Create Your Own Country Project

Create Your Own Country Project

Due: Wednesday, October 15, 2008!

Stay on Track…...Rough Draft due Wednesday, 10/08/08!


|Project Requirements |Notes (Organize your thoughts here!) |

|Name of Country: | |

|Theme: LOCATION |Exact location of capital city: |

|Relative & Exact location of your country. |(Use lines of latitude & Longitude) |

|Give the exact location of capital city and relative location of your entire| |

|country. | |

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|Note: You need to pick a location so that the characteristics and other | |

|parts of the project fit in with where you locate your country. For |Relative location of country: |

|example, if your country is in the artic, you will not be growing tropical |(What is it near?) |

|fruits! If your country is located by the equator, there will not be polar | |

|bears. | |

|Theme: PLACE |Physical Characteristics: |

|Include the characteristics of your country | |

|(3 physical and 3 human characteristics)! | |

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|Physical Characteristics: Explain the climate, soil, plant life, animal | |

|life, bodies of water | |

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|Human Characteristics: Explain the types of houses, means of | |

|transportation, ways of earning a living, languages, religion |Human Characteristics: |

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|Draw an outline of your country. | |

|Label the capital city as well as show where any physical features are | |

|located (bodies of water, mountains, etc) and human characteristics are | |

|found. | |

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|Theme: REGION |

|Explain 3 regions of your country. These are the unifying characteristics! Include 3 human and/or physical characteristics. |

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|Human: Explain language spoken, religious beliefs, food, customs |

|Physical: Explain the climate, land |

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|Theme: MOVEMENT | |

|Tell how movement relates to your country. | |

|Examples – Exchanging goods, ideas and technology – importing and exporting | |

|– people move in search of political and religious freedom; communication, | |

|and transportation. | |

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|Basis for economy (tourism, business, farming, or natural resources (wood, | |

|oil, gold). | |

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|Culture (customs, beliefs, language, food, holidays, etc.) | |

|You need 10 examples of culture | |

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|Explain how people have changed the environment to fit their needs as well | |

|as how they have adapted to it. | |

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|Create a flag for your country! | |

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|Compose Rose | |

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|Key | |

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Finishing Touches: Project is to be presented on POSTER BOARD with all the above information included on it by 10/15/08! Pictures should be done in color! All information included on poster must be typed or written neatly!

Have fun creating your own country!

Extra Help Available – Just ask for a pass! Ms. Matone (Room 8)!!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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