Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company - Missouri


Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company

As of:

December 31, 2004


Table of Contents



SALUTATION.............................................................................................................. I

SCOPE OF EXAMINATION: Period Covered ................................................................................................ 1 Procedures ....................................................................................................... 2 Comments - Previous Examination Report........................................................ 2

IDSTORY: General ............................................................................................................ 3 Management and Control ................................................................................. 3 Conflict of Interest ........................................................................................... 4 Corporate Records ........................................................................................... 5

FIDELITY BOND AND OTHER INSURANCE............................................................ 5

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PENSION PLANS ........................................................ 5

INSURANCE PRODUCTS AND RELATED PRACTICES: Territory and Plan of Operations....................................................................... 6 Policy Fonns and Underwriting Practices ......................................................... 6

GROWTH AND LOSS EXPERIENCE OF THE COMPANY........................................ 7

REINSURANCE: Assumed .......................................................................................................... 7 Ceded .............................................................................................................. 7

ACCOUNTS AND RECORDS ...................................................................................... 8

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Admitted Assets ............................................................................................. 10 Liabilities, Surplus and Other Funds ............................................................... 1O Statement of Income ...................................................................................... 11 Capital and Surplus Account .......................................................................... 11

NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .......................................................... 12

EXAMINATION CHANGES ...................................................................................... 13

GENERAL COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................... 13

SUBSEQUENT EVENTS............................................................................................ 13

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................... 14

VERIFICATION ......................................................................................................... 14

SUPERVISION ........................................................................................................... 14

November 28, 2005 Center, Missouri

Honorable W. Dale Finke, Director Missouri Department of Insurance 301 West High Street, Room 530 Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 Sir:

In accordance with your examination warrant, a financial examination has been made ofthe records, affairs and financial condition of the

Ralls County Mutual Insurance Company hereinafter referred to as such or as the "Company." The Company's home office and principal place of business is located at 110 South Public, Center, Missouri 63436; telephone number (573) 2673551. This examination was conducted at the home office in Center, Missouri. The examination began November 7, 2005, and concluded November 28, 2005.


The Company was last examined by the Missouri Department of Insurance, for the period ending December 31, 1999. The current examination covers the period from January 1, 2000, through December 31, 2004, and was conducted by an examiner from the Missouri Department of Insurance.


Procedures This examination was conducted using the guidelines set forth by the practices, procedures

and applicable regulations of the Missouri Department of Insurance and statutes of the state of Missouri. Comments - Previous Examination Report

The general comments and recommendations in the previous examination report and the subsequent action taken by the Company are listed below.

1. Comment: "The Company should take action to ensure that the financial statements are presented in accordance with Missouri Department oflnsurance regulations. Specifically, approval should be obtained for the total real estate value to be shown in the annual statement and the book value ofother depreciable assets should be based on standard depreciation methods. Also, software costs should not be included in the computer equipment line of the annual statement. Finally, the guaranty fund should be shown in the annual statement."

Company Response: Company management indicated that these issues would be addressed. Current Findings: The Company received approval on June 12, 2000, from the Missouri Department of Insurance to show the total value of its real estate in the annual statement. The Company is depreciating its assets using the straight-line depreciation method. Software is no longer being included as part of the balance for computer equipment on the annual statement and the guaranty fund has been shown on the annual statement for all years currently under examination. It appears that all areas of concern have been adequately addressed.




The Company was incorporated on May 27, 1890, as the Ralls County Farmers Fire

Insurance Association. On September 16, 1959, the Company was reorganized under the provisions

of Chapter 380 RSMo, and changed its name to Ralls County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance

Company. In 1985, the Company amended its Articles of Incorporation to comply with Sections

380.201 through 380.591 RSMo (Extended Missouri Mutual Insurance Companies). The Company

received a Certificate ofAuthority from the Missouri Department ofInsurance at that time. In 1991,

the Certificate of Authority was amended to change the Company's name to Ralls County Mutual

Insurance Company. On January 19, 2004, the Company amended its Articles oflncorporation to

change from an assessable to a nonassessable mutual.

Management and Control

The Company is managed by a board of nine directors, serving staggered three-year terms.

Directors are elected at annual members meetings held on the third Monday of January. Special

meetings ofthe members may be called by the Board or upon petition ofone-fourth ofthe members.

Ten members constitute a quorum at annual meetings.

The Board consisted of the following members as of December 31, 2004:

Name / Address


Russell Dean Baker, President 46258 Highway 154 Perry, Missouri 63462

Agent and Farmer



Nrune / Address


Donald LaRue, Vice President 1 Thomas Avenue Monroe City, Missouri 63456

Agent and Realtor


Denise Power, Secretary 31613 Highway B Perry, Missouri 63462

Agent and Cannon Water District I


Richard E. Dryden, Treasurer 12201 Highway 79 Hannibal, Missouri 63401

Agent and Fireman


Stephen Glascock 12865 Highway H Hannibal, Missouri 63401



Michael Houchins 403 North Low Frankford, Missouri 63441

Agent and Car Salesman


Linda Tatman 62140 Highway N New London, Missouri 63459

Hannibal Vo-Tech School


Wallace Hart 47292 Highway CC Center, Missouri 63436

Agent and Farmer


Jrunes A. Woollen 53766 Highway M New London, Missouri 63459



Conflict of Interest

Signed conflict ofinterest statements are obtained annually from all directors. No conflicting

situations were identified during this exrunination.


Corporate Records The Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and minutes from the annual meetings, board

meetings and executive meetings were reviewed. The Company is following the guidelines established in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Board meeting minutes indicated that the Board is adequately informed regarding the Company's operations. The Board formally acknowledged receipt ofthe previous Missouri Department ofInsurance report ofexamination at its July 17, 2000, meeting.

FIDELITY BOND AND OTHER INSURANCE The Company has fidelity bond coverage of $50,000 from RLI Insurance Company. This meets the minimum suggested amount recommended by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Errors and omissions coverage from the Missouri Association ofMutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC) is provided by the Company for its agents. Directors and officers coverage, with a limit of $2,000,000, is also provided by MAMIC. The Company obtained a property and liability policy for its home office from Cameron Mutual Insurance Company.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AND PENSION PLANS The Company has one full-time employee and two part-time employees. Benefits provided to full-time employees are paid holidays, vacation, and sick days. Part-time employees are granted paid holidays. The Company has a Workers Compensation policy with Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance Company covering all employees.



The Company is licensed by the Missouri Department oflnsurance as an Extended Missouri Mutual Insurance Company operating under Sections 380.201 through 380.591, RSMo (Extended Missouri Mutual Insurance Companies). The Company is authorized to write fire, windstorm and liability coverages in all Missouri counties, although the business is primarily written in Ralls, Audrain, Pike, Marion and Monroe Counties. Cameron Country Mutual Insurance Company (Cameron) writes the liability coverage under a 100% quota share reinsurance agreement. During 2003, the Company assumed the Inland Marine business formerly written by Cameron. The Company advertises through some radio stations and newspapers and participates in promotional activities involving local fairs, schools and other similar groups. Policy Forms and Underwriting Practices

The Company writes continuous renewable policies with policy forms provided by the American Association oflnsurance Services (AAIS). The Board of Directors approves rates to be charged. Inspections and claims adjusting are performed by the Company's independent agents. Claims involving liability coverage are adjusted by Cameron. The Company uses an outside adjuster on larger losses that may exceed the Company's retention.



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