Southeast Asia - Webs

Southeast Asia

Political Geography-use the small map

• Label the ten countries found on page 613 in World Geography Today text. (DO NOT INCLUDE: China, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, or Taiwan.)

• Make a list of countries and capitals

• Color each country a different color

Physical Geography – Use the large map

• Label the following bodies of water – color them blue.

Pacific Ocean South China Sea Indian Ocean

Gulf of Tonkin Luzon Strait Philippine Sea

Arafura Sea Banda Sea Java Sea

Makassar Strait Strait of Malacca Mekong River

Red River Irrawaddy River Salween River

Chao Phraya River

• Label the following physical features

Indochina Peninsula Bilauktaung Range Arakan Yoma

Truong Son Malay Peninsula Khorat Plateau

• Label the following islands

Palawan Luzon Mindanao

Sumatra Borneo Java

Celebes New Guinea

Climate – Use the large map

• Color the climate regions found in Southeast Asia (page 100 in Student World Atlas)

Tropical wet Tropical wet and dry Arid Semiarid Highland Tundra

Mediterranean Humid subtropical Humid continental Subarctic




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