Delhi Private School, Sharjah

The Importance of the Arabian Gulf Location

Page No 12 to 17

• The Arabian Gulf is in Asia.

• The location of the Arabian Gulf in relation to Asia South West

• The name of the strait connecting the Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman Hormuz Strait

• The Arabian Gulf lies between latitudes 24® and 30® North and longitudes 56® and 48® east.

• The Indian Ocean has two arms: the Arabian Gulf and the Bay of Bengal.

• The location of the Arabian Gulf in relation to the continents of the ancient world middle/center

• The location of the Arabian Gulf in relation to the Arab World East

• The most important seas and oceans that the East bound routes cross Pacific Ocean, Arabian sea, Indian Ocean

• The most important seas and oceans that the westbound routes cross Red Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Arabian sea, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean.

• More common in the Arab Gulf states Plains

• Mountain ranges in the Arab Gulf region Northern Parts

• Mountain ranges common in Oman UAE

• Western coastal plain is wider that the eastern coastal plains as there are more mountains in the eastern coastal plains.

• The Arabian Gulf coasts are characterized by their plentiful curves.

• The west coast of the Arabian Gulf stretches from Kuwait in the North West to the end of the Musandam Island in the Southeast.

• Depressions in the sandy coastal plains result in abundance of swamps, marshes and islands.

• Das Island in UAE

• Faileka Island in Kuwait

• Muherreq Island in Bahrain

• Abu Musa Island in UAE /Iran

• Halool Island in Qatar

• Sitra Island in Bahrain

• Abundance of curves results in the formation of bays and inlets.

• Some of these bays are Kuwait Bay, Gulf of Suez, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden, and Arabian Gulf

• The rivers which form Shatt-Al-Arab Qarun and Basrah

• The Arabian Gulf lies between latitudes 24®North and 30O North.

• The rivers Tigris and Euphrates join each other in the south of Iraq to form Shatt-Al-Arab.

• The Arabian Gulf extends from Kuwait to Oman (Musandam island).

• The two Arab Gulf states overlooking the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Gulf are Oman and UAE.

• The greater number of the swamps at the tip of the Arabian Gulf is due to the lower continental shelf.

• True and False

All true

• Umm Al Nar Island in UAE

• Ras Tannura in KSA (Saudi Arabia)

• Khor Al Adid In Qatar

• Umm Nasan Island in Bahrain

• Ras Musandam Island in Oman

• Abdullah Creek in Kuwait

• The existence of big number o islands opposite the western court of the Arabian Gulf is due to the depression in coastal areas.

• The number of bays and creeks of the western coast of the Arabian Gulf is due to the plentiful curves.

• The great number of swamps at the tip of the Arabian Gulf is due to the lower continental shelf.

• Page 17 map work answers Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman

Map on Page NO 12 and 15 to be done.

Page No. 28 – 31

• The main common feature of the populations of the Arab Gulf States is their racial homogeneity.

• The main features that unite them are religion, language, culture, trade, occupation etc.

• The population of the Arabian Gulf region is part of the Arab nation.

Ans 6 on page 29

• The population scarcity in the Arab Gulf states affect the use of economic resources as the active population which is also called labour force is too less to use the economic resources.

• Distribution of population differs from one region to another due to various factors which include temperature, rainfall, topographic relief, soil, natural resources and communication.

• Density of inhabitants in the Arab Gulf states is higher in coastal areas than in the inland areas.

• Availability of water, land and trading facilities are the reasons for the high density of population in the coastal areas.

• In the inland areas the facilities are less and development is slow due to dry, barren land and scarcity of water. That is why the density of population is less in the inland areas.

Page 31

False true true false false

• The inhabitants of the Arab Gulf states are all descendents of Arab region and their religion is Islam.

• The state of Bahrain is densely populated despite its small area.

• The Ahsaa plains are densely populated due to abundance of soil, petroleum and availability of water.

• Most of the UAE inhabitants live in coastal area

• The rate of population growth in the Arab Gulf states is high due because of natural increase as a result of high birth rate and low death rate due to ………. High standard of hygiene, awareness programs for the development of children and women and better medical facilities.

• Non Natural increase in population is due to the immigration of the people from different countries and also because of the students coming to these states from other countries for studies.

Page No 60 – 75


• The state whose 7 emirates united in 1971 forming the Arab State UAE

• The state whose land consists of a group of islands UAE

• The state whose coasts overlook the Arabian Gulf and red sea KSA (Saudi Arabia)

• Name the two rivers that flow in the land of the republic of Iraq Tigris and Euphrates

• The name of the Gulf which is connected with the Arabian Gulf by the strait of Hormuz Gulf of Oman

• The states that have common borders with UAE and Saudi Arabia Oman and Qatar

• The state that have common borders with Iraq and Saudi Arabia Kuwait

• Arab Gulf States are UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

• Oil production of Arab Gulf States in 1996 21.3%

• World Reserves in 1996 62%

• Each of the Arab Gulf states is an oil producing country and they together produce one fifth of the total world production.

• They have more than half of the world oil reserves.

• Natural resources like oil and the excellent geographical position makes the Arab Gulf States exceptionally important and the center of attraction.

• The future of the Arab Gulf States’ people lies in solidarity, cooperation and steadfastness.

• The Arab Gulf States should always cooperate, unite and support each other as they are all small in area and population.

• This unity and cooperation makes these states strong and help them defeat all aggressors.

• The cooperation among the Arab Gulf States is achieved due to :

1. The development of the use of agricultural livestock, mineral and industrial wealth and self-sufficiency.

2. The commercial exchange of good made and produced locally by these states.

3. Progress in fields such as education, public health, construction, political and military planning.

• In the past the occupation of the people in Arab Gulf States used to be pearl diving, fishing and ship building.

• Their ships used to load at the Gulf trade seaport before heading towards the Indian Ocean and East Africa.

• The success of trade was because of their cooperation and mutual commitments.

• Cooperation and solidarity between the people of Arab Gulf States has come as a result of their common origin, kinship and solid ties of friendship.

• The discovery of oil has brought deep changes in industry and has called for strengthening and reinforcing this cooperation. For this cooperation many bilateral and collective agreements are signed which have contributed to economic growth.

• To implement economic unity Unified Economic Agreement was signed in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

• The Unified Economic agreement aims at achieving;

1. Expansion of locally made trade among Arab Gulf States

2. Establishment of joint agricultural and industrial projects

3. The aim of Unified currency and of the Gulf Dinar

This agreement has brought remarkable economic growth to these countries.

• The Ministers of Education in the Arab Gulf states meet once every two years and their aim is to start the projects to;

1. Propagation of knowledge

2. Eradication of illiteracy

• To achieve these aims;

a. Arab Education Bureau was founded to supervise the planning and execution of the projects to upgrade and propagate knowledge.

b. Scholarships granted to students from other states to study at schools and universities

c. Exchange of students’ visits during school holidays to promote mutual understanding, and strengthen ties of friendship between the youth of the Gulf.

• AGCC Joint Programme Production Establishment (headquarter in Kuwait) is established which presents T.V and Radio Programs dealing with the problems of the Gulf people and they also introduce the people to their glorious pasts.

• Ministers of Information hold periodic meetings to improve the cultural aspect of the life of people in gulf (The Gulf News agency Headquarter in Manama, Bahrain) is one example.

• Health Ministers in the Arab Gulf states hold meetings to discuss the ways of achieving medical cooperation among their states. The meetings aim at fighting diseases and promoting health awareness among the citizens.

• Cooperation in the medical field is represented by the establishment of the Health General secretariat, with headquarters in Riyadh, since 1976 which has been involved in:

1. Organizing Haj Pilgrimage health missions

2. Conducting research work on drinking waters and maintaining control over food and medicine quality.

3. Promoting health awareness among the citizens of the Arab Gulf states

4. Fighting against diseases in Gulf people


• The stands taken by each of the Arab Gulf States on the issues and problems like the Palestine cause, the Zionist invasion of Lebanon, the Iran Iraq war, the Muslim people of Afghanistan and the racial segregation in South Africa proves the coordination and cooperation among these states.

• The establishment of the Gulf Arab Co-operation Council is aimed to achieve more cooperation in the political and other fields.

• Military cooperation between the Arab Gulf States has made them capable of facing and defeating all foreign aggression.

• Aspects of this military cooperation includes peninsula shield no 1 and 2

1. Citizens of any Arab Gulf state can be admitted into military and police academies in any of the Arab Gulf State

2. Joint military exercises.

3. Exchange of visits by high ranking officers and army commanders in the Arab Gulf states.

• Names of the AGCC leaders in the picture on page 70 Heads of the member states

• Number of the member states 6

• Name of the city regarded as the headquarters of AGCC Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

• Date of establishment of AGCC 25th May 1981(as per Wikipedia)

• Members of AGCC and the capitals Saudi Arabia ( Riyadh), UAE( Abu Dhabi(, Kuwait(Kuwait City), Qatar( Doha), Oman( Muscat), Bahrain( Manama)

• Nonmembers of AGCC: Iran, Yemen, Iraq etc.

• The most important objectives of the AGCC are;

i. Promoting and boosting mutual cooperation among the member states in all political, cultural, medical educational and military fields

ii. Approving joint projects whether economic, educational, cultural, industrial, information, political, military etc.

Comprising Heads of the Member States

• General Secretariat is headed by the Secretary General who is aided by Assistant Secretaries.

• The Ministerial Council includes Foreign Ministers of the member states or their deputies.

Arab Gulf States and other Arab Sates.

• The Arab Gulf States are an integral part of the Arab world and are united with other Arab countries in all the fields (mentioned above)

• They play a vital role in all activities of Arab League. The Arab Gulf States cooperate and coordinate with the other Arab States in political, economic, social and military fields.

Arab Gulf States and other Islamic countries

• The Arab Gulf States have always offered the political backing to the other states of the Islamic world and have helped them financially.

• They have promoted educational and cultural cooperation through scholarships offered to students of the Islamic countries.

• Arab Gulf states also contribute in building mosques in the Islamic countries and provide the platform to religious preachers and scholars.

Arab Gulf states and the rest of the world

• Arab Gulf States maintain good friendly relations with the most of the countries in the world.

• They are the members of United Nations and take an active part in the efforts made by UN for the progress and prosperity.

• They specially advocate the cause of world peace.

Page 74 and 75

False true false true truefalsefalse Arabian Gulf University is in Manama

• AGCC Joint Programme Production Establishment (headquarter in Kuwait) is established which presents T.V and Radio Programs dealing with the problems of the Gulf people and they also introduce the people to their glorious pasts and heroism of their forefathers and familarises them with the comprehensive advancement being made in all fields of life in the Arab Gulf States

• Arab Education Bureau was founded to supervise the planning and execution of the projects to upgrade and propagate knowledge and eradicate illiteracy

• Q3. Riyadh abu Dhabi Manama

• In the industrial field

• In the educational field

• In the military field

• In the cultural field

• In the political field

|Summit Meetings of AGCC |

|Meeting |Date |Held in the city of |

|First |25th May 1981 |Abu Dhabi |

|Second |7th Nov 1981 |Riyadh |

|Third |9th Nov 1982 |Manama |

|Fourth |7th Nov 1983 |Doha |

|Fifth |27th May1984 |Kuwait |

Not to forget the pictures from Page 60 -75



Supreme council

The Ministerial Council

General Secretariat


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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