Money Practice Worksheets

Counting Coins

up to $1

Touch Money Booklet and Worksheets

Created by Lauren Landry

What is Touch Money?

Touch Money is a visual strategy to help students learn to count coins. Each coin is

assigned a line or dot(s) which reminds students to count either by ones or fives.

Why use Touch Money?

Touch Money is a great tool to help students who need that little boost to be successful with coin counting. Some students will be able to reduce dependence on the points quickly, and others may depend on it for a longer time. The ultimate goal is for students to be able to visualize the points in their mind when counting, or even better to stop using the points completely as the skill has

become routine.


? Graphics Created by The 3AM Teacher

Table of contents

Student Booklet pg 4 Reference Sheet pg 9 Touch Point Practice pg 10 Pennies pg 13 Nickels pg 16 Nickels & Dimes pg 19 Dimes pg 22 Dimes, Nickels & Pennies pg 25 Quarters pg 28 Quarters, Dimes, Nickels & Pennies pg 31 Answer Keys pg 34


For each sub-skill (counting pennies; counting dimes, nickels & pennies; counting quarters; etc), there are 3 student worksheets included:

Worksheet A has all touch points drawn already, Worksheet B has one example with touch points drawn, and Worksheet C has no touch points pre-drawn (but does reference touch points in the directions. Each page uses different sets of coins. These worksheets are

perfect for differentiation or repeated practice.

My Touch Money Booklet By: _______________

My Touch Money Booklet By: _______________


A penny is worth


1 c

one cent



A penny gets an underline. When you see a line, you count

by 1s.


A penny is worth


1 c

one cent



A penny gets an underline. When you see a line, you count

by 1s.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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