Paterson-Passaic County-Bergen County


|CDC Agenda Item |Description |

| |Location: Paterson Public Library, Paterson, NJ |

| | |

|Welcome |Chair, Jessica Frenkian called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. and welcomed everyone. |

| | |

| |Moment of Silence was done remembering those infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. |

|Moment of Silence | |

| |In Attendance: |

| |Present: |

|Attendance |Absent: |

| | |

| |Mark Anderson, Anjettica Boatwright, Kathleen DeMichele, Jessica Diaz, Elaine Halstead, Gregory Kelly, and Vernon Thomas. |

| |Paula Tenebruso |

| | |

| | |

|Minutes |Anjettica Boatwright moved to approve the May 20, 2014, Minutes with necessary corrections and 2nd by Elaine Halstead. The Minutes|

| |were approved with no corrections. Seven Actions were closed. Vote: 6-YES, 0-NO, 0-Abstain |

|REPORT OF THE CDC CHAIR |There was no formal report. |

|Membership Report |CDC-Membership Report was provided by Admin MJ. |

|Admin, MJ | |

| |Planning Council Membership: 30 members. |

| | |

| |Eligible for Removal as a result of May 6, 2014 Meeting: |

| |None |

| | |

| |To be removed from potential membership list until more information or interest is received: Lynda Hernandez, Bergen County, |

| |Latino Female and Leah Dade, Passaic County, AA female |

| | |

| |Membership Term-ends were discussed: |

| |2014 = 9 (Next term ends 2017) |

| |2015 = 7 (Next term ends 2018) |

| |2016 = 14 (Next term ends 2019) |

| | |

| |Therefore, the next 3 members added to the Council should have term ends of 2015. |

| | |

| |Kathleen DeMichele and Jessica Diaz will contact the five new potential members whose applications were secured by Ray Welsh as a |

| |result of the CDC Bergen County recruitment process. |

|Membership Report |They will be asked to attend the next CDC meeting on July 22 and also the August PC meeting at Maggiano’s. |

|Continued | |

| |Potential New members: The new applicants were: 1. Lenny Swiontek, 2. Peter Gennat, 3. Cortney “Ray” Hood, 4. Lohan Roberto |

|Admin, MJ |Jorge, and 5. David Adams, all of Bergen County. |

| | |

| |Priority Setting Orientation/Training scheduled: |

| |July 23, 2014, 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. |

| | |

| |Kathleen DiMichele will confirm the attendance of her peer in Middlesex County who wants to attend training. |

|Actions to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Confirm attendance of PS Training |Kathleen D. |6/24/14 | |

|PSA |PSA (Public Service Announcement) |

| | |

| |June 20 Vernon Thomas did the PSA. It should be shown in August. He will be sent a link to view. The PSA should air sometime in |

| |August. |

| | |

| |Jessica’s new hire, will be available to do the Hispanic MSM PSA which should be done in August. It was determined that the next |

| |target will be Hispanic with the similar message as was done by Vernon (knowing your status and getting tested). Jess will invite |

| |new hire who will do next PSA to the July CDC meeting. Mark Anderson will check with the NJ AIDS Hotline for permission to use |

| |their number on the next PSA. |

| |Jess will send follow-up information to MJ to follow-up with Shaw at Cable Vision. |

| | |

| |Brochures: |

| | |

| |MJ should bring the entire box of brochures to the next Council Meeting and distribute to the Providers so an updated brochure can |

| |be produced. |

| | |

|Actions to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Send FU information to MJ regarding PSA & invite next PSA presenter to CDC meeting |Jessica |6/24/14 | |

| | | | |

|Old/New Business | |

| |Paterson Pride, August 9, 1:00 – 9:00 p.m., rain date August 16. Westside Park. |

| |The CDC will provide Planning Council materials (Vernon Thomas). Potentially, Ray Welch will be asked to come will share a table |

| |with Vernon at the event. More info to follow. |

| | |


| | |

| |The CDC reviewed the Comprehensive Plan and assessed their completion of their objectives. |

| | |

| |The following is what was sent to Pat Virga by CDC Chair Jessica Diaz and Pat’s responses: |

| | |

|Old/New Business, Cont’d |Edits: |

| |1. Objective I.5/ action I.5.c- these networking meetings have |

| |primarily been conducted by the EIIHA work group, should CDC be doing |

| |something additional to meet this objective or should it just be the |

| |EIIHA work group? I will bring this up to P&D Committee for possible |

| |reassignment of responsibility. |

| | |

| |Clarification: |

| |1. Objective I.7/action 1.7b- We are confused when you say co-location |

| |of services? Co-location means more than one service category is |

| |provided at a single location. The intent of the Plan is to encourage |

| |co-location of as many services as possible, especially the core |

| |services. We want to know consumer opinion on whether co-location |

| |would benefit them. |

| | |

| |2.Objective 1V.5/action IV.5.b and 5.d- What has the EIIHA workgroup |

| |done to meet these objectives? It seems very general and we wanted |

| |more clarifications on what is being asked. Time frame should probably |

| |be "ongoing" as well. EIIHA/Outreach Work Group may take |

| |responsibility for these activities, although both groups should be |

| |advocating for awareness and elimination of stigma. I will take this |

| |back to P&D Committee as well. |

| | |

| |Everything else seems to be on track as far as our items are |

| |concerned. If you need any info on what was accomplished/ or what's in |

| |the works, just let me know I will be asking for completion dates for |

| |CDC-related actions. More on that later. Please extend our thanks to |

| |CDC for working on this. |

| | |

| |Additionally: In addition to reviewing the Comprehensive plan, the CDC do more to address the Social Media aspect and Educational |

| |arm of the Plan and more on the upcoming World AIDS Day. MJ will resend the “Why Stay in Care” to the CDC for review. |

| | |

| | |

|Actions to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Re send out “Why Stay in Care” to CDC |Admin |6/20/14 | |


| | |

| |Day of Capacity will be at Maggiano’s with a special meeting menu on October 7, 2014. |

| | |

| |It was suggested that the CDC address things the Council generally doesn’t have time to spend time on - Maybe break into groups to |

| |concentrate on different topics (15 minutes). |

| |The Day |

| |Part 1: Getting to know you (Speed dating) - Vernon will flush it out |

| |Part 2: Stigma ( In a team building way) (Internal/External) |

| |Part 3: Part A Jeopardy (MJ will look at) |

| |Also suggested a personal trainer. |

| | |

| |Determine if DOC is will be a ½ day or full day – Flush it out |

| |It was suggested to use an Outside facilitator. Jess will reach out to Jerry Dillard for suggestions of facilitators. |

| |Ideas generated at last meeting: |

| |Roles and responsibilities (How to explore). Clues, a game, Jeopardy, Providers/Consumers (Wife Swap) |

| |Part A Manual Highlight through different roles |

| |Dates: October 7, 2014 |

|Actions to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Flush our times and acivities of the Day of Capacity (DOC) |CDC |6/24/14 | |

|ADJOURNMENT |Kathleen D. moved and 2nd by Elaine H. that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. |

| |Action to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

| | | | |X |

| |The next meeting is July 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., at Paterson, Public Library, Paterson, NJ |


ACTIONS from Previous Meetings

|Action to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Check on Bergen County Hispanic locations to attend PC meetings |Jorge for Paula T. |4.22.14 | |

|Contact potential members: Mileah Gandy and Melissa Machado |Admin |5/20/14 | |

|To fill Categories of Representation: Contact Eva’s Shelter |Elaine H. |5/20/14 | |

|Recruit Straight and Narrow for Alternate Pool |CDC |5/20/14 | |

|Continue to follow-up on Flyer reproduction |Admin/Millie |5/20/14 | |

|Provide transportation for Day of Capacity |Mark A |5/20/14 | |


|Action to be Taken |Responsible Party |Open |Closed |

|Determine terms of Council Members |Admin |5/20/14 |6/24/14 |

|To full Categories of Representation: Contact youth Shelter in Bergen County |Paula T. |5/20/14 |6/24/14 |

|Send revised letter out to CDC again |Admin |4/22/14 |6/24/14 |

|Follow-up on recruitment at Bergen Family Center |Paula T/Vernon T |4/22/14 |6/24/4 |

|FU on recruitment with Ray on 4/14/14 recruitment event |Kathleen D. |4/22/14 |6/24/14 |

|Determine what telephone number to use for PSA. Jess will get from DOH person on at upcoming EIS meeting. Whose|Millie |4/22/14 |6/24/14 |

|email address should be used? | | | |

|FU on PSA info to Cablevision for June 20th shooting |Jess/Admin |5/20/14 |6/24/14 |

|Bring theme and content to June meeting |CDC Members |5/20/14 |6/24/14 |

|Review Comprehensive Plan at June Meeting |CDC Members |5/20/14 |6/24/14 |


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