Creating and LIVING a personal mission statement

Crafting Your Personal Mission Statement

Class of 2006 Retreat September 8-9, 2005 Good Earth Village, Spring Valley, Minnesota

Presented by Michon D. Rogers Rochester Public Schools

Determining and Living Your Life According to Your Core Values

Directions: Place an "X" by 20 values that are key to you. Narrow the list to ten core values and then further narrow the list to three core values. Use these three core values as a common thread to weave throughout the writing of your mission statement.

__ Achievement __ Advancement and Promotion __ Adventure __ Affection (love and caring) __ Arts __ Challenging problems __ Change and variety __ Close relationships __ Community __ Competence __ Competition __ Cooperation __ Country __ Creativity __ Decisiveness __ Democracy __ Ecological awareness __ Economic security __ Effectiveness __ Efficiency __ Ethical practice __ Excellence __ Expertise __ Fame __ Fast living __ Fast-paced work __ Financial gain __ Freedom __ Friendships __ Growth __ Having a family __ Helping other people __ Helping society __ Honesty __ Independence __ Influencing others __ Inner harmony __ Inner passion __ Integrity __ Intellectual status __ Involvement __ Job tranquility

__ Knowledge __ Leadership __ Location __ Loyalty __ Market position __ Meaningful work __ Merit __ Money __ Nature __ Being around people who are open

and honest __ Order (tranquility, stability) __ Personal development (living up to

my full potential) __ Physical challenge __ Pleasure __ Power and authority __ Privacy __ Public service __ Purity __ Quality of what I take part in __ Quality relationships __ Recognition (respect from others) __ Religion __ Reputation __ Responsibility and accountability __ Security __ Self-respect __ Serenity __ Sophistication __ Stability __ Status __ Supervising others __ Time freedom __ Truth __ Wealth __ Wisdom __ Work under pressure __ Work with others __ Working alone __ _________________________ __ _________________________ __ _________________________

Source: Adapted from The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by P.M. Senge, Currency Publisher, 1994.

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Mission Statement Draft

Preparation Completing the following statements may help you determine the focus and wording of your personal mission statement. I am at my best when . . . I am at my worst when . . . I am truly happy when . . . I want to be a person who . . . Someday I would like to . . . My deepest positive emotions come when . . . My greatest talents and best gifts are . . . When all is said and done, the most important things in life are . . . Possible life goals for me are . . .

Review Writing a mission statement requires deep reflection about who we are and what our purpose is. Review your mission statement when it is still in draft form. Ask yourself the following questions. Does my mission statement ...

Bring out the best in me? Challenge and motivate me? Communicate my vision and values? Address significant roles in my life? Express timelines, proven principles that produce quality of life results? Represent the unique contribution I can make to society?

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The Creation of a Personal Mission Statement

By following the suggested six steps below, you will be able to begin writing a personal mission statement that will inspire you and will provide direction and guidance for your life. Remember that a personal mission statement is as much discovery as it is creation. Don't rush it or set rigid timetables for yourself; rather, go slowly through the process, ask yourself the right questions, and think deeply about your values and aspirations.

A meaningful personal mission statement contains two basic elements. The first is what you want to do ? what you want to accomplish, what contributions you want to make. The second is what you want to be ? what character strengths you want to have, what qualities you want to develop.

Step 1 Define what you want to be and do

Some of the elements I would like to have in my mission statement are:

What I'd like to do:

What I'd like to be:

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________

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Step 2 Identify an Influential Person

An effective tool to focus in on what you want to be and do is to identify a highly influential individual in your life and to think about how this individual has contributed to your life. This person may be a parent, work associate, friend, family member, or neighbor. Answer the following questions, keeping in mind your personal goals on what you want to be and do. Who has been one of the most influential people in my life? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Which qualities do I most admire in that person? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

What qualities have I gained (or desire to gain) from that person? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

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