DHS-1281, Updated Court Report - Michigan


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|Michigan Department of Human Services |

|Report Date |      |

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|Begin Date |End Date |Court Date |

|      |      |      |

|Foster Care Agency |Foster Care Caseworker |

|      |      |

|Court of Jurisdiction |Jurist |

|      |      |

|County of Referral |Court Docket # |

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|DHS Monitor |Load # |

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|Child(ren) | |

|To insert additional names, copy and paste below caregiver provided notice row. |

|Name |Date of Birth |Case # |Date Entered Care |

| | | | |

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|Date of Current Placement |Current Placement Type |Anticipated Next Placement |

| | | |

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|Permanency Goal |Anticipated Date for Achievement |Concurrent Permanency Goal |

| | | |

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|Native American Inquiry Made |Native American Affiliation Confirmed (Tribe) |

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|Date Caregiver Provided Notice of Hearing | | |

| | | |

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Insert copied rows here

|Parent(s) | |

|To insert additional parents, copy and paste above LEGAL INFORMATION row. |

|Name |Child |Legal Relationship |Removal Household |

| | | | |

| | | |

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|DOB |Present Address |Phone # |

| | | |

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|Agency Efforts To Locate Absent Parent(s) |

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|Agency Efforts To Involve The Incarcerated Parent In Case Planning (Document how the incarcerated parent was involved in developing the case plan and treatment |

|plan. Indicate N/A if the parent(s) is not incarcerated.) |

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Insert copied rows here

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| |Reason for Removal |

| |      |

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| |Likely Harm To Child If Child Continues To Be Separated From Parent, Guardian or Legal Custodian |

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| |Likely Harm To Child If Returned To The Parent, Guardian Or Legal Custodian At This Time |

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| |Reasonable Efforts The Agency Has Made To Achieve The Permanency Goal |

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| |Agency Efforts to Locate Relatives for Placement (Include initial efforts and efforts made since last court hearing). |

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| |Best Interest of Child(ren)’s Placement |

| |(Describe how each child’s placement is in the child’s best interests and appropriate to safeguard the child’s life, physical health, and emotional well-being|

| |and supports reunification efforts.) |

| |      |

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| |ICWA Placement Preferences |

| |For Indian Children, indicate if the child’s placement is in compliance with ICWA Placement Preferences, NAA-215: (If not, specify reasons.) If the child is |

| |not an Indian child, indicate N/A. |

| |      |

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| |Sibling Placement and Visitation Plan |

| |Indicate if siblings are placed together. If siblings are not placed together, document reason, and include the frequency and location of sibling visitation |

| |plan. |

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| |Placement Information (Provide information since child(ren) entered care). (To add additional children, tab at the end of the row to add a new row. |

| |Child Name |Living Arrangement |Begin Date |End Date |

| | | | | |

| |If the child(ren) changed placement since last court hearing, summarize reason for placement change |

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| |F. Foster Parent/Relative Caregiver Input |

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| |Permanency Planning-Goal of Reunification |

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| |(All the following questions must be addressed in narrative, if the permanency goal is not reunification indicate not applicable.) |

| |Describe agency efforts to engage the parent(s), child(ren), and caregiver(s) in case planning and development of the treatment plan. |

| |How has the parent(s) improved the conditions that brought the child(ren) into care? List the specific needs the parent(s) and case manager identified as |

| |barriers to have the child(ren) returned home. Specify the negotiated action steps as agreed upon in the Parent Agency Treatment Plan-Service Agreement, |

| |and progress on each goal to date. |

| |List specific service(s) and service provider(s) the parent(s) has been referred to, indicate level of participation, or if services have been completed. |

| |Describe how the parent(s) has benefitted from services. |

| |List barriers or unmet needs to reunification and specify activities to remove barriers and address unmet needs. |

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| |Parent-Child Visitation Plan |

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| |Describe the individualized plan to maintain or improve parent/child bond. |

| |Specify frequency, location and duration of visitation. Include whether visitation is supervised or unsupervised. |

| |Describe behaviorally specific objectives expected of the parent(s) during visitation. |

| |Describe how the agency is assisting the parent(s) in meeting identified objectives. |

| |Describe how the plan includes opportunities for parental participation in child’s life activities e.g., school meetings, medical and mental health |

| |appointments, etc. If this is not part of the plan, provide explanation? |

| |Describe parental compliance with the visitation plan and quality of parent/child interactions during visitation. |

| |Describe circumstances necessary to expand the frequency and duration of visitation. |

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| |Concurrent Planning (Document the following activities since the last court hearing) |

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| |Describe all efforts to identify and implement concurrent permanency planning efforts consistent with the identified concurrent permanency planning goal. |

| |Describe whether or not the current caregiver is willing to support the plan for reunification and provide a permanent placement for the child in the |

| |event that reunification efforts are unsuccessful. If the current caregiver is not wiling to provide permanency for the child, describe agency efforts to |

| |locate and engage caregiver(s) willing to provide permanence for the child in the event that reunification efforts are unsuccessful. Detail the |

| |transitional plan that meets the developmental needs of the child(ren) in the event that replacement for purposes of permanency is in the child’s best |

| |interest. |

| |      |

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| |Relative Search and Engagement Efforts (Document the following activities since the last court hearing:) |

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| |Agency ongoing relative search and engagement efforts. |

| |Agency follow up activities with identified relatives. |

| |Describe how identified relatives are involved in the case planning process. |

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| |Compelling Reasons For Not Filing Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) For Children Who Have Been In Care For 15 Of The Last 22 Months |

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| |Agency Objectives/Action Steps Towards Achieving A Permanency Goal Other Than Reunification |

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| |List each child’s identified needs in the areas of |

| |physical and emotional health, |

| |education (include number of school placements the child has had since placement in foster care), and |

| |child development |

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| |Specify services being provided to meet identified needs and child’s progress. |

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| |For youth 14 and over, list independent living needs and plan to address the needs. For AWOLP children, specify efforts to locate the youth. |

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| |Include recommendations/request for court to: |

| |return the child home, |

| |order petition to terminate parental rights, |

| |modify dispositional order or case services plan, |

| |change the permanency plan, |

| |order services or change placement. |

| |Provide specific reasons for requesting termination of parental rights, change in placement, change in permanency plan or case services plan. |

| |      |

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|Attach a copy of the Updated Parent/Agency Service Plan/Treatment Agreement signed by all required parties and attach reports from service providers. |

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|Prepared and Approved by |

|Court reports prepared by a private agency are submitted on behalf of the Department of Human Services. |

|Caseworker Signature | | |

|Caseworker Name |      | |Date |      |

| |Printed Name and Title | | | |

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|Phone # |      |Email |      |Fax # |      |

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|Supervisor Signature | | |

|Supervisor Name |      | |Date |      |

| |Printed Name and Title | | | |

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|Phone # |      |Email |      |Fax # |      |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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