find the sum of the money to purchase goods. Having no loonie will be to ensure that the |

|students will count out the exact amount of money needed to purchase a thing from the store and develop number sense. |

|Prices will be as follows: |

|- Lollipop: .25¢ |

|- Candy: .35¢ |

|- Bracelet: .45¢ |

|- Toy: .60¢ |

|Students will go one at a time to purchase whatever they please, but they need to try to use up all of their change and see how much stuff they |

|can buy. The teacher will act as the store clerk, and provide the exact amount to the students. If time allowed and the students have made their|

|purchases, the teacher can ask the students if it was hard to decide and use up all of their money, and how this can apply to the real world. |

| |

|Assessments/Differentiation: If students find this activity too easy, the teacher can vary the game by including a bank portion and the students|

|would have to make sure that they take out the right amount of money or something close to that. Also, the teacher could give more money and |

|include exact change that would be needed for the items, e.g. they would need three dimes and a nickel, and still try to hit a goal of buying 3 |

|or 4 items. Many other variations could happen, and it is at the teachers discretion. |

|Money Station #4 (~10 min) |

|Money Worksheets |

| |

|This station will include 2 or 3 worksheets that the students must simply work through. The questions on the sheets will include counting money,|

|pairing the written money amount with pictures of coins, and finding the sum of the change. This activity will be to expand the students |

|understanding of money and how to count money quickly and efficiently. The students may work together to complete the worksheets, as long as all|

|students are working on task and answering their own questions. The worksheets will be provided to the students by the teacher, but there will |

|be no supervision directly at the activity center. It is the students responsibility to remain on task and be accountable to finish their work. |

|The students should put their name on their worksheets and hand them in when complete, as this can give the teacher a good understanding of the |

|students' knowledge on this topic. |

| |

|Assessments/Differentiation: If students finish early, the teacher should have a couple of extra worksheets for the students to complete so they|

|do not be a distraction for others and to keep them on task. If the sheets are too difficult, they can ask others around the table or find a |

|teacher to help them out. |

|Closure (5 min.): |

|Consolidation/Assessment of Learning: The worksheets handed in will give the teacher a good representation of the students understanding of the |

|topic. Also, observation of student success will allow the teacher to assess the students and see if they are learning. The teacher will ask the|

|students how we can apply our knowledge of counting money to the real world, and if it can benefit us in any way. Also, if they enjoyed all of |

|the stations. |

| |

|Feedback From Students: Get students to fill out exit slip and answer the questions provided. |

| |

|Feedback To Students: Tell all the students that you appreciate their hard work and dedication to learning a skill that is essential when they |

|get older. Tell the students that they did an amazing job, no matter the results for the tasks. |

| |

|Transition To Next Lesson: This lesson will transition into the next lesson on pattern recognition, in that seeing there is 6 dimes in a row, |

|they will be able to count quickly. |

| 45 ¢ |[pic][pic] |

| |[pic][pic] |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|20 ¢ |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

|35 ¢ |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

| |[pic] [pic] |

|50 ¢ | |

|10 ¢ |[pic] |

| | |

| |[pic] |

|85 ¢ | [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] |

|$1.10 |[pic] [pic] |

|65 ¢ |[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] [pic][pic] [pic] [pic] |

|$1.25 |[pic] [pic] |

|75 ¢ |[pic] [pic] [pic] |

Money Worksheet

How much money is it? Write the value.

|1.   |

|  [pic]   [pic]   [pic]   |

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|2.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   |

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|3.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]     [pic]   |

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|4.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]   [pic]       |

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|5.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]   [pic]   |

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|6.   |

|[pic]   [pic]    [pic]   [pic]     |

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|7.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   |

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|8.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]         |

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|9.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]     [pic]   [pic]   |

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|10.   |

|[pic]   [pic]   [pic]   [pic]     |

| |

Name: _______________________________________



Exit Slip Name: _______________________

|Circle the face on how these activities made you feel. |What did you love the most? |

|[pic] [pic] [pic] | |

| |__________________________________________ |

| | |

| |__________________________________________ |

|Do you enjoy counting money? | |

| |Thank you and great job today!!!!! |

|[pic] [pic] | |

Exit Slip Name: _______________________

|Circle the face on how these activities made you feel. |What did you love the most? |

|[pic] [pic] [pic] | |

| |__________________________________________ |

| | |

| |__________________________________________ |

|Do you enjoy counting money? | |

| |Thank you and great job today!!!!! |

|[pic] [pic] | |

Exit Slip Name: _______________________

|Circle the face on how these activities made you feel. |What did you love the most? |

|[pic] [pic] [pic] | |

| |__________________________________________ |

| | |

| |__________________________________________ |

|Do you enjoy counting money? | |

| |Thank you and great job today!!!!! |

|[pic] [pic] | |


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