COURSE SYLLABUS - Harvard University


Below are core components to consider including in your syllabus. To access syllabi used in previous HKS courses, go to the Syllabus Archive:

Course Number / Joint number (if applicable)

Course Title


|Faculty: |Faculty Assistant: |

|Office: |FA Office: |

|Telephone: |FA Telephone: |

|Email: |FA Email: |

|Office Hours: |Teaching Fellow/Course Assistant: |

|Class Session Days/Times: |TF/CA Contact Info |

|Review Session Days/Times: |TF/CA Email: |

Course Description / Rationale (What is the overall purpose of this course? Why does it matter/why are you teaching it? For more on course design, see Designing a Course.)

Learning Objectives (What do you want students to be able to know and do as a result of taking your course? For more on designing learning objectives, see Designing Learning Goals.)

Prerequisites (Is any particular prior course-- or its equivalent--necessary in order to understand and do well in your course?)

Major Assignments & Exams (Memos, problem sets, projects, group work, midterms, final exams, etc. For more on assignment design, see Designing Assignments & Exams)

Class Attendance / Participation (how can and should students participate in the course? what percent of the course grade will be determined by students’ engagement? For sample syllabus paragraphs on class participation from various HKS faculty, see here.)

Classroom Conduct (Policies on use of laptops / smart phones in class, tardy arrivals, respecting peers, etc.

Grading (What will be graded; percentages of overall course grade for each component; grading curve, etc. For more on grading, see Grading Student Work.

Course Materials and Access (Required or recommended texts and readings and how students will access them, with a brief description of how they relate to the course content and goals)

Academic Integrity (What you consider appropriate in terms of originality, citations, group work, etc. For more info on the HKS Academic Code, including categories for collaboration, see the HKS Academic Integrity website. A link to this website is embedded in the left-hand menu on all HKS course pages in Canvas.)

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (In order for students to receive accommodations, they must disclose and provide medical documentation about their disability to Melissa Wojciechowsi​,  Senior Director of Student Services, who serves as the local student disability coordinator at HKS.)

Course Schedule (Topic-by-topic or class-by-class overview. Include dates for major assignments and exams. Consider how holidays, add/drop and withdrawal deadlines, Reading Period, and instructor absences/guest lectures will be handled.  Tentative aspects should be labeled as such. See sample format below).

Class Meetings, Readings and Assignments:

I. Xxxxxxx

A. Xxxxxxxxxxxx

Week One

Class #1 – Mon., Sept 17:



Class #2 – Wed., Sept 19:


Date: Problem Set 1 due

Week Two

Class #3 – Mon., Sept. 24:


Class #4 – Wed., Sept. 26:



Date: Problem Set 2 due

B. Xxxxxxxx

Week Three

Class #5 – Mon., Oct. 1:


Class #6 – Wed., Oct.3:



Date: Problem Set 3 due

Mon., Oct. 8: Holiday – No Class


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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