Agenda - Cloudinary


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2019

Crawford Hoying

Board Members Present: Phil Smith, Heather Ditty, Craig Baldridge, Dr. William Burke, Gerrilyn Rozich, Betty Clark, Bob Hoying, Tim Lecklider, Dave Cecutti, Michelle Crandall, Michael O’Malley, Doug Baker, Frank Willson, Amy Numbers, Clay Rose

Board Members Absent: Eric Belfrage, Pete Fingerhut, Dr. David Lee, Orcun Turkay

Guests: Michele Brenner, Brenner Brand Marketing; Sue Burness, City of Dublin; Jodie Hutchins, Home2 Suites; Jennifer Ruiz, Courtyard by Marriott; Bo Bentele, Homewood Suites.

Staff: Scott Dring, Pat King, Sara Blatnik, Josh Bricker, Meg Berno, Katie Rich

Board Action Items:

• Frank Willson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Gerrilyn Rozich seconded. All approved.

• Dave Cecutti made a motion to appoint Michele Brenner from Brenner Brand Marketing as an At-Large Representative on the Board. Gerrilyn Rozich seconded. All approved.

Detailed Minutes:

I. Welcome/Call Meeting to Order

a. Welcome – Phil Smith welcomed guests to Crawford Hoying and thanked Bob for hosting the meeting.

II. Consent Agenda

a. Consent Agenda Approval – Frank Willson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Gerrilyn Rozich seconded. All approved.

b. Financials – A summary of the financials for October 2019: Staff provided the financials earlier in the week as part of the Consent Agenda. Fiscal Year-To-Date bed tax revenue thru the month of July totaled $254,388 an increase of 5 percent from FY19 and a 10.3 percent increase vs. the YTD budget of $228,000. The current total in the checking and saving accounts through September is $240,185.51. Account receivables total $4,050 due to the billing for the Destination Guide Partnership. It is the Bureau policy to have at least 15 percent of the overall budget for the reserve fund and the reserve fund balance stands at $200,000. Through September, total expenses year-to-date stand at 18.2 percent and the total incomes year-to-date stand at 28.1 percent. All account lines are where they should be at the beginning of the fiscal year. The Bureau’s Executive Committee reviews and the Finance Committee receives detailed financials on a monthly basis.

III. Executive Committee Report

a. FY20 Board of Directors – Phil welcomed Michele Brenner from Brenner Brand Marketing to the meeting. Michele said a few words about herself and career in Dublin. Dave Cecutti made a motion to appoint Michele Brenner as the At-Large Representative on the Board. Gerrilyn Rozich seconded. All approved.

b. Full-Serve Hotel Needs – Scott noted the Dublin Market will lose 34 percent of its meeting space with the decision to close the Crowne Plaza and reducing the meeting space from 15,000 square-feet to 3,000 square feet. Staff has concerns that this will negatively impact the city in years to come and be a major obstacle in attracting meetings/conventions and the tremendous economic impact they bring to Dublin.

Staff completed initial research speaking with three industry experts in hotel development -- HVS, H&L and CBRE – regarding the impact of the loss of meeting space on the market and need for attracting a new full-serve hotel. All three were cautious about building a full-serve hotel in the current environment with the key factors being: 1) Construction costs rising; 2) We are long overdue for a recession; 3) Developers are very cautious; 4) A new full-serve would take more business away from Marriott Northwest and Embassy Suites vs. bringing new demand into the area; and 5) City incentives would make building a full-serve much more attractive. Staff also received two proposals to create a full-serve hotel feasibility study with the cost ranging from $10,000 - $17,000.

Scott noted that the Executive Committee is recommending that staff continues to research the issue and Eric Belfrage will reach out to developers to provide their insight on a new full-serve hotel in Dublin. The committee also recommended that Scott include an update to Dublin City Council that the Bureau is concerned about the loss of meeting space and looking into the potential impact and recommended next steps. The committee agreed that that there is no benefit to spend $20,000 on a feasibility study at this time and that Dr. Lee and Scott should schedule a meeting with Dr. Burke to determine the status of the Ohio University and Conference Center project.

Several hoteliers at the meeting questioned the type of business that the Crowne was serving and if there will indeed be a loss of business. Many also voiced a need for meeting space rather than a need for meeting space attached to a new hotel.

Dr. Burke noted that an RFP was distributed several months ago for a Hotel and Conference Center and there were no responses. He encouraged staff to contact Dominick Brook who is leading the project for Ohio University.

c. Downtown Dublin Proposal – During the August Board Meeting, staff presented a proposal that would position the Bureau as a catalyst and leader in creating a collaboration uniting and centralizing efforts for Historic Dublin and Bridge Park. These efforts may take the form of sales, marketing, events, safety, beautification, etc. with the common goal of creating a vibrancy and ensuring the future economic success of Downtown Dublin for years to come. Scott noted that without creating one organization to consolidate efforts and to create a shared vision and a centralization to market and sell the area, Historic Dublin and Bridge Park will become further splintered and compete with each other for visitors and their dollars. Having separate marketing strategies, messaging, brands, events, etc. will provide confusion and a barrier for consumers and will limit the area from reaching its full potential.

Scott has continued research and discussions per the Board’s direction. He met with Councilwomen Amorose-Groomes and Fox to present the proposal. Councilwoman Amorose-Groomes asked the Bureau to consider such an effort. A meeting was also completed with Dublin City Staff which included Dublin City Manager Dana McDaniel and Michelle Crandall. Dana noted that the City of Dublin in the process of completing an Historic Dublin Visioning Process with Heritage Ohio. He would prefer that project being completed before this Bureau effort. A third meeting was completed with City Leadership and an expert on creating a Special Improvement District (SID). That meeting was purely informational but did confirm that a SID would provide a revenue source for such an effort. Staff will wait until the Historic Dublin Visioning Process is complete. Michelle noted that the process should be completed by January.

IV. Executive Director Report

a. Sales & Marketing Plan Results -- Scott noted the updated Sales & Marketing Plan results are included in everyone’s packet. The new updates are in red and staff continues to make great progress. Results after midway through the year will be presented at the December Board Meeting.

b. 2019-22 Strategic Plan – An updated Scorecard was provided for the 2019-22 Strategic Plan. Scott said that great progress has been made with Strategic Initiative #2 – Grow Shoulder and Off-Peak Visitation. A campaign has been launched by the Marketing Staff including social media efforts, seasonal e-blasts, etc.

c. 2020 Partnership Program – Staff is finalizing its efforts for the 2020 Partnership Program. He asked Board Members to provide any leads or contacts to Josh. There are currently 11 new partners for 2020. Josh noted some of the new partners included Urban Meyer’s Pint Room, Café Istanbul and more. Scott reiterated that the Bureau has two accounts for Private and Public Funds. The private monies secured from the Program is critical to the success of the organization – it provides funds that enables staff to market the City in areas that public funds do not allow (i.e. travel, hospitality, alcohol/dining for clients, etc.).

d. Holiday Reception – The reception will be held on Tuesday, December 3 from 5 – 7 p.m. at Vine & Tap in Downtown Dublin. An invitation via Outlook will be sent this week.

V. Dublin City Council Presentation

Scott provided the presentation that will be made to Dublin City Council on October 21. The presentation focuses on results and ROI from monies provided to the Bureau in 2019.

VI. Industry Roundtable/Other

Michelle Crandall has been named the first City Manager for the City of Hilliard; There is a City Council Workshop tonight regarding the proposed Fieldhouse; The new Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge should be open by the end of the year; Bob noted the Pearl Restaurant will open in February and the Springhill Suites in September 2020; Several new retail tenants will be announced on the east and west side of the river; Heather said the new HNS Offices opened today.

A hard hat tour of the new North Market at Bridge Park was given by Bob and Matt Starr. Matt noted that the target opening date is June 1, 2020 and will have 21 venders. There will also be an opportunity for events to host up to 500 people in 10,000-square-feet.

• Holiday Reception – Tuesday, December 3, 5-7 p.m., Vine & Tap

• Board of Trustees Meeting – Monday, December 9, Noon, Ohio University

“People in our places, feet on our streets, heads in beds”


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