Complete Speaking Exam with instructions for CAMBRIDGE PROFICIENCY

(This is practice material prepared by the staff our Language School – It is not official material)


Part 1: Personal Questions 3’ minutes

Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. My name is……… and this is my colleague……… .

And your names are……?

Candidate A: ………………………….

Candidate B: ………………………….

Interlocutor: Thank you. Could I have your mark sheets, please?

Now, first of all, it would be nice to find out something about each of you.

Select any of the following questions:

- What do you do?

- What do you like about the area where you live?

- How did you get here today?

- Could you tell us something about why you are learning English?

Cand. A & B: ……………………………

Interlocutor: Select a further question for each candidate:

- Why is it important for children to play? Which games are important (board games, video games, team games, indoor games, outdoor games, sports, in the garden, in the street, construction toys) ?

- Do you prefer quiet, relaxed places for vacation or places with a lot of action and nightlife?

- Do you prefer going with other people or alone?

- What can you learn from traveling to other countries?

Part 2: Photographs 4’ minutes

Interlocutor: Now, in this part of the test you are going to do something together. Here are

some picture of different holiday destinations.

First, I’d like you to look at pictures 2 and 4 and talk together about

why you think these people have chosen those places to spend their holidays.

You have about one minute for this, so don’t worry if I interrupt you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Cand. A & B: ……… for 1 minute…………………

Interlocutor: Thank you. Now, I’d like you to look at all the pictures.

Interlocutor: I’d like you to imagine that a travel agency is preparing a brochure promoting holiday


Talk together about which photos should be included and which should be avoided. Then suggest another two photos that you think would be appropriate for the brochure.

You have about three minutes to talk about this.

Cand. A & B: ………..for 3 minutes……………………………..

Interlocutor: Thank you. (Retrieve the pictures)

Part 3: Prompt cards 12’ minutes

Interlocutor: Now, in this part of test you’re going to talk on your own for about two minutes.

You need to listen while your partner is speaking because you will be asked to

comment afterwards.

So, (Candidate A), I’m going to give you a card with a question written on it

and I’d like you to tell us what you think. There are also some ideas on the card for you to use if you like.

All right? Here is your card, and a copy for you (Candidate B)

Remember (Candidate A), you have about two minutes to talk before we join in.

(Allow up to ten seconds before saying, if necessary: Would you like to begin now?)

Candidate A: ………………..2 minutes………………………..

Interlocutor: Thank you. (Select one appropriate follow-up question for Candidate B)

- What do you think?

- Is there anything you would like to add?

- How does this differ from your experience?

Candidate B: ………….brief answer……………………..

Interlocutor: (Address one of the following questions to both candidates):

- What problems can you have when you travel abroad?

- What positive or negative effects can tourism have on a country?

- What would you recommend visitors to your country to see and do?

Cand. A & B: ……………..1 minute…………………………….

Interlocutor: Thank you. Retrieve the cards

Interlocutor: Now, (Candidate B), it’s your turn to be given a question.

Here is your card and a copy for you (Candidate A).

Remember (Candidate B), you have about two minutes to tell us what you think, and there are some ideas on the card for you to use if you like. All right?

(Allow up to ten seconds before saying, if necessary: Would you like to begin now?)

Candidate B: ………………..2 minutes………………………..

Interlocutor: Thank you. (Select one appropriate follow-up question for Candidate A)

- What do you think?

- Is there anything you would like to add?

- How does this differ from your experience?

Candidate A: ………….brief answer……………………..

Interlocutor: (Address one of the following questions to both candidates):

- What are the advantages of package holidays?

- Shouldn’t people first get to know their country before they travel abroad?

- Do you prefer summer or winter holidays?

Cand. A & B: ……………..1 minute…………………………….

Interlocutor: Thank you. Retrieve the cards

Part 4: General Questions 4’ minutes

Interlocutor: Now, to finish the test, we are going to ask you some general questions.

Address some of the following questions to both candidates:

- What would you recommend visitors to your country to see and do?

- What might be dangerous when you travel abroad?

- Why is it important for people to have holidays?

- Do you think that tourism can promote world peace?

Cand. A & B: ……………..4 minutes…………………………….

Interlocutor: Thank you. That is the end of test.

PEOPLE: Photographs – Free EFL material


1. 2.

3. 4.


PEOPLE: Prompt Cards – Free EFL material


Prompt card A:

Prompt card B:


Why do people feel the need to travel?

• different lifestyles

• work / trade

• study

TOURISM: Prompt card A – Free EFL material

What is the impact of tourism on the host country?

• source of income / working positions

• local products become known

• overexploitation of natural beauty spots

TOURISM: Prompt card B – Free EFL material

Why do people feel the need to travel?

• different lifestyles

• work / trade

• study

TOURISM: Prompt card A – Free EFL material

What is the impact of tourism on the host country?

• source of income / working positions

• local products become known

• overexploitation of natural beauty spots

TOURISM: Prompt card B – Free EFL material


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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