AGS Geography

NAME:____________________________________ PERIOD:_______ DATE:__________

European Union Webquest

DIRECTIONS: Your job is to research the European Union to better understand what it is, how it works, and which countries are members. After gathering basic information about the European Union you will then analyze the causes of the recent Eurozone Crisis.

To start go to and click on the Resources Tab. At the bottom of the page, click on the European Union Webquest and begin to research!

|What is the European Union? |

|Go to to answer the following questions. |

|What is the European Union? |

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|What was the initial goal of the EU and how has it changed since its beginnings? |

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|The Euro |

|Go to to answer the following questions: |

|What is the Euro? |

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|What is the purpose of the Euro? |

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|Draw a picture of the Euro symbol in the box below: |

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|Which countries are in the European Union? |

|Go to and complete the following map activity. |

|Name 10 major countries of the European Union. |

|Which countries are candidates to be in the European Union? |

|Which Northern European country chose not to be in the European Union? |

|Which Western European country chose not to be in the European Union? |

|Create a key for the map below and shade countries based on the three following categories |

|[pic] |

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|KEY: |

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|EU Member CountrieS |

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|EU Candidate Countries |

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|European Countries not in the EU |

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|How does a country become a member of the EU? |

|Go to to answer the following question. |

|What are the three main criteria that a country needs to meet to be accepted into the European Union (known as the Copenhagen Criteria) |

|1- |

|2- |

|3- |

|What is the Eurozone Crisis? |

|Go to to answer the following questions. |

|What went wrong in Greece? (go through slides to find answer) |

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|What has been done to help Greece? |

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|Why does this matter to the rest of Europe? |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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