North Carolina



Date: June 13, 2018 Time: 9:30-3:30 pm Location: The Arc

343 E Six Forks Rd, Large CR

Raleigh, NC

|TYPE OF MEETING | Quarterly Meeting |

|FACILITATOR |Jerry Villemain, Chairperson |



|Voting Council Members | |Non-Voting Council Members | |GUESTS |

|Holly Heath-Shepard | |Alan Dellapenna | | |

|Jerry Villemain, Chair | |Cindy DePorter | | |

|Jean Andersen | |Amy Douglas | | |

|Craig Fitzgerald | |Chris Egan | | |

|Martin Foil | |Michiele Elliott | | |

|Jerome Frederick | |Deb Goda | | |

|Carol Gouge | |Dreama McCoy | | |

|Carmaletta Henson | |Jim Prosser | | |

|Thomas Henson, Jr. | |Jeanne Preisler | | |

|Ken Jones | |Jim Swain | | |

|Lynn Makor | |Dennis Williams | | |

|Karen McCulloch | |Kenneth Bausell | | |

|Evelyn McMahon | | | | |

|Ana Messler | | | | |

|Vicki Smith | | | | |

|Sarah Stroud | | | | |

|Brandon Tankersley | |Staff to Council | | |

|Pier Protz | |Scott Pokorny | | |

|Donna White | |Sandy Pendergraft | | |

|Jan White | |Michael Brown | | |

|Christine Fernandini | |Stephanie Jones | | |

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1. Agenda topic: Welcome, Review of Minutes & Introductions Jerry Villemain

|Discussion | |

|Conclusions |Jerry welcomed everyone to meeting. Introductions were made by all in attendance. |

|Action Items | |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

| | | | |

2. Agenda topic: TBI Waiver Beth Callahan

Christina Phillips

|Discussion |Beth provided the following historical TBI overview: |

| |The Trauma Service Act was passed in 1976 |

| |The Head Injury Foundation was established in the 1980s |

| |TBI was included as a Developmental disability at the federal level in 1986 |

| |Kansas passed the first TBI Waiver in 1991 |

| |The TBI Act was passed by Congress in 1996 |

| |North Carolina was awarded the TBI Project Access grant in 1996 |

| |Christina provided the following updates regarding the TBI Waiver: |

| |The TBI waiver services are scheduled to begin in August 2018 and may serve 49 individuals the first year, expanding to 99 in the 2nd |

| |year and 107 by the third year of the pilot. 5 slots will serve individuals meeting acute rehab facility level of care and 44 slots to |

| |serve individuals meeting skilled nursing level of care. |

| |The first In Network RFP went out on June 12, 2018 for 13 services. The services are: |

| |Adult Day Health, Life Skills Training, In Home Intensive Support, Day Supports, Residential Supports, Supported Employment, Community |

| |Networking, Natural Supports Education, Natural Supports Education, Specialized Consultative Services, Respite, Community Transition and |

| |Crisis Services |

| |The timeline for the first RFP is the following: |

| |Proposal webinar – June 22 |

| |RFP Questions deadline – June 25 |

| |RFP Response to Questions – June 26 |

| |A second RFP will go out at later date to include the following services: |

| |Cognitive Rehabilitation and Resource Facilitation |

| |Alliance has launched a TBI webpage that includes Q/A and provider information. |

| |Providers may submit agency specific questions to the following email address: TBIinfo@ |

| |The TBI Provider rates are located at |

| |. |

| |Allied Health goal will be to provide continuity of care for these members and Alliance hopes to enroll their practitioners as the |

| |member’s State Plan Medicaid benefits are exhausted. |

| |The process for adding individuals to the TBI Registry: A crisis screening (could take 10-15 minutes) will be completed to determine |

| |severity of need and how quickly the person needs to be seen by a clinician. The I/DD Specialist may ask if caller wants to be placed on |

| |the registry of interest for the TBI WAIVER and /or may be asked to be screened for I/DD to screen for eligibility of other services. |

| |Alliance is developing a process for outreach by TBI specialist to assist with supporting members and families as they go through the |

| |onboarding process. Member’s on the Registry of Interest will receive initial outreach from our Alliance’s TBI Waiver Guide. There are 25|

| |callers added to the list to date. |

| |Flyers and email blasts have been used for outreach. Radio spots and Billboards were discussed as potential outreach opportunities. |

|Conclusions | |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|The TBI Waiver rates are now embedded in the following RFP Link |Christina Phillips |6/20/2018 |

| | | |

3. Agenda topic: Qmetris Pilot Project Jack Fitzgibbons

| |Jack provided the following updates regarding the pilot project awarded to Qmetris: |

| |Qmetris’s goal is to help doctors, nurses and hospitals achieve the highest levels of compliance possible with the latest |

| |standards of care. |

| |NC Pediatric and Adult TBI pilot program will contract with 5 hospitals during SFY2018-2019. |

| |The software is composed of approximately 30 questions that interface with evidence-based guidelines in real-time. |

| |Hospital staff will be able to view each case during each shift to make any necessary changes to the patient’s care. |

| | |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|Jack will send the video link to committee members |Jack Fitzgibbons |6/30/2018 |

4. Agenda topic: Medicaid Transformation Update Kenneth Bausell

| |Kenneth provided the following updates regarding the Medicaid Transformation Tailored Plans: |

| |• Individuals who meet one of the following criteria have been identified as the target population for initial enrollment in BH |

| |I/DD Tailored Plans: |

| |Individuals with a qualifying I/DD diagnosis, including those enrolled in or on the waiting list for the Innovations waiver |

| |Individuals enrolled in the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) waiver who are on the waiting list for the TBI waiver or have used a |

| |state-funded TBI service |

| |Individuals enrolled in the Transition to Community Living Initiative (TCLI) |

| |Individuals with a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) or Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) diagnosis who have used a Medicaid-covered|

| |enhanced BH service or a state-funded BH service within the past year |

| |Individuals with a qualifying substance use disorder (SUD) diagnosis who have used a Medicaid covered enhanced BH service or |

| |state-funded BH service within the past year. |

| |Overall, stakeholders such as, advocacy groups, behavioral health associations, group and individual providers and family members|

| |support transitioning to managed care with focus on whole person care. |

| | |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|Stakeholder suggested collaborating with the DD Council to create the Medicaid Transformation presentation |Kenneth Bausell | |

|in Person 1st language. | | |

5. Agenda topic: Inclusion in Policy Development Dave Wickstrom

|Discussion |Dave Wickstrom provided the following information regarding community inclusion: |

| |Community inclusion is a medical necessity for everyone |

| |The components towards a happy life such as, family/friends, marriage and meaning in life are the same for all individuals. |

| |The components towards an unhappy life such as, lack of social contact, poor health and unemployment are the same for all |

| |individuals. |

| |The following supported initiatives have been found to be effective: |

| |Supported housing |

| |Supported employment |

| |Supported education |

| |Supported socialization |

| |Mental health professionals often have a negative attitude towards people with mental health issues which could result in negative |

| |outcomes. |

| |Utilizing emerging support technologies, the natural supports of families and friends, and the engagement of peer supports often |

| |results in positive outcomes. |

| |People with disabilities have a different viewpoint then their caregivers therefore visibility is important. |

|Conclusions |N/A |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|N/A | | |

6. Agenda topic: ACL Grant Scott Pokorny

|Discussion |Scott Pokorny indicated that he and Michael would present the programmatic and fiscal outcomes of the grant during September’s |

| |meeting. |

| |Scott shared the following appointments are pending approval to the council: |

| |o Individuals with TBI comprise 50% of the Council |

| |o Family Members of individuals with TBI |

| |o Center for Independent Living/State Independent Living Council representation |

| |o Aging and Disability Resource Center representation |

| |o Long-term Care Ombudsman |

| |Scott indicated that a workgroup will need to be convened to update the TBI State Plan. Updates will need to be done every year. |

| |Scott indicated that BIANC will be completing a new TBI Needs and Resources Assessment over the next three years. |

|Conclusions | |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|2nd Qtr. report will be disseminated via email |Michael Brown |6/30/2018 |

7. Agenda topic: Updates from DRNC, BIANC and Council Committees


|Discussion |Disability Rights – Vicki Smith provided the following updates: |

| |The legislation (H.R. 4547) specifically authorizes the nation’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system to monitor and investigate how |

| |representative payees are administering Social Security funds. P&As are federally mandated organizations that provide legal and other |

| |advocacy services to people with disabilities. Disability Rights NC is North Carolina’s P&A. |

| |Advocacy by Disability Rights helped a client overcome barriers to successfully obtained a secretarial job. |

| |DRC was awarded 50% more for the TBI grant for SFY 2019. |

| |A lawsuit was filed on May 24, 2018 for individuals at risk for segregation impacted by TBI. |

| |A lawsuit was settled and is in the monitoring stage regarding children with I/DD and complex needs. |

| |BIANC – Ken provided the following updates: |

| |BIANC met with the N.C. HHS Oversight Committee on Legislator’s Day last month. The goal was to share information about TBI. |

| |BIANC will be hosting the following events: |

| |Picnic on July 21, 2018 at Pullen Park in Raleigh, N.C. at noon. |

| |Camp between September 14-16, 2018 in Winston Salem, N.C. Volunteers are needed. |

| |Ken acknowledged Lauren’s efforts for collaborating to create 6 free online TBI videos located at |

| |BIANC has TBI identification cards for individuals that have sustained a TBI. |

| |Ken advised the council that basic and professional BIANC members are needed. |

| |Legislative – Pier Protz advised House Bill 512 budgets for $500,000 (non- reoccurring) that can be used for specific projects and TBI |

| |services. |

| |Children & Youth – Lynn Makor advised that individuals ages 5-12 have a high risk of TBI. UNC continue to collaborate with Prevention |

| |and the Concussion Network. |

|Conclusions |Committees will continue to keep the Council updated on progress. |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

| | | |

8. Agenda topic: Public Comment

|Discussion |Dave discussed that there is going to be a constitutional amendment for voter identification that will disproportionately impact |

| |individuals with disabilities. There has been information shared with NC legislators regarding the work around in other states is|

| |to allow individuals who receive SSI or more than a 50% disability rate from VA to bring documentation and be allowed to vote. |

|Conclusions |N/A |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|N/A | | |

10. Agenda topic: Adjourn

|Discussion |Jerry thanked everyone for their participation. |

|Conclusions |Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. |

|Action Items |Person(s) Responsible |Deadline |

|Next meeting is scheduled for September 12, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and will occur at The Arc. |Jerry Villemain | |

Respectfully submitted: Stephanie Jones, Michael Brown and Scott Pokorny.


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